1 This is a testharness.js-based test. | 1 This is a testharness.js-based test. |
2 PASS Test exceptions when finishing non-running animation | 2 PASS Test exceptions when finishing non-running animation |
3 PASS Test exceptions when finishing infinite animation | 3 PASS Test exceptions when finishing infinite animation |
4 PASS Test finishing of animation | 4 PASS Test finishing of animation |
5 PASS Test finishing of animation with a current time past the effect end | 5 PASS Test finishing of animation with a current time past the effect end |
6 PASS Test finishing of reversed animation | 6 PASS Test finishing of reversed animation |
7 PASS Test finishing of reversed animation with a current time less than zero | 7 PASS Test finishing of reversed animation with a current time less than zero |
8 PASS Test finish() while paused | 8 PASS Test finish() while paused |
9 PASS Test finish() while pause-pending with positive playbackRate | 9 PASS Test finish() while pause-pending with positive playbackRate |
10 PASS Test finish() while pause-pending with negative playbackRate | 10 PASS Test finish() while pause-pending with negative playbackRate |
11 PASS Test finish() while play-pending | 11 PASS Test finish() while play-pending |
12 PASS Test finish() during aborted pause | 12 PASS Test finish() during aborted pause |
13 PASS Test resetting of computed style | 13 PASS Test resetting of computed style |
14 FAIL Test finish() resolves finished promise synchronously assert_true: Animatio
n.finished should be resolved soon after Animation.finish() expected true got fa
lse | 14 PASS Test finish() resolves finished promise synchronously |
15 FAIL Test finish() resolves finished promise synchronously with an animation wit
hout a target Animation is not defined | 15 FAIL Test finish() resolves finished promise synchronously with an animation wit
hout a target Animation is not defined |
16 FAIL Test normally finished animation resolves finished promise synchronously wi
th an animation without a target Animation is not defined | 16 FAIL Test normally finished animation resolves finished promise synchronously wi
th an animation without a target Animation is not defined |
17 Harness: the test ran to completion. | 17 Harness: the test ran to completion. |
18 | 18 |