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Unified Diff: Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/watchlist

Issue 31223002: Remove the old WebKit watchlist (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 2 months ago
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Index: Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/watchlist
diff --git a/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/watchlist b/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/watchlist
deleted file mode 100644
index e61f122d0ba9ee297fd5e71fb265dd2abef5acce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/watchlist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# When editing this file, please run the following command to make sure you
-# haven't introduced any syntax errors:
-# ./Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style
-# If you want to test your regular expressions, you can edit various files and
-# then try following command:
-# ./Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch apply-watchlist-local
- "ChromiumGraphics": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/",
- },
- "ChromiumPublicApi": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit/chromium/public/"
- r"|Source/Platform/chromium/public/"
- r"|Tools/DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestRunner/public",
- },
- "ChromiumTestRunner": {
- "filename": r"Tools/DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestRunner",
- },
- "AppleMacPublicApi": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/bindings/objc/PublicDOMInterfaces.h"
- },
- "Forms": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/html/HTML(DataList|FieldSet|Input|Keygen|Label|Legend|OptGroup|Option|Output|Select|TextArea)Element\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/html/.*Form[A-Z].*\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/html/\w*InputType\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/html/shadow/(SliderThumbElement|TextControlInnerElements)\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/Render(FileUploadControl|ListBox|MenuList|Slider|TextControl.*)\."
- },
- "Geolocation": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/geolocation/"
- r"|Source/WebCore/page/GeolocationClient.h"
- r"|Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSGeolocationCustom.cpp"
- r"|Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8GeolocationCustom.cpp"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/mock/GeolocationClientMock.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/Geolocation/",
- },
- "GStreamerGraphics": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gstreamer/",
- },
- "GStreamerAudio": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/audio/gstreamer/",
- },
- "WebIDL": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/(?!inspector)(?!testing).*\.idl"
- },
- "ThreadingFiles": {
- "filename": r"Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/ThreadSpecific\."
- r"|Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/ThreadSafeRefCounted\."
- r"|Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/ThreadingPrimitives\."
- r"|Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/Threading\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/CrossThreadTask\."
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/CrossThreadCopier\.",
- },
- "ThreadingUsage": {
- # The intention of this regex is to detect places where people are using common threading mechanisms,
- # so that one can look them over for common mistakes. This list is long and likely to get longer over time.
- # Note the negative look-ahead to avoid new mentions of the files (for builds or includes).
- "more": r"(AllowCrossThreadAccess|AtomicallyInitialize|CrossThreadCopier|CrossThreadRefCounted|Mutex|ReadWriteLock|ThreadCondition|ThreadSafeRefCounted|ThreadSpecific"
- r"|createCallbackTask|crossThreadString|deprecatedTurnOffVerifier|threadsafeCopy)(?!\.(h|cpp))",
- },
- "WatchListScript": {
- "filename": r"Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/watchlist/",
- },
- "webkitpy": {
- "filename": r"Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/",
- },
- "webkitperl": {
- "filename": r"Tools/Scripts/webkitperl/"
- r"|Tools/Scripts/"
- r"|Tools/Scripts/"
- r"|Tools/Scripts/test-webkitperl",
- },
- "SVNScripts": {
- "filename": r"Tools/Scripts/svn-.*",
- },
- "TestFailures": {
- "filename": r"Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/",
- },
- "SecurityCritical": {
- "more": r"[Ss]ecurityOrigin(?!\.(h|cpp))",
- "less": r"[Ss]ecurityOrigin(?!\.(h|cpp))",
- "filename": r"XSS|[Ss]ecurity",
- },
- "XSS": {
- "filename": r".*XSS",
- },
- "SkiaGraphics": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/filters/",
- },
- "V8Bindings": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/",
- },
- "BindingsScripts": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/bindings/scripts/",
- },
- "FrameLoader": {
- "more": r"FrameLoader\.(cpp|h)",
- },
- "Loader": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/loader/",
- },
- "Rendering": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/rendering/",
- },
- "RenderLayers": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer*",
- },
- "GraphicsLayer": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer*",
- },
- "CoreAnimation": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/",
- },
- "Animation": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/page/animation/",
- },
- "StyleChecker": {
- "filename": r"Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/",
- },
- "GtkWebKit2PublicAPI": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/gtk/",
- },
- "QtBuildSystem": {
- # Project files for each target are intentionally left out, as those
- # mostly list source and header files, which would just add noise.
- "filename": r"Tools/qmake/"
- r"|",
- },
- "QtWebKit2PublicAPI": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/cpp/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/qt/",
- },
- "QtGraphics": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/"
- },
- "CoordinatedGraphics": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/CoordinatedGraphics/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/CoordinatedGraphics/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/surfaces/",
- },
- "TextureMapper": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/",
- },
- "OpenGL": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/opengl/",
- },
- "QtWebKit2PlatformSpecific": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/.*\.(pri|pro)"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Platform/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/PluginProcess/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Platform/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Shared/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/InjectedBundle/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/FullScreen/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/Plugins/Netscape/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/Downloads/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/Cookies/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/Plugins/qt/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/Launcher/qt/",
- },
- "CSS": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/css/",
- },
- "DOM": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/dom/",
- },
- "HTML": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/html/",
- },
- "DOMAttributes": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/dom/.*Attr.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/NamedNodeMap\.(cpp|h|idl)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/Element\.(cpp|h|idl)",
- },
- "EFL": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/efl/"
- r"|Source/WTF/wtf/efl/"
- r"|Tools/EWebLauncher"
- r"|Tools/DumpRenderTree/efl/"
- r"|LayoutTests/platform/efl/",
- },
- "EFLWebKit2PublicAPI": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/efl/",
- },
- "EFLWebKit2PlatformSpecific": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit2/.*\.(cmake|txt)"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Platform/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/Shared/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/InjectedBundle/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebPage/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/Downloads/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/efl/"
- r"|Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/Launcher/efl/",
- },
- "CMake": {
- "filename": r".*CMakeLists\w*\.txt"
- r"|.*\w+\.cmake"
- r"|Source/cmake/",
- },
- "Selectors": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/css/CSSSelector*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/css/SelectorChecker.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/css/StyleResolver.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/SelectorQuery.*",
- },
- "SoupNetwork": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/network/soup/",
- },
- "ScrollingCoordinator": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/page/scrolling/",
- },
- "WebKitGTKTranslations": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit/gtk/po/",
- },
- "Media": {
- "filename": r"(Source|LayoutTests)/.*([Mm]edia|[Aa]udio|[Vv]ideo)",
- },
- "MathML": {
- "filename": r"(Source|LayoutTests|Websites)/.*mathml",
- },
- "Editing": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/editing/",
- },
- "BlackBerry": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebKit/blackberry/"
- r"|Source/WebCore/page/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/history/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/plugins/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/editing/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/Resources/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/image-decoders/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/text/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/network/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/blackberry"
- r"|Source/WTF/wtf/blackberry"
- r"|ManualTests/blackberry"
- r"|Tools/DumpRenderTree/blackberry"
- r"|LayoutTests/platform/blackberry",
- },
- "NetworkInfo": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/networkinfo",
- },
- "Battery": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/battery",
- },
- "WTF": {
- "filename": r"Source/WTF/wtf",
- },
- "WebGL": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/html/canvas/.*WebGL.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/bindings/js/.*WebGL.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/opengl"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ANGLE.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/.*GraphicsContext3D.*"
- r"|Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE",
- },
- "Filters": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/filters"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/.*Filter.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/style/.*Filter.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/svg/.*Filter.*"
- r"|Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/filters"
- r"|Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/.*Filter.*",
- },
- "TouchAdjustment": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/page/TouchAdjustment.*"
- r"|LayoutTests/touchadjustment"
- r"|Source/WebKit/blackberry/WebKitSupport/FatFingers.*",
- },
- "SVG": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/svg"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/svg",
- },
- "WebInspectorAPI": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js"
- r"|Source/WebCore/inspector/.+\.json"
- r"|Source/WebCore/inspector/.+\.idl"
- r"|Source/WebCore/page/Console.idl",
- },
- "WebSocket": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/websockets"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/network/(|.+/)SocketStream.*",
- },
- "MediaStream": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/mediastream"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/mediastream"
- r"|LayoutTests/fast/mediastream",
- },
- "Accessibility": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/accessibility"
- r"|LayoutTests/.*accessibility",
- },
- "Cairo": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo",
- },
- "Harfbuzz": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/harfbuzz",
- },
- "PerformanceTests": {
- "filename": r"PerformanceTests"
- r"|Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/performance_tests",
- },
- "GtkBuildSystem": {
- "filename": r""
- r"|.*GNUmakefile.(am|",
- },
- "ConsoleUsage": {
- "more": r"[Aa]ddConsoleMessage|reportException|logExceptionToConsole|addMessage|printErrorMessage"
- },
- "ContentSecurityPolicyUsage": {
- "more": r"[Cc]ontentSecurityPolicy(?!\.(h|cpp))",
- },
- "ContentSecurityPolicyFiles": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/page/(Content|DOM)SecurityPolicy\."
- r"|LayoutTests/http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy"
- },
- "RegionsDevelopment": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderRegion\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderFlowThread\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/FlowThreadController\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderRegionSet\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderNamedFlowThread\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderBoxRegionInfo\.h"
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/WebKitNamedFlow\.(h|cpp|idl)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/dom/(DOM)?NamedFlowCollection\.(h|cpp|idl)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/css/WebKitCSSRegionRule\.(h|cpp|idl)"
- r"|LayoutTests/fast/regions",
- },
- "RegionsExpectationsMore": {
- "filename": r"LayoutTests/platform/.*TestExpectations",
- "more": r"fast/regions/.*\.html",
- },
- "RegionsExpectationsLess": {
- "filename": r"LayoutTests/platform/.*TestExpectations",
- "less": r"fast/regions/.*\.html",
- },
- "RegionsUsage": {
- "more": r"(RenderRegion|RenderFlowThread|RenderNamedFlowThread)(?!\.(h|cpp))",
- },
- "IndexedDB": {
- "filename": r"Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb"
- r"|Source/WebCore/bindings/.*IDB.*\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/bindings/.*SerializedScriptValue.*\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebKit/chromium/.*IDB.*\.(h|cpp)"
- r"|Source/WebCore/platform/leveldb"
- r"|LayoutTests/storage/indexeddb"
- r"|LayoutTests/platform/.*/storage/indexeddb",
- },
- },
- "CC_RULES": {
- # Note: All email addresses listed must be registered with bugzilla.
- # Specifically, and are
- # two different accounts as far as bugzilla is concerned.
- "Accessibility": [ "", "", "", "", "" ],
- "Animation" : [ "", "", "" ],
- "AppleMacPublicApi": [ "" ],
- "Battery": [ "" ],
- "BlackBerry": [ "", "", "" ],
- "Cairo": [ "" ],
- "CMake": [ "", "" ],
- "CoordinatedGraphics" : [ "", "", "", "" ],
- "ConsoleUsage" : [ "" ],
- "ContentSecurityPolicyFiles|ContentSecurityPolicyUsage" : [ "" ],
- "CoreAnimation" : [ "" ],
- "CSS": [ "", "", "", ""],
- "ChromiumGraphics": [ "", "" ],
- "ChromiumPublicApi": [ "", "", "", "", "" ],
- "ChromiumTestRunner": [ "" ],
- "DOM": [ "", "" ],
- "DOMAttributes": [ "", ],
- "EFL": [ "", "" ],
- "EFLWebKit2PlatformSpecific": [ "", "" ],
- "EFLWebKit2PublicAPI": [ "", "" ],
- "Editing": [ "" ],
- "Filters": [ "" ],
- "Forms": [ "", "" ],
- "FrameLoader": [ "", "" ],
- "Geolocation": [ "" ],
- "GraphicsLayer": [ "" ],
- "GStreamerGraphics": [ "", "", "", "" ],
- "GStreamerAudio": [ "" ],
- "GtkBuildSystem": [ "" ],
- "GtkWebKit2PublicAPI": [ "", "", "" ],
- "Harfbuzz": [ "" ],
- "HTML": [ "", "" ],
- "IndexedDB": [ "", "", "" ],
- "Loader": [ "" ],
- "MathML": [ "" ],
- "Media": [ "", "", "" ],
- "MediaStream": [ "", "" ],
- "NetworkInfo": [ "" ],
- "OpenGL" : [ "", "" ],
- "PerformanceTests": [ "" ],
- "QtBuildSystem" : [ "", "" ],
- "QtGraphics" : [ "" ],
- "QtWebKit2PlatformSpecific": [ "", "", "" ],
- "QtWebKit2PublicAPI": [ "", "", "" ],
- "RegionsDevelopment|RegionsExpectationsMore|RegionsExpectationsLess|RegionsUsage": [ "" ],
- "Rendering": [ "", "", "" ],
- "RenderLayers" : [ "" ],
- "SVG": ["", "", "", "" ],
- "SVNScripts": [ "" ],
- "ScrollingCoordinator": [ "", "", "", "", "" ],
- "SecurityCritical": [ "" ],
- "SkiaGraphics": [ "", "" ],
- "Selectors": [ "" ],
- "SoupNetwork": [ "", "", "", "" ],
- "StyleChecker": [ "", ],
- "TestFailures": [ "", "", "" ],
- "TextureMapper" : [ "", "", "" ],
- "ThreadingFiles|ThreadingUsage": [ "", ],
- "TouchAdjustment" : [ "" ],
- "V8Bindings|BindingsScripts": [ "", "", "" ],
- "WTF": [ "", "", "" ],
- "WatchListScript": [ "", ],
- "WebGL": [ "" ],
- "WebIDL": [ "", "", "" ],
- "WebInspectorAPI": [ "", "", "" ],
- "WebKitGTKTranslations": [ "", "" ],
- "WebSocket": [ "", "" ],
- "XSS": [ "", "" ],
- "webkitperl": [ "" ],
- "webkitpy": [ "", "", "" ],
- },
- "ChromiumPublicApi": [ "Please wait for approval from,, "
- ", or before "
- "submitting, as this patch contains changes to the Chromium public API. "
- "See also" ],
- "AppleMacPublicApi": [ "Please wait for approval from (or another member "
- "of the Apple Safari Team) before submitting "
- "because this patch contains changes to the Apple Mac "
- "WebKit.framework public API.", ],
- "GtkWebKit2PublicAPI": [ "Thanks for the patch. If this patch contains new public API "
- "please make sure it follows the guidelines for new WebKit2 GTK+ API. "
- "See", ],
- },
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