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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 2811333002: [builtins] HasOwnProperty: handle non-internalized string keys (Closed)
Patch Set: rebased (noop) Created 3 years, 8 months ago
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Index: src/
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2878154f63df82385e8d7a3824b942cd81ed8664..6265e05211b9bba0b50a536d315afb65ade32db8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -17510,10 +17510,9 @@ void StringTable::EnsureCapacityForDeserialization(Isolate* isolate,
namespace {
template <class StringClass>
-void MigrateExternalStringResource(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> from,
- Handle<String> to) {
- Handle<StringClass> cast_from = Handle<StringClass>::cast(from);
- Handle<StringClass> cast_to = Handle<StringClass>::cast(to);
+void MigrateExternalStringResource(Isolate* isolate, String* from, String* to) {
+ StringClass* cast_from = StringClass::cast(from);
+ StringClass* cast_to = StringClass::cast(to);
const typename StringClass::Resource* to_resource = cast_to->resource();
if (to_resource == nullptr) {
// |to| is a just-created internalized copy of |from|. Migrate the resource.
@@ -17523,7 +17522,43 @@ void MigrateExternalStringResource(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> from,
} else if (to_resource != cast_from->resource()) {
// |to| already existed and has its own resource. Finalize |from|.
- isolate->heap()->FinalizeExternalString(*from);
+ isolate->heap()->FinalizeExternalString(from);
+ }
+void MakeStringThin(String* string, String* internalized, Isolate* isolate) {
+ if (string->IsExternalString()) {
+ if (internalized->IsExternalOneByteString()) {
+ MigrateExternalStringResource<ExternalOneByteString>(isolate, string,
+ internalized);
+ } else if (internalized->IsExternalTwoByteString()) {
+ MigrateExternalStringResource<ExternalTwoByteString>(isolate, string,
+ internalized);
+ } else {
+ // If the external string is duped into an existing non-external
+ // internalized string, free its resource (it's about to be rewritten
+ // into a ThinString below).
+ isolate->heap()->FinalizeExternalString(string);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!string->IsInternalizedString()) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ bool one_byte = internalized->IsOneByteRepresentation();
+ Handle<Map> map = one_byte ? isolate->factory()->thin_one_byte_string_map()
+ : isolate->factory()->thin_string_map();
+ int old_size = string->Size();
+ DCHECK(old_size >= ThinString::kSize);
+ string->synchronized_set_map(*map);
+ ThinString* thin = ThinString::cast(string);
+ thin->set_actual(internalized);
+ Address thin_end = thin->address() + ThinString::kSize;
+ int size_delta = old_size - ThinString::kSize;
+ if (size_delta != 0) {
+ Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
+ heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(thin_end, size_delta, ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
+ heap->AdjustLiveBytes(thin, -size_delta);
+ }
@@ -17544,44 +17579,7 @@ Handle<String> StringTable::LookupString(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<String> result = LookupKey(isolate, &key);
if (FLAG_thin_strings) {
- if (string->IsExternalString()) {
- if (result->IsExternalOneByteString()) {
- MigrateExternalStringResource<ExternalOneByteString>(isolate, string,
- result);
- } else if (result->IsExternalTwoByteString()) {
- MigrateExternalStringResource<ExternalTwoByteString>(isolate, string,
- result);
- } else {
- // If the external string is duped into an existing non-external
- // internalized string, free its resource (it's about to be rewritten
- // into a ThinString below).
- isolate->heap()->FinalizeExternalString(*string);
- }
- }
- // The LookupKey() call above tries to internalize the string in-place.
- // In cases where that wasn't possible (e.g. new-space strings), turn them
- // into ThinStrings referring to their internalized versions now.
- if (!string->IsInternalizedString()) {
- DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
- bool one_byte = result->IsOneByteRepresentation();
- Handle<Map> map = one_byte
- ? isolate->factory()->thin_one_byte_string_map()
- : isolate->factory()->thin_string_map();
- int old_size = string->Size();
- DCHECK(old_size >= ThinString::kSize);
- string->synchronized_set_map(*map);
- Handle<ThinString> thin = Handle<ThinString>::cast(string);
- thin->set_actual(*result);
- Address thin_end = thin->address() + ThinString::kSize;
- int size_delta = old_size - ThinString::kSize;
- if (size_delta != 0) {
- Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
- heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(thin_end, size_delta,
- ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
- heap->AdjustLiveBytes(*thin, -size_delta);
- }
- }
+ MakeStringThin(*string, *result, isolate);
} else { // !FLAG_thin_strings
if (string->IsConsString()) {
Handle<ConsString> cons = Handle<ConsString>::cast(string);
@@ -17631,10 +17629,172 @@ Handle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(Isolate* isolate, HashTableKey* key) {
return Handle<String>::cast(string);
+namespace {
+class StringTableNoAllocateKey : public HashTableKey {
+ public:
+ StringTableNoAllocateKey(String* string, uint32_t seed)
+ : string_(string), length_(string->length()) {
+ StringShape shape(string);
+ one_byte_ = shape.HasOnlyOneByteChars();
+ DCHECK(!shape.IsInternalized());
+ DCHECK(!shape.IsThin());
+ if (shape.IsCons() && length_ <= String::kMaxHashCalcLength) {
+ special_flattening_ = true;
+ uint32_t hash_field = 0;
+ if (one_byte_) {
+ one_byte_content_ = new uint8_t[length_];
+ String::WriteToFlat(string, one_byte_content_, 0, length_);
+ hash_field = StringHasher::HashSequentialString(one_byte_content_,
+ length_, seed);
+ } else {
+ two_byte_content_ = new uint16_t[length_];
+ String::WriteToFlat(string, two_byte_content_, 0, length_);
+ hash_field = StringHasher::HashSequentialString(two_byte_content_,
+ length_, seed);
+ }
+ string->set_hash_field(hash_field);
+ } else {
+ special_flattening_ = false;
+ }
+ hash_ = string->Hash();
+ }
+ ~StringTableNoAllocateKey() {
+ if (one_byte_) {
+ delete[] one_byte_content_;
+ } else {
+ delete[] two_byte_content_;
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsMatch(Object* otherstring) override {
+ String* other = String::cast(otherstring);
+ DCHECK(other->IsInternalizedString());
+ DCHECK(other->IsFlat());
+ if (hash_ != other->Hash()) return false;
+ int len = length_;
+ if (len != other->length()) return false;
+ if (!special_flattening_) {
+ if (string_->Get(0) != other->Get(0)) return false;
+ if (string_->IsFlat()) {
+ StringShape shape1(string_);
+ StringShape shape2(other);
+ if (shape1.encoding_tag() == kOneByteStringTag &&
+ shape2.encoding_tag() == kOneByteStringTag) {
+ String::FlatContent flat1 = string_->GetFlatContent();
+ String::FlatContent flat2 = other->GetFlatContent();
+ return CompareRawStringContents(flat1.ToOneByteVector().start(),
+ flat2.ToOneByteVector().start(), len);
+ }
+ if (shape1.encoding_tag() == kTwoByteStringTag &&
+ shape2.encoding_tag() == kTwoByteStringTag) {
+ String::FlatContent flat1 = string_->GetFlatContent();
+ String::FlatContent flat2 = other->GetFlatContent();
+ return CompareRawStringContents(flat1.ToUC16Vector().start(),
+ flat2.ToUC16Vector().start(), len);
+ }
+ }
+ StringComparator comparator;
+ return comparator.Equals(string_, other);
+ }
+ String::FlatContent flat_content = other->GetFlatContent();
+ if (one_byte_) {
+ if (flat_content.IsOneByte()) {
+ return CompareRawStringContents(
+ one_byte_content_, flat_content.ToOneByteVector().start(), len);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(flat_content.IsTwoByte());
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (flat_content.Get(i) != one_byte_content_[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (flat_content.IsTwoByte()) {
+ return CompareRawStringContents(
+ two_byte_content_, flat_content.ToUC16Vector().start(), len);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(flat_content.IsOneByte());
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (flat_content.Get(i) != two_byte_content_[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t Hash() override { return hash_; }
+ uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) override {
+ return String::cast(key)->Hash();
+ }
+ MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) override {
+ return Handle<String>();
+ }
+ private:
+ String* string_;
+ int length_;
+ bool one_byte_;
+ bool special_flattening_;
+ uint32_t hash_ = 0;
+ union {
+ uint8_t* one_byte_content_ = nullptr;
+ uint16_t* two_byte_content_;
+ };
+} // namespace
+// static
+Object* StringTable::LookupStringIfExists_NoAllocate(String* string) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ Heap* heap = string->GetHeap();
+ Isolate* isolate = heap->isolate();
+ StringTable* table = heap->string_table();
+ StringTableNoAllocateKey key(string, heap->HashSeed());
+ // String could be an array index.
+ DCHECK(string->HasHashCode());
+ uint32_t hash = string->hash_field();
+ // Valid array indices are >= 0, so they cannot be mixed up with any of
+ // the result sentinels, which are negative.
+ !String::ArrayIndexValueBits::is_valid(ResultSentinel::kUnsupported));
+ !String::ArrayIndexValueBits::is_valid(ResultSentinel::kNotFound));
+ if ((hash & Name::kContainsCachedArrayIndexMask) == 0) {
+ return Smi::FromInt(String::ArrayIndexValueBits::decode(hash));
+ }
+ if ((hash & Name::kIsNotArrayIndexMask) == 0) {
+ // It is an indexed, but it's not cached.
+ return Smi::FromInt(ResultSentinel::kUnsupported);
+ }
+ int entry = table->FindEntry(isolate, &key, key.Hash());
+ if (entry != kNotFound) {
+ String* internalized = String::cast(table->KeyAt(entry));
+ if (FLAG_thin_strings) {
+ MakeStringThin(string, internalized, isolate);
+ }
+ return internalized;
+ }
+ // A string that's not an array index, and not in the string table,
+ // cannot have been used as a property name before.
+ return Smi::FromInt(ResultSentinel::kNotFound);
String* StringTable::LookupKeyIfExists(Isolate* isolate, HashTableKey* key) {
Handle<StringTable> table = isolate->factory()->string_table();
- int entry = table->FindEntry(key);
+ int entry = table->FindEntry(isolate, key);
if (entry != kNotFound) return String::cast(table->KeyAt(entry));
return NULL;
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