Chromium Code Reviews

Unified Diff: chrome/browser/

Issue 356303002: First pass on adding a chrome/browser GN target. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
index 60494156048aa85f60ac07cef47fefcf2a6e961b..a81630e9837b9f4197a9e3e9ed7e040fc7e7bc00 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/
+++ b/chrome/browser/
@@ -2,12 +2,621 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
about_credits_file = "$target_gen_dir/about_credits.html"
additional_modules_list_file =
+if (false) {
+#gypi_values = exec_script(
+# "//build/",
+# [ rebase_path("../chrome_browser.gypi") ],
+# "scope",
+# [ "../chrome_browser.gypi" ])
+static_library("browser") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
+ defines = []
+ sources = []
+ libs = []
+ ldflags = []
+ # iOS/non-iOS shared deps. New dependencies should generally be added in the
+ # non-iOS deps below.
+ deps = [
+ "//base/allocator",
+ "//chrome:extra_resources",
+ "//chrome:resources",
+ "//chrome:strings",
+ "//chrome/common",
+ "//chrome/common/net",
+ "//content/public/browser",
+ "//content/public/common",
+ "//crypto",
+ "//skia",
+ "//sql",
+ "//sync",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ "//third_party/libxml",
+ "//third_party/widevine/cdm:version_h",
+ "//third_party/zlib",
+ "//third_party/zlib:minizip",
+ "//third_party/zlib:zip",
+ "//ui/base",
+ "//ui/events",
+ "//ui/gfx",
+ "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+ "//ui/strings",
+ #"browser_ui",
+ #"cert_logger_proto",
+ #"chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_strings_map",
+ #"chrome_resources.gyp:platform_locale_settings",
+ #"chrome_resources.gyp:theme_resources",
+ #"in_memory_url_index_cache_proto",
+ #"probe_message_proto",
+ #"suggestions_proto",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:autocomplete",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:autofill_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:bookmarks_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:captive_portal",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:cloud_devices_common",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:component_metrics_proto",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:data_reduction_proxy_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:domain_reliability",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:favicon_base",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:favicon_core",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:feedback_component",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:gcm_driver",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:google_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:history_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:history_core_common",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:infobars_core",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:invalidation",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:metrics",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:metrics_net",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:navigation_metrics",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:network_time",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:omaha_query_params",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:os_crypt",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:password_manager_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:password_manager_core_common",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:policy_component",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:precache_core",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:query_parser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:rappor",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:search_engines",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:search_provider_logos",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:signin_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:startup_metric_utils",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:sync_driver",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:translate_core_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:translate_core_common",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:url_fixer",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:user_prefs",
+ #"../components/components_strings.gyp:components_strings",
+ ## This depends directly on the variations target, rather than just
+ ## transitively via the common target because the proto sources need to
+ ## be generated before code in this target can start building.
+ #"../components/components.gyp:variations",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:webdata_common",
+ #"../courgette/courgette.gyp:courgette_lib",
+ #"../google_apis/google_apis.gyp:google_apis",
+ #"../jingle/jingle.gyp:notifier",
+ #"../third_party/cacheinvalidation/cacheinvalidation.gyp:cacheinvalidation",
+ #"../third_party/cacheinvalidation/cacheinvalidation.gyp:cacheinvalidation_proto_cpp",
+ #"../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle",
+ #"../ui/message_center/message_center.gyp:message_center",
+ #"../ui/resources/ui_resources.gyp:ui_resources",
+ #"../ui/shell_dialogs/shell_dialogs.gyp:shell_dialogs",
+ ]
+ forward_dependent_configs_from = [
+ #"../components/components.gyp:autofill_core_browser", TODO(GYP)
+ "//content/public/browser",
+ "//sql",
+ "//sync",
+ ]
+ if (!is_ios) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_ios_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ #TODO(GYP) Add these sources:
+ # # These files are generated by GRIT.
+ # '<(grit_out_dir)/grit/',
+ # '<(grit_out_dir)/grit/',
+ # '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/ui/ui_resources/grit/',
+ #
+ # # This file is generated by
+ # # chrome/browser/metrics/variations/
+ # '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser/metrics/variations/',
+ # TODO(GYP) Also add these nacl_defines to direct dependents.
+ #defines = nacl_defines
+ deps += [
+ "//cc",
+ "//components/visitedlink/browser",
+ "//components/visitedlink/common",
+ "//net:net_with_v8",
+ "//third_party/adobe/flash:flapper_version_h",
+ "//third_party/expat",
+ "//third_party/leveldatabase",
+ "//third_party/libyuv",
+ "//third_party/npapi",
+ "//third_party/re2",
+ "//third_party/smhasher:cityhash",
+ "//ui/gl",
+ "//ui/surface",
+ "//webkit:resources",
+ "//webkit/browser:storage",
+ "//webkit/common",
+ "//webkit/common:storage",
+ #"apps",
+ #"browser/performance_monitor/performance_monitor.gyp:performance_monitor",
+ #"browser_extensions",
+ #"common/extensions/api/api.gyp:chrome_api",
+ #"debugger",
+ #"installer_util",
+ #"sync_file_system_drive_proto",
+ #"sync_file_system_proto",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:autofill_content_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:dom_distiller_content",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:keyed_service_content",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:navigation_interception",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:password_manager_content_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:precache_content",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:sessions",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:storage_monitor",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:translate_content_browser",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:url_matcher",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:usb_service",
+ #"../components/components.gyp:web_modal",
+ #"../media/cast/cast.gyp:cast_transport",
+ #"../media/media.gyp:media",
+ #"../mojo/mojo.gyp:mojo_cpp_bindings",
+ #"../mojo/mojo.gyp:mojo_environment_chromium",
+ #"../mojo/mojo.gyp:mojo_js_bindings",
+ #"../mojo/mojo.gyp:mojo_system_impl",
+ ## TODO(tonyg): Remove this dependency (
+ #"../testing/perf/perf_test.gyp:*",
+ #"../third_party/libaddressinput/libaddressinput.gyp:libaddressinput",
+ #"../third_party/webrtc/modules/modules.gyp:desktop_capture",
+ #"../ui/web_dialogs/web_dialogs.gyp:web_dialogs",
+ #"../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8",
+ ]
+ } else { # iOS
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ios_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ "//net",
+ ]
+ libs += [
+ "CoreTelephony.framework",
+ "CoreText.framework",
+ "MobileCoreServices.framework",
+ "QuartzCore.framework",
+ ]
+ ldflags += [ "-weak_framework", "CoreImage" ]
+ }
+ if (is_win || is_mac) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_win_mac_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (!is_android && !is_ios && !is_chromeos && enable_configuration_policy) {
+ sources += [
+ "net/",
+ "net/disk_cache_dir_policy_handler.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_android && !is_ios && enable_configuration_policy) {
+ sources += [
+ "download/",
+ "download/download_dir_policy_handler.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_mac_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"app_shim" TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (cld2_data_source == "component") {
+ sources += [
+ "component_updater/",
+ "component_updater/cld_component_installer.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (enable_extensions) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_extensions_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_background) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_background_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (!use_aura || is_win) {
+ sources -= [ "background/" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (enable_task_manager) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_task_manager_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_spellcheck) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_spellchecker_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [ "//third_party/hunspell" ]
+ }
+ if (enable_nacl) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_nacl_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ #deps += [ "//components/nacl:nacl_browser" ] TODO(GYP)
+ }
+ # ["debug_devtools==1", { TODO(GYP)
+ # "defines": [
+ # ],
+ if (enable_configuration_policy) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_policy_shared_with_ios_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"../components/components.gyp:cloud_policy_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:policy", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ if (!is_ios) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_policy_non_ios_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (!is_chromeos) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_policy_shared_with_ios_not_chromeos_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (is_win || is_mac || is_desktop_linux) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_policy_desktop_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (is_android || is_ios) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_mobile_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ } else { # Non-mobile
+ deps += [
+ #"policy_path_parser", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Configuration policy disabled.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_policy_disabled_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_plugins) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_plugins_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ "//ppapi:ppapi_ipc",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (safe_browsing_mode != 0) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_basic_safe_browsing_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"safe_browsing_chunk_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ #"safe_browsing_report_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ if (safe_browsing_mode == 1) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_full_safe_browsing_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ defines += [ "FULL_SAFE_BROWSING" ]
+ deps += [
+ #"safe_browsing_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ } else if (safe_browsing_mode == 2) {
+ defines += [ "MOBILE_SAFE_BROWSING" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_linux) {
+ deps += [
+ #"../build/linux/system.gyp:udev", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../device/media_transfer_protocol/media_transfer_protocol.gyp:mtp_file_entry_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../device/media_transfer_protocol/media_transfer_protocol.gyp:mtp_storage_info_proto", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../device/media_transfer_protocol/media_transfer_protocol.gyp:device_media_transfer_protocol", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux && !is_chromeos) {
+ deps += [
+ # "../build/linux/system.gyp:libspeechd", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_chromeos) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_chromeos_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"browser_chromeos", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Non-ChromeOS.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_chromeos_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (use_cups) {
+ #deps += [ "../printing/printing.gyp:cups" ] TODO(GYP)
+ }
+ if (is_desktop_linux) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_gnome_keyring_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ #deps += [ "../build/linux/system.gyp:gnome_keyring" ] TODO(GYP)
+ }
+ if (use_aura) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_aura_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"../ui/aura/aura.gyp:aura", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/compositor/compositor.gyp:compositor", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/keyboard/keyboard.gyp:keyboard", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (ui_compositor_image_transport) {
+ deps += [ "//ui/gl" ]
+ }
+ if (use_x11) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_x11_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (!is_chromeos) {
+ deps += [
+ # "../build/linux/system.gyp:xscrnsaver", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ sources += [
+ "//chrome/app/",
+ "//chrome/app/chrome_breakpad_client.h",
+ ]
+ deps += [
+ #"../components/components.gyp:breakpad_component", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:breakpad_host", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (use_nss_certs) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_nss_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_notifications) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_notifications_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (!is_android) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_android_notifications_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ }
+ if (enable_themes) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_themes_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_printing != 0) {
+ # Some form of printing support.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_basic_printing_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"../printing/printing.gyp:printing", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ if (is_win && win_pdf_metafile_for_printing) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_printing_emf_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_printing == 1) {
+ # Full printing on top of the above.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_full_printing_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ } else if (enable_printing == 2) {
+ # Partial-only printing support.
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_basic_only_printing_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ }
+ if (enable_captive_portal_detection) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_captive_portal_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_session_service) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_session_service_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (is_android || is_ios) {
+ # Mobile.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_mobile_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ } else {
+ # Non-mobile.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_mobile_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (is_android) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_android_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ #"../components/components.gyp:cdm_browser", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:web_contents_delegate_android", TODO(GYP)
+ #"chrome_browser_jni_headers", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ deps -= [
+ #"../components/components.gyp:feedback_component", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:storage_monitor", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:usb_service", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../components/components.gyp:web_modal", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../third_party/libaddressinput/libaddressinput.gyp:libaddressinput", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ } else {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_android_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ deps += [
+ #"../third_party/google_toolbox_for_mac/google_toolbox_for_mac.gyp:google_toolbox_for_mac", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../third_party/mozilla/mozilla.gyp:mozilla", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ libs += [
+ "Accelerate.framework",
+ "AddressBook.framework",
+ "AudioUnit.framework",
+ "DiskArbitration.framework",
+ "IOKit.framework",
+ "ImageCaptureCore.framework",
+ "OpenGL.framework",
+ "QuartzCore.framework",
+ "SecurityInterface.framework",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (enable_rlz) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_rlz_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [ "//rlz:rlz_lib" ]
+ }
+ # Temporary fix to break the browser target into smaller chunks so it
+ # will link with goma builds.
+ #["OS=="win" and chromium_win_pch==0", {
+ # "msvs_shard": 4,
+ #}],
+ if (is_win) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_win_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ deps += [
+ "//third_party/wtl",
+ #"chrome_process_finder", TODO(GYP)
+ #"installer_util_strings", TODO(GYP)
+ #"launcher_support", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_version_header", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:chrome_elf", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:chrome_elf_constants", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:dll_hash", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:iaccessible2", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../third_party/isimpledom/isimpledom.gyp:isimpledom", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/metro_viewer/metro_viewer.gyp:metro_viewer_messages", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/views/controls/webview/webview.gyp:webview", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/views/views.gyp:views", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../win8/win8.gyp:metro_viewer", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ forward_dependent_configs_from += [
+ #"../ui/views/controls/webview/webview.gyp:webview", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/views/views.gyp:views", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ } else {
+ # Non-Windows.
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_non_win_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (use_aura) {
+ deps += [
+ #"../ui/views/controls/webview/webview.gyp:webview", TODO(GYP)
+ #"../ui/views/views.gyp:views", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ # TODO(GYP) why is this needed? Very susicious.
+ # "include_dirs": [
+ # "<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome",
+ # ],
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_linux) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_linux_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (use_aura) {
+ configs += [
+ "//build/config/linux:dbus",
+ "//build/config/linux:fontconfig",
+ ]
+ deps += [
+ "//dbus",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (use_x11) {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux:x11" ]
+ deps += [ "//ui/gfx/x" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_desktop_linux) {
+ sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_desktop_linux_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_plugin_installation) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_plugin_installation_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_app_list) {
+ deps += [
+ #"../ui/app_list/app_list.gyp:app_list", TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ }
+ if (enable_managed_users) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_supervised_user_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_webrtc) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_webrtc_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_service_discovery) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_service_discovery_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (enable_mdns) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_mdns_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ if (!enable_autofill_dialog || is_android || is_ios) {
+ sources -= [
+ "autofill/",
+ "autofill/validation_rules_storage_factory.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (enable_wifi_bootstrapping) {
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_wifi_bootstrapping_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ if (is_win || is_mac) {
+ # TODO(brettw) as of this writing wifi bootstrapping is set on Windows
+ # and Mac, so this test is meaningless. Can we merge these lists?
+ sources += rebase_path(
+ gypi_values.chrome_browser_win_mac_wifi_bootstrapping_sources,
+ ".", "//chrome")
+ }
+ }
+} # comment out chrome/browser
# GYP version: chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_resources
# (generate_browser_resources action)
grit("resources") {
« no previous file with comments | « build/secondary/tools/grit/grit_rule.gni ('k') | chrome/chrome_browser.gypi » ('j') | no next file with comments »

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