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Side by Side Diff: build/secondary/third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/

Issue 420113002: Remove some GN Build files related to blink from build/secondary tree. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 config("wtf-config") {
6 include_dirs = [ ".." ]
7 if (is_win) {
8 include_dirs += [ "os-win32" ]
9 defines = [
10 "__STD_C",
13 "CRASH=__debugbreak",
14 ]
15 # # Chromium windows multi-dll build enables c++ exception and this
16 # # causes wtf generates 4291 warning due to operator new/delete
17 # # implementations. Disable the warning for chromium windows
18 # # multi-dll build.
19 # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4291],
20 # 'direct_dependent_settings': {
21 # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4291],
22 # },
23 }
25 if (is_linux) { # (gcc_version >= 46) {
26 # Disable warnings about c++0x compatibility, as some names (such as
27 # nullptr) conflict with upcoming c++0x types.
28 cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-c++0x-compat" ]
29 }
31 # # Some warnings occur in WTF headers, so they must also be disabled
32 # # in targets that use WTF.
33 # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
34 # # Don't complain about calling specific versions of templatized
35 # # functions (e.g. in RefPtrHashMap.h).
36 # 4344,
37 # # Don't complain about using "this" in an initializer list
38 # # (e.g. in StringImpl.h).
39 # 4355,
40 # # Disable c4267 warnings until we fix size_t to int truncations.
41 # 4267,
42 # ],
44 }
46 component("wtf") {
47 sources = [
48 "ASCIICType.h",
49 "Alignment.h",
50 "ArrayBuffer.cpp",
51 "ArrayBuffer.h",
52 "ArrayBufferContents.cpp",
53 "ArrayBufferContents.h",
54 "ArrayBufferDeallocationObserver.h",
55 "ArrayBufferView.cpp",
56 "ArrayBufferView.h",
57 "Assertions.cpp",
58 "Assertions.h",
59 "Atomics.h",
60 "AutodrainedPool.h",
61 "BitArray.h",
62 "BitVector.cpp",
63 "BitVector.h",
64 "BloomFilter.h",
65 "ByteOrder.h",
66 "CPU.h",
67 "CheckedArithmetic.h",
68 "Compiler.h",
69 "Complex.h",
70 "CryptographicallyRandomNumber.cpp",
71 "CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h",
72 "CurrentTime.cpp",
73 "CurrentTime.h",
74 "DataLog.cpp",
75 "DataLog.h",
76 "DateMath.cpp",
77 "DateMath.h",
78 "DecimalNumber.cpp",
79 "DecimalNumber.h",
80 "Deque.h",
81 "DoublyLinkedList.h",
82 "DynamicAnnotations.cpp",
83 "DynamicAnnotations.h",
84 "FastAllocBase.h",
85 "FastMalloc.cpp",
86 "FastMalloc.h",
87 "FilePrintStream.cpp",
88 "FilePrintStream.h",
89 "Float32Array.h",
90 "Float64Array.h",
91 "Forward.h",
92 "Functional.h",
93 "GetPtr.h",
94 "GregorianDateTime.cpp",
95 "GregorianDateTime.h",
96 "HashCountedSet.h",
97 "HashFunctions.h",
98 "HashIterators.h",
99 "HashMap.h",
100 "HashSet.h",
101 "HashTable.cpp",
102 "HashTable.h",
103 "HashTableDeletedValueType.h",
104 "HashTraits.h",
105 "HexNumber.h",
106 "Int16Array.h",
107 "Int32Array.h",
108 "Int8Array.h",
109 "IntegralTypedArrayBase.h",
110 "LeakAnnotations.h",
111 "LinkedStack.h",
112 "ListHashSet.h",
113 "Locker.h",
114 "MainThread.cpp",
115 "MainThread.h",
116 "MallocZoneSupport.h",
117 "MathExtras.h",
118 "MessageQueue.h",
119 "NonCopyingSort.h",
120 "Noncopyable.h",
121 "NotFound.h",
122 "NullPtr.cpp",
123 "NullPtr.h",
124 "NumberOfCores.cpp",
125 "NumberOfCores.h",
126 "OwnPtr.h",
127 "OwnPtrCommon.h",
128 "PageAllocator.cpp",
129 "PageAllocator.h",
130 "ParallelJobs.h",
131 "ParallelJobsLibdispatch.h",
132 "PartitionAlloc.cpp",
133 "PartitionAlloc.h",
134 "PassOwnPtr.h",
135 "PassRefPtr.h",
136 "PassTraits.h",
137 "PrintStream.cpp",
138 "PrintStream.h",
139 "ProcessID.h",
140 "QuantizedAllocation.cpp",
141 "QuantizedAllocation.h",
142 "RefCounted.h",
143 "RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp",
144 "RefCountedLeakCounter.h",
145 "RefPtr.h",
146 "RefPtrHashMap.h",
147 "RetainPtr.h",
148 "SHA1.cpp",
149 "SHA1.h",
150 "SaturatedArithmetic.h",
151 "SizeLimits.cpp",
152 "SpinLock.h",
153 "StaticConstructors.h",
154 "StdLibExtras.h",
155 "StringExtras.h",
156 "StringHasher.h",
157 "TemporaryChange.h",
158 "ThreadFunctionInvocation.h",
159 "ThreadRestrictionVerifier.h",
160 "ThreadSafeRefCounted.h",
161 "ThreadSpecific.h",
162 "Threading.cpp",
163 "Threading.h",
164 "ThreadingPrimitives.h",
165 "TypeTraits.cpp",
166 "TypeTraits.h",
167 "TypedArrayBase.h",
168 "Uint16Array.h",
169 "Uint32Array.h",
170 "Uint8Array.h",
171 "UnusedParam.h",
172 "VMTags.h",
173 "Vector.h",
174 "VectorTraits.h",
175 "WTF.cpp",
176 "WTF.h",
177 "WTFExport.h",
178 "WTFThreadData.cpp",
179 "WTFThreadData.h",
180 "WeakPtr.h",
181 "dtoa.cpp",
182 "dtoa.h",
183 "dtoa/",
184 "dtoa/bignum-dtoa.h",
185 "dtoa/",
186 "dtoa/bignum.h",
187 "dtoa/",
188 "dtoa/cached-powers.h",
189 "dtoa/",
190 "dtoa/diy-fp.h",
191 "dtoa/",
192 "dtoa/double-conversion.h",
193 "dtoa/double.h",
194 "dtoa/",
195 "dtoa/fast-dtoa.h",
196 "dtoa/",
197 "dtoa/fixed-dtoa.h",
198 "dtoa/",
199 "dtoa/strtod.h",
200 "dtoa/utils.h",
201 "text/ASCIIFastPath.h",
202 "text/AtomicString.cpp",
203 "text/AtomicString.h",
204 "text/AtomicStringHash.h",
205 "text/Base64.cpp",
206 "text/Base64.h",
207 "text/CString.cpp",
208 "text/CString.h",
209 "text/IntegerToStringConversion.h",
210 "text/StringBuffer.h",
211 "text/StringBuilder.cpp",
212 "text/StringBuilder.h",
213 "text/StringConcatenate.h",
214 "text/StringHash.h",
215 "text/StringImpl.cpp",
216 "text/StringImpl.h",
217 "text/StringOperators.h",
218 "text/StringStatics.cpp",
219 "text/StringUTF8Adaptor.h",
220 "text/StringView.h",
221 "text/TextCodec.cpp",
222 "text/TextCodecASCIIFastPath.h",
223 "text/TextCodecICU.cpp",
224 "text/TextCodecLatin1.cpp",
225 "text/TextCodecUTF16.cpp",
226 "text/TextCodecUTF8.cpp",
227 "text/TextCodecUTF8.h",
228 "text/TextCodecUserDefined.cpp",
229 "text/TextEncoding.cpp",
230 "text/TextEncodingRegistry.cpp",
231 "text/TextPosition.cpp",
232 "text/TextPosition.h",
233 "text/WTFString.cpp",
234 "text/WTFString.h",
235 "unicode/CharacterNames.h",
236 "unicode/Collator.h",
237 "unicode/UTF8.cpp",
238 "unicode/UTF8.h",
239 "unicode/Unicode.h",
240 "unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp",
241 "unicode/icu/UnicodeIcu.h",
242 ]
244 configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
245 configs += [
246 "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code",
247 ":wtf-config"
248 ]
250 defines = [ "WTF_IMPLEMENTATION=1" ]
251 deps = [
252 "//third_party/icu",
253 ]
255 # # Disable c4267 warnings until we fix size_t to int truncations.
256 # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4127, 4355, 4510, 4512, 4610, 4706, 4068, 4267],
258 ldflags = []
259 if (is_android) {
260 ldflags += [ "-llog" ]
261 }
263 if (is_mac) {
264 # 'link_settings': {
265 # 'libraries': [
266 # '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework',
267 # '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework',
268 # ]
269 # }
270 sources += [
271 # mac is the only OS that uses WebKit's copy of TCMalloc.
272 "TCPackedCache.h",
273 "TCPageMap.h",
274 "TCSpinLock.h",
275 "TCSystemAlloc.cpp",
276 "TCSystemAlloc.h",
278 "",
279 "text/AtomicStringCF.cpp",
280 "text/StringCF.cpp",
281 "text/StringImplCF.cpp",
282 "text/",
283 "text/",
284 ]
285 }
287 if (is_win) {
288 sources += [
289 "ThreadSpecificWin.cpp",
290 "ThreadingWin.cpp",
291 ]
292 # include_dirs -= [
294 # ]
295 } else {
296 sources += [
297 "ThreadIdentifierDataPthreads.cpp",
298 "ThreadIdentifierDataPthreads.h",
299 "ThreadingPthreads.cpp",
300 ]
301 }
302 }
304 static_library("run_all_tests") {
305 sources = [ "testing/RunAllTests.cpp" ]
307 configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
308 configs += [
309 "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code",
310 ":wtf-config",
311 ]
313 deps = [
314 "//base/test:test_support",
315 "//testing/gmock",
316 "//testing/gtest",
317 ":wtf",
318 ]
320 direct_dependent_configs = [ "//testing/gtest:gtest_config" ]
321 }
323 executable("wtf_unittests") {
324 sources = [
325 "CheckedArithmeticTest.cpp",
326 "FunctionalTest.cpp",
327 "HashMapTest.cpp",
328 "HashSetTest.cpp",
329 "ListHashSetTest.cpp",
330 "MathExtrasTest.cpp",
331 "PartitionAllocTest.cpp",
332 "SHA1Test.cpp",
333 "SaturatedArithmeticTest.cpp",
334 "StringExtrasTest.cpp",
335 "StringHasherTest.cpp",
336 "TemporaryChangeTest.cpp",
337 "VectorTest.cpp",
338 "testing/WTFTestHelpers.h",
339 "text/CStringTest.cpp",
340 "text/StringBuilderTest.cpp",
341 "text/StringImplTest.cpp",
342 "text/StringOperatorsTest.cpp",
343 "text/WTFStringTest.cpp",
344 ]
346 configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
347 configs += [
348 "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code",
349 "//third_party/icu:icu_config",
350 ":wtf-config",
351 ]
353 deps = [ ":run_all_tests" ]
355 # # Disable c4267 warnings until we fix size_t to int truncations.
356 # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4127, 4355, 4510, 4512, 4610, 4706, 4068, 4267],
358 # if (is_linux && use_tcmalloc) {
359 # deps += [
360 # "//base:base",
361 # "//base/allocator:allocator",
362 # ],
363 # }
364 }
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