| (Empty) |
1 This test makes sure that navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler throws the proper
exceptions and has no-op default implementation. | |
2 | |
3 PASS window.navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler is defined. | |
4 PASS Invalid protocol "http" threw SecurityError exception: "Failed to execute '
unregisterProtocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The scheme 'http' doesn't belong to t
he protocol whitelist. Please prefix non-whitelisted schemes with the string 'we
b+'.". | |
5 PASS Invalid protocol "https" threw SecurityError exception: "Failed to execute
'unregisterProtocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The scheme 'https' doesn't belong to
the protocol whitelist. Please prefix non-whitelisted schemes with the string '
web+'.". | |
6 PASS Invalid protocol "file" threw SecurityError exception: "Failed to execute '
unregisterProtocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The scheme 'file' doesn't belong to t
he protocol whitelist. Please prefix non-whitelisted schemes with the string 'we
b+'.". | |
7 PASS Invalid protocol "web+" threw SecurityError exception: "Failed to execute '
unregisterProtocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The scheme 'web+' is less than five c
haracters long.". | |
8 PASS Valid protocol "bitcoin" allowed. | |
9 PASS Valid protocol "BitcoIn" allowed. | |
10 PASS Valid protocol "geo" allowed. | |
11 PASS Valid protocol "im" allowed. | |
12 PASS Valid protocol "irc" allowed. | |
13 PASS Valid protocol "Irc" allowed. | |
14 PASS Valid protocol "ircs" allowed. | |
15 PASS Valid protocol "magnet" allowed. | |
16 PASS Valid protocol "MagneT" allowed. | |
17 PASS Valid protocol "mailto" allowed. | |
18 PASS Valid protocol "mms" allowed. | |
19 PASS Valid protocol "news" allowed. | |
20 PASS Valid protocol "nntp" allowed. | |
21 PASS Valid protocol "sip" allowed. | |
22 PASS Valid protocol "sms" allowed. | |
23 PASS Valid protocol "smsto" allowed. | |
24 PASS Valid protocol "SmsTo" allowed. | |
25 PASS Valid protocol "ssh" allowed. | |
26 PASS Valid protocol "tel" allowed. | |
27 PASS Valid protocol "urn" allowed. | |
28 PASS Valid protocol "webcal" allowed. | |
29 PASS Valid protocol "WebCAL" allowed. | |
30 PASS Valid protocol "wtai" allowed. | |
31 PASS Valid protocol "WTAI" allowed. | |
32 PASS Valid protocol "xmpp" allowed. | |
33 PASS Invalid scheme "mailto:" falied. | |
34 PASS Invalid scheme "ssh:/" falied. | |
35 PASS Invalid scheme "magnet:+" falied. | |
36 PASS Invalid scheme "tel:sip" falied. | |
37 PASS Invalid url "" threw SyntaxError exception.Failed to execute 'unregisterPro
tocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The url provided ('') does not contain '%s'.". | |
38 PASS Invalid url "%S" threw SyntaxError exception.Failed to execute 'unregisterP
rotocolHandler' on 'Navigator': The url provided ('%S') does not contain '%s'.". | |
39 PASS Valid call succeeded. | |
40 | |
41 Check if unregisterProtocolHandler can unregister protocol correctly. If isProto
colHandlerRegistered() returns 'new' state, unregisterProtoclHandler() works wel
l. | |
42 'bitcoin' protocol will be registered and unregistered for testing. | |
43 | |
44 PASS window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered returns 'registered' state. 'b
itcoin' is registered successfully. | |
45 PASS window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered returns 'new' state. 'bitcoin'
is unregistered successfully. | |
46 | |
47 | |
48 PASS successfullyParsed is true | |
49 | |
51 | |