(Empty) | |
| 1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| 2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| 3 # found in the LICENSE file. |
| 4 |
| 5 import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni") |
| 6 |
| 7 # GYP version: components/autofill.gypi:autofill_content_browser |
| 8 static_library("browser") { |
| 9 sources = [ |
| 10 "content_autofill_driver.cc", |
| 11 "content_autofill_driver.h", |
| 12 "request_autocomplete_manager.cc", |
| 13 "request_autocomplete_manager.h", |
| 14 "risk/fingerprint.cc", |
| 15 "risk/fingerprint.h", |
| 16 "wallet/form_field_error.cc", |
| 17 "wallet/form_field_error.h", |
| 18 "wallet/full_wallet.cc", |
| 19 "wallet/full_wallet.h", |
| 20 "wallet/gaia_account.cc", |
| 21 "wallet/gaia_account.h", |
| 22 "wallet/instrument.cc", |
| 23 "wallet/instrument.h", |
| 24 "wallet/required_action.cc", |
| 25 "wallet/required_action.h", |
| 26 "wallet/wallet_address.cc", |
| 27 "wallet/wallet_address.h", |
| 28 "wallet/wallet_client.cc", |
| 29 "wallet/wallet_client.h", |
| 30 "wallet/wallet_client_delegate.h", |
| 31 "wallet/wallet_items.cc", |
| 32 "wallet/wallet_items.h", |
| 33 "wallet/wallet_service_url.cc", |
| 34 "wallet/wallet_service_url.h", |
| 35 "wallet/wallet_signin_helper.cc", |
| 36 "wallet/wallet_signin_helper.h", |
| 37 ] |
| 38 |
| 39 deps = [ |
| 40 ":risk_proto", |
| 41 "//base", |
| 42 "//base:i18n", |
| 43 "//base:prefs", |
| 44 "//components/autofill/content/common", |
| 45 "//components/autofill/core/browser", |
| 46 "//components/autofill/core/browser:regexes", |
| 47 "//components/autofill/core/common", |
| 48 "//components/os_crypt", |
| 49 "//components/resources", |
| 50 "//components/strings", |
| 51 "//content/public/browser", |
| 52 "//content/public/common", |
| 53 "//google_apis", |
| 54 "//ipc", |
| 55 "//skia", |
| 56 "//sql", |
| 57 "//third_party/icu", |
| 58 "//third_party/libphonenumber", |
| 59 "//ui/base", |
| 60 "//ui/gfx", |
| 61 "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| 62 "//url", |
| 63 #"../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle", TODO(GYP) |
| 64 #"user_prefs", TODO(GYP) |
| 65 #"webdata_common", TODO(GYP) |
| 66 ] |
| 67 } |
| 68 |
| 69 proto_library("risk_proto") { |
| 70 sources = [ |
| 71 "risk/proto/fingerprint.proto", |
| 72 ] |
| 73 proto_in_dir = "risk/proto" |
| 74 proto_out_dir = "components/autofill/content/browser/risk/proto" |
| 75 } |
| 76 |
| 77 static_library("test_support") { |
| 78 sources = [ |
| 79 "wallet/mock_wallet_client.cc", |
| 80 "wallet/mock_wallet_client.h", |
| 81 "wallet/wallet_test_util.cc", |
| 82 "wallet/wallet_test_util.h", |
| 83 ] |
| 84 |
| 85 deps = [ |
| 86 "//testing/gmock", |
| 87 ] |
| 88 } |