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Unified Diff: test/cctest/

Issue 345573002: Infer whether a variable is assigned (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: A few more tests Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: test/cctest/
diff --git a/test/cctest/ b/test/cctest/
index 550ac17a060eccc728c6f92cc5c151475e55b4bc..96d34211b7a6392365f7753cb33387a1925a94c7 100644
--- a/test/cctest/
+++ b/test/cctest/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "src/objects.h"
#include "src/parser.h"
#include "src/preparser.h"
+#include "src/rewriter.h"
#include "src/scanner-character-streams.h"
#include "src/token.h"
#include "src/utils.h"
@@ -2549,3 +2550,131 @@ TEST(FuncNameInferrerEscaped) {
+TEST(InnerAssignment) {
+ i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
+ i::Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
+ i::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+ LocalContext env;
+ const char* prefix = "function f() {";
+ const char* midfix = " function g() {";
+ const char* suffix = "}}";
+ struct { const char* source; bool assigned; bool strict; } outers[] = {
+ // Actual assignments.
+ { "var x; var x = 5;", true, false },
+ { "var x; { var x = 5; }", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x; x = 6;", true, true },
+ // Actual non-assignments.
+ { "var x;", false, false },
+ { "var x = 5;", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x;", false, true },
+ { "'use strict'; let x = 6;", false, true },
+ { "'use strict'; var x = 0; { let x = 6; }", false, true },
+ { "'use strict'; var x = 0; { let x; x = 6; }", false, true },
+ { "'use strict'; let x = 0; { let x = 6; }", false, true },
+ { "'use strict'; let x = 0; { let x; x = 6; }", false, true },
+ { "var x; try {} catch (x) { x = 5; }", false, false },
+ { "function x() {}", false, false },
+ // Eval approximation.
+ { "var x; eval('');", true, false },
+ { "eval(''); var x;", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x; eval('');", true, true },
+ { "'use strict'; eval(''); let x;", true, true },
+ // Non-assignments not recognized, because the analysis is approximative.
+ { "var x; var x;", true, false },
+ { "var x = 5; var x;", true, false },
+ { "var x; { var x; }", true, false },
+ { "var x; function x() {}", true, false },
+ { "function x() {}; var x;", true, false },
+ { "var x; try {} catch (x) { var x = 5; }", true, false },
+ };
+ struct { const char* source; bool assigned; bool with; } inners[] = {
+ // Actual assignments.
+ { "x = 1;", true, false },
+ { "x++;", true, false },
+ { "++x;", true, false },
+ { "x--;", true, false },
+ { "--x;", true, false },
+ { "{ x = 1; }", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; { let x; }; x = 0;", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; { const x = 1; }; x = 0;", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; { function x() {} }; x = 0;", true, false },
+ { "with ({}) { x = 1; }", true, true },
+ { "eval('');", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; { let y; eval('') }", true, false },
+ { "function h() { x = 0; }", true, false },
+ { "(function() { x = 0; })", true, false },
+ { "(function() { x = 0; })", true, false },
+ { "with ({}) (function() { x = 0; })", true, true },
+ // Actual non-assignments.
+ { "", false, false },
+ { "x;", false, false },
+ { "var x;", false, false },
+ { "var x = 8;", false, false },
+ { "var x; x = 8;", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x;", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x = 8;", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x; x = 8;", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; const x = 8;", false, false },
+ { "function x() {}", false, false },
+ { "function x() { x = 0; }", false, false },
+ { "function h(x) { x = 0; }", false, false },
+ { "'use strict'; { let x; x = 0; }", false, false },
+ { "{ var x; }; x = 0;", false, false },
+ { "with ({}) {}", false, true },
+ { "var x; { with ({}) { x = 1; } }", false, true },
+ { "try {} catch(x) { x = 0; }", false, false },
+ { "try {} catch(x) { with ({}) { x = 1; } }", false, true },
+ // Eval approximation.
+ { "eval('');", true, false },
+ { "function h() { eval(''); }", true, false },
+ { "(function() { eval(''); })", true, false },
+ // Shadowing not recognized because of eval approximation.
+ { "var x; eval('');", true, false },
+ { "'use strict'; let x; eval('');", true, false },
+ { "try {} catch(x) { eval(''); }", true, false },
+ { "function x() { eval(''); }", true, false },
+ { "(function(x) { eval(''); })", true, false },
+ };
+ i::Handle<i::String> var_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("x");
+ int prefix_len = Utf8LengthHelper(prefix);
+ int midfix_len = Utf8LengthHelper(midfix);
+ int suffix_len = Utf8LengthHelper(suffix);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(outers); ++i) {
+ const char* outer = outers[i].source;
+ int outer_len = Utf8LengthHelper(outer);
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(inners); ++j) {
+ if (outers[i].strict && inners[j].with) continue;
+ const char* inner = inners[j].source;
+ int inner_len = Utf8LengthHelper(inner);
+ int len = prefix_len + outer_len + midfix_len + inner_len + suffix_len;
+ i::ScopedVector<char> program(len + 1);
+ i::SNPrintF(program, "%s%s%s%s%s", prefix, outer, midfix, inner, suffix);
+ i::Handle<i::String> source =
+ factory->InternalizeUtf8String(program.start());
+ source->PrintOn(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ i::Handle<i::Script> script = factory->NewScript(source);
+ i::CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+ i::Parser parser(&info);
+ parser.set_allow_harmony_scoping(true);
+ CHECK(parser.Parse());
+ CHECK(i::Rewriter::Rewrite(&info));
+ CHECK(i::Scope::Analyze(&info));
+ CHECK(info.function() != NULL);
+ i::Scope* scope = info.function()->scope();
+ CHECK_EQ(scope->inner_scopes()->length(), 1);
+ i::Scope* inner_scope = scope->inner_scopes()->at(0);
+ i::Variable* var = inner_scope->Lookup(var_name);
+ bool expected = outers[i].assigned || inners[j].assigned;
+ CHECK(var != NULL);
+ CHECK(var->is_used() || !expected);
+ CHECK(var->maybe_assigned() == expected);
+ }
+ }
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