1 Tests the acceptable types for arguments to Geolocation methods. | 1 Tests the acceptable types for arguments to Geolocation methods. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() threw exception TypeMismatchErro
r: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argument pro
vided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 6 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() threw exception TypeError: Faile
d to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': 1 argument required, but onl
y 0 present.. |
7 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(undefined) threw exception TypeMis
matchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st arg
ument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 7 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(undefined) threw exception TypeErr
or: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provid
ed as parameter 1 is not a function.. |
8 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(null) threw exception TypeMismatch
Error: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argument
provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 8 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(null) threw exception TypeError: F
ailed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provided as
parameter 1 is not a function.. |
9 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition({}) threw exception TypeMismatchEr
ror: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argument p
rovided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 9 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition({}) threw exception TypeError: Fai
led to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provided as p
arameter 1 is not a function.. |
10 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(objectThrowingException) threw exc
eption TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation
': The 1st argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 10 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(objectThrowingException) threw exc
eption TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The c
allback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.. |
11 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction) did not throw excep
tion. | 11 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction) did not throw excep
tion. |
12 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(Math.abs) did not throw exception. | 12 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(Math.abs) did not throw exception. |
13 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(true) threw exception TypeMismatch
Error: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argument
provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 13 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(true) threw exception TypeError: F
ailed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provided as
parameter 1 is not a function.. |
14 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(42) threw exception TypeMismatchEr
ror: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argument p
rovided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 14 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(42) threw exception TypeError: Fai
led to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provided as p
arameter 1 is not a function.. |
15 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(Infinity) threw exception TypeMism
atchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argu
ment provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 15 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(Infinity) threw exception TypeErro
r: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provide
d as parameter 1 is not a function.. |
16 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(-Infinity) threw exception TypeMis
matchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st arg
ument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 16 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(-Infinity) threw exception TypeErr
or: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provid
ed as parameter 1 is not a function.. |
17 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition("string") threw exception TypeMism
atchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The 1st argu
ment provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 17 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition("string") threw exception TypeErro
r: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callback provide
d as parameter 1 is not a function.. |
18 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined) did not
throw exception. | 18 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined) did not
throw exception. |
19 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, null) did not throw
exception. | 19 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, null) did not throw
exception. |
20 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, {}) threw exception
TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The
2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 20 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, {}) threw exception
TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callbac
k provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
21 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, objectThrowingExcep
tion) threw exception TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition'
on 'Geolocation': The 2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Functi
on object.. | 21 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, objectThrowingExcep
tion) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geol
ocation': The callback provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
22 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, emptyFunction) did
not throw exception. | 22 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, emptyFunction) did
not throw exception. |
23 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, Math.abs) did not t
hrow exception. | 23 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, Math.abs) did not t
hrow exception. |
24 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, true) threw excepti
on TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': T
he 2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 24 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, true) threw excepti
on TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callb
ack provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
25 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, 42) threw exception
TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The
2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 25 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, 42) threw exception
TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The callbac
k provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
26 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, Infinity) threw exc
eption TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation
': The 2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 26 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, Infinity) threw exc
eption TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The c
allback provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
27 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, -Infinity) threw ex
ception TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocatio
n': The 2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 27 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, -Infinity) threw ex
ception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The
callback provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
28 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, "string") threw exc
eption TypeMismatchError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation
': The 2nd argument provided is either null, or an invalid Function object.. | 28 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, "string") threw exc
eption TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation': The c
allback provided as parameter 2 is not a function.. |
29 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, undefine
d) did not throw exception. | 29 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, undefine
d) did not throw exception. |
30 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, null) di
d not throw exception. | 30 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, null) di
d not throw exception. |
31 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {}) did
not throw exception. | 31 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {}) did
not throw exception. |
32 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, objectTh
rowingException) threw exception Error: enableHighAccuracy getter exception. | 32 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, objectTh
rowingException) threw exception Error: enableHighAccuracy getter exception. |
33 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, emptyFun
ction) did not throw exception. | 33 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, emptyFun
ction) did not throw exception. |
34 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, true) di
d not throw exception. | 34 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, true) th
rew exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation'
: parameter 3 ('options') is not an object.. |
35 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, 42) did
not throw exception. | 35 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, 42) thre
w exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocation':
parameter 3 ('options') is not an object.. |
36 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, Infinity
) did not throw exception. | 36 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, Infinity
) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocat
ion': parameter 3 ('options') is not an object.. |
37 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, -Infinit
y) did not throw exception. | 37 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, -Infinit
y) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geoloca
tion': parameter 3 ('options') is not an object.. |
38 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, "string"
) did not throw exception. | 38 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, "string"
) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getCurrentPosition' on 'Geolocat
ion': parameter 3 ('options') is not an object.. |
39 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:undefined}) did not throw exception. | 39 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:undefined}) did not throw exception. |
40 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:null}) did not throw exception. | 40 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:null}) did not throw exception. |
41 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:{}}) did not throw exception. | 41 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:{}}) did not throw exception. |
42 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:objectThrowingException}) did not throw exception. | 42 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:objectThrowingException}) did not throw exception. |
43 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:emptyFunction}) did not throw exception. | 43 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:emptyFunction}) did not throw exception. |
44 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:true}) did not throw exception. | 44 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:true}) did not throw exception. |
45 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:42}) did not throw exception. | 45 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:42}) did not throw exception. |
46 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:Infinity}) did not throw exception. | 46 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:Infinity}) did not throw exception. |
47 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:-Infinity}) did not throw exception. | 47 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:-Infinity}) did not throw exception. |
48 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:"string"}) did not throw exception. | 48 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {dummyPr
operty:"string"}) did not throw exception. |
(...skipping 24 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
73 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:emptyFunction}) did not throw exception. | 73 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:emptyFunction}) did not throw exception. |
74 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:true}) did not throw exception. | 74 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:true}) did not throw exception. |
75 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:42}) did not throw exception. | 75 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:42}) did not throw exception. |
76 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:Infinity}) did not throw exception. | 76 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:Infinity}) did not throw exception. |
77 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:-Infinity}) did not throw exception. | 77 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:-Infinity}) did not throw exception. |
78 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:"string"}) did not throw exception. | 78 PASS navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(emptyFunction, undefined, {timeout
:"string"}) did not throw exception. |
79 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 79 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
80 | 80 |
82 | 82 |