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Unified Diff: patches/brkitr.patch

Issue 292123005: Add a few words to cjdict.txt (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 7 months ago
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Index: patches/brkitr.patch
--- patches/brkitr.patch (revision 268566)
+++ patches/brkitr.patch (working copy)
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
---- source/data/brkitr/word.txt 2010-09-17 18:22:35.000000000 -0700
-+++ source/data/brkitr/word.txt 2011-01-25 18:14:09.445378000 -0800
-@@ -29,29 +29,49 @@
- $Newline = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
- $Extend = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}];
- $Format = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
-+$Hiragana = [:Hiragana:];
- $Katakana = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
-+$Han = [:Han:];
- $ALetter = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
--$MidNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
+Index: source/data/brkitr/word.txt
+--- source/data/brkitr/word.txt (revision 259715)
++++ source/data/brkitr/word.txt (working copy)
+@@ -35,10 +35,16 @@
+ $ALetter = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
+ $Single_Quote = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
+ $Double_Quote = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
+-$MidNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
+# Remove two full stop characters from $MidNumLet and add them to $MidNum
+# to break a hostname into its components at the cost of breaking
+# 'e.g.' and 'i.e.' as well.
@@ -16,198 +14,53 @@
+# Because it's OR'd with $MidNum in rules 11/12, rules 11/12 are not affected
+# while rules 6/7 are reverted to the old behavior we want.
+$MidNumLet = [[\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}] - [\u002E \uFF0E]];
- $MidLetter = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
--$MidNum = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
--$Numeric = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
+ $MidLetter = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
+-$MidNum = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
+-$Numeric = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
+$MidNum = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}[\u002E \uFF0E]];
+$Numeric = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}[\uff10-\uff19]]; #includes fullwidth digits
- $ExtendNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
+ $ExtendNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
-+# Extra sets not to break 'HebrewLetter U+0022 HebrewLetter'.
-+$HebrewLet = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter} & \p{Script = Hebrew} - [\u05F3]];
-+# U+05F3 is ALetter and U+05F4 is MidLetter so that they're covered by
-+# the current rule 6/7.
-+$HebrewMidLet = [\u0022];
- # Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
--# limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
--# 5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
-+# limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context and CJK. Note that this set only works
-+# in Unicode 5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
- # characters requiring dictionary break.
--$dictionary = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
- $Control = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
--$ALetterPlus = [$ALetter [$dictionary-$Extend-$Control]]; # Note: default ALetter does not
-- # include the dictionary characters.
-+$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
-+$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
-+$KanaKanji = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
-+$dictionaryCJK = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
-+$dictionary = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
-+# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
-+$ALetterPlus = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
- #
- # Rules 4 Ignore Format and Extend characters,
- # except when they appear at the beginning of a region of text.
- #
-+# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void.
- $KatakanaEx = $Katakana ($Extend | $Format)*;
- $ALetterEx = $ALetterPlus ($Extend | $Format)*;
- $MidNumLetEx = $MidNumLet ($Extend | $Format)*;
-@@ -59,8 +79,8 @@
- $MidNumEx = $MidNum ($Extend | $Format)*;
- $NumericEx = $Numeric ($Extend | $Format)*;
- $ExtendNumLetEx = $ExtendNumLet ($Extend | $Format)*;
-+$HebrewLetEx = $HebrewLet ($Extend | $Format)*;
--$Hiragana = [\p{script=Hiragana}];
- $Ideographic = [\p{Ideographic}];
- $HiraganaEx = $Hiragana ($Extend | $Format)*;
- $IdeographicEx = $Ideographic ($Extend | $Format)*;
-@@ -79,12 +99,14 @@
- # begins with a group of Format chars, or with a "word" consisting of a single
- # char that is not in any of the listed word break categories followed by
- # format char(s).
--[^$CR $LF $Newline]? ($Extend | $Format)+;
-+ # format char(s), or is not a CJK dictionary character.
-+[^$CR $LF $Newline $dictionaryCJK]? ($Extend | $Format)+;
- $NumericEx {100};
- $ALetterEx {200};
--$KatakanaEx {300}; # note: these status values override those from rule 5
--$HiraganaEx {300}; # by virtual of being numerically larger.
-+$HangulSyllable {200};
-+$KatakanaEx {400}; #originally 300
-+$HiraganaEx {400}; #originally 300
- $IdeographicEx {400}; #
- #
-@@ -96,6 +118,9 @@
- # rule 6 and 7
- $ALetterEx ($MidLetterEx | $MidNumLetEx) $ALetterEx {200};
-+# Chrome addition
-+$HebrewLetEx $HebrewMidLet $HebrewLetEx {200};
- # rule 8
- $NumericEx $NumericEx {100};
-@@ -114,19 +139,25 @@
- # rule 13
--$KatakanaEx $KatakanaEx {300};
-+# To be consistent with '$KanaKanji $KanaKanji', changed
-+# from 300 to 400.
-+# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
-+$KatakanaEx $KatakanaEx {400};
- # rule 13a/b
- $ALetterEx $ExtendNumLetEx {200}; # (13a)
- $NumericEx $ExtendNumLetEx {100}; # (13a)
--$KatakanaEx $ExtendNumLetEx {300}; # (13a)
-+$KatakanaEx $ExtendNumLetEx {400}; # (13a)
- $ExtendNumLetEx $ExtendNumLetEx {200}; # (13a)
- $ExtendNumLetEx $ALetterEx {200}; # (13b)
- $ExtendNumLetEx $NumericEx {100}; # (13b)
--$ExtendNumLetEx $KatakanaEx {300}; # (13b)
-+$ExtendNumLetEx $KatakanaEx {400}; # (13b)
-+# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
-+$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
-+$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; #different rule status if both kanji and kana found
- ## -------------------------------------------------
-@@ -139,13 +170,16 @@
- $BackMidNumEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidNum;
- $BackMidLetterEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidLetter;
- $BackKatakanaEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $Katakana;
-+$BackHiraganaEx = ($Extend | $Format)* $Hiragana;
- $BackExtendNumLetEx= ($Format | $Extend)* $ExtendNumLet;
-+$BackHebrewLetEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $HebrewLet;
- # rule 3
- $LF $CR;
- # rule 4
--($Format | $Extend)* [^$CR $LF $Newline]?;
-+($Format | $Extend)* [^$CR $LF $Newline $dictionaryCJK]?;
- # rule 5
-@@ -155,6 +189,8 @@
- $BackALetterEx ($BackMidLetterEx | $BackMidNumLetEx) $BackALetterEx;
-+# Chrome addition
-+$BackHebrewLetEx $HebrewMidLet $BackHebrewLetEx;
- # rule 8
-@@ -181,6 +217,10 @@
- $BackExtendNumLetEx ($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx | $BackKatakanaEx | $BackExtendNumLetEx);
- ($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx | $BackKatakanaEx) $BackExtendNumLetEx;
-+# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
-+$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable;
-+$KanaKanji $KanaKanji; #different rule status if both kanji and kana found
- ## -------------------------------------------------
- !!safe_reverse;
---- source/data/brkitr/line.txt 2010-09-17 18:22:35.000000000 -0700
-+++ source/data/brkitr/line.txt 2011-07-22 13:46:19.923562000 -0700
-@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
- # TODO: Rule LB 8 remains as it was in Unicode 5.2
+ $Han = [:Han:];
+Index: source/data/brkitr/line.txt
+--- source/data/brkitr/line.txt (revision 259715)
++++ source/data/brkitr/line.txt (working copy)
+@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@
# This is only because of a limitation of ICU break engine implementation,
# not because the older behavior is desirable.
-+# CHROME: Hebrew tailoring was incorporatd as well as some
-+# other minor changes (CL, OP, ID).
+-# Character Classes defined by TR 14.
++# CHROME: 1. Use line_ja.txt to apply small kana rules in all locales.
++# 2. Adjust CL, OP, and IS to handle 'comma-variants' consistently.
+ !!chain;
+ !!LBCMNoChain;
+@@ -57,14 +56,14 @@
- # Character Classes defined by TR 14.
-@@ -55,15 +58,22 @@
- #
- # See rule LB 19 for an example.
- #
-+$SmallHira = [\u3041 \u3043 \u3045 \u3047 \u3049 \u3063 \u3083 \u3085 \u3087 \u308E \u3095 \u3096];
-+$SmallKata = [\u30A1 \u30A3 \u30A5 \u30A7 \u30A9 \u30C3 \u30E3 \u30E5 \u30E7 \u30EE \u30F5 \u30F6];
-+$SmallKataExt = [\u31F0 \u31F1 \u31F2 \u31F3 \u31F4 \u31F5 \u31F6 \u31F7 \u31F8 \u31F9 \u31FA \u31FB \u31FC \u31FD \u31FE \u31FF];
-+$SmallKanaAndProlongedMark = [[$SmallHira] [$SmallKata] [$SmallKataExt] [\u30FC]];
$AI = [:LineBreak = Ambiguous:];
-$AL = [:LineBreak = Alphabetic:];
--$BA = [:LineBreak = Break_After:];
-+$AL = [[:LineBreak = Alphabetic:] - [[:Hebrew:] & [:Letter:]] - [\u23B4\u23B5]];
-+$HL = [[:Hebrew:] & [:Letter:]];
-+$BA = [[:LineBreak = Break_After:] - [\u2010]];
-+$HH = [\u2010];
++$AL = [[:LineBreak = Alphabetic:] - [\u23B4\u23B5]];
+ $BA = [:LineBreak = Break_After:];
$BB = [:LineBreak = Break_Before:];
$BK = [:LineBreak = Mandatory_Break:];
$B2 = [:LineBreak = Break_Both:];
$CB = [:LineBreak = Contingent_Break:];
+ $CJ = [:LineBreak = Conditional_Japanese_Starter:];
-$CL = [:LineBreak = Close_Punctuation:];
+$CL = [[:LineBreak = Close_Punctuation:] [\uFE51\uFE10\u23B5]];
$CM = [:LineBreak = Combining_Mark:];
$CP = [:LineBreak = Close_Parenthesis:];
$CR = [:LineBreak = Carriage_Return:];
-@@ -72,17 +82,17 @@
+@@ -74,16 +73,16 @@
$HY = [:LineBreak = Hyphen:];
$H2 = [:LineBreak = H2:];
$H3 = [:LineBreak = H3:];
-$ID = [:LineBreak = Ideographic:];
-+$ID = [[[:LineBreak = Ideographic:] - [\uFE51]] [$SmallKanaAndProlongedMark]];
++$ID = [[[:LineBreak = Ideographic:] $CJ] - [\uFE51]];
$IN = [:LineBreak = Inseperable:];
-$IS = [:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:];
+$IS = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] - [\uFE10]];
@@ -216,158 +69,10 @@
$JT = [:LineBreak = JT:];
$LF = [:LineBreak = Line_Feed:];
$NL = [:LineBreak = Next_Line:];
--$NS = [:LineBreak = Nonstarter:];
-+$NS = [[:LineBreak = Nonstarter:] - [$SmallKanaAndProlongedMark]];
+-$NS = [[:LineBreak = Nonstarter:] $CJ];
++$NS = [:LineBreak = Nonstarter:];
$NU = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
-$OP = [:LineBreak = Open_Punctuation:];
+$OP = [[:LineBreak = Open_Punctuation:] \u23B4];
$PO = [:LineBreak = Postfix_Numeric:];
$PR = [:LineBreak = Prefix_Numeric:];
- $QU = [:LineBreak = Quotation:];
-@@ -108,13 +118,15 @@
- # XX (Unknown, unassigned)
- # as $AL (Alphabetic)
- #
--$ALPlus = [$AL $AI $SA $SG $XX];
-+$ALPlus = [$AL $HL $AI $SA $SG $XX];
- #
- # Combining Marks. X $CM* behaves as if it were X. Rule LB6.
- #
- $ALcm = $ALPlus $CM*;
-+$HLcm = $HL $CM*;
- $BAcm = $BA $CM*;
-+$HHcm = $HH $CM*;
- $BBcm = $BB $CM*;
- $B2cm = $B2 $CM*;
- $CLcm = $CL $CM*;
-@@ -148,6 +160,7 @@
- #
- $ALPlus $CM+;
- $BA $CM+;
-+$HH $CM+;
- $BB $CM+;
- $B2 $CM+;
- $CL $CM+;
-@@ -190,7 +203,7 @@
- # so for this one case we need to manually list out longer sequences.
- #
--$AL_FOLLOW_CM = [$CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $OP $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $NU $ALPlus];
-+$AL_FOLLOW_CM = [$CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $OP $QU $BA $HH $HY $NS $IN $NU $ALPlus];
-@@ -252,7 +265,7 @@
- # LB 12a Do not break before NBSP and related characters ...
- # [^SP BA HY] x GL
- #
--[[$LB8NonBreaks] - [$SP $BA $HY]] $CM* $GLcm;
-+[[$LB8NonBreaks] - [$SP $BA $HH $HY]] $CM* $GLcm;
- $CM+ GLcm;
-@@ -325,7 +338,7 @@
- # LB 21 x (BA | HY | NS)
- # BB x
- #
--$LB20NonBreaks $CM* ($BAcm | $HYcm | $NScm);
-+$LB20NonBreaks $CM* ($BAcm | $HHcm | $HYcm | $NScm);
- $BBcm [^$CB]; # $BB x
- $BBcm $LB20NonBreaks $CM*;
-@@ -381,6 +394,8 @@
- $CM+ $OPcm; # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL.
- $CPcm ($ALcm | $NUcm);
-+# (LB 31) Add new rule to prevent the break we do not want, this is the behavior change
-+$HLcm ($HY | $HH) $ALcm;
- #
- # Reverse Rules.
-@@ -391,6 +406,7 @@
- $CM+ $ALPlus;
- $CM+ $BA;
-+$CM+ $HH;
- $CM+ $BB;
- $CM+ $B2;
- $CM+ $CL;
-@@ -479,7 +495,7 @@
- # LB 12a
- # [^SP BA HY] x GL
- #
--$CM* $GL $CM* [$LB8NonBreaks-[$CM $SP $BA $HY]];
-+$CM* $GL $CM* [$LB8NonBreaks-[$CM $SP $BA $HH $HY]];
- # LB 12
- # GL x
-@@ -549,7 +565,7 @@
- #
- # LB 21
--$CM* ($BA | $HY | $NS) $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM]; # . x (BA | HY | NS)
-+$CM* ($BA | $HH | $HY | $NS) $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM]; # . x (BA | HY | NS)
- $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM] $CM* $BB; # BB x .
- [^$CB] $CM* $BB; #
-@@ -597,6 +613,8 @@
- $CM* $OP $CM* ($ALPlus | $NU);
- $CM* ($ALPlus | $NU) $CM* $CP;
-+# (LB 31) Add new rule to prevent the break we do not want, this is the behavior change
-+$CM* $ALPlus ($HY | $HH) $CM* $HL;
- ## -------------------------------------------------
---- source/data/brkitr/ 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
-+++ source/data/brkitr/ 2011-01-25 17:54:01.149770000 -0800
-@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-+# * Copyright (C) 1998-2010, International Business Machines
-+# * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-+# A list of txt's to build
-+# Note:
-+# If you are thinking of modifying this file, READ THIS.
-+# Instead of changing this file [unless you want to check it back in],
-+# you should consider creating a '' file in this same directory.
-+# Then, you can have your local changes remain even if you upgrade or
-+# reconfigure ICU.
-+# Example '' files:
-+# * To add an additional locale to the list:
-+# _____________________________________________________
-+# | BRK_RES_SOURCE_LOCAL = myLocale.txt ...
-+# * To REPLACE the default list and only build with a few
-+# locales:
-+# _____________________________________________________
-+# | BRK_RES_SOURCE = ar.txt ar_AE.txt en.txt de.txt zh.txt
-+# Generated by LDML2ICUConverter, from LDML source files.
-+# Aliases without a corresponding xx.xml file (see icu-config.xml & build.xml)
-+# All aliases (to not be included under 'installed'), but not including root.
-+# List of compact trie dictionary files (ctd).
-+BRK_CTD_SOURCE = thaidict.txt cjdict.txt
-+# List of break iterator files (brk).
-+# Chrome change: remove word_ja.txt and line_he.txt
-+BRK_SOURCE = sent_el.txt word_POSIX.txt line_fi.txt char.txt word.txt line.txt sent.txt title.txt char_th.txt
-+# Ordinary resources
-+# Chrome change: remove ja.txt and he.txt
-+BRK_RES_SOURCE = el.txt en.txt en_US.txt en_US_POSIX.txt\
-+ fi.txt th.txt
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