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Unified Diff: ui/aura/

Issue 305293002: Add GN build file for ui/aura target. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: rebase Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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Index: ui/aura/
diff --git a/ui/aura/ b/ui/aura/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d78eee4376f20bbef75b947fe1cf9659b12e817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/aura/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import ("//build/config/ui.gni")
+component("aura") {
+ sources = [
+ "client/",
+ "client/aura_constants.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/capture_client.h",
+ "client/capture_delegate.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/cursor_client.h",
+ "client/cursor_client_observer.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/",
+ "client/default_capture_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/event_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/focus_change_observer.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/focus_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/screen_position_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/visibility_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/window_stacking_client.h",
+ "client/",
+ "client/window_tree_client.h",
+ "",
+ "env.h",
+ "env_observer.h",
+ "",
+ "input_state_lookup.h",
+ "",
+ "input_state_lookup_win.h",
+ "",
+ "layout_manager.h",
+ "",
+ "remote_window_tree_host_win.h",
+ "",
+ "scoped_window_targeter.h",
+ "",
+ "window.h",
+ "",
+ "window_event_dispatcher.h",
+ "window_delegate.h",
+ "window_layer_type.h",
+ "window_observer.h",
+ "",
+ "window_targeter.h",
+ "",
+ "window_tracker.h",
+ "",
+ "window_tree_host.h",
+ "",
+ "window_tree_host_mac.h",
+ "window_tree_host_observer.h",
+ "",
+ "window_tree_host_win.h",
+ "",
+ "window_tree_host_x11.h",
+ "../wm/public/activation_change_observer.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/activation_client.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/activation_delegate.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/animation_host.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/dispatcher_client.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/drag_drop_client.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/drag_drop_delegate.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/scoped_tooltip_disabler.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/tooltip_client.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/transient_window_client.h",
+ "../wm/public/",
+ "../wm/public/window_move_client.h",
+ ]
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
+ "//skia",
+ "//ui/base",
+ "//ui/compositor",
+ "//ui/events",
+ "//ui/events/platform",
+ "//ui/gfx",
+ "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+ ]
+ if (use_x11) {
+ configs += [
+ "//build/config/linux:x11",
+ "//build/config/linux:xrandr",
+ ]
+ deps += [
+ "//ui/events/platform/x11",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//ui/metro_viewer",
+ "//ipc",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (use_ozone) {
+ sources += [
+ "",
+ "window_tree_host_ozone.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//ui/events/ozone",
+ "//ui/ozone",
+ ]
+ }
+source_set("aura_test_support") {
+ sources = [
+ "test/",
+ "test/aura_test_base.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/aura_test_helper.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/aura_test_utils.h",
+ "test/env_test_helper.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/event_generator.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_cursor_client.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_focus_client.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_screen.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_window_tree_client.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_windows.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_window_delegate.h",
+ "test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/window_test_api.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":aura",
+ "//skia",
+ "//testing/gtest",
+ "//ui/base",
+ "//ui/base:ui_base_test_support",
+ "//ui/compositor:test_support",
+ "//ui/events",
+ "//ui/events:events_base",
+ "//ui/events:events_test_support",
+ "//ui/gfx",
+ "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+ ]
+ if (is_win) {
+ cflags += [
+ "/wd4267", # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
+ ]
+ }
+ if (use_aura) {
+ if (is_win) {
+ sources += [
+ "test/",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (use_x11) {
+ sources += [
+ "test/",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+#TODO(GYP): Enable this when everything it depends links.
+#executable("aura_demo") {
+# sources = [
+# "demo/",
+# ]
+# deps = [
+# ":aura",
+# ":aura_test_support",
+# "//base",
+# "//base:i18n",
+# "//skia",
+# "//third_party/icu",
+# "//ui/base",
+# "//ui/compositor",
+# "//ui/compositor:test_support",
+# "//ui/events",
+# "//ui/gfx",
+# "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+# ]
+# if (use_x11) {
+# deps += [
+# "//ui/gfx/x",
+# ]
+# }
+#TODO(GYP): Enable this when everything it depends links.
+#executable("aura_bench") {
+# sources = [
+# "bench/",
+# ]
+# deps = [
+# ":aura",
+# ":aura_test_support",
+# "//base",
+# "//base:i18n",
+# "//cc",
+# "//skia",
+# "//third_party/icu",
+# "//ui/base",
+# "//ui/compositor",
+# "//ui/compositor:test_support",
+# "//ui/events",
+# "//ui/gfx",
+# "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+# ]
+# if (use_x11) {
+# deps += [
+# "//ui/gfx/x",
+# ]
+# }
+#TODO(GYP): Enable this when everything it depends links.
+#test("aura_unittests") {
+# sources = [
+# "gestures/",
+# "test/",
+# "",
+# "",
+# "",
+# ]
+# deps = [
+# ":aura",
+# ":aura_test_support",
+# "//base/test:test_support",
+# "//skia",
+# "//testing/gtest",
+# "//ui/base",
+# "//ui/base:ui_base_test_support",
+# "//ui/compositor",
+# "//ui/compositor:test_support",
+# "//ui/events",
+# "//ui/events:events_base",
+# "//ui/events:gesture_detection",
+# "//ui/gfx",
+# "//ui/gfx/geometry",
+# "//ui/gl",
+# ]
+# if (is_linux) {
+# deps += [
+# #"<(DEPTH)/third_party/mesa/mesa.gyp:osmesa",
+# ]
+# }
+# if (is_linux) { # && use_allocator != "none") {
+# deps += [
+# # See for why this is needed.
+# "//base/allocator",
+# ]
+# }
« no previous file with comments | « build/config/linux/ ('k') | ui/events/platform/ » ('j') | ui/gfx/x/ » ('J')

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