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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 292743009: Make let variables fresh in each iteration of a for-loop. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Address comments Created 6 years, 7 months ago
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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5efcba6119225365a42fc50172420ae121757857..76501c448d2f190c3de9cea0201e20098fe5087b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2837,12 +2837,176 @@ void Parser::InitializeForEachStatement(ForEachStatement* stmt,
+Statement* Parser::DesugarLetBindingsInForStatement(
+ Scope* inner_scope, ZoneStringList* names, ForStatement* loop,
+ Statement* init, Expression* cond, Statement* next, Statement* body,
+ bool* ok) {
+ // ES6 specifies that on each loop iteration the let variables are
+ // copied into a new environment. After copying, the "next" statement of the
+ // loop is executed to update the loop variables. The loop condition is
+ // checked and the loop body is executed.
+ //
+ // We rewrite a for statement of the form
+ //
+ // for (let x = i; cond; next) body
+ //
+ // into
+ //
+ // {
+ // let x = i;
+ // temp_x = x;
+ // flag = 1;
+ // for (;;) {
+ // let x = temp_x;
+ // if (flag == 1) {
+ // flag = 0;
+ // } else {
+ // next;
+ // }
+ // if (cond) {
+ // <empty>
+ // } else {
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // b
+ // temp_x = x;
+ // }
+ // }
+ ASSERT(names->length() > 0);
+ Scope* for_scope = scope_;
+ ZoneList<Variable*> temps(names->length(), zone());
+ Block* outer_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, names->length() + 3, false,
+ RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ outer_block->AddStatement(init, zone());
+ Handle<String> temp_name = isolate()->factory()->dot_for_string();
+ Handle<Smi> smi0 = handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate());
+ Handle<Smi> smi1 = handle(Smi::FromInt(1), isolate());
+ // For each let variable x:
+ // make statement: temp_x = x.
+ for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
+ VariableProxy* proxy =
+ NewUnresolved(names->at(i), LET, Interface::NewValue());
+ Variable* temp = scope_->DeclarationScope()->NewTemporary(temp_name);
+ VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
+ Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
+ Token::ASSIGN, temp_proxy, proxy, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Statement* assignment_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
+ assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ outer_block->AddStatement(assignment_statement, zone());
+ temps.Add(temp, zone());
+ }
+ Variable* flag = scope_->DeclarationScope()->NewTemporary(temp_name);
+ // Make statement: flag = 1.
+ {
+ VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
+ Expression* const1 = factory()->NewLiteral(smi1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
+ Token::ASSIGN, flag_proxy, const1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Statement* assignment_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
+ assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ outer_block->AddStatement(assignment_statement, zone());
+ }
+ outer_block->AddStatement(loop, zone());
+ outer_block->set_scope(for_scope);
+ scope_ = inner_scope;
+ Block* inner_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 2 * names->length() + 3,
+ false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ int pos = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
+ ZoneList<Variable*> inner_vars(names->length(), zone());
+ // For each let variable x:
+ // make statement: let x = temp_x.
+ for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
+ VariableProxy* proxy =
+ NewUnresolved(names->at(i), LET, Interface::NewValue());
+ Declaration* declaration =
+ factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(proxy, LET, scope_, pos);
+ Declare(declaration, true, CHECK_OK);
+ inner_vars.Add(declaration->proxy()->var(), zone());
+ VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(;
+ Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
+ Token::INIT_LET, proxy, temp_proxy, pos);
+ Statement* assignment_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
+ assignment, pos);
+ proxy->var()->set_initializer_position(pos);
+ inner_block->AddStatement(assignment_statement, zone());
+ }
+ // Make statement: if (flag == 1) { flag = 0; } else { next; }.
+ {
+ Expression* compare = NULL;
+ // Make compare expresion: flag == 1.
+ {
+ Expression* const1 = factory()->NewLiteral(smi1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
+ compare = factory()->NewCompareOperation(
+ Token::EQ, flag_proxy, const1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ }
+ Statement* clear_flag = NULL;
+ // Make statement: flag = 0.
+ {
+ VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
+ Expression* const0 = factory()->NewLiteral(smi0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
+ Token::ASSIGN, flag_proxy, const0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ clear_flag = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, pos);
+ }
+ Statement* clear_flag_or_next = factory()->NewIfStatement(
+ compare, clear_flag, next, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ inner_block->AddStatement(clear_flag_or_next, zone());
+ }
+ // Make statement: if (cond) { } else { break; }.
+ {
+ Statement* empty = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ BreakableStatement* t = LookupBreakTarget(Handle<String>(), CHECK_OK);
+ Statement* stop = factory()->NewBreakStatement(t, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Statement* if_not_cond_break = factory()->NewIfStatement(
+ cond, empty, stop, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ inner_block->AddStatement(if_not_cond_break, zone());
+ }
+ inner_block->AddStatement(body, zone());
+ // For each let variable x:
+ // make statement: temp_x = x;
+ for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
+ VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(;
+ int pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
+ VariableProxy* proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(, pos);
+ Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
+ Token::ASSIGN, temp_proxy, proxy, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ Statement* assignment_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
+ assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
+ inner_block->AddStatement(assignment_statement, zone());
+ }
+ inner_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
+ inner_block->set_scope(inner_scope);
+ scope_ = for_scope;
+ loop->Initialize(NULL, NULL, NULL, inner_block);
+ return outer_block;
Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// ForStatement ::
// 'for' '(' Expression? ';' Expression? ';' Expression? ')' Statement
int pos = peek_position();
Statement* init = NULL;
+ ZoneStringList let_bindings(1, zone());
// Create an in-between scope for let-bound iteration variables.
Scope* saved_scope = scope_;
@@ -2894,8 +3058,8 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
Handle<String> name;
VariableDeclarationProperties decl_props = kHasNoInitializers;
Block* variable_statement =
- ParseVariableDeclarations(kForStatement, &decl_props, NULL, &name,
+ ParseVariableDeclarations(kForStatement, &decl_props, &let_bindings,
+ &name, CHECK_OK);
bool accept_IN = !name.is_null() && decl_props != kHasInitializers;
bool accept_OF = decl_props == kHasNoInitializers;
ForEachStatement::VisitMode mode;
@@ -2998,6 +3162,15 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// Parsed initializer at this point.
+ // If there are let bindings, then condition and the next statement of the
+ // for loop must be parsed in a new scope.
+ Scope* inner_scope = NULL;
+ if (let_bindings.length() > 0) {
+ inner_scope = NewScope(for_scope, BLOCK_SCOPE);
+ inner_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
+ scope_ = inner_scope;
+ }
Expression* cond = NULL;
if (peek() != Token::SEMICOLON) {
cond = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
@@ -3012,31 +3185,22 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
Statement* body = ParseStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
- scope_ = saved_scope;
- for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
- for_scope = for_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
- if (for_scope != NULL) {
- // Rewrite a for statement of the form
- //
- // for (let x = i; c; n) b
- //
- // into
- //
- // {
- // let x = i;
- // for (; c; n) b
- // }
- ASSERT(init != NULL);
- Block* result = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 2, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
- result->AddStatement(init, zone());
- result->AddStatement(loop, zone());
- result->set_scope(for_scope);
- loop->Initialize(NULL, cond, next, body);
- return result;
+ Statement* result = NULL;
+ if (let_bindings.length() > 0) {
+ scope_ = for_scope;
+ result = DesugarLetBindingsInForStatement(inner_scope, &let_bindings, loop,
+ init, cond, next, body, CHECK_OK);
+ scope_ = saved_scope;
+ for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
} else {
loop->Initialize(init, cond, next, body);
- return loop;
+ result = loop;
+ scope_ = saved_scope;
+ for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
+ for_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
+ return result;
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