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Unified Diff: tools/grit/grit/format/

Issue 2984383002: Reland of Add deduplication logic to .pak files (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 3 years, 5 months ago
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Index: tools/grit/grit/format/
diff --git a/tools/grit/grit/format/ b/tools/grit/grit/format/
index f9bfc845f11b78ac8f69294026dd7233efa479d6..15d977edca54311a3b01716333df07cf53e5aa1d 100755
--- a/tools/grit/grit/format/
+++ b/tools/grit/grit/format/
@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@
from grit.node import structure
-HEADER_LENGTH = 2 * 4 + 1 # Two uint32s. (file version, number of entries) and
- # one uint8 (encoding of text resources)
BINARY, UTF8, UTF16 = range(3)
class WrongFileVersion(Exception):
+ pass
+class CorruptDataPack(Exception):
@@ -49,56 +51,100 @@
def ReadDataPack(input_file):
+ return ReadDataPackFromString(util.ReadFile(input_file, util.BINARY))
+def ReadDataPackFromString(data):
"""Reads a data pack file and returns a dictionary."""
- data = util.ReadFile(input_file, util.BINARY)
original_data = data
# Read the header.
- version, num_entries, encoding = struct.unpack('<IIB', data[:HEADER_LENGTH])
- if version != PACK_FILE_VERSION:
- print 'Wrong file version in ', input_file
- raise WrongFileVersion
+ version = struct.unpack('<I', data[:4])[0]
+ if version == 4:
+ resource_count, encoding = struct.unpack('<IB', data[4:9])
+ alias_count = 0
+ data = data[9:]
+ elif version == 5:
+ encoding, resource_count, alias_count = struct.unpack('<BxxxHH', data[4:12])
+ data = data[12:]
+ else:
+ raise WrongFileVersion('Found version: ' + str(version))
resources = {}
- if num_entries == 0:
- return DataPackContents(resources, encoding)
- # Read the index and data.
- data = data[HEADER_LENGTH:]
kIndexEntrySize = 2 + 4 # Each entry is a uint16 and a uint32.
- for _ in range(num_entries):
- id, offset = struct.unpack('<HI', data[:kIndexEntrySize])
- data = data[kIndexEntrySize:]
- next_id, next_offset = struct.unpack('<HI', data[:kIndexEntrySize])
- resources[id] = original_data[offset:next_offset]
+ def entry_at_index(idx):
+ offset = idx * kIndexEntrySize
+ return struct.unpack('<HI', data[offset:offset + kIndexEntrySize])
+ prev_resource_id, prev_offset = entry_at_index(0)
+ for i in xrange(1, resource_count + 1):
+ resource_id, offset = entry_at_index(i)
+ resources[prev_resource_id] = original_data[prev_offset:offset]
+ prev_resource_id, prev_offset = resource_id, offset
+ # Read the alias table.
+ alias_data = data[(resource_count + 1) * kIndexEntrySize:]
+ kAliasEntrySize = 2 + 2 # uint16, uint16
+ def alias_at_index(idx):
+ offset = idx * kAliasEntrySize
+ return struct.unpack('<HH', alias_data[offset:offset + kAliasEntrySize])
+ for i in xrange(alias_count):
+ resource_id, index = alias_at_index(i)
+ aliased_id = entry_at_index(index)[0]
+ resources[resource_id] = resources[aliased_id]
return DataPackContents(resources, encoding)
def WriteDataPackToString(resources, encoding):
"""Returns a string with a map of id=>data in the data pack format."""
- ids = sorted(resources.keys())
ret = []
+ # Compute alias map.
+ resource_ids = sorted(resources)
+ # Use reversed() so that for duplicates lower IDs clobber higher ones.
+ id_by_data = {resources[k]: k for k in reversed(resource_ids)}
+ # Map of resource_id -> resource_id, where value < key.
+ alias_map = {k: id_by_data[v] for k, v in resources.iteritems()
+ if id_by_data[v] != k}
# Write file header.
- ret.append(struct.pack('<IIB', PACK_FILE_VERSION, len(ids), encoding))
- HEADER_LENGTH = 2 * 4 + 1 # Two uint32s and one uint8.
- # Each entry is a uint16 + a uint32s. We have one extra entry for the last
- # item.
- index_length = (len(ids) + 1) * (2 + 4)
- # Write index.
- data_offset = HEADER_LENGTH + index_length
- for id in ids:
- ret.append(struct.pack('<HI', id, data_offset))
- data_offset += len(resources[id])
+ resource_count = len(resources) - len(alias_map)
+ # Padding bytes added for alignment.
+ ret.append(struct.pack('<IBxxxHH', PACK_FILE_VERSION, encoding,
+ resource_count, len(alias_map)))
+ HEADER_LENGTH = 4 + 4 + 2 + 2
+ # Each main table entry is: uint16 + uint32 (and an extra entry at the end).
+ # Each alias table entry is: uint16 + uint16.
+ data_offset = HEADER_LENGTH + (resource_count + 1) * 6 + len(alias_map) * 4
+ # Write main table.
+ index_by_id = {}
+ deduped_data = []
+ index = 0
+ for resource_id in resource_ids:
+ if resource_id in alias_map:
+ continue
+ data = resources[resource_id]
+ index_by_id[resource_id] = index
+ ret.append(struct.pack('<HI', resource_id, data_offset))
+ data_offset += len(data)
+ deduped_data.append(data)
+ index += 1
+ assert index == resource_count
+ # Add an extra entry at the end.
ret.append(struct.pack('<HI', 0, data_offset))
+ # Write alias table.
+ for resource_id in sorted(alias_map):
+ index = index_by_id[alias_map[resource_id]]
+ ret.append(struct.pack('<HH', resource_id, index))
# Write data.
- for id in ids:
- ret.append(resources[id])
+ ret.extend(deduped_data)
return ''.join(ret)
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