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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/attributes-expected.txt

Issue 2912383002: Add support for Element.getAttributeNames() (Closed)
Patch Set: rebased Created 3 years, 6 months ago
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1 This is a testharness.js-based test. 1 This is a testharness.js-based test.
2 Found 58 tests; 50 PASS, 8 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN. 2 Found 58 tests; 51 PASS, 7 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
3 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown. (setAttribute) 3 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown. (setAttribute)
4 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown, even if the attribute is already present. (setAt tribute) 4 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown, even if the attribute is already present. (setAt tribute)
5 PASS setAttribute should lowercase its name argument (upper case attribute) 5 PASS setAttribute should lowercase its name argument (upper case attribute)
6 PASS setAttribute should lowercase its name argument (mixed case attribute) 6 PASS setAttribute should lowercase its name argument (mixed case attribute)
7 PASS setAttribute should not throw even when qualifiedName starts with 'xmlns' 7 PASS setAttribute should not throw even when qualifiedName starts with 'xmlns'
8 PASS Basic functionality should be intact. 8 PASS Basic functionality should be intact.
9 PASS setAttribute should not change the order of previously set attributes. 9 PASS setAttribute should not change the order of previously set attributes.
10 PASS setAttribute should set the first attribute with the given name 10 PASS setAttribute should set the first attribute with the given name
11 PASS setAttribute should set the attribute with the given qualified name 11 PASS setAttribute should set the attribute with the given qualified name
12 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown. (setAttributeNS) 12 PASS When qualifiedName does not match the Name production, an INVALID_CHARACTER _ERR exception is to be thrown. (setAttributeNS)
(...skipping 30 matching lines...) Expand all
43 PASS setAttributeNode should distinguish attributes with same local name and dif ferent namespaces 43 PASS setAttributeNode should distinguish attributes with same local name and dif ferent namespaces
44 PASS setAttributeNode doesn't have case-insensitivity even with an HTMLElement 44 PASS setAttributeNode doesn't have case-insensitivity even with an HTMLElement
45 PASS Basic functionality of setAttributeNodeNS 45 PASS Basic functionality of setAttributeNodeNS
46 PASS If attr’s element is neither null nor element, throw an InUseAttributeError . 46 PASS If attr’s element is neither null nor element, throw an InUseAttributeError .
47 PASS Replacing an attr by itself 47 PASS Replacing an attr by itself
48 PASS Basic functionality of removeAttributeNode 48 PASS Basic functionality of removeAttributeNode
49 PASS setAttributeNode on bound attribute should throw InUseAttributeError 49 PASS setAttributeNode on bound attribute should throw InUseAttributeError
50 PASS setAttributeNode, if it fires mutation events, should fire one with the new node when resetting an existing attribute 50 PASS setAttributeNode, if it fires mutation events, should fire one with the new node when resetting an existing attribute
51 PASS setAttributeNode, if it fires mutation events, should fire one with the new node when resetting an existing attribute (outer shell) 51 PASS setAttributeNode, if it fires mutation events, should fire one with the new node when resetting an existing attribute (outer shell)
52 PASS setAttributeNode called with an Attr that has the same name as an existing one should not change attribute order 52 PASS setAttributeNode called with an Attr that has the same name as an existing one should not change attribute order
53 FAIL getAttributeNames tests el.getAttributeNames is not a function 53 PASS getAttributeNames tests
54 FAIL Own property correctness with basic attributes assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 2 got 0 54 FAIL Own property correctness with basic attributes assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 2 got 0
55 FAIL Own property correctness with non-namespaced attribute before same-name nam espaced one assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0 55 FAIL Own property correctness with non-namespaced attribute before same-name nam espaced one assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0
56 FAIL Own property correctness with namespaced attribute before same-name non-nam espaced one assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0 56 FAIL Own property correctness with namespaced attribute before same-name non-nam espaced one assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0
57 FAIL Own property correctness with two namespaced attributes with the same name- with-prefix assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0 57 FAIL Own property correctness with two namespaced attributes with the same name- with-prefix assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 3 got 0
58 FAIL Own property names should only include all-lowercase qualified names for an HTML element in an HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 8 got 6 58 FAIL Own property names should only include all-lowercase qualified names for an HTML element in an HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 8 got 6
59 FAIL Own property names should include all qualified names for a non-HTML elemen t in an HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 12 got 6 59 FAIL Own property names should include all qualified names for a non-HTML elemen t in an HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 12 got 6
60 FAIL Own property names should include all qualified names for an HTML element i n a non-HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 12 got 6 60 FAIL Own property names should include all qualified names for an HTML element i n a non-HTML document assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 12 got 6
61 Harness: the test ran to completion. 61 Harness: the test ran to completion.
62 62

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