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Unified Diff: py/utils/

Issue 341193004: Add lots of utils, (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Address comments Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: py/utils/
diff --git a/py/utils/ b/py/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b1c1a1697809e2e4bbefa7dbcdf6292fe857820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/py/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+""" This module contains tools used by Android-specific buildbot scripts. """
+import os
+import re
+import shell_utils
+import shlex
+import sys
+import time
+CPU_SCALING_MODES = ['performance', 'interactive']
+DEVICE_LOOKUP = {'nexus_s': 'crespo',
+ 'xoom': 'stingray',
+ 'galaxy_nexus': 'toro',
+ 'nexus_4': 'mako',
+ 'nexus_7': 'grouper',
+ 'nexus_10': 'manta'}
+SKIA_RUNNING = 'running'
+def GotADB(adb):
+ """ Returns True iff ADB exists at the given location.
+ adb: string; possible path to the ADB executable.
+ """
+ try:
+[adb, 'version'], echo=False)
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+def FindADB(hint=None):
+ """ Attempt to find the ADB program using the following sequence of steps.
+ Returns the path to ADB if it can be found, or None otherwise.
+ 1. If a hint was provided, is it a valid path to ADB?
+ 2. Is ADB in PATH?
+ 3. Is there an environment variable for ADB?
+ 4. If the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT variable is set, try to find ADB in the SDK
+ directory.
+ 5. Try to find ADB in a list of common locations.
+ hint: string indicating a possible path to ADB.
+ """
+ # 1. If a hint was provided, does it point to ADB?
+ if hint:
+ if os.path.basename(hint) == 'adb':
+ adb = hint
+ else:
+ adb = os.path.join(hint, 'adb')
+ if GotADB(adb):
+ return adb
+ # 2. Is 'adb' in our PATH?
+ adb = 'adb'
+ if GotADB(adb):
+ return adb
+ # 3. Is there an environment variable for ADB?
+ adb = os.environ.get('ADB')
+ if GotADB(adb):
+ return adb
+ # 4. If ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is set, try to find ADB in the SDK directory.
+ sdk_dir = os.environ.get('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT', '')
+ adb = os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'platform-tools', 'adb')
+ if GotADB(adb):
+ return adb
+ # 4. Try to find ADB relative to this file.
+ common_locations = []
+ os_dir = None
+ if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+ os_dir = 'linux'
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+ os_dir = 'mac'
+ else:
+ os_dir = 'win'
+ common_locations.append(os.path.join('platform_tools', 'android', 'bin',
+ os_dir, 'adb'))
+ common_locations.append(os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', ''),
+ 'android-sdk-%s' % os_dir))
+ for location in common_locations:
+ if GotADB(location):
+ return location
+ raise Exception('android_utils: Unable to find ADB!')
+PATH_TO_ADB = FindADB(hint=os.path.join('platform_tools', 'android', 'bin',
+ 'linux', 'adb'))
+def RunADB(serial, cmd, echo=True, attempts=5, secs_between_attempts=10,
+ timeout=None):
+ """ Run 'cmd' on an Android device, using ADB. No return value; throws an
+ exception if the command fails more than the allotted number of attempts.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device
+ cmd: string; the command to issue on the device
+ attempts: number of times to attempt the command
+ secs_between_attempts: number of seconds to wait between attempts
+ timeout: optional, integer indicating the maximum elapsed time in seconds
+ """
+ adb_cmd = [PATH_TO_ADB, '-s', serial]
+ adb_cmd += cmd
+ shell_utils.run_retry(adb_cmd, echo=echo, attempts=attempts,
+ secs_between_attempts=secs_between_attempts)
+def ADBShell(serial, cmd, echo=True):
+ """ Runs 'cmd' in the ADB shell on an Android device and returns the exit
+ code.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device
+ cmd: string; the command to issue on the device
+ """
+ # ADB doesn't exit with the exit code of the command we ran. It only exits
+ # non-zero when ADB itself encountered a problem. Therefore, we have to use
+ # the shell to print the exit code for the command and parse that from stdout.
+ adb_cmd = '%s -s %s shell "%s; echo \$?"' % (PATH_TO_ADB, serial,
+ ' '.join(cmd))
+ output =, shell=True, echo=echo)
+ output_lines = output.splitlines()
+ try:
+ real_exitcode = int(output_lines[-1].rstrip())
+ except ValueError:
+ real_exitcode = -1
+ if real_exitcode != 0:
+ raise Exception('Command failed with code %s' % real_exitcode)
+ return '\n'.join(output_lines[:-1])
+def ADBKill(serial, process, kill_app=False):
+ """ Kill a process running on an Android device.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device
+ process: string indicating the name of the process to kill
+ kill_app: bool indicating whether the process is an Android app, as opposed
+ to a normal executable process.
+ """
+ if kill_app:
+ ADBShell(serial, ['am', 'kill', process])
+ else:
+ try:
+ stdout ='%s -s %s shell ps | grep %s' % (PATH_TO_ADB,
+ serial,
+ process),
+ shell=True)
+ except Exception:
+ return
+ for line in stdout.split('\n'):
+ if line != '':
+ split = shlex.split(line)
+ if len(split) < 2:
+ continue
+ pid = split[1]
+ ADBShell(serial, ['kill', pid])
+ # Raise an exception if any Skia processes are still running.
+ try:
+ stdout ='%s -s %s shell ps | grep %s' % (PATH_TO_ADB,
+ serial,
+ process),
+ shell=True)
+ except Exception:
+ return
+ if stdout:
+ raise Exception('There are still some skia processes running:\n%s\n'
+ 'Maybe the device should be rebooted?' % stdout)
+def GetSerial(device_type):
+ """ Determine the serial number of the *first* connected device with the
+ specified type. The ordering of 'adb devices' is not documented, and the
+ connected devices do not appear to be ordered by serial number. Therefore,
+ we have to assume that, in the case of multiple devices of the same type being
+ connected to one host, we cannot predict which device will be chosen.
+ device_type: string indicating the 'common name' for the target device
+ """
+ if not device_type in DEVICE_LOOKUP:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown device: %s!' % device_type)
+ device_name = DEVICE_LOOKUP[device_type]
+ output = shell_utils.run_retry('%s devices' % PATH_TO_ADB, shell=True,
+ attempts=5)
+ print output
+ lines = output.split('\n')
+ device_ids = []
+ for line in lines:
+ # Filter garbage lines
+ if line != '' and not ('List of devices attached' in line) and \
+ line[0] != '*':
+ device_ids.append(line.split('\t')[0])
+ for device_id in device_ids:
+ print 'Finding type for id %s' % device_id
+ # Get device name
+ name_line = shell_utils.run_retry(
+ '%s -s %s shell cat /system/build.prop | grep "ro.product.device="' % (
+ PATH_TO_ADB, device_id), shell=True, attempts=5)
+ print name_line
+ name = name_line.split('=')[-1].rstrip()
+ # Just return the first attached device of the requested model.
+ if device_name in name:
+ return device_id
+ raise Exception('No %s device attached!' % device_name)
+def SetCPUScalingMode(serial, mode):
+ """ Set the CPU scaling governor for the device with the given serial number
+ to the given mode.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the device whose scaling mode
+ is to be modified
+ mode: string indicating the desired CPU scaling mode. Acceptable values
+ are listed in CPU_SCALING_MODES.
+ """
+ if mode not in CPU_SCALING_MODES:
+ raise ValueError('mode must be one of: %s' % CPU_SCALING_MODES)
+ cpu_dirs ='%s -s %s shell ls /sys/devices/system/cpu' % (
+ PATH_TO_ADB, serial), echo=False, shell=True)
+ cpu_dirs_list = cpu_dirs.split('\n')
+ regex = re.compile('cpu\d')
+ for cpu_dir_from_list in cpu_dirs_list:
+ cpu_dir = cpu_dir_from_list.rstrip()
+ if regex.match(cpu_dir):
+ path = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpufreq/scaling_governor' % cpu_dir
+ path_found ='%s -s %s shell ls %s' % (
+ PATH_TO_ADB, serial, path),
+ echo=False, shell=True).rstrip()
+ if path_found == path:
+ # Unfortunately, we can't directly change the scaling_governor file over
+ # ADB. Instead, we write a script to do so, push it to the device, and
+ # run it.
+ old_mode ='%s -s %s shell cat %s' % (
+ PATH_TO_ADB, serial, path),
+ echo=False, shell=True).rstrip()
+ print 'Current scaling mode for %s is: %s' % (cpu_dir, old_mode)
+ filename = ''
+ with open(filename, 'w') as script_file:
+ script_file.write('echo %s > %s\n' % (mode, path))
+ os.chmod(filename, 0777)
+ RunADB(serial, ['push', filename, '/system/bin'], echo=False)
+ RunADB(serial, ['shell', filename], echo=True)
+ RunADB(serial, ['shell', 'rm', '/system/bin/%s' % filename], echo=False)
+ os.remove(filename)
+ new_mode ='%s -s %s shell cat %s' % (
+ PATH_TO_ADB, serial, path),
+ echo=False, shell=True).rstrip()
+ print 'New scaling mode for %s is: %s' % (cpu_dir, new_mode)
+def IsAndroidShellRunning(serial):
+ """ Find the status of the Android shell for the device with the given serial
+ number. Returns True if the shell is running and False otherwise.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device.
+ """
+ if 'Error:' in ADBShell(serial, ['pm', 'path', 'android'], echo=False):
+ return False
+ return True
+def StopShell(serial, timeout=60):
+ """ Halt the Android runtime on the device with the given serial number.
+ Blocks until the shell reports that it has stopped.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device.
+ timeout: maximum allotted time, in seconds.
+ """
+ ADBShell(serial, ['stop'])
+ start_time = time.time()
+ while IsAndroidShellRunning(serial):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
+ raise Exception('Timeout while attempting to stop the Android runtime.')
+def StartShell(serial, timeout=60):
+ """ Start the Android runtime on the device with the given serial number.
+ Blocks until the shell reports that it has started.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device.
+ timeout: maximum allotted time, in seconds.
+ """
+ ADBShell(serial, ['start'])
+ start_time = time.time()
+ while not IsAndroidShellRunning(serial):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
+ raise Exception('Timeout while attempting to start the Android runtime.')
+def RunSkia(serial, cmd, release, device):
+ """ Run the given command through skia_launcher on a given device.
+ serial: string indicating the serial number of the target device.
+ cmd: list of strings; the command line to run.
+ release: bool; whether or not to run the app in Release mode.
+ device: string indicating the target device.
+ """
+ RunADB(serial, ['logcat', '-c'])
+ try:
+ os.environ['SKIA_ANDROID_VERBOSE_SETUP'] = '1'
+ cmd_to_run = [os.path.join('platform_tools', 'android', 'bin',
+ 'android_run_skia')]
+ if release:
+ cmd_to_run.extend(['--release'])
+ cmd_to_run.extend(['-d', device])
+ cmd_to_run.extend(['-s', serial])
+ cmd_to_run.extend(cmd)
+ finally:
+ RunADB(serial, ['logcat', '-d', '-v', 'time'])
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