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Unified Diff: ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/

Issue 2734683002: chromeos: Move files in //ash/common to //ash, part 2 (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 3 years, 9 months ago
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Index: ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/
diff --git a/ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/ b/ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3539a04c41bf45a23f8d1d837211fd21477226f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/frame_caption_button_container_view.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <map>
-#include "ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/frame_caption_button.h"
-#include "ash/common/frame/caption_buttons/frame_size_button.h"
-#include "ash/common/wm/maximize_mode/maximize_mode_controller.h"
-#include "ash/common/wm_shell.h"
-#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
-#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/scoped_animation_duration_scale_mode.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"
-#include "ui/strings/grit/ui_strings.h" // Accessibility names
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
-namespace ash {
-namespace {
-// Duration of the animation of the position of |minimize_button_|.
-const int kPositionAnimationDurationMs = 500;
-// Duration of the animation of the alpha of |size_button_|.
-const int kAlphaAnimationDurationMs = 250;
-// Delay during |maximize_mode_animation_| hide to wait before beginning to
-// animate the position of |minimize_button_|.
-const int kHidePositionDelayMs = 100;
-// Duration of |maximize_mode_animation_| hiding.
-// Hiding size button 250
-// |------------------------|
-// Delay 100 Slide minimize button 500
-// |---------|-------------------------------------------------|
-const int kHideAnimationDurationMs =
- kHidePositionDelayMs + kPositionAnimationDurationMs;
-// Delay during |maximize_mode_animation_| show to wait before beginning to
-// animate the alpha of |size_button_|.
-const int kShowAnimationAlphaDelayMs = 100;
-// Duration of |maximize_mode_animation_| showing.
-// Slide minimize button 500
-// |-------------------------------------------------|
-// Delay 100 Show size button 250
-// |---------|-----------------------|
-const int kShowAnimationDurationMs = kPositionAnimationDurationMs;
-// Value of |maximize_mode_animation_| showing to begin animating alpha of
-// |size_button_|.
-float SizeButtonShowStartValue() {
- return static_cast<float>(kShowAnimationAlphaDelayMs) /
- kShowAnimationDurationMs;
-// Amount of |maximize_mode_animation_| showing to animate the alpha of
-// |size_button_|.
-float SizeButtonShowDuration() {
- return static_cast<float>(kAlphaAnimationDurationMs) /
- kShowAnimationDurationMs;
-// Amount of |maximize_mode_animation_| hiding to animate the alpha of
-// |size_button_|.
-float SizeButtonHideDuration() {
- return static_cast<float>(kAlphaAnimationDurationMs) /
- kHideAnimationDurationMs;
-// Value of |maximize_mode_animation_| hiding to begin animating the position of
-// |minimize_button_|.
-float HidePositionStartValue() {
- return 1.0f -
- static_cast<float>(kHidePositionDelayMs) / kHideAnimationDurationMs;
-// Converts |point| from |src| to |dst| and hittests against |dst|.
-bool ConvertPointToViewAndHitTest(const views::View* src,
- const views::View* dst,
- const gfx::Point& point) {
- gfx::Point converted(point);
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(src, dst, &converted);
- return dst->HitTestPoint(converted);
-// Bounds animation values to the range 0.0 - 1.0. Allows for mapping of offset
-// animations to the expected range so that gfx::Tween::CalculateValue() can be
-// used.
-double CapAnimationValue(double value) {
- return std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, value));
-} // namespace
-// static
-const char FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::kViewClassName[] =
- "FrameCaptionButtonContainerView";
- views::Widget* frame)
- : frame_(frame),
- minimize_button_(NULL),
- size_button_(NULL),
- close_button_(NULL) {
- bool size_button_visibility = ShouldSizeButtonBeVisible();
- maximize_mode_animation_.reset(new gfx::SlideAnimation(this));
- maximize_mode_animation_->SetTweenType(gfx::Tween::LINEAR);
- // Ensure animation tracks visibility of size button.
- if (size_button_visibility)
- maximize_mode_animation_->Reset(1.0f);
- // Insert the buttons left to right.
- minimize_button_ = new FrameCaptionButton(this, CAPTION_BUTTON_ICON_MINIMIZE);
- minimize_button_->SetAccessibleName(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MINIMIZE));
- minimize_button_->SetVisible(frame_->widget_delegate()->CanMinimize());
- AddChildView(minimize_button_);
- size_button_ = new FrameSizeButton(this, frame, this);
- size_button_->SetAccessibleName(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MAXIMIZE));
- size_button_->SetVisible(size_button_visibility);
- AddChildView(size_button_);
- close_button_ = new FrameCaptionButton(this, CAPTION_BUTTON_ICON_CLOSE);
- close_button_->SetAccessibleName(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_CLOSE));
- AddChildView(close_button_);
-FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::~FrameCaptionButtonContainerView() {}
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::TestApi::EndAnimations() {
- container_view_->maximize_mode_animation_->End();
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetButtonImage(
- CaptionButtonIcon icon,
- const gfx::VectorIcon& icon_definition) {
- button_icon_map_[icon] = &icon_definition;
- FrameCaptionButton* buttons[] = {minimize_button_, size_button_,
- close_button_};
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(buttons); ++i) {
- if (buttons[i]->icon() == icon)
- buttons[i]->SetImage(icon, FrameCaptionButton::ANIMATE_NO,
- icon_definition);
- }
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetPaintAsActive(bool paint_as_active) {
- minimize_button_->set_paint_as_active(paint_as_active);
- size_button_->set_paint_as_active(paint_as_active);
- close_button_->set_paint_as_active(paint_as_active);
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetUseLightImages(bool light) {
- minimize_button_->set_use_light_images(light);
- size_button_->set_use_light_images(light);
- close_button_->set_use_light_images(light);
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::ResetWindowControls() {
- SetButtonsToNormal(ANIMATE_NO);
-int FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::NonClientHitTest(
- const gfx::Point& point) const {
- if (close_button_->visible() &&
- ConvertPointToViewAndHitTest(this, close_button_, point)) {
- return HTCLOSE;
- } else if (size_button_->visible() &&
- ConvertPointToViewAndHitTest(this, size_button_, point)) {
- } else if (minimize_button_->visible() &&
- ConvertPointToViewAndHitTest(this, minimize_button_, point)) {
- }
- return HTNOWHERE;
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::UpdateSizeButtonVisibility() {
- bool visible = ShouldSizeButtonBeVisible();
- if (visible) {
- size_button_->SetVisible(true);
- maximize_mode_animation_->SetSlideDuration(kShowAnimationDurationMs);
- maximize_mode_animation_->Show();
- } else {
- maximize_mode_animation_->SetSlideDuration(kHideAnimationDurationMs);
- maximize_mode_animation_->Hide();
- }
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetButtonSize(const gfx::Size& size) {
- minimize_button_->set_size(size);
- size_button_->set_size(size);
- close_button_->set_size(size);
-gfx::Size FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::GetPreferredSize() const {
- int width = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < child_count(); ++i) {
- const views::View* child = child_at(i);
- if (child->visible())
- width += child_at(i)->GetPreferredSize().width();
- }
- return gfx::Size(width, close_button_->GetPreferredSize().height());
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::Layout() {
- int x = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < child_count(); ++i) {
- views::View* child = child_at(i);
- if (!child->visible())
- continue;
- gfx::Size size = child->GetPreferredSize();
- child->SetBounds(x, 0, size.width(), size.height());
- x += size.width();
- }
- if (maximize_mode_animation_->is_animating()) {
- AnimationProgressed(maximize_mode_animation_.get());
- }
-const char* FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::GetClassName() const {
- return kViewClassName;
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::AnimationEnded(
- const gfx::Animation* animation) {
- // Ensure that position is calculated at least once.
- AnimationProgressed(animation);
- double current_value = maximize_mode_animation_->GetCurrentValue();
- if (current_value == 0.0) {
- size_button_->SetVisible(false);
- PreferredSizeChanged();
- }
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::AnimationProgressed(
- const gfx::Animation* animation) {
- double current_value = animation->GetCurrentValue();
- int size_alpha = 0;
- int minimize_x = 0;
- if (maximize_mode_animation_->IsShowing()) {
- double scaled_value =
- CapAnimationValue((current_value - SizeButtonShowStartValue()) /
- SizeButtonShowDuration());
- double tweened_value_alpha =
- gfx::Tween::CalculateValue(gfx::Tween::EASE_OUT, scaled_value);
- size_alpha = gfx::Tween::LinearIntValueBetween(tweened_value_alpha, 0, 255);
- double tweened_value_slide =
- gfx::Tween::CalculateValue(gfx::Tween::EASE_OUT, current_value);
- minimize_x = gfx::Tween::LinearIntValueBetween(tweened_value_slide,
- size_button_->x(), 0);
- } else {
- double scaled_value_alpha =
- CapAnimationValue((1.0f - current_value) / SizeButtonHideDuration());
- double tweened_value_alpha =
- gfx::Tween::CalculateValue(gfx::Tween::EASE_IN, scaled_value_alpha);
- size_alpha = gfx::Tween::LinearIntValueBetween(tweened_value_alpha, 255, 0);
- double scaled_value_position = CapAnimationValue(
- (HidePositionStartValue() - current_value) / HidePositionStartValue());
- double tweened_value_position =
- gfx::Tween::CalculateValue(gfx::Tween::EASE_OUT, scaled_value_position);
- minimize_x = gfx::Tween::LinearIntValueBetween(tweened_value_position, 0,
- size_button_->x());
- }
- size_button_->SetAlpha(size_alpha);
- minimize_button_->SetX(minimize_x);
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetButtonIcon(FrameCaptionButton* button,
- CaptionButtonIcon icon,
- Animate animate) {
- // The early return is dependant on |animate| because callers use
- // SetButtonIcon() with ANIMATE_NO to progress |button|'s crossfade animation
- // to the end.
- if (button->icon() == icon &&
- (animate == ANIMATE_YES || !button->IsAnimatingImageSwap())) {
- return;
- }
- FrameCaptionButton::Animate fcb_animate =
- (animate == ANIMATE_YES) ? FrameCaptionButton::ANIMATE_YES
- : FrameCaptionButton::ANIMATE_NO;
- auto it = button_icon_map_.find(icon);
- if (it != button_icon_map_.end())
- button->SetImage(icon, fcb_animate, *it->second);
-bool FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::ShouldSizeButtonBeVisible() const {
- return !WmShell::Get()
- ->maximize_mode_controller()
- ->IsMaximizeModeWindowManagerEnabled() &&
- frame_->widget_delegate()->CanMaximize();
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
- const ui::Event& event) {
- // Abort any animations of the button icons.
- SetButtonsToNormal(ANIMATE_NO);
- if (sender == minimize_button_) {
- frame_->Minimize();
- } else if (sender == size_button_) {
- if (frame_->IsFullscreen()) { // Can be clicked in immersive fullscreen.
- frame_->Restore();
- } else if (frame_->IsMaximized()) {
- frame_->Restore();
- } else {
- frame_->Maximize();
- }
- if (event.IsGestureEvent())
- WmShell::Get()->RecordGestureAction(GESTURE_FRAMEMAXIMIZE_TAP);
- } else if (sender == close_button_) {
- frame_->Close();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- WmShell::Get()->RecordUserMetricsAction(action);
-bool FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::IsMinimizeButtonVisible() const {
- return minimize_button_->visible();
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetButtonsToNormal(Animate animate) {
- animate);
- minimize_button_->SetState(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL);
- size_button_->SetState(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL);
- close_button_->SetState(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL);
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetButtonIcons(
- CaptionButtonIcon minimize_button_icon,
- CaptionButtonIcon close_button_icon,
- Animate animate) {
- SetButtonIcon(minimize_button_, minimize_button_icon, animate);
- SetButtonIcon(close_button_, close_button_icon, animate);
-const FrameCaptionButton* FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::GetButtonClosestTo(
- const gfx::Point& position_in_screen) const {
- // Since the buttons all have the same size, the closest button is the button
- // with the center point closest to |position_in_screen|.
- // TODO(pkotwicz): Make the caption buttons not overlap.
- gfx::Point position(position_in_screen);
- views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(this, &position);
- FrameCaptionButton* buttons[] = {minimize_button_, size_button_,
- close_button_};
- int min_squared_distance = INT_MAX;
- FrameCaptionButton* closest_button = NULL;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(buttons); ++i) {
- FrameCaptionButton* button = buttons[i];
- if (!button->visible())
- continue;
- gfx::Point center_point = button->GetLocalBounds().CenterPoint();
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(button, this, &center_point);
- int squared_distance = static_cast<int>(
- pow(static_cast<double>(position.x() - center_point.x()), 2) +
- pow(static_cast<double>(position.y() - center_point.y()), 2));
- if (squared_distance < min_squared_distance) {
- min_squared_distance = squared_distance;
- closest_button = button;
- }
- }
- return closest_button;
-void FrameCaptionButtonContainerView::SetHoveredAndPressedButtons(
- const FrameCaptionButton* to_hover,
- const FrameCaptionButton* to_press) {
- FrameCaptionButton* buttons[] = {minimize_button_, size_button_,
- close_button_};
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(buttons); ++i) {
- FrameCaptionButton* button = buttons[i];
- views::Button::ButtonState new_state = views::Button::STATE_NORMAL;
- if (button == to_hover)
- new_state = views::Button::STATE_HOVERED;
- else if (button == to_press)
- new_state = views::Button::STATE_PRESSED;
- button->SetState(new_state);
- }
-} // namespace ash

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