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Unified Diff: tools/perf/measurements/

Issue 397483002: Move chrome_proxy tests from under tools/perf to tools/chrome_proxy/integration_tests. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: addressed comments and sync'ed Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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Index: tools/perf/measurements/
diff --git a/tools/perf/measurements/ b/tools/perf/measurements/
deleted file mode 100644
index a04df6ab13da63066a0f1ba1ce3f5575fab7fdcb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/perf/measurements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import base64
-import logging
-import urlparse
-from metrics import chrome_proxy
-from metrics import loading
-from telemetry.core import util
-from import page_measurement
-class ChromeProxyLatency(page_measurement.PageMeasurement):
- """Chrome proxy latency measurement."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ChromeProxyLatency, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
- tab.ClearCache(force=True)
- def MeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
- # Wait for the load event.
- tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 300)
- loading.LoadingMetric().AddResults(tab, results)
-class ChromeProxyDataSaving(page_measurement.PageMeasurement):
- """Chrome proxy data daving measurement."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ChromeProxyDataSaving, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self._metrics = chrome_proxy.ChromeProxyMetric()
- def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
- tab.ClearCache(force=True)
- self._metrics.Start(page, tab)
- def MeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
- # Wait for the load event.
- tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 300)
- self._metrics.Stop(page, tab)
- self._metrics.AddResultsForDataSaving(tab, results)
-class ChromeProxyValidation(page_measurement.PageMeasurement):
- """Base class for all chrome proxy correctness measurements."""
- def __init__(self, restart_after_each_page=False):
- super(ChromeProxyValidation, self).__init__(
- needs_browser_restart_after_each_page=restart_after_each_page)
- self._metrics = chrome_proxy.ChromeProxyMetric()
- self._page = None
- # Whether a timeout exception is expected during the test.
- self._expect_timeout = False
- def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
- # Enable the chrome proxy (data reduction proxy).
- options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs('--enable-spdy-proxy-auth')
- def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
- tab.ClearCache(force=True)
- assert self._metrics
- self._metrics.Start(page, tab)
- def MeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
- self._page = page
- # Wait for the load event.
- tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('performance.timing.loadEventStart', 300)
- assert self._metrics
- self._metrics.Stop(page, tab)
- self.AddResults(tab, results)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def StopBrowserAfterPage(self, browser, page): # pylint: disable=W0613
- if hasattr(page, 'restart_after') and page.restart_after:
- return True
- return False
- def RunNavigateSteps(self, page, tab):
- # The redirect from safebrowsing causes a timeout. Ignore that.
- try:
- super(ChromeProxyValidation, self).RunNavigateSteps(page, tab)
- except util.TimeoutException, e:
- if self._expect_timeout:
- logging.warning('Navigation timeout on page %s',
- if else page.url)
- else:
- raise e
-class ChromeProxyHeaders(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Correctness measurement for response headers."""
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxyHeaders, self).__init__(restart_after_each_page=True)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHeaderValidation(tab, results)
-class ChromeProxyBypass(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Correctness measurement for bypass responses."""
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxyBypass, self).__init__(restart_after_each_page=True)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- self._metrics.AddResultsForBypass(tab, results)
-class ChromeProxySafebrowsing(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Correctness measurement for safebrowsing."""
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxySafebrowsing, self).__init__()
- def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
- super(ChromeProxySafebrowsing, self).WillNavigateToPage(page, tab)
- self._expect_timeout = True
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- self._metrics.AddResultsForSafebrowsing(tab, results)
-_FAKE_PROXY_AUTH_VALUE = 'aabbccdd3b7579186c1b0620614fdb1f0000ffff'
-_TEST_SERVER_DEFAULT_URL = 'http://' + _TEST_SERVER + '/default'
-# We rely on the chromeproxy-test server to facilitate some of the tests.
-# The test server code is at <TBD location> and runs at _TEST_SERVER
-# The test server allow request to override response status, headers, and
-# body through query parameters. See GetResponseOverrideURL.
-def GetResponseOverrideURL(url, respStatus=0, respHeader="", respBody=""):
- """ Compose the request URL with query parameters to override
- the chromeproxy-test server response.
- """
- queries = []
- if respStatus > 0:
- queries.append('respStatus=%d' % respStatus)
- if respHeader:
- queries.append('respHeader=%s' % base64.b64encode(respHeader))
- if respBody:
- queries.append('respBody=%s' % base64.b64encode(respBody))
- if len(queries) == 0:
- return url
- "&".join(queries)
- # url has query already
- if urlparse.urlparse(url).query:
- return url + '&' + "&".join(queries)
- else:
- return url + '?' + "&".join(queries)
-class ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackProbeURL(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Correctness measurement for proxy fallback.
- In this test, the probe URL does not return 'OK'. Chrome is expected
- to use the fallback proxy.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackProbeURL, self).__init__()
- def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
- super(ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackProbeURL,
- self).CustomizeBrowserOptions(options)
- # Use the test server probe URL which returns the response
- # body as specified by respBody.
- probe_url = GetResponseOverrideURL(
- respBody='not OK')
- options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs(
- '--data-reduction-proxy-probe-url=%s' % probe_url)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHTTPFallback(tab, results)
-# Depends on the fix of
-class ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackViaHeader(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Correctness measurement for proxy fallback.
- In this test, the configured proxy is the chromeproxy-test server which
- will send back a response without the expected Via header. Chrome is
- expected to use the fallback proxy and add the configured proxy to the
- bad proxy list.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackViaHeader, self).__init__()
- def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
- super(ChromeProxyHTTPFallbackViaHeader,
- self).CustomizeBrowserOptions(options)
- options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs('--ignore-certificate-errors')
- options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs(
- '--spdy-proxy-auth-origin=http://%s' % _TEST_SERVER)
- options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs(
- '--spdy-proxy-auth-value=%s' % _FAKE_PROXY_AUTH_VALUE)
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- proxies = [
- _TEST_SERVER + ":80",
- self._metrics.effective_proxies['fallback'],
- self._metrics.effective_proxies['direct']]
- bad_proxies = [_TEST_SERVER + ":80"]
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHTTPFallback(tab, results, proxies, bad_proxies)
-class ChromeProxySmoke(ChromeProxyValidation):
- """Smoke measurement for basic chrome proxy correctness."""
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromeProxySmoke, self).__init__()
- def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
- super(ChromeProxySmoke, self).WillNavigateToPage(page, tab)
- if == 'safebrowsing':
- self._expect_timeout = True
- def AddResults(self, tab, results):
- # Map a page name to its AddResults func.
- page_to_metrics = {
- 'header validation': [self._metrics.AddResultsForHeaderValidation],
- 'compression: image': [
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHeaderValidation,
- self._metrics.AddResultsForDataSaving,
- ],
- 'compression: javascript': [
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHeaderValidation,
- self._metrics.AddResultsForDataSaving,
- ],
- 'compression: css': [
- self._metrics.AddResultsForHeaderValidation,
- self._metrics.AddResultsForDataSaving,
- ],
- 'bypass': [self._metrics.AddResultsForBypass],
- 'safebrowsing': [self._metrics.AddResultsForSafebrowsing],
- }
- if not in page_to_metrics:
- raise page_measurement.MeasurementFailure(
- 'Invalid page name (%s) in smoke. Page name must be one of:\n%s' % (
-, page_to_metrics.keys()))
- for add_result in page_to_metrics[]:
- add_result(tab, results)
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