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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/device/

Issue 358993003: [Android] Switch to DeviceUtils versions of file functions. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: build/android/pylib/device/
diff --git a/build/android/pylib/device/ b/build/android/pylib/device/
index c87ca5143b4495fb34f11c51b14916e7576bd513..28d258f4d12a080d604d16a4924315dfa47da505 100644
--- a/build/android/pylib/device/
+++ b/build/android/pylib/device/
@@ -435,6 +435,117 @@ class DeviceUtils(object):
+ @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesDefaults(
+ def PushChangedFiles(self, host_path, device_path, timeout=None,
+ retries=None):
+ """Push files to the device, skipping files that don't need updating.
+ Args:
+ host_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file or directory
+ on the host that should be minimally pushed to the device.
+ device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the destination on
+ the device.
+ timeout: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ retries: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ """
+ self.old_interface.PushIfNeeded(host_path, device_path)
+ @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
+ def FileExists(self, device_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
+ """Checks whether the given file exists on the device.
+ Args:
+ device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file on the
+ device.
+ timeout: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ retries: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ Returns:
+ True if the file exists on the device, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return self._FileExistsImpl(device_path)
+ def _FileExistsImpl(self, device_path):
+ """Implementation of FileExists.
+ This is split from FileExists to allow other DeviceUtils methods to call
+ FileExists without spawning a new timeout thread.
+ Args:
+ device_path: Same as for |FileExists|.
+ Returns:
+ True if the file exists on the device, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.old_interface.FileExistsOnDevice(device_path)
+ @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
+ def PullFile(self, device_path, host_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
+ """Pull a file from the device.
+ Args:
+ device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to pull
+ from the device.
+ host_path: A string containing the absolute path of the destination on
+ the host.
+ timeout: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ retries: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ """
+ self.old_interface.PullFileFromDevice(device_path, host_path)
+ @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
+ def ReadFile(self, device_path, as_root=False, timeout=None, retries=None):
+ """Reads the contents of a file from the device.
+ Args:
+ device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to read
+ from the device.
+ as_root: A boolean indicating whether the read should be executed with
+ root priveleges.
+ timeout: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ retries: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ Returns:
+ The contents of the file at |device_path| as a list of lines.
+ Raises:
+ CommandFailedError if the file can't be read.
+ """
+ # TODO(jbudorick) Evaluate whether we actually want to return a list of
+ # lines after the implementation switch.
+ if as_root:
+ if not self.old_interface.CanAccessProtectedFileContents():
+ raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
+ 'Cannot read from %s with root priveleges.' % device_path)
+ return self.old_interface.GetProtectedFileContents(device_path)
+ else:
+ return self.old_interface.GetFileContents(device_path)
+ @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
+ def WriteFile(self, device_path, contents, as_root=False, timeout=None,
+ retries=None):
+ """Writes |contents| to a file on the device.
+ Args:
+ device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file to write
+ on the device.
+ contents: A string containing the data to write to the device.
+ as_root: A boolean indicating whether the write should be executed with
+ root priveleges.
+ timeout: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ retries: Same as for |IsOnline|.
+ Raises:
+ CommandFailedError if the file could not be written on the device.
+ """
+ if as_root:
+ if not self.old_interface.CanAccessProtectedFileContents():
+ raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
+ 'Cannot write to %s with root priveleges.' % device_path)
+ self.old_interface.SetProtectedFileContents(device_path, contents)
+ else:
+ self.old_interface.SetFileContents(device_path, contents)
def __str__(self):
"""Returns the device serial."""
return self.old_interface.GetDevice()
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