| (Empty) |
1 <html> | |
2 <head> | |
3 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../http/tests/inspector-protocol/inspecto
r-protocol-test.js"></script> | |
4 <script> | |
5 if (window.testRunner) { | |
6 testRunner.dumpAsText(); | |
7 testRunner.waitUntilDone(); | |
8 } | |
9 | |
10 function test() | |
11 { | |
12 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Profiler.enable", {}); | |
13 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Profiler.start", {}, didStartFrontendProfile); | |
14 function didStartFrontendProfile(messageObject) | |
15 { | |
16 if (!InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("startFrontendProfile", messageObject
)) | |
17 return; | |
18 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "console.prof
ile('Profile 1');"}, didStartConsoleProfile); | |
19 } | |
20 | |
21 function didStartConsoleProfile(messageObject) | |
22 { | |
23 if (!InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("startConsoleProfile", messageObject)
) | |
24 return; | |
25 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "console.prof
ileEnd('Profile 1');"}, didStopConsoleProfile); | |
26 } | |
27 | |
28 function didStopConsoleProfile(messageObject) | |
29 { | |
30 if (!InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("stopConsoleProfile", messageObject)) | |
31 return; | |
32 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Profiler.stop", {}, didStopFrontendProfile); | |
33 } | |
34 | |
35 function didStopFrontendProfile(messageObject) | |
36 { | |
37 if (!InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("stoppedFrontendProfile", messageObje
ct)) | |
38 return; | |
39 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Profiler.start", {}, didStartFrontendProfile2
); | |
40 } | |
41 | |
42 function didStartFrontendProfile2(messageObject) | |
43 { | |
44 if (!InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("startFrontendProfileSecondTime", mes
sageObject)) | |
45 return; | |
46 InspectorTest.sendCommand("Profiler.stop", {}, didStopFrontendProfile2); | |
47 } | |
48 | |
49 function didStopFrontendProfile2(messageObject) | |
50 { | |
51 InspectorTest.expectedSuccess("stopFrontendProfileSecondTime", messageOb
ject) | |
52 InspectorTest.completeTest(); | |
53 } | |
54 } | |
55 </script> | |
56 </head> | |
57 <body onload="runTest()"> | |
58 <p> | |
59 Test that profiler is able to record a profile. | |
60 Also it tests that profiler returns an error when it unable to find the profile. | |
61 </body> | |
62 </html> | |