DescriptionAdd nanomsg to third_party, with some demos.
This isn't something I want to make part of Skia, but just a substrate to build cross-process demos on top of. If I client were to use Skia cross-process, they'd drop their own IPC system in here.
If you're not familiar, nanomsg ( is the next-gen zeromq (, from the same author, righting all his design wrongs from zeromq.
It's a lot like the lower half of mojo, dealing with making the connections and getting messages reliably from A to B. Think, better sockets, and it spans nicely across in-process (with zero-copy), inter-process, and TCP.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : working demo #Patch Set 3 : add IPC demo #Patch Set 4 : notes #Patch Set 5 : works #Patch Set 6 : Linux support. #Patch Set 7 : Add a header. #Patch Set 8 : tweaks #Patch Set 9 : better demo #Patch Set 10 : Add control channel, some refactoring. #Patch Set 11 : fold in PictureHeader.h #Patch Set 12 : lint #Patch Set 13 : focus on picture demo #Patch Set 14 : update to 0.4 beta #Patch Set 15 : rebase #
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