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Unified Diff: chrome/tools/profile_reset/

Issue 271673006: Eliminate all code related to the AutomaticProfileResetter. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fixed nit from dbeam@, using new tracked preference deprecation. Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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Index: chrome/tools/profile_reset/
diff --git a/chrome/tools/profile_reset/ b/chrome/tools/profile_reset/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1868df8d6c590fd3fbf05e6825ef6b929d482c82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/tools/profile_reset/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/tools/profile_reset/jtl_parser.h"
-#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace {
-// Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ExpectNextOperation(JtlParser* parser,
- const char* expected_name,
- const char* expected_args_json,
- bool expected_ends_sentence) {
- std::string actual_name;
- base::ListValue actual_args;
- std::string actual_args_json;
- bool actual_ends_sentence;
- EXPECT_FALSE(parser->HasFinished());
- EXPECT_TRUE(parser->ParseNextOperation(
- &actual_name, &actual_args, &actual_ends_sentence));
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_name, actual_name);
- base::JSONWriter::Write(&actual_args, &actual_args_json);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_args_json, actual_args_json);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_ends_sentence, actual_ends_sentence);
-void ExpectNextOperationToFail(JtlParser* parser,
- size_t expected_line_number,
- const char* expected_context_prefix) {
- std::string actual_name;
- base::ListValue actual_args;
- bool actual_ends_sentence;
- EXPECT_FALSE(parser->HasFinished());
- EXPECT_FALSE(parser->ParseNextOperation(
- &actual_name, &actual_args, &actual_ends_sentence));
- EXPECT_THAT(parser->GetLastContext(),
- testing::StartsWith(expected_context_prefix));
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_line_number, parser->GetLastLineNumber());
-JtlParser* CreateParserFromVerboseText(const std::string& verbose_text) {
- std::string compacted_source_code;
- std::vector<size_t> newline_indices;
- EXPECT_TRUE(JtlParser::RemoveCommentsAndAllWhitespace(
- verbose_text, &compacted_source_code, &newline_indices, NULL));
- return new JtlParser(compacted_source_code, newline_indices);
-// Tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-TEST(JtlParser, CompactingEmpty) {
- const char kSourceCode[] = "";
- const char kCompactedSourceCode[] = "";
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_EQ(kCompactedSourceCode, parser->compacted_source());
-TEST(JtlParser, CompactingTrivial) {
- const char kSourceCode[] = "foo";
- const char kCompactedSourceCode[] = "foo";
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_EQ(kCompactedSourceCode, parser->compacted_source());
-TEST(JtlParser, CompactingOneLine) {
- const char kSourceCode[] = " \r f\to o ( true ) ";
- const char kCompactedSourceCode[] = "foo(true)";
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_EQ(kCompactedSourceCode, parser->compacted_source());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCompactedSourceCode) - 1; ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message("Position ") << i);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, parser->GetOriginalLineNumber(i));
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, CompactingMultipleLines) {
- const char kSourceCode[] = "a\nbb\n \nccc \n\n d( \n e \n )";
- const char kCompactedSourceCode[] = "abbcccd(e)";
- const size_t kLineNumbers[] = {0u, 1u, 1u, 3u, 3u, 3u, 5u, 5u, 6u, 7u};
- COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(kCompactedSourceCode) == arraysize(kLineNumbers) + 1,
- mismatched_test_data);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_EQ(kCompactedSourceCode, parser->compacted_source());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kLineNumbers); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message("Position ") << i);
- EXPECT_EQ(kLineNumbers[i], parser->GetOriginalLineNumber(i));
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, CompactingMultipleLinesWithComments) {
- const char kSourceCode[] =
- "a/ /b//Comment \n"
- "//\n"
- "// Full line comment\n"
- " cd //";
- const char kCompactedSourceCode[] = "a//bcd";
- const size_t kLineNumbers[] = {0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 3u, 3u};
- COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(kCompactedSourceCode) == arraysize(kLineNumbers) + 1,
- mismatched_test_data);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_EQ(kCompactedSourceCode, parser->compacted_source());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kLineNumbers); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message("Position ") << i);
- EXPECT_EQ(kLineNumbers[i], parser->GetOriginalLineNumber(i));
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, HandlingCommentsAndStringLiterals) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- const char* compacted_source_code;
- } cases[] = {
- {"//", ""},
- {"//comment", ""},
- {"foo // comment", "foo"},
- {"foo // // comment", "foo"},
- {"foo //", "foo"},
- {"\"literal\"", "\"literal\""},
- {"\"literal with space\"", "\"literal with space\""},
- {"\"\"", "\"\""},
- {"\"\"\"\"", "\"\"\"\""},
- {"\"\" // comment", "\"\""},
- {"\"literal\" // comment", "\"literal\""},
- {"\"literal\" \"literal\" // comment", "\"literal\"\"literal\""},
- {"foo // \"not a literal\"", "foo"},
- {"foo // \"not even matched", "foo"},
- {"foo // \"not a literal\" \"not even matched", "foo"},
- {"\"literal\" // \"not a literal\"", "\"literal\""},
- {"\"literal\" // \"not even matched", "\"literal\""},
- {"\"//not a comment//\"", "\"//not a comment//\""},
- {"\"//not a comment//\" // comment", "\"//not a comment//\""},
- {"// \"//not a literal//\" // comment", ""},
- {"\"literal\" // \"//not a literal//\" // comment", "\"literal\""},
- {"\"//not a comment//\" // \"//not a literal//\" // comment",
- "\"//not a comment//\""},
- {"\"literal // \"not a literal nor a comment",
- "\"literal // \"notaliteralnoracomment"},
- {"\"literal // \"not a literal nor a comment//\"",
- "\"literal // \"notaliteralnoracomment"}
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].source_code);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(
- CreateParserFromVerboseText(cases[i].source_code));
- EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].compacted_source_code, parser->compacted_source());
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, MismatchedDoubleQuotesBeforeEndOfLine) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- size_t error_line_number;
- } cases[] = {
- {"\"", 0},
- {"\"mismatched literal", 0},
- {"\n\"", 1},
- {"\"\n\"", 0},
- {"\"\"\"", 0},
- {"\"\"\n\"", 1},
- {"\"\"\n\"\n\"", 1},
- {"\" // not a comment", 0},
- {"\" // not a comment\n\"", 0},
- {"\"\" // comment\n\"", 1},
- {"\"\"\" // not a comment\n\"", 0},
- {"\"\"\" // \" neither a literal nor a comment\"\n\"", 0},
- {"\"\" // comment\n\"// not a comment", 1},
- {"\" // not a comment\"\n\"// not a comment", 1},
- {"foo(\"bar\");\nfoo(\"mismatched);", 1},
- {"foo(\n\"bar\", \"mismatched);", 1},
- {"foo(\n\"bar\", \"mismatched); //comment", 1},
- {"foo(\n\"bar\", \"mismatched);\ngood(\"bar\")", 1}
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].source_code);
- std::string compacted_source_code;
- std::vector<size_t> newline_indices;
- size_t error_line_number;
- EXPECT_FALSE(JtlParser::RemoveCommentsAndAllWhitespace(
- cases[i].source_code,
- &compacted_source_code,
- &newline_indices,
- &error_line_number));
- EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].error_line_number, error_line_number);
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, ParsingEmpty) {
- const char kSourceCode[] = "";
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- EXPECT_TRUE(parser->HasFinished());
-TEST(JtlParser, ParsingOneWellFormedOperation) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- const char* expected_name;
- const char* expected_args;
- const bool expected_ends_sentence;
- } cases[] = {
- {"foo1;", "foo1", "[]", true},
- {"foo2().", "foo2", "[]", false},
- {"foo3(true);", "foo3", "[true]", true},
- {"foo4(false).", "foo4", "[false]", false},
- {"foo5(\"bar\").", "foo5", "[\"bar\"]", false},
- {"foo6(\" b a r \").", "foo6", "[\" b a r \"]", false},
- {"foo7(true, \"bar\").", "foo7", "[true,\"bar\"]", false},
- {"foo8(\"bar\", false, true);", "foo8", "[\"bar\",false,true]", true},
- {"foo9(\"bar\", \" b a r \");", "foo9", "[\"bar\",\" b a r \"]", true}
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].expected_name);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(
- CreateParserFromVerboseText(cases[i].source_code));
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(),
- cases[i].expected_name,
- cases[i].expected_args,
- cases[i].expected_ends_sentence);
- EXPECT_TRUE(parser->HasFinished());
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, ParsingMultipleWellFormedOperations) {
- const char kSourceCode[] =
- "foo1(true).foo2.foo3(\"bar\");"
- "foo4(\"bar\", false);";
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(CreateParserFromVerboseText(kSourceCode));
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "foo1", "[true]", false);
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "foo2", "[]", false);
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "foo3", "[\"bar\"]", true);
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "foo4", "[\"bar\",false]", true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(parser->HasFinished());
-TEST(JtlParser, ParsingTrickyStringLiterals) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- const char* expected_name;
- const char* expected_args;
- const bool expected_ends_sentence;
- } cases[] = {
- {"prev().foo1(\"\");next(true);", "foo1", "[\"\"]", true},
- {"prev().foo2(\" \");next(true);", "foo2", "[\" \"]", true},
- {"prev().foo3(\",\",true);next(true);", "foo3", "[\",\",true]", true},
- {"prev().foo4(\")\",true);next(true);", "foo4", "[\")\",true]", true},
- {"prev().foo5(\";\",true);next(true);", "foo5", "[\";\",true]", true},
- {"prev().foo6(\"/\",true).next(true);", "foo6", "[\"/\",true]", false},
- {"prev().foo7(\"//\",true).next(true);", "foo7", "[\"//\",true]", false},
- {"prev().foo8(\".\",true).next(true);", "foo8", "[\".\",true]", false},
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].expected_name);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(
- CreateParserFromVerboseText(cases[i].source_code));
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "prev", "[]", false);
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(),
- cases[i].expected_name,
- cases[i].expected_args,
- cases[i].expected_ends_sentence);
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "next", "[true]", true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(parser->HasFinished());
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, FirstOperationIsIllFormed) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- const char* operation_name;
- } cases[] = {
- {";;", ";"},
- {"bad_args1(not a boolean value);", "bad_args1"},
- {"bad_args2(,);", "bad_args2"},
- {"bad_args3(...);", "bad_args3"},
- {"bad_args4(1);", "bad_args4"},
- {"bad_args5(1.2);", "bad_args5"},
- {"bad_args6([\"bar\"]);", "bad_args6"},
- {"bad_args7(False);", "bad_args7"},
- {"bad_args8(True);", "bad_args8"},
- {"bad_quotes1(missing both, true).good();", "bad_quotes1"},
- {"bad_quotes2(true, \"missing one).good(); //\"", "bad_quotes2"},
- {"bad_quotes3(\"too\" \"much\", true).good();", "bad_quotes3"},
- {"bad_missing_separator1", "bad_missing_separator1"},
- {"bad_missing_separator2()good();", "bad_missing_separator2"},
- {"bad_parenthesis1(true.good();", "bad_parenthesis1"},
- {"bad_parenthesis2(true.good());", "bad_parenthesis2"},
- {"bad_parenthesis3).good();", "bad_parenthesis3"}
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].operation_name);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(
- CreateParserFromVerboseText(cases[i].source_code));
- ExpectNextOperationToFail(parser.get(), 0, cases[i].operation_name);
- }
-TEST(JtlParser, SecondOperationIsIllFormed) {
- struct TestCase {
- const char* source_code;
- const char* bad_operation_name;
- } cases[] = {
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_args(,);", "bad_args"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_quotes1(missing both, true).good();",
- "bad_quotes1"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_quotes2(\"missing one, true).good(); //\"",
- "bad_quotes2"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_quotes3(\"too\" \"many\", true).good();",
- "bad_quotes3"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_separator1()/good();", "bad_separator1"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.missing_separator1", "missing_separator1"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.missing_separator2()good();",
- "missing_separator2"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_parens1(true.good();", "bad_parens1"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_parens2(true.good());", "bad_parens2"},
- {"\ngood(true,false)\n.bad_parens3).good();", "bad_parens3"}
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(cases[i].bad_operation_name);
- scoped_ptr<JtlParser> parser(
- CreateParserFromVerboseText(cases[i].source_code));
- ExpectNextOperation(parser.get(), "good", "[true,false]", false);
- ExpectNextOperationToFail(parser.get(), 2, cases[i].bad_operation_name);
- }
-} // namespace
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