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Unified Diff: Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h

Issue 335963002: Change LayoutState to be stack-allocated (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fix push function to match old behavior... Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h
diff --git a/Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h b/Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h
index 73e98656487d041b45f0d7fcfa37fe73e5b10ac0..2ca7efbe5915dc9b92dd06a733c3df7ba7273432 100644
--- a/Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h
+++ b/Source/core/rendering/RenderView.h
@@ -126,27 +126,14 @@ public:
bool shouldDoFullRepaintForNextLayout() const;
bool doingFullRepaint() const { return m_frameView->needsFullPaintInvalidation(); }
- // Subtree push
- void pushLayoutState(RenderObject&);
- void popLayoutState()
- {
- LayoutState* state = m_layoutState;
- m_layoutState = state->next();
- delete state;
- popLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread();
- }
- bool shouldDisableLayoutStateForSubtree(RenderObject&) const;
// Returns true if layoutState should be used for its cached offset and clip.
- bool layoutStateEnabled() const { return m_layoutStateDisableCount == 0 && m_layoutState; }
+ bool layoutStateCachedOffsetsEnabled() const { return m_layoutState && m_layoutState->cachedOffsetsEnabled(); }
LayoutState* layoutState() const { return m_layoutState; }
- bool canUseLayoutStateForContainer(const RenderObject* repaintContainer) const
+ bool canMapUsingLayoutStateForContainer(const RenderObject* repaintContainer) const
// FIXME: LayoutState should be enabled for other repaint containers than the RenderView.
- return layoutStateEnabled() && (repaintContainer == this);
+ return layoutStateCachedOffsetsEnabled() && (repaintContainer == this);
virtual void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
@@ -195,14 +182,8 @@ public:
double layoutViewportWidth() const;
double layoutViewportHeight() const;
- // Suspends the LayoutState optimization. Used under transforms that cannot be represented by
- // LayoutState (common in SVG) and when manipulating the render tree during layout in ways
- // that can trigger repaint of a non-child (e.g. when a list item moves its list marker around).
- // Note that even when disabled, LayoutState is still used to store layoutDelta.
- // These functions may only be accessed by LayoutStateMaintainer or LayoutStateDisabler.
- void disableLayoutState() { m_layoutStateDisableCount++; }
- void enableLayoutState() { ASSERT(m_layoutStateDisableCount > 0); m_layoutStateDisableCount--; }
+ void pushLayoutState(LayoutState&);
+ void popLayoutState();
virtual void mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip, bool* wasFixed = 0) const OVERRIDE;
virtual const RenderObject* pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap&) const OVERRIDE;
@@ -215,19 +196,6 @@ private:
bool rootFillsViewportBackground(RenderBox* rootBox) const;
- // These functions may only be accessed by LayoutStateMaintainer.
- bool pushLayoutState(RenderBox& renderer, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
- {
- // We push LayoutState even if layoutState is disabled because it stores layoutDelta too.
- if ((!doingFullRepaint() || (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::repaintAfterLayoutEnabled() && layoutStateEnabled())) || m_layoutState->isPaginated() || renderer.hasColumns() || renderer.flowThreadContainingBlock()
- ) {
- pushLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread(renderer);
- m_layoutState = new LayoutState(m_layoutState, renderer, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
void layoutContent();
#ifndef NDEBUG
void checkLayoutState();
@@ -236,12 +204,7 @@ private:
void positionDialog(RenderBox*);
void positionDialogs();
- void pushLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread(const RenderObject&);
- void popLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread();
- friend class LayoutStateMaintainer;
friend class ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping;
- friend class RootLayoutStateScope;
bool shouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
@@ -258,7 +221,6 @@ private:
LayoutUnit m_pageLogicalHeight;
bool m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
LayoutState* m_layoutState;
- unsigned m_layoutStateDisableCount;
OwnPtr<RenderLayerCompositor> m_compositor;
OwnPtr<FlowThreadController> m_flowThreadController;
RefPtr<IntervalArena> m_intervalArena;
@@ -269,118 +231,37 @@ private:
-class RootLayoutStateScope {
- explicit RootLayoutStateScope(RenderObject& obj)
- : m_view(*obj.view())
- , m_rootLayoutState(m_view.pageLogicalHeight(), m_view.pageLogicalHeightChanged())
- , m_isRenderView(obj.isRenderView())
- {
- // If the invalidation root isn't the renderView we have to make sure it
- // gets added correctly to LayoutState otherwise we'll lose the margins that
- // are set in the ancestors of the roots.
- if (m_isRenderView) {
- ASSERT(!m_view.m_layoutState);
- m_view.m_layoutState = &m_rootLayoutState;
- } else {
- m_view.pushLayoutState(obj);
- }
- }
- ~RootLayoutStateScope()
- {
- if (m_isRenderView) {
- ASSERT(m_view.m_layoutState == &m_rootLayoutState);
- m_view.m_layoutState = 0;
- } else {
- m_view.popLayoutState();
- }
- }
- RenderView& m_view;
- LayoutState m_rootLayoutState;
- bool m_isRenderView;
-// Stack-based class to assist with LayoutState push/pop
-class LayoutStateMaintainer {
- WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(LayoutStateMaintainer);
- // ctor to push now
- explicit LayoutStateMaintainer(RenderBox& root, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
- : m_view(*root.view())
- , m_disabled(root.shouldDisableLayoutState())
- , m_didStart(false)
- , m_didEnd(false)
- , m_didCreateLayoutState(false)
- {
- push(root, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
- }
- // ctor to maybe push later
- explicit LayoutStateMaintainer(RenderBox& root)
- : m_view(*root.view())
- , m_disabled(false)
- , m_didStart(false)
- , m_didEnd(false)
- , m_didCreateLayoutState(false)
- {
- }
- ~LayoutStateMaintainer()
- {
- if (m_didStart)
- pop();
- ASSERT(m_didStart == m_didEnd); // if this fires, it means that someone did a push(), but forgot to pop().
- }
- void push(RenderBox& root, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
- {
- ASSERT(!m_didStart);
- // We push state even if disabled, because we still need to store layoutDelta
- m_didCreateLayoutState = m_view.pushLayoutState(root, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
- if (m_disabled && m_didCreateLayoutState)
- m_view.disableLayoutState();
- m_didStart = true;
- }
- bool didPush() const { return m_didStart; }
- void pop()
- {
- ASSERT(m_didStart && !m_didEnd);
- if (m_didCreateLayoutState) {
- m_view.popLayoutState();
- if (m_disabled)
- m_view.enableLayoutState();
- }
- m_didEnd = true;
- }
- RenderView& m_view;
- bool m_disabled : 1; // true if the offset and clip part of layoutState is disabled
- bool m_didStart : 1; // true if we did a push or disable
- bool m_didEnd : 1; // true if we popped or re-enabled
- bool m_didCreateLayoutState : 1; // true if we actually made a layout state.
+// Suspends the LayoutState cached offset and clipRect optimization. Used under transforms
+// that cannot be represented by LayoutState (common in SVG) and when manipulating the render
+// tree during layout in ways that can trigger repaint of a non-child (e.g. when a list item
+// moves its list marker around). Note that even when disabled, LayoutState is still used to
+// store layoutDelta.
class ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping {
ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping(const RenderObject& root)
: m_view(*root.view())
+ , m_didDisable(m_view.layoutState() && m_view.layoutState()->cachedOffsetsEnabled())
- m_view.disableLayoutState();
+ if (m_view.layoutState())
+ m_view.layoutState()->m_cachedOffsetsEnabled = false;
+ m_layoutState = m_view.layoutState();
- m_view.enableLayoutState();
+ ASSERT(m_view.layoutState() == m_layoutState);
+ if (m_didDisable)
+ m_view.layoutState()->m_cachedOffsetsEnabled = true;
RenderView& m_view;
+ bool m_didDisable;
+ LayoutState* m_layoutState;
} // namespace WebCore

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