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Side by Side Diff: chrome/test/mini_installer_test/

Issue 301223007: Delete old mini_installer_test. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 6 months ago
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1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/test/mini_installer_test/installer_test_util.h"
7 #include "base/file_util.h"
8 #include "base/path_service.h"
9 #include "base/process/kill.h"
10 #include "base/process/launch.h"
11 #include "base/process/process.h"
12 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
13 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
14 #include "chrome/common/chrome_result_codes.h"
15 #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h"
16 #include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
17 #include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
18 #include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
19 #include "chrome/test/mini_installer_test/mini_installer_test_constants.h"
20 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
22 using installer::InstallationValidator;
24 namespace {
26 BrowserDistribution::Type ToBrowserDistributionType(
27 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type) {
28 const int kChromeMask =
29 (InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_SINGLE |
30 InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_MULTI);
31 const int kChromeFrameMask =
32 (InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_FRAME_SINGLE |
33 InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_FRAME_MULTI);
34 const int kBinariesMask =
35 (InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_MULTI |
36 InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_FRAME_MULTI);
37 // Default return is CHROME_BINARIES.
38 BrowserDistribution::Type ret_value = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES;
39 if (type & kChromeMask)
40 ret_value = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER;
41 if (type & kChromeFrameMask)
42 ret_value = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME;
43 if (type & kBinariesMask)
44 ret_value = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES;
45 return ret_value;
46 }
48 } // namespace
50 namespace installer_test {
52 bool DeleteInstallDirectory(bool system_level,
53 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type) {
54 std::string version = GetVersion(type);
55 if (version.empty())
56 return false;
57 base::FilePath path;
58 bool has_install_dir = GetInstallDirectory(system_level,
59 ToBrowserDistributionType(type),
60 &path);
61 if (!has_install_dir || !base::PathExists(path))
62 return false;
63 path = path.AppendASCII(version);
64 return base::DeleteFile(path, true);
65 }
67 bool DeleteRegistryKey(bool system_level,
68 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type,
69 REGSAM wow64_access) {
70 BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(
71 ToBrowserDistributionType(type));
72 base::FilePath::StringType key(google_update::kRegPathClients);
73 key.push_back(base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]);
74 key.append(dist->GetAppGuid());
76 return InstallUtil::DeleteRegistryKey(root, key, wow64_access);
77 }
79 bool GetChromeInstallDirectory(bool system_level, base::FilePath* path) {
80 return GetInstallDirectory(system_level,
81 BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER, path);
82 }
84 bool GetInstallDirectory(bool system_level,
85 BrowserDistribution::Type type, base::FilePath* path) {
86 BrowserDistribution* dist =
87 BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(type);
88 *path = installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_level, dist);
89 base::FilePath parent;
90 if (system_level)
91 PathService::Get(base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES, &parent);
92 else
93 PathService::Get(base::DIR_LOCAL_APP_DATA, &parent);
94 return parent.IsParent(*path);
95 }
97 bool GetInstalledProducts(
98 std::vector<installer_test::InstalledProduct>* products) {
99 // Clear out the products list.
100 products->clear();
101 // Check user-level and system-level for products.
102 BrowserDistribution* current_dist;
103 installer_test::InstalledProduct current_prod;
104 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
105 const bool system_level = (i != 0);
106 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type =
107 InstallationValidator::NO_PRODUCTS;
108 bool is_valid =
109 InstallationValidator::ValidateInstallationType(system_level, &type);
110 if (type != InstallationValidator::NO_PRODUCTS) {
111 current_dist = BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(
112 ToBrowserDistributionType(type));
113 Version version;
114 InstallUtil::GetChromeVersion(current_dist, system_level, &version);
115 if (version.IsValid()) {
116 current_prod.type = type;
117 current_prod.version = version.GetString();
118 current_prod.system = system_level;
119 products->push_back(current_prod);
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 return !products->empty();
124 }
126 bool ValidateInstall(bool system_level,
127 InstallationValidator::InstallationType expected,
128 const std::string& version) {
129 if (GetVersion(expected) != version)
130 return false;
131 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type;
132 InstallationValidator::ValidateInstallationType(system_level, &type);
133 if (type == InstallationValidator::NO_PRODUCTS) {
134 LOG(ERROR) << "No installed Chrome or Chrome Frame versions found.";
135 return false;
136 }
137 if ((type & expected) == 0) {
138 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected type: " << expected << "\n Actual type: " << type;
139 return false;
140 }
141 return true;
142 }
144 std::string GetVersion(InstallationValidator::InstallationType product) {
145 std::vector<installer_test::InstalledProduct> installed;
146 if (GetInstalledProducts(&installed)) {
147 for (size_t i = 0; i < installed.size(); ++i) {
148 if ((installed[i].type & product) != 0) {
149 return installed[i].version;
150 }
151 }
152 }
153 return "";
154 }
156 bool Install(const base::FilePath& installer) {
157 if (!base::PathExists(installer)) {
158 LOG(ERROR) << "Installer does not exist: " << installer.MaybeAsASCII();
159 return false;
160 }
161 CommandLine command(installer);
162 LOG(INFO) << "Running installer command: "
163 << command.GetCommandLineString();
164 return installer_test::RunAndWaitForCommandToFinish(command);
165 }
167 bool Install(const base::FilePath& installer, const SwitchBuilder& switches) {
168 if (!base::PathExists(installer)) {
169 LOG(ERROR) << "Installer does not exist: " << installer.MaybeAsASCII();
170 return false;
171 }
172 CommandLine command(installer);
173 command.AppendArguments(switches.GetSwitches(), false);
174 LOG(INFO) << "Running installer command: "
175 << command.GetCommandLineString();
176 return installer_test::RunAndWaitForCommandToFinish(command);
177 }
179 bool LaunchChrome(bool close_after_launch, bool system_level) {
180 base::CleanupProcesses(installer::kChromeExe, base::TimeDelta(),
181 content::RESULT_CODE_HUNG, NULL);
182 base::FilePath install_path;
183 if (!GetChromeInstallDirectory(
184 system_level, &install_path)) {
185 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find Chrome install directory";
186 return false;
187 }
188 install_path = install_path.Append(installer::kChromeExe);
189 CommandLine browser(install_path);
191 base::FilePath exe = browser.GetProgram();
192 LOG(INFO) << "Browser launch command: " << browser.GetCommandLineString();
193 base::ProcessHandle chrome;
194 if (!base::LaunchProcess(browser, base::LaunchOptions(), &chrome)) {
195 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not launch process: " << exe.value();
196 return false;
197 }
198 if (close_after_launch) {
199 if (base::KillProcess(chrome, 0, true)) {
200 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close chrome.exe after launch.";
201 return false;
202 }
203 }
204 return true;
205 }
207 bool LaunchIE(const std::string& url) {
208 base::FilePath browser_path;
209 PathService::Get(base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES, &browser_path);
210 browser_path = browser_path.Append(mini_installer_constants::kIELocation);
211 browser_path = browser_path.Append(mini_installer_constants::kIEProcessName);
213 CommandLine cmd_line(browser_path);
214 cmd_line.AppendArg(url);
215 return base::LaunchProcess(cmd_line, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL);
216 }
218 bool UninstallAll() {
219 base::CleanupProcesses(installer::kChromeExe, base::TimeDelta(),
220 content::RESULT_CODE_HUNG, NULL);
221 base::CleanupProcesses(installer::kChromeFrameHelperExe, base::TimeDelta(),
222 content::RESULT_CODE_HUNG, NULL);
223 std::vector<installer_test::InstalledProduct> installed;
224 if (!GetInstalledProducts(&installed)) {
225 LOG(WARNING) << "No installed products to uninstall.";
226 return false;
227 }
228 bool ret_val = false;
229 for (size_t i = 0; i < installed.size(); ++i) {
230 if (!Uninstall(installed[i].system, installed[i].type))
231 ret_val = false;
232 }
233 return ret_val;
234 }
236 bool Uninstall(bool system_level,
237 InstallationValidator::InstallationType type) {
238 std::vector<BrowserDistribution::Type> products;
239 if (ToBrowserDistributionType(type) !=
240 BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES) {
241 products.push_back(ToBrowserDistributionType(type));
242 } else {
243 products.push_back(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER);
244 products.push_back(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME);
245 }
246 bool ret_val = false;
247 for (size_t i = 0; i < products.size(); ++i) {
248 if (!Uninstall(system_level, products[i]))
249 ret_val = false;
250 }
251 return ret_val;
252 }
254 bool Uninstall(bool system_level,
255 BrowserDistribution::Type product) {
256 static const int kMultiMask =
257 (InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_MULTI |
258 InstallationValidator::ProductBits::CHROME_FRAME_MULTI);
259 CommandLine uninstall_cmd(InstallUtil::GetChromeUninstallCmd(system_level,
260 product));
261 CommandLine::StringType archive =
262 uninstall_cmd.GetProgram().DirName().AppendASCII("chrome.7z").value();
263 uninstall_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kUninstall);
264 uninstall_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kForceUninstall);
265 uninstall_cmd.AppendSwitchNative(
266 installer::switches::kInstallArchive, archive);
267 if (system_level)
268 uninstall_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevel);
269 if ((product & kMultiMask) !=0)
270 uninstall_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kMultiInstall);
271 LOG(INFO) << "Uninstall command: " << uninstall_cmd.GetCommandLineString();
272 bool ret_val = RunAndWaitForCommandToFinish(uninstall_cmd);
273 // Close IE notification when uninstalling Chrome Frame.
274 base::CleanupProcesses(mini_installer_constants::kIEProcessName,
275 base::TimeDelta(),
276 content::RESULT_CODE_HUNG, NULL);
277 return ret_val;
278 }
281 bool RunAndWaitForCommandToFinish(CommandLine command) {
282 if (!base::PathExists(command.GetProgram())) {
283 LOG(ERROR) << "Command executable does not exist: "
284 << command.GetProgram().MaybeAsASCII();
285 return false;
286 }
287 base::ProcessHandle process;
288 if (!base::LaunchProcess(command, base::LaunchOptions(), &process)) {
289 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to launch command: "
290 << command.GetCommandLineString();
291 return false;
292 }
293 if (!base::WaitForSingleProcess(process, base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1))) {
294 LOG(ERROR) << "Launched process did not complete.";
295 return false;
296 }
297 return true;
298 }
300 } // namespace installer_test

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