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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/profile_resetter/automatic_profile_resetter_delegate.h

Issue 271673006: Eliminate all code related to the AutomaticProfileResetter. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fixed nit from dbeam@, using new tracked preference deprecation. Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/profile_resetter/automatic_profile_resetter_delegate.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/profile_resetter/automatic_profile_resetter_delegate.h b/chrome/browser/profile_resetter/automatic_profile_resetter_delegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 015c466782e494ec87763d9d6b51533905284dfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/profile_resetter/automatic_profile_resetter_delegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Declares a delegate that interacts with the rest of the browser on behalf of
-// the AutomaticProfileResetter.
-// The reason for this separation is to facilitate unit testing. Factoring out
-// the implementation for each interaction step (encapsulated by one method of
-// the delegate) allows it to be tested independently in itself. It also becomes
-// easier to verify that the state machine inside AutomaticProfileResetter works
-// correctly: by mocking out the interaction methods in the delegate, we can, in
-// effect, mock out the entire rest of the browser, allowing us to easily
-// simulate scenarios that are interesting for testing the state machine.
-// The delegate is normally instantiated by AutomaticProfileResetter internally,
-// while a mock implementation can be injected during unit tests.
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/callback_forward.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/profile_resetter/profile_resetter.h"
-#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
-#include "extensions/common/one_shot_event.h"
-class BrandcodeConfigFetcher;
-class GlobalErrorService;
-class Profile;
-class ResettableSettingsSnapshot;
-class TemplateURLService;
-namespace base {
-class DictionaryValue;
-class ListValue;
-// Defines the interface for the delegate that will interact with the rest of
-// the browser on behalf of the AutomaticProfileResetter.
-class AutomaticProfileResetterDelegate {
- public:
- virtual ~AutomaticProfileResetterDelegate() {}
- // Requests the module enumerator to start scanning for loaded modules now, if
- // it has not done so already.
- virtual void EnumerateLoadedModulesIfNeeded() = 0;
- // Requests |ready_callback| to be posted on the UI thread once the module
- // enumerator has finished scanning for loaded modules.
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenLoadedModulesAreEnumerated(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const = 0;
- // Requests the template URL service to load its database (asynchronously).
- virtual void LoadTemplateURLServiceIfNeeded() = 0;
- // Requests |ready_callback| to be posted on the UI thread once the template
- // URL service has finished loading its database.
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenTemplateURLServiceIsLoaded(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const = 0;
- // Starts downloading the configuration file that specifies the default
- // settings for the current brandcode; or establishes that we are running a
- // vanilla (non-branded) build.
- virtual void FetchBrandcodedDefaultSettingsIfNeeded() = 0;
- // Requests |ready_callback| to be posted on the UI thread once the brandcoded
- // default settings have been downloaded, or once it has been established that
- // we are running a vanilla (non-branded) build.
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenBrandcodedDefaultsAreFetched(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const = 0;
- // Returns a list of loaded module name digests.
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetLoadedModuleNameDigests() const = 0;
- // Returns attributes of the search engine currently set as the default (or
- // an empty dictionary if there is none).
- // The dictionary is in the same format as persisted to preferences by
- // DefaultSearchManager::SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine.
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>
- GetDefaultSearchProviderDetails() const = 0;
- // Returns whether or not the default search provider is set by policy.
- virtual bool IsDefaultSearchProviderManaged() const = 0;
- // Returns a list of dictionaries, each containing attributes for each of the
- // pre-populated search engines, in the format described above.
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue>
- GetPrepopulatedSearchProvidersDetails() const = 0;
- // Triggers showing the one-time profile settings reset prompt, which consists
- // of two parts: (1.) the profile reset (pop-up) bubble, and (2.) a menu item
- // in the wrench menu. Showing the bubble might be delayed if there is another
- // bubble currently shown, in which case the bubble will be shown the first
- // time a new browser window is opened.
- // Returns true unless the reset prompt is not supported on the current
- // platform, in which case it returns false and does nothing.
- virtual bool TriggerPrompt() = 0;
- // Triggers the ProfileResetter to reset all supported settings and optionally
- // |send_feedback|. Will post |completion| on the UI thread once completed.
- // Brandcoded default settings will be fetched if they are not yet available,
- // the reset will be performed once the download is complete.
- // NOTE: Should only be called at most once during the lifetime of the object.
- virtual void TriggerProfileSettingsReset(bool send_feedback,
- const base::Closure& completion) = 0;
- // Dismisses the one-time profile settings reset prompt, if it is currently
- // triggered. Will synchronously destroy the corresponding GlobalError.
- virtual void DismissPrompt() = 0;
-// Implementation for AutomaticProfileResetterDelegate.
-class AutomaticProfileResetterDelegateImpl
- : public AutomaticProfileResetterDelegate,
- public base::SupportsWeakPtr<AutomaticProfileResetterDelegateImpl>,
- public TemplateURLServiceObserver,
- public content::NotificationObserver {
- public:
- explicit AutomaticProfileResetterDelegateImpl(
- Profile* profile,
- ProfileResetter::ResettableFlags resettable_aspects);
- virtual ~AutomaticProfileResetterDelegateImpl();
- // Returns the brandcoded default settings; empty defaults if this is not a
- // branded build; or NULL if FetchBrandcodedDefaultSettingsIfNeeded() has not
- // yet been called or not yet finished. Exposed only for unit tests.
- const BrandcodedDefaultSettings* brandcoded_defaults() const {
- return brandcoded_defaults_.get();
- }
- // AutomaticProfileResetterDelegate:
- virtual void EnumerateLoadedModulesIfNeeded() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenLoadedModulesAreEnumerated(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual void LoadTemplateURLServiceIfNeeded() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenTemplateURLServiceIsLoaded(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual void FetchBrandcodedDefaultSettingsIfNeeded() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void RequestCallbackWhenBrandcodedDefaultsAreFetched(
- const base::Closure& ready_callback) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue>
- GetLoadedModuleNameDigests() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>
- GetDefaultSearchProviderDetails() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool IsDefaultSearchProviderManaged() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue>
- GetPrepopulatedSearchProvidersDetails() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool TriggerPrompt() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void TriggerProfileSettingsReset(
- bool send_feedback,
- const base::Closure& completion) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void DismissPrompt() OVERRIDE;
- // TemplateURLServiceObserver:
- virtual void OnTemplateURLServiceChanged() OVERRIDE;
- // content::NotificationObserver:
- virtual void Observe(int type,
- const content::NotificationSource& source,
- const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- // Sends a feedback |report|, where |report| is supposed to be result of
- // ::SerializeSettingsReport(). Virtual, so it can be mocked out for tests.
- virtual void SendFeedback(const std::string& report) const;
- // Triggers the ProfileResetter to reset |resettable_aspects_| and optionally
- // |send_feedback|. Will invoke |completion| on the UI thread once completed
- // The |brandcoded_defaults_| must already be initialized when this is called.
- void RunProfileSettingsReset(bool send_feedback,
- const base::Closure& completion);
- // Called by |brandcoded_config_fetcher_| when it finishes downloading the
- // brandcoded default settings (or the download times out).
- void OnBrandcodedDefaultsFetched();
- // Called back by the ProfileResetter once resetting the profile settings has
- // been completed. If |old_settings_snapshot| is non-NULL, will compare it to
- // the new settings and send the differences to Google for analysis. Finally,
- // will post |user_callback|.
- void OnProfileSettingsResetCompleted(
- const base::Closure& user_callback,
- scoped_ptr<ResettableSettingsSnapshot> old_settings_snapshot);
- // The profile that this delegate operates on.
- Profile* profile_;
- // Shortcuts to |profile_| keyed services, to reduce boilerplate. These may be
- // NULL in unit tests that do not initialize the respective service(s).
- GlobalErrorService* global_error_service_;
- TemplateURLService* template_url_service_;
- // Helper to asynchronously download the default settings for the current
- // distribution channel (identified by brand code). Instantiated on-demand.
- scoped_ptr<BrandcodeConfigFetcher> brandcoded_config_fetcher_;
- // Once |brandcoded_defaults_fetched_event_| has fired, this will contain the
- // brandcoded default settings, or empty settings for a non-branded build.
- scoped_ptr<BrandcodedDefaultSettings> brandcoded_defaults_;
- // Overwritten to avoid resetting aspects that will not work in unit tests.
- const ProfileResetter::ResettableFlags resettable_aspects_;
- // The profile resetter to perform the actual reset. Instantiated on-demand.
- scoped_ptr<ProfileResetter> profile_resetter_;
- // Manages registrations/unregistrations for notifications.
- content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
- // The list of modules found. Even when |modules_have_been_enumerated_event_|
- // is signaled, this may still be NULL.
- scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> module_list_;
- // This event is signaled once module enumeration has been attempted. If
- // during construction, EnumerateModulesModel can supply a non-empty list of
- // modules, module enumeration has clearly already happened, so the event will
- // be signaled immediately; otherwise, when EnumerateLoadedModulesIfNeeded()
- // is called, it will ask the model to scan the modules, and then signal the
- // event once this process is completed.
- extensions::OneShotEvent modules_have_been_enumerated_event_;
- // This event is signaled once the TemplateURLService has loaded. If the
- // TemplateURLService was already loaded prior to the creation of this class,
- // the event will be signaled during construction.
- extensions::OneShotEvent template_url_service_ready_event_;
- // This event is signaled once brandcoded default settings have been fetched,
- // or once it has been established that this is not a branded build.
- extensions::OneShotEvent brandcoded_defaults_fetched_event_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutomaticProfileResetterDelegateImpl);

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