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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/svg/dom/tabindex-focus-expected.txt

Issue 2782583002: Deduplicate testharness test names in LayoutTests/svg/ (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 3 years, 9 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/svg/dom/tabindex-focus-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/svg/dom/tabindex-focus-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/svg/dom/tabindex-focus-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba204f0488e23afcab5ca9ebb6a4008b806ccab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/svg/dom/tabindex-focus-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Harness Error. harness_status.status = 1 , harness_status.message = 6 duplicate test names: "textPath.focus() without tabindex set.", "textPath.focus() with tabindex set.", "tref.focus() without tabindex set.", "tref.focus() with tabindex set.", "tspan.focus() without tabindex set.", "tspan.focus() with tabindex set."
-PASS a.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS a.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyph.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyph.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyphDef.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyphDef.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyphItem.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS altGlyphItem.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS animate.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS animate.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS animateColor.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS animateColor.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS animateMotion.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS animateMotion.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS animateTransform.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS animateTransform.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS circle.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS circle.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS clipPath.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS clipPath.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS color-profile.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS color-profile.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS cursor.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS cursor.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS definition-src.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS definition-src.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS defs.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS defs.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS desc.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS desc.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS ellipse.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS ellipse.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feBlend.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feBlend.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feColorMatrix.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feColorMatrix.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feComponentTransfer.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feComponentTransfer.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feComposite.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feComposite.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feConvolveMatrix.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feConvolveMatrix.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feDiffuseLighting.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feDiffuseLighting.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feDisplacementMap.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feDisplacementMap.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feDistantLight.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feDistantLight.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feFlood.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feFlood.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncA.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncA.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncB.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncB.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncG.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncG.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncR.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feFuncR.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feGaussianBlur.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feGaussianBlur.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feImage.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feImage.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feMerge.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feMerge.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feMergeNode.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feMergeNode.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feMorphology.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feMorphology.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feOffset.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feOffset.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS fePointLight.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS fePointLight.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feSpecularLighting.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feSpecularLighting.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feSpotLight.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feSpotLight.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feTile.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feTile.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS feTurbulence.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS feTurbulence.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS filter.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS filter.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font-face.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font-face.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-format.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-format.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-name.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-name.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-src.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-src.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-uri.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS font-face-uri.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS foreignObject.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS foreignObject.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS g.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS g.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS glyph.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS glyph.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS glyphRef.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS glyphRef.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS hkern.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS hkern.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS image.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS image.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS line.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS line.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS linearGradient.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS linearGradient.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS marker.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS marker.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS mask.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS mask.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS metadata.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS metadata.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS missing-glyph.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS missing-glyph.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS mpath.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS mpath.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS path.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS path.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS pattern.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS pattern.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS polygon.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS polygon.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS polyline.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS polyline.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS radialGradient.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS radialGradient.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS rect.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS rect.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS script.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS script.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS set.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS set.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS stop.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS stop.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS style.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS style.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS svg.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS svg.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS switch.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS switch.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS symbol.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS symbol.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS text.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS text.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS textPath.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS textPath.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS title.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS title.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS tref.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS tref.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS tspan.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS tspan.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS use.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS use.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS view.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS view.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS vkern.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS vkern.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS textPath.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS textPath.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS tref.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS tref.focus() with tabindex set.
-PASS tspan.focus() without tabindex set.
-PASS tspan.focus() with tabindex set.
-Harness: the test ran to completion.

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