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Unified Diff: tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart

Issue 2765893003: Fix warnings_checker.dart handling of multitests (Closed)
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Index: tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart
diff --git a/tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart b/tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart
index 96a5120db91bedc1b0205006fb026264f29acd26..ce0528dbb46633007aa61979dbfa3cb1115ad145 100644
--- a/tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language_strong/async_star_test.dart
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ main() {
// VM issue 2238
- test("labeled 2", () { // /// 01: ok
- f() async* { // /// 01: continued
- label1: label2: yield 0; // /// 01: continued
- } // /// 01: continued
- return expectList(f(), [0]); // /// 01: continued
- }); // /// 01: continued
+ test("labeled 2", () { // //# 01: ok
+ f() async* { // //# 01: continued
+ label1: label2: yield 0; // //# 01: continued
+ } // //# 01: continued
+ return expectList(f(), [0]); // //# 01: continued
+ }); // //# 01: continued
test("for-loop", () {
f() async* {
@@ -710,35 +710,35 @@ main() {
- test("canceling while paused at yield", () { // /// 02: ok
- var list = []; // /// 02: continued
- var sync = new Sync(); // /// 02: continued
- f() async* { // /// 02: continued
- list.add("*1"); // /// 02: continued
- yield 1; // /// 02: continued
- await sync.wait(); // /// 02: continued
- sync.release(); // /// 02: continued
- list.add("*2"); // /// 02: continued
- yield 2; // /// 02: continued
- list.add("*3"); // /// 02: continued
- }; // /// 02: continued
- var stream = f(); // /// 02: continued
+ test("canceling while paused at yield", () { // //# 02: ok
+ var list = []; // //# 02: continued
+ var sync = new Sync(); // //# 02: continued
+ f() async* { // //# 02: continued
+ list.add("*1"); // //# 02: continued
+ yield 1; // //# 02: continued
+ await sync.wait(); // //# 02: continued
+ sync.release(); // //# 02: continued
+ list.add("*2"); // //# 02: continued
+ yield 2; // //# 02: continued
+ list.add("*3"); // //# 02: continued
+ }; // //# 02: continued
+ var stream = f(); // //# 02: continued
// TODO(jmesserly): added workaround for:
- var sub = stream.listen((x) => list.add(x)); // /// 02: continued
- return sync.wait().whenComplete(() { // /// 02: continued
- expect(list, equals(["*1", 1])); // /// 02: continued
- sub.pause(); // /// 02: continued
- return sync.wait(); // /// 02: continued
- }).whenComplete(() { // /// 02: continued
- expect(list, equals(["*1", 1, "*2"])); // /// 02: continued
- sub.cancel(); // /// 02: continued
- return new Future.delayed(MS * 200, () { // /// 02: continued
- // Should not have yielded 2 or added *3 while paused. // /// 02: continued
- expect(list, equals(["*1", 1, "*2"])); // /// 02: continued
- }); // /// 02: continued
- }); // /// 02: continued
- }); // /// 02: continued
+ var sub = stream.listen((x) => list.add(x)); // //# 02: continued
+ return sync.wait().whenComplete(() { // //# 02: continued
+ expect(list, equals(["*1", 1])); // //# 02: continued
+ sub.pause(); // //# 02: continued
+ return sync.wait(); // //# 02: continued
+ }).whenComplete(() { // //# 02: continued
+ expect(list, equals(["*1", 1, "*2"])); // //# 02: continued
+ sub.cancel(); // //# 02: continued
+ return new Future.delayed(MS * 200, () { // //# 02: continued
+ // Should not have yielded 2 or added *3 while paused. // //# 02: continued
+ expect(list, equals(["*1", 1, "*2"])); // //# 02: continued
+ }); // //# 02: continued
+ }); // //# 02: continued
+ }); // //# 02: continued
group("await for", () {
@@ -768,16 +768,16 @@ main() {
- test("simple stream - take", () { // /// 03: ok
- f(s) async { // /// 03: continued
- var r = 0; // /// 03: continued
- await for(var v in s.take(5)) r += v; // /// 03: continued
- return r; // /// 03: continued
- } // /// 03: continued
- return f(mkStream(10)).then((v) { // /// 03: continued
- expect(v, equals(10)); // /// 03: continued
- }); // /// 03: continued
- }); // /// 03: continued
+ test("simple stream - take", () { // //# 03: ok
+ f(s) async { // //# 03: continued
+ var r = 0; // //# 03: continued
+ await for(var v in s.take(5)) r += v; // //# 03: continued
+ return r; // //# 03: continued
+ } // //# 03: continued
+ return f(mkStream(10)).then((v) { // //# 03: continued
+ expect(v, equals(10)); // //# 03: continued
+ }); // //# 03: continued
+ }); // //# 03: continued
test("simple stream reyield", () {
f(s) async* {
@@ -795,13 +795,13 @@ main() {
return expectList(f(mkStream(5)), [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]);
- test("simple stream - take, reyield", () { // /// 04: ok
- f(s) async* { // /// 04: continued
- var r = 0; // /// 04: continued
- await for(var v in s.take(5)) yield r += v; // /// 04: continued
- } // /// 04: continued
- return expectList(f(mkStream(10)), [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]); // /// 04: continued
- }); // /// 04: continued
+ test("simple stream - take, reyield", () { // //# 04: ok
+ f(s) async* { // //# 04: continued
+ var r = 0; // //# 04: continued
+ await for(var v in s.take(5)) yield r += v; // //# 04: continued
+ } // //# 04: continued
+ return expectList(f(mkStream(10)), [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]); // //# 04: continued
+ }); // //# 04: continued
test("nested", () {
f() async {
@@ -849,28 +849,28 @@ main() {
- test("await pauses loop", () { // /// 05: ok
- var sc; // /// 05: continued
- var i = 0; // /// 05: continued
- void send() { // /// 05: continued
- if (i == 5) { // /// 05: continued
- sc.close(); // /// 05: continued
- } else { // /// 05: continued
- sc.add(i++); // /// 05: continued
- } // /// 05: continued
- } // /// 05: continued
- sc = new StreamController(onListen: send, onResume: send); // /// 05: continued
- f(s) async { // /// 05: continued
- var r = 0; // /// 05: continued
- await for (var i in s) { // /// 05: continued
- r += await new Future.delayed(MS * 10, () => i); // /// 05: continued
- } // /// 05: continued
- return r; // /// 05: continued
- } // /// 05: continued
- return f( { // /// 05: continued
- expect(v, equals(10)); // /// 05: continued
- }); // /// 05: continued
- }); // /// 05: continued
+ test("await pauses loop", () { // //# 05: ok
+ var sc; // //# 05: continued
+ var i = 0; // //# 05: continued
+ void send() { // //# 05: continued
+ if (i == 5) { // //# 05: continued
+ sc.close(); // //# 05: continued
+ } else { // //# 05: continued
+ sc.add(i++); // //# 05: continued
+ } // //# 05: continued
+ } // //# 05: continued
+ sc = new StreamController(onListen: send, onResume: send); // //# 05: continued
+ f(s) async { // //# 05: continued
+ var r = 0; // //# 05: continued
+ await for (var i in s) { // //# 05: continued
+ r += await new Future.delayed(MS * 10, () => i); // //# 05: continued
+ } // //# 05: continued
+ return r; // //# 05: continued
+ } // //# 05: continued
+ return f( { // //# 05: continued
+ expect(v, equals(10)); // //# 05: continued
+ }); // //# 05: continued
+ }); // //# 05: continued
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