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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/utils/

Issue 341143002: Port the json_results_generator code over from Blink. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: more linting Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: build/android/pylib/utils/
diff --git a/build/android/pylib/utils/ b/build/android/pylib/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28e3f0ca410cab0b0d985c1ac73d212dc7ec1f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/pylib/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Most of this file was ported over from Blink's
+# webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/
+import unittest
+import json
+from pylib.utils import json_results_generator
+class JSONGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.builder_name = 'DUMMY_BUILDER_NAME'
+ self.build_name = 'DUMMY_BUILD_NAME'
+ self.build_number = 'DUMMY_BUILDER_NUMBER'
+ # For archived results.
+ self._json = None
+ self._num_runs = 0
+ self._tests_set = set([])
+ self._test_timings = {}
+ self._failed_count_map = {}
+ self._PASS_count = 0
+ self._DISABLED_count = 0
+ self._FLAKY_count = 0
+ self._FAILS_count = 0
+ self._fixable_count = 0
+ self._orig_write_json = json_results_generator.WriteJSON
+ # unused arguments ... pylint: disable=W0613
+ def _WriteJSONStub(json_object, file_path, callback=None):
+ pass
+ json_results_generator.WriteJSON = _WriteJSONStub
+ def tearDown(self):
+ json_results_generator.WriteJSON = self._orig_write_json
+ def _TestJSONGeneration(self, passed_tests_list, failed_tests_list):
+ tests_set = set(passed_tests_list) | set(failed_tests_list)
+ DISABLED_tests = set([t for t in tests_set
+ if t.startswith('DISABLED_')])
+ FLAKY_tests = set([t for t in tests_set
+ if t.startswith('FLAKY_')])
+ FAILS_tests = set([t for t in tests_set
+ if t.startswith('FAILS_')])
+ PASS_tests = tests_set - (DISABLED_tests | FLAKY_tests | FAILS_tests)
+ failed_tests = set(failed_tests_list) - DISABLED_tests
+ failed_count_map = dict([(t, 1) for t in failed_tests])
+ test_timings = {}
+ i = 0
+ for test in tests_set:
+ test_timings[test] = float(self._num_runs * 100 + i)
+ i += 1
+ test_results_map = dict()
+ for test in tests_set:
+ test_results_map[test] = json_results_generator.TestResult(
+ test, failed=(test in failed_tests),
+ elapsed_time=test_timings[test])
+ generator = json_results_generator.JSONResultsGeneratorBase(
+ self.builder_name, self.build_name, self.build_number,
+ '',
+ None, # don't fetch past json results archive
+ test_results_map)
+ failed_count_map = dict([(t, 1) for t in failed_tests])
+ # Test incremental json results
+ incremental_json = generator.GetJSON()
+ self._VerifyJSONResults(
+ tests_set,
+ test_timings,
+ failed_count_map,
+ len(PASS_tests),
+ len(DISABLED_tests),
+ len(FLAKY_tests),
+ len(DISABLED_tests | failed_tests),
+ incremental_json,
+ 1)
+ # We don't verify the results here, but at least we make sure the code
+ # runs without errors.
+ generator.GenerateJSONOutput()
+ generator.GenerateTimesMSFile()
+ def _VerifyJSONResults(self, tests_set, test_timings, failed_count_map,
+ PASS_count, DISABLED_count, FLAKY_count,
+ fixable_count, json_obj, num_runs):
+ # Aliasing to a short name for better access to its constants.
+ JRG = json_results_generator.JSONResultsGeneratorBase
+ self.assertIn(JRG.VERSION_KEY, json_obj)
+ self.assertIn(self.builder_name, json_obj)
+ buildinfo = json_obj[self.builder_name]
+ self.assertIn(JRG.FIXABLE, buildinfo)
+ self.assertIn(JRG.TESTS, buildinfo)
+ self.assertEqual(len(buildinfo[JRG.BUILD_NUMBERS]), num_runs)
+ self.assertEqual(buildinfo[JRG.BUILD_NUMBERS][0], self.build_number)
+ if tests_set or DISABLED_count:
+ fixable = {}
+ for fixable_items in buildinfo[JRG.FIXABLE]:
+ for (result_type, count) in fixable_items.iteritems():
+ if result_type in fixable:
+ fixable[result_type] = fixable[result_type] + count
+ else:
+ fixable[result_type] = count
+ if PASS_count:
+ self.assertEqual(fixable[JRG.PASS_RESULT], PASS_count)
+ else:
+ self.assertTrue(JRG.PASS_RESULT not in fixable or
+ fixable[JRG.PASS_RESULT] == 0)
+ if DISABLED_count:
+ self.assertEqual(fixable[JRG.SKIP_RESULT], DISABLED_count)
+ else:
+ self.assertTrue(JRG.SKIP_RESULT not in fixable or
+ fixable[JRG.SKIP_RESULT] == 0)
+ if FLAKY_count:
+ self.assertEqual(fixable[JRG.FLAKY_RESULT], FLAKY_count)
+ else:
+ self.assertTrue(JRG.FLAKY_RESULT not in fixable or
+ fixable[JRG.FLAKY_RESULT] == 0)
+ if failed_count_map:
+ tests = buildinfo[JRG.TESTS]
+ for test_name in failed_count_map.iterkeys():
+ test = self._FindTestInTrie(test_name, tests)
+ failed = 0
+ for result in test[JRG.RESULTS]:
+ if result[1] == JRG.FAIL_RESULT:
+ failed += result[0]
+ self.assertEqual(failed_count_map[test_name], failed)
+ timing_count = 0
+ for timings in test[JRG.TIMES]:
+ if timings[1] == test_timings[test_name]:
+ timing_count = timings[0]
+ self.assertEqual(1, timing_count)
+ if fixable_count:
+ self.assertEqual(sum(buildinfo[JRG.FIXABLE_COUNT]), fixable_count)
+ def _FindTestInTrie(self, path, trie):
+ nodes = path.split('/')
+ sub_trie = trie
+ for node in nodes:
+ self.assertIn(node, sub_trie)
+ sub_trie = sub_trie[node]
+ return sub_trie
+ def testJSONGeneration(self):
+ self._TestJSONGeneration([], [])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(['A1', 'B1'], [])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration([], ['FAILS_A2', 'FAILS_B2'])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(['DISABLED_A3', 'DISABLED_B3'], [])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(['A4'], ['B4', 'FAILS_C4'])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(['DISABLED_C5', 'DISABLED_D5'], ['A5', 'B5'])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(
+ ['A6', 'B6', 'FAILS_C6', 'DISABLED_E6', 'DISABLED_F6'],
+ ['FAILS_D6'])
+ # Generate JSON with the same test sets. (Both incremental results and
+ # archived results must be updated appropriately.)
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(
+ ['A', 'FLAKY_B', 'DISABLED_C'],
+ ['FAILS_D', 'FLAKY_E'])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(
+ ['A', 'DISABLED_C', 'FLAKY_E'],
+ ['FLAKY_B', 'FAILS_D'])
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(
+ ['A', 'FLAKY_E'])
+ def testHierarchicalJSNGeneration(self):
+ # FIXME: Re-work tests to be more comprehensible and comprehensive.
+ self._TestJSONGeneration(['foo/A'], ['foo/B', 'bar/C'])
+ def testTestTimingsTrie(self):
+ individual_test_timings = []
+ individual_test_timings.append(
+ json_results_generator.TestResult(
+ 'foo/bar/baz.html',
+ elapsed_time=1.2))
+ individual_test_timings.append(
+ json_results_generator.TestResult('bar.html', elapsed_time=0.0001))
+ trie = json_results_generator.TestTimingsTrie(individual_test_timings)
+ expected_trie = {
+ 'bar.html': 0,
+ 'foo': {
+ 'bar': {
+ 'baz.html': 1200,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(json.dumps(trie), json.dumps(expected_trie))
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