DescriptionAdd timing to dump_record.
Prints microsecond timing for each command in the left-hand column:
optimized flat/http___mobile_news_sandbox_google_com_news_pt0_scroll_layer_7.skp
4.0 1 Save
2075.0 2 DrawRect
104.0 3 BoundedDrawPosTextH
135.4 4 DrawRect
9.4 5 DrawRect
5.6 6 DrawRect
8.2 7 DrawRect
6.8 8 DrawRect
(I'm sure Rietveld will just mangle the crap out of that. It's helpfully right-aligned.)
To do this, I made Draw from SkRecordDraw Skia-public as SkRecords::Draw,
and time it command-by-command.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : timeWithCommand #Patch Set 3 : don't print noops #Patch Set 4 : always walk with fDraw #
Total messages: 4 (0 generated)