(Empty) | |
1 <!doctype html> | |
2 <html> | |
3 <head> | |
4 <meta charset=utf-8> | |
5 <title>IDL check of WebCrypto</title> | |
6 <link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/webcrypto/Overview.html#crypto-inte rface"> | |
7 | |
8 <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> | |
9 <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> | |
10 <script src=/resources/WebIDLParser.js></script> | |
11 <script src=/resources/idlharness.js></script> | |
12 </head> | |
13 <body> | |
14 | |
15 <h1 class="instructions">Description</h1> | |
16 | |
17 <p class="instructions">This test verifies that the implementations of the WebCr ypto API match with its WebIDL definition.</p> | |
18 | |
19 <div id='log'></div> | |
20 | |
21 <script> | |
22 var file_input; | |
23 setup(function() { | |
24 var idl_array = new IdlArray(); | |
25 | |
26 var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |
27 request.open("GET", "WebCryptoAPI.idl"); | |
Mike West
2017/04/24 14:19:22
I think you need to add `[SecureContext]` to this
| |
28 request.send(); | |
29 request.onload = function() { | |
30 var idls = request.responseText; | |
31 | |
32 idl_array.add_untested_idls("[PrimaryGlobal] interface Window { };"); | |
33 | |
34 idl_array.add_untested_idls("interface ArrayBuffer {};"); | |
35 idl_array.add_untested_idls("interface ArrayBufferView {};"); | |
36 | |
37 idl_array.add_idls(idls); | |
38 | |
39 idl_array.add_objects({"Crypto":["crypto"], "SubtleCrypto":["crypto.subt le"]}); | |
40 | |
41 idl_array.test(); | |
42 done(); | |
43 }; | |
44 }, {explicit_done: true}); | |
45 </script> | |