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Unified Diff: content/browser/

Issue 2790473006: Replace IOAllowed with WaitAllowed in PlatformThread::Join()
Patch Set: allow in IOThreadPreCleanup() Created 3 years, 8 months ago
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Index: content/browser/
diff --git a/content/browser/ b/content/browser/
index d48bc01b8df6da132fb0a4ba83b5a05ffb686cc2..5fbfc4a683850f8eb48e80a9a1ada4a62adb52fc 100644
--- a/content/browser/
+++ b/content/browser/
@@ -1198,9 +1198,10 @@ void BrowserMainLoop::ShutdownThreadsAndCleanUp() {
TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::ShutdownThreadsAndCleanUp");
- // Teardown may start in PostMainMessageLoopRun, and during teardown we
- // need to be able to perform IO.
+ // Teardown may start in PostMainMessageLoopRun, and during teardown we need
+ // to be able to perform IO and perform blocking waits (e.g. joining threads).
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::SetWaitAllowed(true);
BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
@@ -1274,88 +1275,84 @@ void BrowserMainLoop::ShutdownThreadsAndCleanUp() {
- {
- base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait_for_join;
- // Must be size_t so we can subtract from it.
- for (size_t thread_id = BrowserThread::ID_COUNT - 1;
- thread_id >= (BrowserThread::UI + 1); --thread_id) {
- // Find the thread object we want to stop. Looping over all valid
- // BrowserThread IDs and DCHECKing on a missing case in the switch
- // statement helps avoid a mismatch between this code and the
- // BrowserThread::ID enumeration.
- //
- // The destruction order is the reverse order of occurrence in the
- // BrowserThread::ID list. The rationale for the order is as follows (need
- // to be filled in a bit):
- //
- // - The IO thread is the only user of the CACHE thread.
- //
- // - The PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread must be stopped after IO in case
- // the IO thread posted a task to terminate a process on the
- // process launcher thread.
- //
- // - (Not sure why DB stops last.)
- switch (thread_id) {
- case BrowserThread::DB: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:DBThread");
- ResetThread_DB(std::move(db_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::FILE: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:FileThread");
- // Clean up state that lives on or uses the FILE thread before it goes
- // away.
- save_file_manager_->Shutdown();
- ResetThread_FILE(std::move(file_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::FILE_USER_BLOCKING: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown",
- "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:FileUserBlockingThread");
- ResetThread_FILE_USER_BLOCKING(std::move(file_user_blocking_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::PROCESS_LAUNCHER: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:LauncherThread");
- ResetThread_PROCESS_LAUNCHER(std::move(process_launcher_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::CACHE: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:CacheThread");
- ResetThread_CACHE(std::move(cache_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::IO: {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:IOThread");
- ResetThread_IO(std::move(io_thread_));
- break;
- }
- case BrowserThread::UI:
- case BrowserThread::ID_COUNT:
- break;
+ // Must be size_t so we can subtract from it.
+ for (size_t thread_id = BrowserThread::ID_COUNT - 1;
+ thread_id >= (BrowserThread::UI + 1); --thread_id) {
+ // Find the thread object we want to stop. Looping over all valid
+ // BrowserThread IDs and DCHECKing on a missing case in the switch
+ // statement helps avoid a mismatch between this code and the
+ // BrowserThread::ID enumeration.
+ //
+ // The destruction order is the reverse order of occurrence in the
+ // BrowserThread::ID list. The rationale for the order is as follows (need
+ // to be filled in a bit):
+ //
+ // - The IO thread is the only user of the CACHE thread.
+ //
+ // - The PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread must be stopped after IO in case
+ // the IO thread posted a task to terminate a process on the
+ // process launcher thread.
+ //
+ // - (Not sure why DB stops last.)
+ switch (thread_id) {
+ case BrowserThread::DB: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:DBThread");
+ ResetThread_DB(std::move(db_thread_));
+ break;
+ case BrowserThread::FILE: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:FileThread");
+ // Clean up state that lives on or uses the FILE thread before it goes
+ // away.
+ save_file_manager_->Shutdown();
+ ResetThread_FILE(std::move(file_thread_));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrowserThread::FILE_USER_BLOCKING: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown",
+ "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:FileUserBlockingThread");
+ ResetThread_FILE_USER_BLOCKING(std::move(file_user_blocking_thread_));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrowserThread::PROCESS_LAUNCHER: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:LauncherThread");
+ ResetThread_PROCESS_LAUNCHER(std::move(process_launcher_thread_));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrowserThread::CACHE: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:CacheThread");
+ ResetThread_CACHE(std::move(cache_thread_));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrowserThread::IO: {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:IOThread");
+ ResetThread_IO(std::move(io_thread_));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrowserThread::UI:
+ case BrowserThread::ID_COUNT:
+ break;
- {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:IndexedDBThread");
- ResetThread_IndexedDb(std::move(indexed_db_thread_));
- }
+ }
+ {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:IndexedDBThread");
+ ResetThread_IndexedDb(std::move(indexed_db_thread_));
+ }
- // Close the blocking I/O pool after the other threads. Other threads such
- // as the I/O thread may need to schedule work like closing files or
- // flushing data during shutdown, so the blocking pool needs to be
- // available. There may also be slow operations pending that will blcok
- // shutdown, so closing it here (which will block until required operations
- // are complete) gives more head start for those operations to finish.
- {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:ThreadPool");
- BrowserThreadImpl::ShutdownThreadPool();
- }
- {
- TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:TaskScheduler");
- base::TaskScheduler::GetInstance()->Shutdown();
- }
+ // Close the blocking I/O pool after the other threads. Other threads such
+ // as the I/O thread may need to schedule work like closing files or
+ // flushing data during shutdown, so the blocking pool needs to be
+ // available. There may also be slow operations pending that will blcok
+ // shutdown, so closing it here (which will block until required operations
+ // are complete) gives more head start for those operations to finish.
+ {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:ThreadPool");
+ BrowserThreadImpl::ShutdownThreadPool();
+ }
+ {
+ TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "BrowserMainLoop::Subsystem:TaskScheduler");
+ base::TaskScheduler::GetInstance()->Shutdown();
// Must happen after the IO thread is shutdown since this may be accessed from
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