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Unified Diff: components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/

Issue 286013002: Added alternative configuration for the data reduction proxy (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: DCHECK fix Created 6 years, 7 months ago
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Index: components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/
diff --git a/components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/ b/components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37cb3bb2b6e306f5058000ea8e258bda7d89a9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+// Test values to replacethe values specified in preprocessor defines.
+static const char kDefaultKey[] = "test-key";
+static const char kDefaultDevOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultFallbackOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultSSLOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultAltOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultAltFallbackOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kDefaultProbeURL[] = "";
+static const char kFlagKey[] = "test-flag-key";
+static const char kFlagOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kFlagFallbackOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kFlagSSLOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kFlagAltOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kFlagAltFallbackOrigin[] = "";
+static const char kFlagProbeURL[] = "";
+// Used to emulate having constants defined by the preprocessor.
+static const unsigned int HAS_NOTHING = 0x0;
+static const unsigned int HAS_KEY = 0x1;
+static const unsigned int HAS_DEV_ORIGIN = 0x2;
+static const unsigned int HAS_ORIGIN = 0x4;
+static const unsigned int HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN = 0x8;
+static const unsigned int HAS_SSL_ORIGIN = 0x10;
+static const unsigned int HAS_ALT_ORIGIN = 0x20;
+static const unsigned int HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN = 0x40;
+static const unsigned int HAS_PROBE_URL = 0x80;
+static const unsigned int HAS_EVERYTHING = 0xff;
+} // namespace
+namespace data_reduction_proxy {
+class TestDataReductionProxyParams : public DataReductionProxyParams {
+ public:
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams(int flags,
+ unsigned int has_definitions)
+ : DataReductionProxyParams(flags,
+ false),
+ has_definitions_(has_definitions) {
+ init_result_ = Init(flags & DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed,
+ flags & DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed,
+ flags & DataReductionProxyParams::kAlternativeAllowed);
+ }
+ bool init_result() const {
+ return init_result_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultKey() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_KEY, kDefaultKey);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultDevOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, kDefaultDevOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_ORIGIN, kDefaultOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultFallbackOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, kDefaultFallbackOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultSSLOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, kDefaultSSLOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultAltOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, kDefaultAltOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultAltFallbackOrigin() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, kDefaultAltFallbackOrigin);
+ }
+ virtual std::string GetDefaultProbeURL() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetDefinition(HAS_PROBE_URL, kDefaultProbeURL);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string GetDefinition(unsigned int has_def,
+ const std::string& definition) const {
+ return ((has_definitions_ & has_def) ? definition : std::string());
+ }
+ unsigned int has_definitions_;
+ bool init_result_;
+class DataReductionProxyParamsTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ void CheckParams(const TestDataReductionProxyParams& params,
+ bool expected_init_result,
+ bool expected_allowed,
+ bool expected_fallback_allowed,
+ bool expected_alternative_allowed,
+ bool expected_promo_allowed) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_init_result, params.init_result());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_allowed, params.allowed());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_fallback_allowed, params.fallback_allowed());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_alternative_allowed, params.alternative_allowed());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_promo_allowed, params.promo_allowed());
+ }
+ void CheckValues(const TestDataReductionProxyParams& params,
+ const std::string expected_key,
+ const std::string& expected_origin,
+ const std::string& expected_fallback_origin,
+ const std::string& expected_ssl_origin,
+ const std::string& expected_alt_origin,
+ const std::string& expected_alt_fallback_origin,
+ const std::string& expected_probe_url) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_key, params.key());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_origin), params.origin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_fallback_origin), params.fallback_origin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_ssl_origin), params.ssl_origin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_alt_origin), params.alt_origin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_alt_fallback_origin), params.alt_fallback_origin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(expected_probe_url), params.probe_url());
+ }
+TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, EverythingDefined) {
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams params(
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kPromoAllowed, HAS_EVERYTHING);
+ CheckParams(params, true, true, true, false, true);
+ CheckValues(params,
+ kDefaultKey,
+ kDefaultDevOrigin,
+ kDefaultFallbackOrigin,
+ kDefaultSSLOrigin,
+ kDefaultAltOrigin,
+ kDefaultAltFallbackOrigin,
+ kDefaultProbeURL);
+TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, NoDevOrigin) {
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams params(
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kPromoAllowed,
+ CheckParams(params, true, true, true, false, true);
+ CheckValues(params,
+ kDefaultKey,
+ kDefaultOrigin,
+ kDefaultFallbackOrigin,
+ kDefaultSSLOrigin,
+ kDefaultAltOrigin,
+ kDefaultAltFallbackOrigin,
+ kDefaultProbeURL);
+TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, Flags) {
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyKey, kFlagKey);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxy, kFlagOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyFallback, kFlagFallbackOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionSSLProxy, kFlagSSLOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyAlt, kFlagAltOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyAltFallback, kFlagAltFallbackOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyProbeURL, kFlagProbeURL);
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams params(
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAlternativeAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kPromoAllowed, HAS_EVERYTHING);
+ CheckParams(params, true, true, true, true, true);
+ CheckValues(params,
+ kFlagKey,
+ kFlagOrigin,
+ kFlagFallbackOrigin,
+ kFlagSSLOrigin,
+ kFlagAltOrigin,
+ kFlagAltFallbackOrigin,
+ kFlagProbeURL);
+TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, FlagsNoKey) {
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxy, kFlagOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyFallback, kFlagFallbackOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionSSLProxy, kFlagSSLOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyAlt, kFlagAltOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyAltFallback, kFlagAltFallbackOrigin);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitchASCII(
+ switches::kDataReductionProxyProbeURL, kFlagProbeURL);
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams params(
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kAlternativeAllowed |
+ DataReductionProxyParams::kPromoAllowed, HAS_EVERYTHING);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(params.init_result());
+TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, InvalidConfigurations) {
+ const struct {
+ bool allowed;
+ bool fallback_allowed;
+ bool alternative_allowed;
+ bool promo_allowed;
+ unsigned int missing_definitions;
+ bool expected_result;
+ } tests[] = {
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_NOTHING, true },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_KEY, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_ORIGIN | HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, true, true, HAS_PROBE_URL, false },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_NOTHING, true },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_KEY, false },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_ORIGIN | HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, true, true, HAS_PROBE_URL, false },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_NOTHING, true },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_KEY, false },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_ORIGIN | HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, true, false, true, HAS_PROBE_URL, false },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_KEY, false },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_ORIGIN | HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, false },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, true },
+ { true, false, false, true, HAS_PROBE_URL, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_NOTHING, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_KEY, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_ORIGIN | HAS_DEV_ORIGIN, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_SSL_ORIGIN, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_ALT_ORIGIN, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_ALT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN, false },
+ { false, true, true, true, HAS_PROBE_URL, false },
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) {
+ int flags = 0;
+ if (tests[i].allowed)
+ flags |= DataReductionProxyParams::kAllowed;
+ if (tests[i].fallback_allowed)
+ flags |= DataReductionProxyParams::kFallbackAllowed;
+ if (tests[i].alternative_allowed)
+ flags |= DataReductionProxyParams::kAlternativeAllowed;
+ if (tests[i].promo_allowed)
+ flags |= DataReductionProxyParams::kPromoAllowed;
+ TestDataReductionProxyParams params(
+ flags,
+ HAS_EVERYTHING & ~(tests[i].missing_definitions));
+ EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].expected_result, params.init_result());
+ }
+} // namespace data_reduction_proxy

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