| (Empty) |
1 # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file | |
2 # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a | |
3 # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. | |
4 | |
5 [ $strong ] | |
6 *: SkipByDesign # tests/corelib_strong has the strong mode versions of these tes
ts. | |
7 | |
8 [ $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler || $compiler == app_jit ] | |
9 string_case_test/01: Fail # Bug 18061 | |
10 | |
11 [ $compiler == dart2js && ! $dart2js_with_kernel ] | |
12 | |
13 [ $runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim ] | |
14 string_trimlr_test/02: RuntimeError # Uses Unicode 6.2.0 or earlier. | |
15 | |
16 [ $compiler == dart2js && ! $dart2js_with_kernel ] | |
17 error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12399 | |
18 | |
19 big_integer_*: Skip # VM specific test. | |
20 compare_to2_test: RuntimeError, OK # Requires bigint support. | |
21 regress_r21715_test: RuntimeError # Requires bigint support. | |
22 | |
23 [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == none ] | |
24 *: Fail, Pass # TODO(ahe): Triage these tests. | |
25 | |
26 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer ] | |
27 error_stack_trace_test: StaticWarning, OK # Test generates errors on purpose. | |
28 string_test: StaticWarning, OK # Test generates error on purpose. | |
29 duration2_test: StaticWarning, OK # Test generates error on purpose. | |
30 | |
31 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $builder_tag == strong ] | |
32 *: Skip # Issue 28649 | |
33 | |
34 [ $runtime != d8 && $runtime != vm && $runtime != dart_precompiled ] | |
35 # The regexp tests are not verified to work on non d8/vm platforms yet. | |
36 regexp/*: Skip | |
37 | |
38 [ $runtime == vm || $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter] | |
39 regexp/capture-3: Pass, Slow, Timeout # Issues 21593 and 22008 | |
40 | |
41 [ $runtime != vm && $runtime != dart_precompiled && $compiler != dart2analyzer] | |
42 file_resource_test: Skip, OK # VM specific test, uses dart:io. | |
43 http_resource_test: Skip, OK # VM specific test, uses dart:io. | |
44 | |
45 [ $compiler == dart2js && ! $browser ] | |
46 | |
47 [ $mode == debug ] | |
48 | |
49 [ ($runtime == vm || $runtime == dart_precompiled) && $arch == simarmv5te ] | |
50 | |
51 [ $compiler == precompiler ] | |
52 | |
53 [ $compiler == precompiler || $compiler == app_jit ] | |
54 file_resource_test: Skip # Resolve URI not supported yet in product mode. | |
55 http_resource_test: Skip # Resolve URI not supported yet in product mode. | |
56 | |
57 [ ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkp) && ($runtime == vm || $runtime ==
dart_precompiled) ] | |
58 string_case_test/01: RuntimeError | |
59 string_from_environment3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError | |
60 string_from_environment3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError | |
61 string_from_environment3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError | |
62 string_from_environment3_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError | |
63 string_from_environment3_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError | |
64 | |
65 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ] | |
66 big_integer_parsed_div_rem_vm_test: RuntimeError | |
67 big_integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: RuntimeError | |
68 const_list_literal_test: Crash | |
69 const_list_remove_range_test: Crash | |
70 const_list_set_range_test: Crash | |
71 core_runtime_types_test: Crash | |
72 data_uri_test: Crash | |
73 date_time2_test: Crash | |
74 date_time3_test: Crash | |
75 date_time4_test: Crash | |
76 date_time7_test: Crash | |
77 date_time_parse_test: Crash | |
78 date_time_test: Crash | |
79 double_floor2_test: Crash | |
80 double_parse_test/01: Crash | |
81 double_parse_test/02: Crash | |
82 double_parse_test/03: Crash | |
83 double_parse_test/none: Crash | |
84 double_round2_test: Crash | |
85 double_truncate2_test: Crash | |
86 duration2_test: Crash | |
87 duration_big_num_test: Crash | |
88 duration_double_multiplication_test: Crash | |
89 duration_test: Crash | |
90 error_stack_trace1_test: Pass # Issue 27394 | |
91 error_stack_trace2_test: Crash | |
92 error_stack_trace_test: Crash | |
93 exception_implementation_test: Crash | |
94 expando_test: Crash | |
95 for_in_test: Crash | |
96 has_next_iterator_test: Crash | |
97 hash_map2_test: Crash | |
98 iterable_skip_while_test: Crash | |
99 iterable_take_test: Crash | |
100 iterable_take_while_test: Crash | |
101 iterable_test: Crash | |
102 iterable_to_list_test/01: Crash | |
103 iterable_to_list_test/none: Crash | |
104 iterable_to_set_test: Crash | |
105 iterable_tostring_test: Crash | |
106 json_map_test: Crash | |
107 linked_hash_map_from_iterable_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Cannot find value
local(Maps_mapToString_closure.call#first) in (local(Maps_mapToString_closure.c
all#k), local(Maps_mapToString_closure.call#v), local(Maps.mapToString#)) for j:
closure_call(Maps_mapToString_closure.call). | |
108 list_fill_range_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppl
iedMixin | |
109 list_get_range_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppli
edMixin | |
110 list_insert_all_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppl
iedMixin | |
111 regexp/parentheses_test: Crash | |
112 regress_11099_test: Crash | |
113 regress_r21715_test: RuntimeError | |
114 safe_to_string_test: Crash | |
115 set_containsAll_test: Crash | |
116 set_contains_test: Crash | |
117 set_intersection_test: Crash | |
118 set_iterator_test: Crash | |
119 set_removeAll_test: Crash | |
120 set_remove_test: Crash | |
121 set_retainAll_test: Crash | |
122 set_test: Crash | |
123 set_to_string_test: Crash | |
124 shuffle_test: Crash | |
125 sort_test: RuntimeError | |
126 splay_tree_from_iterable_test: Crash | |
127 splay_tree_from_iterables_test: Crash | |
128 splay_tree_test: Crash | |
129 stacktrace_current_test: Crash | |
130 stacktrace_fromstring_test: Crash | |
131 stopwatch2_test: Crash | |
132 string_base_vm_test: Crash | |
133 string_buffer_test: Crash | |
134 string_codeunits_test: Crash | |
135 string_from_environment3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError | |
136 string_from_environment3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError | |
137 string_from_environment3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError | |
138 string_from_environment3_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError | |
139 string_from_environment3_test/05: Crash | |
140 string_from_list_test: Crash | |
141 string_fromcharcode_test: Crash | |
142 string_fromcharcodes_test: Crash | |
143 string_operations_with_null_test: Crash | |
144 string_pattern_test: Crash | |
145 string_replace_all_test: Crash | |
146 string_replace_dollar_test: Crash | |
147 string_replace_test: Crash | |
148 string_runes_test: Crash | |
149 string_source_test: Crash | |
150 string_split_test: Crash | |
151 string_substring_test: Crash | |
152 string_test: Crash | |
153 string_to_lower_case_test: Crash | |
154 string_trimlr_test/01: Crash | |
155 string_trimlr_test/02: Crash | |
156 string_trimlr_test/none: Crash | |
157 symbol_operator_test/03: Crash | |
158 symbol_operator_test/none: Crash | |
159 symbol_reserved_word_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError | |
160 symbol_reserved_word_test/05: Crash | |
161 symbol_reserved_word_test/06: Crash | |
162 symbol_reserved_word_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError | |
163 symbol_reserved_word_test/09: Crash | |
164 symbol_reserved_word_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError | |
165 symbol_reserved_word_test/12: Crash | |
166 | |
167 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified ] | |
168 big_integer_parsed_div_rem_vm_test: RuntimeError | |
169 big_integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: RuntimeError | |
170 const_list_literal_test: Crash | |
171 const_list_remove_range_test: Crash | |
172 const_list_set_range_test: Crash | |
173 core_runtime_types_test: Crash | |
174 data_uri_test: Crash | |
175 date_time2_test: Crash | |
176 date_time3_test: Crash | |
177 date_time4_test: Crash | |
178 date_time7_test: Crash | |
179 date_time_parse_test: Crash | |
180 date_time_test: Crash | |
181 double_floor2_test: Crash | |
182 double_parse_test/01: Crash | |
183 double_parse_test/02: Crash | |
184 double_parse_test/03: Crash | |
185 double_parse_test/none: Crash | |
186 double_round2_test: Crash | |
187 double_round3_test: Crash | |
188 double_round4_test: Crash | |
189 double_round_test: Crash | |
190 double_round_to_double2_test: Crash | |
191 double_round_to_double3_test: Crash | |
192 double_round_to_double_test: Crash | |
193 double_truncate2_test: Crash | |
194 double_truncate_test: Crash | |
195 double_truncate_to_double_test: Crash | |
196 duration2_test: Crash | |
197 duration_big_num_test: Crash | |
198 duration_double_multiplication_test: Crash | |
199 duration_test: Crash | |
200 error_stack_trace1_test: Pass # Issue 27394 | |
201 error_stack_trace2_test: Crash | |
202 error_stack_trace_test: Crash | |
203 exception_implementation_test: Crash | |
204 expando_test: Crash | |
205 for_in_test: Crash | |
206 has_next_iterator_test: Crash | |
207 hash_map2_test: Crash | |
208 int_parse_radix_bad_handler_test: Crash | |
209 int_parse_radix_test/01: Crash | |
210 int_parse_radix_test/02: Crash | |
211 int_parse_radix_test/none: Crash | |
212 integer_to_radix_string_test: Crash | |
213 integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError | |
214 is_operator_basic_types_test: Crash | |
215 iterable_contains2_test: Crash | |
216 iterable_contains_test: Crash | |
217 iterable_element_at_test: Crash | |
218 iterable_empty_test: Crash | |
219 iterable_expand_test: Crash | |
220 iterable_first_test: Crash | |
221 iterable_first_where_test: Crash | |
222 iterable_fold_test: Crash | |
223 iterable_skip_while_test: Crash | |
224 iterable_take_test: Crash | |
225 iterable_take_while_test: Crash | |
226 iterable_test: Crash | |
227 iterable_to_list_test/01: Crash | |
228 iterable_to_list_test/none: Crash | |
229 iterable_to_set_test: Crash | |
230 iterable_tostring_test: Crash | |
231 json_map_test: Crash | |
232 linked_hash_map_from_iterable_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Cannot find value
local(Maps_mapToString_closure.call#first) in (local(Maps_mapToString_closure.c
all#k), local(Maps_mapToString_closure.call#v), local(Maps.mapToString#)) for j:
closure_call(Maps_mapToString_closure.call). | |
233 list_fill_range_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppl
iedMixin | |
234 list_get_range_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppli
edMixin | |
235 list_insert_all_test: Crash # UnimplementedError: KernelClosedWorldMixin.getAppl
iedMixin | |
236 reg_exp1_test: Crash | |
237 reg_exp_first_match_test: Crash | |
238 reg_exp_group_test: Crash | |
239 reg_exp_groups_test: Crash | |
240 reg_exp_has_match_test: Crash | |
241 reg_exp_pattern_test: Crash | |
242 reg_exp_string_match_test: Crash | |
243 regexp/UC16_test: Crash | |
244 regexp/alternative-length-miscalculation_test: Crash | |
245 regexp/alternatives_test: Crash | |
246 regexp/assertion_test: Crash | |
247 regexp/backreferences_test: Crash | |
248 regexp/bol_test: Crash | |
249 regexp/captures_test: Crash | |
250 regexp/look-ahead_test: Crash | |
251 regexp/malformed-escapes_test: Crash | |
252 regexp/many-brackets_test: Crash | |
253 regexp/non-bmp_test: Crash | |
254 regexp/non-capturing-backtracking_test: Crash | |
255 regexp/non-character_test: Crash | |
256 regexp/non-greedy-parentheses_test: Crash | |
257 regexp/norepeat_test: Crash | |
258 regexp/overflow_test: Crash | |
259 regexp/parentheses_test: Crash | |
260 regexp/stack-overflow2_test: Crash | |
261 regexp/stack-overflow_test: Crash | |
262 regress_11099_test: Crash | |
263 regress_r21715_test: RuntimeError | |
264 safe_to_string_test: Crash | |
265 set_containsAll_test: Crash | |
266 set_contains_test: Crash | |
267 set_intersection_test: Crash | |
268 set_iterator_test: Crash | |
269 set_removeAll_test: Crash | |
270 set_remove_test: Crash | |
271 set_retainAll_test: Crash | |
272 set_test: Crash | |
273 set_to_string_test: Crash | |
274 shuffle_test: Crash | |
275 sort_test: RuntimeError | |
276 splay_tree_from_iterable_test: Crash | |
277 splay_tree_from_iterables_test: Crash | |
278 splay_tree_test: Crash | |
279 stacktrace_current_test: Crash | |
280 stacktrace_fromstring_test: Crash | |
281 stopwatch2_test: Crash | |
282 string_base_vm_test: Crash | |
283 string_buffer_test: Crash | |
284 string_codeunits_test: Crash | |
285 string_from_environment3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError | |
286 string_from_environment3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError | |
287 string_from_environment3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError | |
288 string_from_environment3_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError | |
289 string_from_environment3_test/05: Crash | |
290 string_from_list_test: Crash | |
291 string_fromcharcode_test: Crash | |
292 string_fromcharcodes_test: Crash | |
293 string_operations_with_null_test: Crash | |
294 string_pattern_test: Crash | |
295 string_replace_all_test: Crash | |
296 string_replace_dollar_test: Crash | |
297 string_replace_test: Crash | |
298 string_runes_test: Crash | |
299 string_source_test: Crash | |
300 string_split_test: Crash | |
301 string_substring_test: Crash | |
302 string_test: Crash | |
303 string_to_lower_case_test: Crash | |
304 string_trimlr_test/01: Crash | |
305 string_trimlr_test/02: Crash | |
306 string_trimlr_test/none: Crash | |
307 symbol_operator_test/03: Crash | |
308 symbol_operator_test/none: Crash | |
309 symbol_reserved_word_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError | |
310 symbol_reserved_word_test/05: Crash | |
311 symbol_reserved_word_test/06: Crash | |
312 symbol_reserved_word_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError | |
313 symbol_reserved_word_test/09: Crash | |
314 symbol_reserved_word_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError | |
315 symbol_reserved_word_test/12: Crash | |
316 | |