| (Empty) |
1 # Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file | |
2 # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a | |
3 # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file. | |
4 | |
5 rasta/unsupported_platform_library: RuntimeError # OK, this must report an error
at runtime. | |
6 | |
7 # Status file for the kompile_test.dart (notice k, not c) test suite. This is | |
8 # testing generating Analyzer ASTs, that is, code in | |
9 # pkg/fasta/lib/src/analyzer/. Currently, this is behind direct-to-kernel, so | |
10 # there are many crashes. | |
11 | |
12 DeltaBlue: Crash | |
13 accessors: Crash | |
14 argument: Crash | |
15 arithmetic: Crash | |
16 async_function: Crash | |
17 await: Fail | |
18 bad_store: Crash | |
19 call: Crash | |
20 classes: Crash | |
21 closure: Crash | |
22 covariant_generic: Crash | |
23 cycles: Fail | |
24 default_values: Crash | |
25 escape: Crash | |
26 expressions: Crash | |
27 external: Crash | |
28 fallthrough: Crash | |
29 fibonacci: Crash | |
30 for_in_scope: Crash | |
31 function_in_field: Crash | |
32 function_type_is_check: Crash | |
33 function_type_recovery: Crash | |
34 functions: Crash | |
35 implicit_scope_test: Crash | |
36 implicit_this: Crash | |
37 invocations: Fail | |
38 map: Fail | |
39 micro: Crash | |
40 mixin: Crash | |
41 named_parameters: Crash | |
42 null_aware: Crash | |
43 operators: Crash | |
44 optional: Crash | |
45 override: Crash | |
46 prefer_baseclass: Crash | |
47 redirecting_constructor: Fail | |
48 redirecting_factory: Crash | |
49 statements: Fail | |
50 static_setter: Crash | |
51 store_load: Crash | |
52 stringliteral: Crash | |
53 super_rasta_copy: Crash | |
54 top_level_accessors: Crash | |
55 type_variable_as_super: Fail | |
56 typedef: Crash | |
57 uninitialized_fields: Crash | |
58 unused_methods: Crash | |
59 void-methods: Crash | |
60 | |
61 inference/async_closure_return_type_flatten: Crash | |
62 inference/async_closure_return_type_future: Crash | |
63 inference/async_closure_return_type_future_or: Crash | |
64 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_all_returns_are_futures: Crash | |
65 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_all_returns_are_values: Crash | |
66 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_mix_of_values_and_futures: Crash | |
67 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_async_star: Crash | |
68 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_basic: Crash | |
69 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_basic_void: Crash | |
70 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_downwards_incompatible_with_upwards_inference: Cr
ash | |
71 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_downwards_incompatible_with_upwards_inference_top
_level: Crash | |
72 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_async: Crash | |
73 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_async_star: Crash | |
74 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_sync: Crash | |
75 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_infer_bottom_sync_star: Crash | |
76 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_lub: Crash | |
77 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_nested_lambdas: Crash | |
78 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_no_return: Crash | |
79 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_returns: Crash | |
80 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_sync_star: Crash | |
81 inference/block_bodied_lambdas_void_context: Crash | |
82 inference/bottom: Crash | |
83 inference/bottom_in_closure: Crash | |
84 inference/call_corner_cases: Crash | |
85 inference/circular_method_inference: Crash | |
86 inference/circular_reference_via_closures: Crash | |
87 inference/circular_reference_via_closures_initializer_types: Crash | |
88 inference/conditional_lub: Crash | |
89 inference/conditional_upwards_inference: Crash | |
90 inference/conflicts_can_happen2: Crash | |
91 inference/conflicts_can_happen: Crash | |
92 inference/constructors_downwards_with_constraint: Fail | |
93 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments: Crash | |
94 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_argument_not_assignable: Crash | |
95 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const: Crash | |
96 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_const_with_upper_bound: Crash | |
97 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_downwards_from_constructor: Crash | |
98 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory: Crash | |
99 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_factory_calls_constructor: Crash | |
100 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named: Crash | |
101 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_named_factory: Crash | |
102 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting: Crash | |
103 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory: Crash | |
104 inference/constructors_infer_from_arguments_redirecting_factory_to_factory: Cras
h | |
105 inference/constructors_inference_f_bounded: Crash | |
106 inference/constructors_reverse_type_parameters: Crash | |
107 inference/constructors_too_many_positional_arguments: Fail | |
108 inference/do_not_infer_overridden_fields_that_explicitly_say_dynamic_infer: Cras
h | |
109 inference/dont_infer_field_type_when_initializer_is_null: Crash | |
110 inference/dont_infer_type_on_dynamic: Crash | |
111 inference/downward_inference_fixes_no_upwards_errors: Crash | |
112 inference/downward_inference_miscellaneous: Crash | |
113 inference/downwards_inference_annotations: Crash | |
114 inference/downwards_inference_async_await: Crash | |
115 inference/downwards_inference_for_each: Crash | |
116 inference/downwards_inference_initializing_formal_default_formal: Crash | |
117 inference/downwards_inference_inside_top_level: Crash | |
118 inference/downwards_inference_inside_top_level_2: Crash | |
119 inference/downwards_inference_on_constructor_arguments_infer_downwards: Crash | |
120 inference/downwards_inference_on_function_arguments_infer_downwards: Crash | |
121 inference/downwards_inference_on_function_expressions: Crash | |
122 inference/downwards_inference_on_function_of_t_using_the_t: Crash | |
123 inference/downwards_inference_on_generic_constructor_arguments_empty_list: Crash | |
124 inference/downwards_inference_on_generic_constructor_arguments_infer_downwards:
Crash | |
125 inference/downwards_inference_on_generic_function_expressions: Crash | |
126 inference/downwards_inference_on_instance_creations_infer_downwards: Crash | |
127 inference/downwards_inference_on_list_literals_infer_downwards: Crash | |
128 inference/downwards_inference_on_list_literals_infer_if_value_types_match_contex
t: Crash | |
129 inference/downwards_inference_on_map_literals: Crash | |
130 inference/downwards_inference_yield_yield_star: Fail | |
131 inference/field_refers_to_static_getter: Crash | |
132 inference/field_refers_to_top_level_getter: Crash | |
133 inference/future_or_subtyping: Crash | |
134 inference/future_then: Crash | |
135 inference/future_then_2: Crash | |
136 inference/future_then_3: Crash | |
137 inference/future_then_4: Crash | |
138 inference/future_then_5: Crash | |
139 inference/future_then_6: Crash | |
140 inference/future_then_conditional: Crash | |
141 inference/future_then_conditional_2: Crash | |
142 inference/future_then_conditional_3: Crash | |
143 inference/future_then_conditional_4: Crash | |
144 inference/future_then_conditional_5: Crash | |
145 inference/future_then_conditional_6: Crash | |
146 inference/future_then_downwards_method_target: Crash | |
147 inference/future_then_explicit_future: Crash | |
148 inference/future_then_upwards: Crash | |
149 inference/future_then_upwards_2: Crash | |
150 inference/future_then_upwards_3: Crash | |
151 inference/future_then_upwards_from_block: Crash | |
152 inference/future_union_async_conditional: Crash | |
153 inference/future_union_async_conditional_2: Crash | |
154 inference/future_union_downwards: Crash | |
155 inference/future_union_downwards_2: Crash | |
156 inference/future_union_downwards_3: Crash | |
157 inference/future_union_downwards_4: Crash | |
158 inference/future_union_downwards_generic_method_with_future_return: Fail | |
159 inference/future_union_downwards_generic_method_with_generic_return: Crash | |
160 inference/future_union_upwards_generic_methods: Fail | |
161 inference/generic_functions_return_typedef: Crash | |
162 inference/generic_methods_basic_downward_inference: Crash | |
163 inference/generic_methods_correctly_recognize_generic_upper_bound: Crash | |
164 inference/generic_methods_dart_math_min_max: Crash | |
165 inference/generic_methods_do_not_infer_invalid_override_of_generic_method: Crash | |
166 inference/generic_methods_downwards_inference_affects_arguments: Crash | |
167 inference/generic_methods_downwards_inference_fold: Crash | |
168 inference/generic_methods_handle_override_of_non_generic_with_generic: Crash | |
169 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_parameter_type2: Crash | |
170 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_parameter_type: Crash | |
171 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_function_return_type: Crash | |
172 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_instantiation: Crash | |
173 inference/generic_methods_infer_generic_method_type: Crash | |
174 inference/generic_methods_infer_js_builtin: Fail | |
175 inference/generic_methods_inference_error: Crash | |
176 inference/generic_methods_iterable_and_future: Crash | |
177 inference/generic_methods_nested_generic_instantiation: Crash | |
178 inference/generic_methods_uses_greatest_lower_bound: Crash | |
179 inference/infer_accessor_from_later_inferred_field: Crash | |
180 inference/infer_assign_to_implicit_this: Crash | |
181 inference/infer_assign_to_implicit_this_upwards: Crash | |
182 inference/infer_assign_to_index: Crash | |
183 inference/infer_assign_to_index_full: Crash | |
184 inference/infer_assign_to_index_set_vs_get: Crash | |
185 inference/infer_assign_to_index_super: Crash | |
186 inference/infer_assign_to_index_super_upwards: Crash | |
187 inference/infer_assign_to_index_this: Crash | |
188 inference/infer_assign_to_index_this_upwards: Crash | |
189 inference/infer_assign_to_index_upwards: Crash | |
190 inference/infer_assign_to_local: Crash | |
191 inference/infer_assign_to_local_upwards: Crash | |
192 inference/infer_assign_to_property: Crash | |
193 inference/infer_assign_to_property_custom: Crash | |
194 inference/infer_assign_to_property_full: Crash | |
195 inference/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware: Crash | |
196 inference/infer_assign_to_property_null_aware_upwards: Crash | |
197 inference/infer_assign_to_property_super: Crash | |
198 inference/infer_assign_to_property_super_upwards: Crash | |
199 inference/infer_assign_to_property_upwards: Crash | |
200 inference/infer_assign_to_ref: Crash | |
201 inference/infer_assign_to_static: Crash | |
202 inference/infer_assign_to_static_upwards: Crash | |
203 inference/infer_binary_custom: Crash | |
204 inference/infer_binary_double_double: Crash | |
205 inference/infer_binary_double_int: Crash | |
206 inference/infer_binary_int_double: Crash | |
207 inference/infer_binary_int_int: Crash | |
208 inference/infer_conditional: Crash | |
209 inference/infer_consts_transitively_2: Crash | |
210 inference/infer_consts_transitively_2_a: Crash | |
211 inference/infer_consts_transitively_2_b: Crash | |
212 inference/infer_consts_transitively_b: Crash | |
213 inference/infer_correctly_on_multiple_variables_declared_together: Crash | |
214 inference/infer_field_from_later_inferred_field: Crash | |
215 inference/infer_field_from_later_inferred_getter: Crash | |
216 inference/infer_field_from_later_inferred_setter: Crash | |
217 inference/infer_field_getter_setter_mismatch: Crash | |
218 inference/infer_field_override_getter_overrides_setter: Crash | |
219 inference/infer_field_override_multiple: Crash | |
220 inference/infer_field_override_of_override: Crash | |
221 inference/infer_field_override_setter_overrides_getter: Crash | |
222 inference/infer_field_override_with_substitution: Crash | |
223 inference/infer_field_overrides_getter: Crash | |
224 inference/infer_field_overrides_setter: Crash | |
225 inference/infer_field_static: Crash | |
226 inference/infer_final_field_getter_and_setter: Crash | |
227 inference/infer_final_field_getter_only: Crash | |
228 inference/infer_final_field_setter_only: Crash | |
229 inference/infer_from_complex_expressions_if_outer_most_value_is_precise: Crash | |
230 inference/infer_from_rhs_only_if_it_wont_conflict_with_overridden_fields2: Crash | |
231 inference/infer_from_rhs_only_if_it_wont_conflict_with_overridden_fields: Crash | |
232 inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on2: Crash | |
233 inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on2_a: Crash | |
234 inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on: Crash | |
235 inference/infer_from_variables_in_cycle_libs_when_flag_is_on_a: Crash | |
236 inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag2: Crash | |
237 inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag2_a: Crash | |
238 inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag: Crash | |
239 inference/infer_from_variables_in_non_cycle_imports_with_flag_a: Crash | |
240 inference/infer_generic_method_type_named: Crash | |
241 inference/infer_generic_method_type_positional2: Crash | |
242 inference/infer_generic_method_type_positional: Crash | |
243 inference/infer_generic_method_type_required: Crash | |
244 inference/infer_getter_cross_to_setter: Crash | |
245 inference/infer_getter_from_later_inferred_getter: Crash | |
246 inference/infer_list_literal_nested_in_map_literal: Crash | |
247 inference/infer_local_function_return_type: Crash | |
248 inference/infer_method_function_typed: Crash | |
249 inference/infer_method_missing_params: Crash | |
250 inference/infer_parameter_type_setter_from_field: Crash | |
251 inference/infer_parameter_type_setter_from_setter: Crash | |
252 inference/infer_prefix_expression: Crash | |
253 inference/infer_prefix_expression_custom: Crash | |
254 inference/infer_return_of_statement_lambda: Crash | |
255 inference/infer_setter_cross_to_getter: Crash | |
256 inference/infer_setter_from_later_inferred_setter: Crash | |
257 inference/infer_setter_function_typed: Crash | |
258 inference/infer_statics_transitively2: Crash | |
259 inference/infer_statics_transitively3: Crash | |
260 inference/infer_statics_transitively3_a: Crash | |
261 inference/infer_statics_transitively: Crash | |
262 inference/infer_statics_transitively_2_a: Crash | |
263 inference/infer_statics_transitively_a: Crash | |
264 inference/infer_statics_transitively_b: Crash | |
265 inference/infer_statics_with_method_invocations: Crash | |
266 inference/infer_statics_with_method_invocations_a: Crash | |
267 inference/infer_throw: Crash | |
268 inference/infer_type_on_overridden_fields2: Crash | |
269 inference/infer_type_on_overridden_fields4: Crash | |
270 inference/infer_type_on_var_from_field: Crash | |
271 inference/infer_type_on_var_from_top_level: Crash | |
272 inference/infer_type_regardless_of_declaration_order_or_cycles: Fail | |
273 inference/infer_typed_map_literal: Crash | |
274 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_3: Crash | |
275 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_4: Crash | |
276 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_5: Crash | |
277 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_in_library_cycle: Crash | |
278 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_in_library_cycle_a: Crash | |
279 inference/infer_types_on_generic_instantiations_infer: Crash | |
280 inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_each_loop: Crash | |
281 inference/infer_types_on_loop_indices_for_loop_with_inference: Fail | |
282 inference/infer_use_of_void: Crash | |
283 inference/infer_variable_void: Crash | |
284 inference/inferred_initializing_formal_checks_default_value: Crash | |
285 inference/inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_static_field_complex: Crash | |
286 inference/inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_top_level_var_simple: Crash | |
287 inference/inferred_type_block_closure_no_args_no_return_void_context: Crash | |
288 inference/inferred_type_cascade: Crash | |
289 inference/inferred_type_custom_binary_op: Crash | |
290 inference/inferred_type_custom_binary_op_via_interface: Crash | |
291 inference/inferred_type_custom_index_op: Crash | |
292 inference/inferred_type_custom_index_op_via_interface: Crash | |
293 inference/inferred_type_custom_unary_op: Crash | |
294 inference/inferred_type_custom_unary_op_via_interface: Crash | |
295 inference/inferred_type_extract_method_tear_off: Crash | |
296 inference/inferred_type_extract_method_tear_off_via_interface: Crash | |
297 inference/inferred_type_from_top_level_executable_tear_off: Crash | |
298 inference/inferred_type_invoke_method: Crash | |
299 inference/inferred_type_invoke_method_via_interface: Crash | |
300 inference/inferred_type_is_enum: Crash | |
301 inference/inferred_type_is_enum_values: Crash | |
302 inference/inferred_type_is_typedef: Crash | |
303 inference/inferred_type_is_typedef_parameterized: Crash | |
304 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type: Crash | |
305 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_function_typed_param: Crash | |
306 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_named_param: Crash | |
307 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_positional_param: Crash | |
308 inference/inferred_type_uses_synthetic_function_type_required_param: Crash | |
309 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_multiple_levels_of_nesting: Crash | |
310 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_depends_on_args: Crash | |
311 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_independent_of_args_field: Crash | |
312 inference/inferred_type_via_closure_type_independent_of_args_top_level: Crash | |
313 inference/instance_creation_downwards: Crash | |
314 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_has_bound_defined_after: Crash | |
315 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_has_bound_defined_before: Crash | |
316 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic2_no_bound: Crash | |
317 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_after: Crash | |
318 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_generic_has_bound_defined_before: Crash | |
319 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_invoke_constructor_no_bound: Fail | |
320 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_invoke_constructor_type_args_exact: Crash | |
321 inference/instantiate_to_bounds_not_generic: Crash | |
322 inference/lambda_does_not_have_propagated_type_hint: Crash | |
323 inference/lambda_return_type: Crash | |
324 inference/lambda_void_context: Crash | |
325 inference/list_literal_typed: Crash | |
326 inference/list_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: Crash | |
327 inference/list_literals_top_level: Crash | |
328 inference/local_constructor_from_arguments: Crash | |
329 inference/local_return_and_yield: Crash | |
330 inference/map_literals: Fail | |
331 inference/map_literals_can_infer_null: Fail | |
332 inference/map_literals_can_infer_null_top_level: Crash | |
333 inference/map_literals_top_level: Crash | |
334 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_instance_method: Crash | |
335 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_instance_method_identifier_sequence: C
rash | |
336 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_static_method: Crash | |
337 inference/method_call_with_type_arguments_top_level_function: Crash | |
338 inference/non_inferrable_getter_setter: Crash | |
339 inference/null_aware_method_invocation: Crash | |
340 inference/null_aware_property_get: Crash | |
341 inference/null_literal_should_not_infer_as_bottom: Crash | |
342 inference/parameter_defaults_downwards: Crash | |
343 inference/parameter_defaults_upwards: Crash | |
344 inference/propagate_inference_to_field_in_class: Crash | |
345 inference/propagate_inference_to_field_in_class_dynamic_warnings: Crash | |
346 inference/propagate_inference_transitively2: Crash | |
347 inference/propagate_inference_transitively: Crash | |
348 inference/property_get_toplevel: Crash | |
349 inference/property_set: Crash | |
350 inference/property_set_bad_setter: Crash | |
351 inference/reference_to_typedef: Crash | |
352 inference/refine_binary_expression_type_type_parameter_t_double: Crash | |
353 inference/refine_binary_expression_type_type_parameter_t_int: Crash | |
354 inference/refine_binary_expression_type_type_parameter_t_t: Crash | |
355 inference/simple_literal_bool: Crash | |
356 inference/simple_literal_double: Crash | |
357 inference/simple_literal_int: Crash | |
358 inference/simple_literal_null: Crash | |
359 inference/static_method_tear_off: Crash | |
360 inference/string_literal: Crash | |
361 inference/subexpressions_of_explicitly_typed_fields: Crash | |
362 inference/this_reference: Crash | |
363 inference/top_level_return_and_yield: Crash | |
364 inference/toplevel_inference_toplevel_var: Crash | |
365 inference/type_cast: Crash | |
366 inference/type_promotion_ignores_local_functions: Crash | |
367 inference/type_promotion_not_and_not: Crash | |
368 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_closure_call: Crash | |
369 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_explicit_dynamic_param
: Crash | |
370 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_explicit_type_param: C
rash | |
371 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_implicit_type_param: C
rash | |
372 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_constructor_call_no_type_param: Crash | |
373 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param: C
rash | |
374 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_vi
a_expr1: Crash | |
375 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_dynamic_param_vi
a_expr2: Crash | |
376 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param: Cras
h | |
377 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_e
xpr1: Crash | |
378 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_e
xpr2: Crash | |
379 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_implicit_type_param: Cras
h | |
380 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_implicit_type_param_via_e
xpr: Crash | |
381 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_no_type_param: Crash | |
382 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_no_type_param_via_expr: C
rash | |
383 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_list_dynamic: Crash | |
384 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_list_typed: Crash | |
385 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_map_dynamic: Crash | |
386 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_in_map_typed: Crash | |
387 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_explicit_dynamic_param: Cra
sh | |
388 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_explicit_type_param: Crash | |
389 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_implicit_type_param: Crash | |
390 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_method_call_no_type_param: Crash | |
391 inference/void_return_type_subtypes_dynamic: Crash | |
392 inference_new/dependency_only_if_generic_method: Crash | |
393 inference_new/dependency_only_if_overloaded: Crash | |
394 inference_new/field_inference_circularity: Crash | |
395 inference_new/infer_assign_to_index: Crash | |
396 inference_new/infer_assign_to_property: Crash | |
397 inference_new/infer_assign_to_property_custom: Crash | |
398 inference_new/infer_assign_to_ref: Crash | |
399 inference_new/infer_instance_accessor_ref: Crash | |
400 inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref: Crash | |
401 inference_new/infer_instance_field_ref_circular: Crash | |
402 inference_new/property_get_toplevel: Crash | |
403 inference_new/strongly_connected_component: Crash | |
404 | |
405 rasta/abstract_constructor: Fail | |
406 rasta/bad_constructor_redirection: Crash | |
407 rasta/bad_continue: Crash | |
408 rasta/bad_default_constructor: Crash | |
409 rasta/bad_explicit_super_constructor: Crash | |
410 rasta/bad_implicit_super_constructor: Crash | |
411 rasta/bad_interpolation: Fail | |
412 rasta/bad_redirection: Fail | |
413 rasta/bad_setter_initializer: Crash | |
414 rasta/bad_unicode: Fail | |
415 rasta/breaking_bad: Crash | |
416 rasta/cascades: Crash | |
417 rasta/class_hierarchy: Fail | |
418 rasta/class_member: Crash | |
419 rasta/constant_get_and_invoke: Crash | |
420 rasta/deferred_lib: Fail | |
421 rasta/deferred_load: Crash | |
422 rasta/duplicated_mixin: Crash | |
423 rasta/export: Fail | |
424 rasta/external_factory_redirection: Crash | |
425 rasta/foo: Fail | |
426 rasta/for_loop: Fail | |
427 rasta/generic_factory: Fail # Compile-time error destroys program. | |
428 rasta/issue_000001: Crash | |
429 rasta/issue_000002: Crash | |
430 rasta/issue_000004: Crash | |
431 rasta/issue_000006: Crash | |
432 rasta/issue_000007: Fail | |
433 rasta/issue_000008: Crash | |
434 rasta/issue_000012: Crash | |
435 rasta/issue_000025: Crash | |
436 rasta/issue_000026: Crash | |
437 rasta/issue_000031: Crash | |
438 rasta/issue_000032: Fail | |
439 rasta/issue_000033: Crash | |
440 rasta/issue_000034: Crash | |
441 rasta/issue_000035: Crash | |
442 rasta/issue_000035a: Fail | |
443 rasta/issue_000036: Fail | |
444 rasta/issue_000039: Crash | |
445 rasta/issue_000041: Crash | |
446 rasta/issue_000042: Crash | |
447 rasta/issue_000043: Fail | |
448 rasta/issue_000044: Crash | |
449 rasta/issue_000045: Fail | |
450 rasta/issue_000046: Fail | |
451 rasta/issue_000047: Fail | |
452 rasta/issue_000048: Crash | |
453 rasta/issue_000052: Crash | |
454 rasta/issue_000053: Crash | |
455 rasta/issue_000067: Crash | |
456 rasta/issue_000068: Crash | |
457 rasta/issue_000070: Crash | |
458 rasta/issue_000080: Crash | |
459 rasta/issue_000081: Crash | |
460 rasta/malformed_const_constructor: Fail | |
461 rasta/malformed_function: VerificationError | |
462 rasta/malformed_function_type: Crash | |
463 rasta/mandatory_parameter_initializer: Crash | |
464 rasta/mixin_library: Crash | |
465 rasta/native_is_illegal: Fail | |
466 rasta/parser_error: Crash | |
467 rasta/previsit_deferred: Crash | |
468 rasta/static: Crash | |
469 rasta/super: Crash | |
470 rasta/super: Fail | |
471 rasta/super_initializer: Crash | |
472 rasta/super_mixin: Crash | |
473 rasta/super_operator: Crash | |
474 rasta/supports_reflection: Crash | |
475 rasta/switch_execution_case_t02: Crash | |
476 rasta/switch_fall_through: Fail | |
477 rasta/this_invoke: Crash | |
478 rasta/try_label: Crash | |
479 rasta/type_literals: Crash | |
480 rasta/type_with_parse_error: Fail | |
481 rasta/typedef: Crash | |
482 rasta/unresolved: Fail | |
483 rasta/unresolved_constructor: Crash | |
484 rasta/unresolved_for_in: Crash | |
485 rasta/unresolved_recovery: Fail | |
486 | |
487 regress/issue_29975: Fail # Issue 29975. | |
488 regress/issue_29976: Crash # Issue 29976. | |
489 regress/issue_29977: Crash # Issue 29977. | |
490 regress/issue_29979: Crash # Issue 29979. | |
491 regress/issue_29981: Crash # Issue 29981. | |
492 regress/issue_29982: Crash # Issue 29982. | |
493 regress/issue_29984: RuntimeError # Issue 29984. | |
494 regress/issue_29985: Crash # Issue 29985. | |
495 regress/issue_29986: Crash # Issue 29986. | |
496 regress/issue_29987: Crash # Issue 29987. | |