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Unified Diff: third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/

Issue 2814043003: Update Crashpad to 1f28a123a4c9449e3d7ddad4ff00dacd366d5216 (Closed)
Patch Set: Add missing GN config to fix compile/link. Created 3 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/
diff --git a/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/ b/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/
index 743e930dce3e91cfe3e997f719cf2e624e7ef91a..7e5093f2ec84360edc137e3a5d5cef54e8116793 100644
--- a/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/
+++ b/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
#include "client/crashpad_client.h"
-#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
@@ -23,11 +21,10 @@
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "test/errors.h"
-#include "test/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "test/test_paths.h"
+#include "test/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "test/win/win_multiprocess.h"
-#include "util/win/process_info.h"
+#include "test/win/win_multiprocess_with_temp_dir.h"
#include "util/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "util/win/termination_codes.h"
@@ -35,159 +32,6 @@ namespace crashpad {
namespace test {
namespace {
-class ScopedEnvironmentVariable {
- public:
- explicit ScopedEnvironmentVariable(const wchar_t* name);
- ~ScopedEnvironmentVariable();
- std::wstring GetValue() const;
- // Sets this environment variable to |new_value|. If |new_value| is nullptr
- // this environment variable will be undefined.
- void SetValue(const wchar_t* new_value) const;
- private:
- std::wstring GetValueImpl(bool* is_defined) const;
- std::wstring original_value_;
- const wchar_t* name_;
- bool was_defined_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedEnvironmentVariable);
-ScopedEnvironmentVariable::ScopedEnvironmentVariable(const wchar_t* name)
- : name_(name) {
- original_value_ = GetValueImpl(&was_defined_);
-ScopedEnvironmentVariable::~ScopedEnvironmentVariable() {
- if (was_defined_)
- SetValue(;
- else
- SetValue(nullptr);
-std::wstring ScopedEnvironmentVariable::GetValue() const {
- bool dummy;
- return GetValueImpl(&dummy);
-std::wstring ScopedEnvironmentVariable::GetValueImpl(bool* is_defined) const {
- // The length returned is inclusive of the terminating zero, except
- // if the variable doesn't exist, in which case the return value is zero.
- DWORD len = GetEnvironmentVariable(name_, nullptr, 0);
- if (len == 0) {
- *is_defined = false;
- return L"";
- }
- *is_defined = true;
- std::wstring ret;
- ret.resize(len);
- // The length returned on success is exclusive of the terminating zero.
- len = GetEnvironmentVariable(name_, &ret[0], len);
- ret.resize(len);
- return ret;
-void ScopedEnvironmentVariable::SetValue(const wchar_t* new_value) const {
- SetEnvironmentVariable(name_, new_value);
-// Returns the process IDs of all processes that have |parent_pid| as
-// parent process ID.
-std::vector<pid_t> GetPotentialChildProcessesOf(pid_t parent_pid) {
- ScopedFileHANDLE snapshot(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0));
- if (!snapshot.is_valid()) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << ErrorMessage("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");
- return std::vector<pid_t>();
- }
- PROCESSENTRY32 entry = {sizeof(entry)};
- if (!Process32First(snapshot.get(), &entry)) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << ErrorMessage("Process32First");
- return std::vector<pid_t>();
- }
- std::vector<pid_t> child_pids;
- do {
- if (entry.th32ParentProcessID == parent_pid)
- child_pids.push_back(entry.th32ProcessID);
- } while (Process32Next(snapshot.get(), &entry));
- return child_pids;
-ULARGE_INTEGER GetProcessCreationTime(HANDLE process) {
- ULARGE_INTEGER ret = {};
- FILETIME creation_time;
- FILETIME dummy;
- if (GetProcessTimes(process, &creation_time, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) {
- ret.LowPart = creation_time.dwLowDateTime;
- ret.HighPart = creation_time.dwHighDateTime;
- } else {
- ADD_FAILURE() << ErrorMessage("GetProcessTimes");
- }
- return ret;
-// Waits for the processes directly created by |parent| - and specifically not
-// their offspring. For this to work without race, |parent| has to be suspended
-// or have exited.
-void WaitForAllChildProcessesOf(HANDLE parent) {
- pid_t parent_pid = GetProcessId(parent);
- std::vector<pid_t> child_pids = GetPotentialChildProcessesOf(parent_pid);
- ULARGE_INTEGER parent_creationtime = GetProcessCreationTime(parent);
- for (pid_t child_pid : child_pids) {
- // Try and open the process. This may fail for reasons such as:
- // 1. The process isn't |parent|'s child process, but rather a
- // higher-privilege sub-process of an earlier process that had
- // |parent|'s PID.
- // 2. The process no longer exists, e.g. it exited after enumeration.
- ScopedKernelHANDLE child_process(
- false,
- child_pid));
- if (!child_process.is_valid())
- continue;
- // Check that the child now has the right parent PID, as its PID may have
- // been reused after the enumeration above.
- ProcessInfo child_info;
- if (!child_info.Initialize(child_process.get())) {
- // This can happen if child_process has exited after the handle is opened.
- LOG(ERROR) << "ProcessInfo::Initialize, pid: " << child_pid;
- continue;
- }
- if (parent_pid != child_info.ParentProcessID()) {
- // The child's process ID was reused after enumeration.
- continue;
- }
- // We successfully opened |child_process| and it has |parent|'s PID for
- // parent process ID. However, this could still be a sub-process of another
- // process that earlier had |parent|'s PID. To make sure, check that
- // |child_process| was created after |parent_process|.
- ULARGE_INTEGER process_creationtime =
- GetProcessCreationTime(child_process.get());
- if (process_creationtime.QuadPart < parent_creationtime.QuadPart)
- continue;
- DWORD err = WaitForSingleObject(child_process.get(), INFINITE);
- if (err == WAIT_FAILED) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << ErrorMessage("WaitForSingleObject");
- } else if (err != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "WaitForSingleObject returned " << err;
- }
- }
void StartAndUseHandler(const base::FilePath& temp_dir) {
base::FilePath handler_path = TestPaths::Executable().DirName().Append(
@@ -204,32 +48,6 @@ void StartAndUseHandler(const base::FilePath& temp_dir) {
-// Name of the environment variable used to communicate the name of the
-// temp directory from parent to child process.
-constexpr wchar_t kTempDirEnvName[] = L"CRASHPAD_TEST_TEMP_DIR";
-class WinMultiprocessWithTempDir : public WinMultiprocess {
- public:
- WinMultiprocessWithTempDir()
- : WinMultiprocess(), temp_dir_env_(kTempDirEnvName) {}
- void WinMultiprocessParentBeforeChild() override {
- temp_dir_ = base::WrapUnique(new ScopedTempDir);
- temp_dir_env_.SetValue(temp_dir_->path().value().c_str());
- }
- void WinMultiprocessParentAfterChild(HANDLE child) override {
- WaitForAllChildProcessesOf(child);
- temp_dir_.reset();
- }
- protected:
- std::unique_ptr<ScopedTempDir> temp_dir_;
- ScopedEnvironmentVariable temp_dir_env_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WinMultiprocessWithTempDir);
class StartWithInvalidHandles final : public WinMultiprocessWithTempDir {
StartWithInvalidHandles() : WinMultiprocessWithTempDir() {}
@@ -244,7 +62,7 @@ class StartWithInvalidHandles final : public WinMultiprocessWithTempDir {
- StartAndUseHandler(base::FilePath(temp_dir_env_.GetValue()));
+ StartAndUseHandler(GetTempDirPath());
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, original_stdout);
SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, original_stderr);
@@ -252,7 +70,7 @@ class StartWithInvalidHandles final : public WinMultiprocessWithTempDir {
TEST(CrashpadClient, StartWithInvalidHandles) {
- WinMultiprocess::Run<StartWithInvalidHandles>();
+ WinMultiprocessWithTempDir::Run<StartWithInvalidHandles>();
class StartWithSameStdoutStderr final : public WinMultiprocessWithTempDir {
@@ -268,14 +86,14 @@ class StartWithSameStdoutStderr final : public WinMultiprocessWithTempDir {
HANDLE original_stderr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, original_stderr);
- StartAndUseHandler(base::FilePath(temp_dir_env_.GetValue()));
+ StartAndUseHandler(GetTempDirPath());
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, original_stdout);
TEST(CrashpadClient, StartWithSameStdoutStderr) {
- WinMultiprocess::Run<StartWithSameStdoutStderr>();
+ WinMultiprocessWithTempDir::Run<StartWithSameStdoutStderr>();
void StartAndUseBrokenHandler(CrashpadClient* client) {
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