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Unified Diff: tools/perf/metrics/

Issue 397483002: Move chrome_proxy tests from under tools/perf to tools/chrome_proxy/integration_tests. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: addressed comments and sync'ed Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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diff --git a/tools/perf/metrics/ b/tools/perf/metrics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 390da68141dc380f6d8ba897932885871d5719b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/perf/metrics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import datetime
-import logging
-import os
-from import page_measurement
-from metrics import network
-from telemetry.value import scalar
-class ChromeProxyMetricException(page_measurement.MeasurementFailure):
- pass
-CHROME_PROXY_VIA_HEADER = 'Chrome-Compression-Proxy'
-CHROME_PROXY_VIA_HEADER_DEPRECATED = '1.1 Chrome Compression Proxy'
-# The default Chrome Proxy bypass time is a range from one to five mintues.
-# See ProxyList::UpdateRetryInfoOnFallback in net/proxy/
-def GetProxyInfoFromNetworkInternals(tab, url='chrome://net-internals#proxy'):
- tab.Navigate(url)
- with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'chrome_proxy.js')) as f:
- js =
- tab.ExecuteJavaScript(js)
- tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 300)
- info = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('window.__getChromeProxyInfo()')
- return info
-def ProxyRetryTimeInRange(retry_time, low, high, grace_seconds=30):
- return (retry_time >= low and
- (retry_time < high + datetime.timedelta(seconds=grace_seconds)))
-class ChromeProxyResponse(network.HTTPResponse):
- """ Represents an HTTP response from a timeleine event."""
- def __init__(self, event):
- super(ChromeProxyResponse, self).__init__(event)
- def ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader(self):
- resp = self.response
- # Ignore https and data url
- if resp.url.startswith('https') or resp.url.startswith('data:'):
- return False
- # Ignore 304 Not Modified and cache hit.
- if resp.status == 304 or resp.served_from_cache:
- return False
- # Ignore invalid responses that don't have any header. Log a warning.
- if not resp.headers:
- logging.warning('response for %s does not any have header '
- '(refer=%s, status=%s)',
- resp.url, resp.GetHeader('Referer'), resp.status)
- return False
- return True
- def HasChromeProxyViaHeader(self):
- via_header = self.response.GetHeader('Via')
- if not via_header:
- return False
- vias = [v.strip(' ') for v in via_header.split(',')]
- # The Via header is valid if it is the old format or the new format
- # with 4-character version prefix, for example,
- # "1.1 Chrome-Compression-Proxy".
- any(v[4:] == CHROME_PROXY_VIA_HEADER for v in vias))
- def IsValidByViaHeader(self):
- return (not self.ShouldHaveChromeProxyViaHeader() or
- self.HasChromeProxyViaHeader())
- def IsSafebrowsingResponse(self):
- if (self.response.status == 307 and
- self.response.GetHeader('X-Malware-Url') == '1' and
- self.IsValidByViaHeader() and
- self.response.GetHeader('Location') == self.response.url):
- return True
- return False
-class ChromeProxyMetric(network.NetworkMetric):
- """A Chrome proxy timeline metric."""
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).__init__()
- self.compute_data_saving = True
- self.effective_proxies = {
- "fallback": PROXY_SETTING_HTTP,
- }
- def SetEvents(self, events):
- """Used for unittest."""
- self._events = events
- def ResponseFromEvent(self, event):
- return ChromeProxyResponse(event)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def AddResultsForDataSaving(self, tab, results):
- resources_via_proxy = 0
- resources_from_cache = 0
- resources_direct = 0
- super(ChromeProxyMetric, self).AddResults(tab, results)
- for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
- if resp.response.served_from_cache:
- resources_from_cache += 1
- if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
- resources_via_proxy += 1
- else:
- resources_direct += 1
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'resources_via_proxy', 'count',
- resources_via_proxy))
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'resources_from_cache', 'count',
- resources_from_cache))
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'resources_direct', 'count', resources_direct))
- def AddResultsForHeaderValidation(self, tab, results):
- via_count = 0
- bypass_count = 0
- for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
- if resp.IsValidByViaHeader():
- via_count += 1
- elif tab and self.IsProxyBypassed(tab):
- logging.warning('Proxy bypassed for %s', resp.response.url)
- bypass_count += 1
- else:
- r = resp.response
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- '%s: Via header (%s) is not valid (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
- r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'checked_via_header', 'count', via_count))
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'request_bypassed', 'count', bypass_count))
- def IsProxyBypassed(self, tab):
- """ Returns True if all configured proxies are bypassed."""
- info = GetProxyInfoFromNetworkInternals(tab)
- if not info['enabled']:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Chrome proxy should be enabled. proxy info: %s' % info)
- bad_proxies = [str(p['proxy']) for p in info['badProxies']].sort()
- proxies = [self.effective_proxies['proxy'],
- self.effective_proxies['fallback']].sort()
- return bad_proxies == proxies
- @staticmethod
- def VerifyBadProxies(
- badProxies, expected_proxies,
- retry_seconds_low = DEFAULT_BYPASS_MIN_SECONDS,
- retry_seconds_high = DEFAULT_BYPASS_MAX_SECONDS):
- """Verify the bad proxy list and their retry times are expected. """
- if not badProxies or (len(badProxies) != len(expected_proxies)):
- return False
- # Check all expected proxies.
- proxies = [p['proxy'] for p in badProxies]
- expected_proxies.sort()
- proxies.sort()
- if not expected_proxies == proxies:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Bad proxies: got %s want %s' % (
- str(badProxies), str(expected_proxies)))
- # Check retry time
- for p in badProxies:
- retry_time_low = ( +
- datetime.timedelta(seconds=retry_seconds_low))
- retry_time_high = ( +
- datetime.timedelta(seconds=retry_seconds_high))
- got_retry_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(p['retry'])/1000)
- if not ProxyRetryTimeInRange(
- got_retry_time, retry_time_low, retry_time_high):
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Bad proxy %s retry time (%s) should be within range (%s-%s).' % (
- p['proxy'], str(got_retry_time), str(retry_time_low),
- str(retry_time_high)))
- return True
- def AddResultsForBypass(self, tab, results):
- bypass_count = 0
- for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
- if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
- r = resp.response
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- '%s: Should not have Via header (%s) (refer=%s, status=%d)' % (
- r.url, r.GetHeader('Via'), r.GetHeader('Referer'), r.status))
- bypass_count += 1
- if tab:
- info = GetProxyInfoFromNetworkInternals(tab)
- if not info['enabled']:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Chrome proxy should be enabled. proxy info: %s' % info)
- self.VerifyBadProxies(
- info['badProxies'],
- [self.effective_proxies['proxy'],
- self.effective_proxies['fallback']])
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))
- def AddResultsForSafebrowsing(self, tab, results):
- count = 0
- safebrowsing_count = 0
- for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
- count += 1
- if resp.IsSafebrowsingResponse():
- safebrowsing_count += 1
- else:
- r = resp.response
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- '%s: Not a valid safe browsing response.\n'
- 'Reponse: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
- r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
- if count == safebrowsing_count:
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'safebrowsing', 'boolean', True))
- else:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Safebrowsing failed (count=%d, safebrowsing_count=%d)\n' % (
- count, safebrowsing_count))
- def AddResultsForHTTPFallback(
- self, tab, results, expected_proxies=None, expected_bad_proxies=None):
- info = GetProxyInfoFromNetworkInternals(tab)
- if not 'enabled' in info or not info['enabled']:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Chrome proxy should be enabled. proxy info: %s' % info)
- if not expected_proxies:
- expected_proxies = [self.effective_proxies['fallback'],
- self.effective_proxies['direct']]
- if not expected_bad_proxies:
- expected_bad_proxies = []
- proxies = info['proxies']
- if proxies != expected_proxies:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Wrong effective proxies (%s). Expect: "%s"' % (
- str(proxies), str(expected_proxies)))
- bad_proxies = []
- if 'badProxies' in info and info['badProxies']:
- bad_proxies = [p['proxy'] for p in info['badProxies']
- if 'proxy' in p and p['proxy']]
- if bad_proxies != expected_bad_proxies:
- raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
- 'Wrong bad proxies (%s). Expect: "%s"' % (
- str(bad_proxies), str(expected_bad_proxies)))
- results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
- results.current_page, 'http_fallback', 'boolean', True))
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