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Side by Side Diff: pdf/

Issue 294793003: Add the pdf plugin's source in src\pdf. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: review comments and sync past DEPS roll to fix gyp Created 6 years, 7 months ago
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1 // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "pdf/document_loader.h"
7 #include "base/logging.h"
8 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
9 #include "net/http/http_util.h"
10 #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h"
11 #include "ppapi/cpp/url_loader.h"
12 #include "ppapi/cpp/url_request_info.h"
13 #include "ppapi/cpp/url_response_info.h"
15 namespace chrome_pdf {
17 // Document below size will be downloaded in one chunk.
18 const uint32 kMinFileSize = 64*1024;
20 DocumentLoader::DocumentLoader(Client* client)
21 : client_(client), partial_document_(false), request_pending_(false),
22 current_pos_(0), current_chunk_size_(0), current_chunk_read_(0),
23 document_size_(0), header_request_(true), is_multipart_(false) {
24 loader_factory_.Initialize(this);
25 }
27 DocumentLoader::~DocumentLoader() {
28 }
30 bool DocumentLoader::Init(const pp::URLLoader& loader,
31 const std::string& url,
32 const std::string& headers) {
33 DCHECK(url_.empty());
34 url_ = url;
35 loader_ = loader;
37 std::string response_headers;
38 if (!headers.empty()) {
39 response_headers = headers;
40 } else {
41 pp::URLResponseInfo response = loader_.GetResponseInfo();
42 pp::Var headers_var = response.GetHeaders();
44 if (headers_var.is_string()) {
45 response_headers = headers_var.AsString();
46 }
47 }
49 bool accept_ranges_bytes = false;
50 bool content_encoded = false;
51 uint32 content_length = 0;
52 std::string type;
53 std::string disposition;
54 if (!response_headers.empty()) {
55 net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(response_headers.begin(),
56 response_headers.end(), "\n");
57 while (it.GetNext()) {
58 if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-length")) {
59 content_length = atoi(it.values().c_str());
60 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "accept-ranges")) {
61 accept_ranges_bytes = LowerCaseEqualsASCII(it.values(), "bytes");
62 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-encoding")) {
63 content_encoded = true;
64 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-type")) {
65 type = it.values();
66 size_t semi_colon_pos = type.find(';');
67 if (semi_colon_pos != std::string::npos) {
68 type = type.substr(0, semi_colon_pos);
69 }
70 TrimWhitespace(type, base::TRIM_ALL, &type);
71 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-disposition")) {
72 disposition = it.values();
73 }
74 }
75 }
76 if (!type.empty() &&
77 !EndsWith(type, "/pdf", false) &&
78 !EndsWith(type, ".pdf", false) &&
79 !EndsWith(type, "/x-pdf", false) &&
80 !EndsWith(type, "/*", false) &&
81 !EndsWith(type, "/acrobat", false) &&
82 !EndsWith(type, "/unknown", false) &&
83 !StartsWithASCII(url, "blob:", false)) {
84 return false;
85 }
86 if (StartsWithASCII(disposition, "attachment", false)) {
87 return false;
88 }
90 if (content_length > 0)
91 chunk_stream_.Preallocate(content_length);
93 document_size_ = content_length;
94 requests_count_ = 0;
96 // Document loading strategy.
97 // Following table shows the growth on the minimal request size depending
98 // on the number requests that has been made already.
99 chunk_size_table_[10] = 32*1024;
100 chunk_size_table_[20] = 64*1024;
101 chunk_size_table_[30] = 128*1024;
102 chunk_size_table_[40] = 256*1024;
103 chunk_size_table_[50] = 512*1024;
104 chunk_size_table_[60] = 1024*1024;
105 chunk_size_table_[70] = 2048*1024;
107 // Enable partial loading only if file size is above the threshold.
108 // It will allow avoiding latency for multiple requests.
109 if (content_length > kMinFileSize &&
110 accept_ranges_bytes &&
111 !content_encoded) {
112 LoadPartialDocument();
113 } else {
114 LoadFullDocument();
115 }
116 return true;
117 }
119 void DocumentLoader::LoadPartialDocument() {
120 partial_document_ = true;
121 // Force the main request to be cancelled, since if we're a full-frame plugin
122 // there could be other references to the loader.
123 loader_.Close();
124 loader_ = pp::URLLoader();
125 // Download file header.
126 header_request_ = true;
127 RequestData(0, std::min(GetRequestSize(), document_size_));
128 }
130 void DocumentLoader::LoadFullDocument() {
131 partial_document_ = false;
132 chunk_buffer_.clear();
133 ReadMore();
134 }
136 bool DocumentLoader::IsDocumentComplete() const {
137 if (document_size_ == 0) // Document size unknown.
138 return false;
139 return IsDataAvailable(0, document_size_);
140 }
142 uint32 DocumentLoader::GetAvailableData() const {
143 if (document_size_ == 0) { // If document size is unknown.
144 return current_pos_;
145 }
147 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > ranges;
148 chunk_stream_.GetMissedRanges(0, document_size_, &ranges);
149 uint32 available = document_size_;
150 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> >::iterator it;
151 for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
152 available -= it->second;
153 }
154 return available;
155 }
157 void DocumentLoader::ClearPendingRequests() {
158 // The first item in the queue is pending (need to keep it in the queue).
159 if (pending_requests_.size() > 1) {
160 // Remove all elements except the first one.
161 pending_requests_.erase(++pending_requests_.begin(),
162 pending_requests_.end());
163 }
164 }
166 bool DocumentLoader::GetBlock(uint32 position, uint32 size, void* buf) const {
167 return chunk_stream_.ReadData(position, size, buf);
168 }
170 bool DocumentLoader::IsDataAvailable(uint32 position, uint32 size) const {
171 return chunk_stream_.IsRangeAvailable(position, size);
172 }
174 void DocumentLoader::RequestData(uint32 position, uint32 size) {
175 DCHECK(partial_document_);
177 // We have some artefact request from
178 // PDFiumEngine::OnDocumentComplete() -> FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail after
179 // document is complete.
180 // We need this fix in PDFIum. Adding this as a work around.
181 // Bug:
182 // Test url:
183 //
184 if (IsDocumentComplete())
185 return;
187 pending_requests_.push_back(std::pair<size_t, size_t>(position, size));
188 DownloadPendingRequests();
189 }
191 void DocumentLoader::DownloadPendingRequests() {
192 if (request_pending_ || pending_requests_.empty())
193 return;
195 // Remove already completed requests.
196 // By design DownloadPendingRequests() should have at least 1 request in the
197 // queue. ReadComplete() will remove the last pending comment from the queue.
198 while (pending_requests_.size() > 1) {
199 if (IsDataAvailable(pending_requests_.front().first,
200 pending_requests_.front().second)) {
201 pending_requests_.pop_front();
202 } else {
203 break;
204 }
205 }
207 uint32 pos = pending_requests_.front().first;
208 uint32 size = pending_requests_.front().second;
209 if (IsDataAvailable(pos, size)) {
210 ReadComplete();
211 return;
212 }
214 // If current request has been partially downloaded already, split it into
215 // a few smaller requests.
216 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > ranges;
217 chunk_stream_.GetMissedRanges(pos, size, &ranges);
218 if (ranges.size() > 0) {
219 pending_requests_.pop_front();
220 pending_requests_.insert(pending_requests_.begin(),
221 ranges.begin(), ranges.end());
222 pos = pending_requests_.front().first;
223 size = pending_requests_.front().second;
224 }
226 uint32 cur_request_size = GetRequestSize();
227 // If size is less than default request, try to expand download range for
228 // more optimal download.
229 if (size < cur_request_size && partial_document_) {
230 // First, try to expand block towards the end of the file.
231 uint32 new_pos = pos;
232 uint32 new_size = cur_request_size;
233 if (pos + new_size > document_size_)
234 new_size = document_size_ - pos;
236 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > ranges;
237 if (chunk_stream_.GetMissedRanges(new_pos, new_size, &ranges)) {
238 new_pos = ranges[0].first;
239 new_size = ranges[0].second;
240 }
242 // Second, try to expand block towards the beginning of the file.
243 if (new_size < cur_request_size) {
244 uint32 block_end = new_pos + new_size;
245 if (block_end > cur_request_size) {
246 new_pos = block_end - cur_request_size;
247 } else {
248 new_pos = 0;
249 }
250 new_size = block_end - new_pos;
252 if (chunk_stream_.GetMissedRanges(new_pos, new_size, &ranges)) {
253 new_pos = ranges.back().first;
254 new_size = ranges.back().second;
255 }
256 }
257 pos = new_pos;
258 size = new_size;
259 }
261 size_t last_byte_before = chunk_stream_.GetLastByteBefore(pos);
262 size_t first_byte_after = chunk_stream_.GetFirstByteAfter(pos + size - 1);
263 if (pos - last_byte_before < cur_request_size) {
264 size = pos + size - last_byte_before;
265 pos = last_byte_before;
266 }
268 if ((pos + size < first_byte_after) &&
269 (pos + size + cur_request_size >= first_byte_after))
270 size = first_byte_after - pos;
272 request_pending_ = true;
274 // Start downloading first pending request.
275 loader_.Close();
276 loader_ = client_->CreateURLLoader();
277 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
278 loader_factory_.NewCallback(&DocumentLoader::DidOpen);
279 pp::URLRequestInfo request = GetRequest(pos, size);
280 requests_count_++;
281 int rv = loader_.Open(request, callback);
283 callback.Run(rv);
284 }
286 pp::URLRequestInfo DocumentLoader::GetRequest(uint32 position,
287 uint32 size) const {
288 pp::URLRequestInfo request(client_->GetPluginInstance());
289 request.SetURL(url_.c_str());
290 request.SetMethod("GET");
291 request.SetFollowRedirects(true);
293 const size_t kBufSize = 100;
294 char buf[kBufSize];
295 // According to rfc2616, byte range specifies position of the first and last
296 // bytes in the requested range inclusively. Therefore we should subtract 1
297 // from the position + size, to get index of the last byte that needs to be
298 // downloaded.
299 base::snprintf(buf, kBufSize, "Range: bytes=%d-%d", position,
300 position + size - 1);
301 pp::Var header(buf);
302 request.SetHeaders(header);
304 return request;
305 }
307 void DocumentLoader::DidOpen(int32_t result) {
308 if (result != PP_OK) {
310 return;
311 }
313 is_multipart_ = false;
314 current_chunk_size_ = 0;
315 current_chunk_read_ = 0;
317 pp::Var headers_var = loader_.GetResponseInfo().GetHeaders();
318 std::string headers;
319 if (headers_var.is_string())
320 headers = headers_var.AsString();
322 std::string boundary = GetMultiPartBoundary(headers);
323 if (boundary.size()) {
324 // Leave position untouched for now, when we read the data we'll get it.
325 is_multipart_ = true;
326 multipart_boundary_ = boundary;
327 } else {
328 // Need to make sure that the server returned a byte-range, since it's
329 // possible for a server to just ignore our bye-range request and just
330 // return the entire document even if it supports byte-range requests.
331 // i.e. sniff response to
332 //
333 current_pos_ = 0;
334 uint32 start_pos, end_pos;
335 if (GetByteRange(headers, &start_pos, &end_pos)) {
336 current_pos_ = start_pos;
337 if (end_pos && end_pos > start_pos)
338 current_chunk_size_ = end_pos - start_pos + 1;
339 }
340 }
342 ReadMore();
343 }
345 bool DocumentLoader::GetByteRange(const std::string& headers, uint32* start,
346 uint32* end) {
347 net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "\n");
348 while (it.GetNext()) {
349 if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-range")) {
350 std::string range = it.values().c_str();
351 if (StartsWithASCII(range, "bytes", false)) {
352 range = range.substr(strlen("bytes"));
353 std::string::size_type pos = range.find('-');
354 std::string range_end;
355 if (pos != std::string::npos)
356 range_end = range.substr(pos + 1);
357 TrimWhitespaceASCII(range, base::TRIM_LEADING, &range);
358 TrimWhitespaceASCII(range_end, base::TRIM_LEADING, &range_end);
359 *start = atoi(range.c_str());
360 *end = atoi(range_end.c_str());
361 return true;
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 return false;
366 }
368 std::string DocumentLoader::GetMultiPartBoundary(const std::string& headers) {
369 net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "\n");
370 while (it.GetNext()) {
371 if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "content-type")) {
372 std::string type = StringToLowerASCII(it.values());
373 if (StartsWithASCII(type, "multipart/", true)) {
374 const char* boundary = strstr(type.c_str(), "boundary=");
375 if (!boundary) {
377 break;
378 }
380 return std::string(boundary + 9);
381 }
382 }
383 }
384 return std::string();
385 }
387 void DocumentLoader::ReadMore() {
388 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
389 loader_factory_.NewCallback(&DocumentLoader::DidRead);
390 int rv = loader_.ReadResponseBody(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), callback);
392 callback.Run(rv);
393 }
395 void DocumentLoader::DidRead(int32_t result) {
396 if (result > 0) {
397 char* start = buffer_;
398 size_t length = result;
399 if (is_multipart_ && result > 2) {
400 for (int i = 2; i < result; ++i) {
401 if ((buffer_[i - 1] == '\n' && buffer_[i - 2] == '\n') ||
402 (i >= 4 &&
403 buffer_[i - 1] == '\n' && buffer_[i - 2] == '\r' &&
404 buffer_[i - 3] == '\n' && buffer_[i - 4] == '\r')) {
405 uint32 start_pos, end_pos;
406 if (GetByteRange(std::string(buffer_, i), &start_pos, &end_pos)) {
407 current_pos_ = start_pos;
408 start += i;
409 length -= i;
410 if (end_pos && end_pos > start_pos)
411 current_chunk_size_ = end_pos - start_pos + 1;
412 }
413 break;
414 }
415 }
417 // Reset this flag so we don't look inside the buffer in future calls of
418 // DidRead for this response. Note that this code DOES NOT handle multi-
419 // part responses with more than one part (we don't issue them at the
420 // moment, so they shouldn't arrive).
421 is_multipart_ = false;
422 }
424 if (current_chunk_size_ &&
425 current_chunk_read_ + length > current_chunk_size_)
426 length = current_chunk_size_ - current_chunk_read_;
428 if (length) {
429 if (document_size_ > 0) {
430 chunk_stream_.WriteData(current_pos_, start, length);
431 } else {
432 // If we did not get content-length in the response, we can't
433 // preallocate buffer for the entire document. Resizing array causing
434 // memory fragmentation issues on the large files and OOM exceptions.
435 // To fix this, we collect all chunks of the file to the list and
436 // concatenate them together after request is complete.
437 chunk_buffer_.push_back(std::vector<unsigned char>());
438 chunk_buffer_.back().resize(length);
439 memcpy(&(chunk_buffer_.back()[0]), start, length);
440 }
441 current_pos_ += length;
442 current_chunk_read_ += length;
443 client_->OnNewDataAvailable();
444 }
445 ReadMore();
446 } else if (result == PP_OK) {
447 ReadComplete();
448 } else {
450 }
451 }
453 void DocumentLoader::ReadComplete() {
454 if (!partial_document_) {
455 if (document_size_ == 0) {
456 // For the document with no 'content-length" specified we've collected all
457 // the chunks already. Let's allocate final document buffer and copy them
458 // over.
459 chunk_stream_.Preallocate(current_pos_);
460 uint32 pos = 0;
461 std::list<std::vector<unsigned char> >::iterator it;
462 for (it = chunk_buffer_.begin(); it != chunk_buffer_.end(); ++it) {
463 chunk_stream_.WriteData(pos, &((*it)[0]), it->size());
464 pos += it->size();
465 }
466 chunk_buffer_.clear();
467 }
468 document_size_ = current_pos_;
469 client_->OnDocumentComplete();
470 return;
471 }
473 request_pending_ = false;
474 pending_requests_.pop_front();
476 // If there are more pending request - continue downloading.
477 if (!pending_requests_.empty()) {
478 DownloadPendingRequests();
479 return;
480 }
482 if (IsDocumentComplete()) {
483 client_->OnDocumentComplete();
484 return;
485 }
487 if (header_request_)
488 client_->OnPartialDocumentLoaded();
489 else
490 client_->OnPendingRequestComplete();
491 header_request_ = false;
493 // The OnPendingRequestComplete could have added more requests.
494 if (!pending_requests_.empty()) {
495 DownloadPendingRequests();
496 } else {
497 // Document is not complete and we have no outstanding requests.
498 // Let's keep downloading PDF file in small chunks.
499 uint32 pos = chunk_stream_.GetFirstMissingByte();
500 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > ranges;
501 chunk_stream_.GetMissedRanges(pos, GetRequestSize(), &ranges);
502 DCHECK(ranges.size() > 0);
503 RequestData(ranges[0].first, ranges[0].second);
504 }
505 }
507 uint32 DocumentLoader::GetRequestSize() const {
508 std::map<uint32, uint32>::const_iterator iter =
509 chunk_size_table_.lower_bound(requests_count_);
510 if (iter == chunk_size_table_.end())
511 iter--;
512 return iter->second;
513 }
515 } // namespace chrome_pdf
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