(Empty) | |
| 2 <html> |
| 3 <head> |
| 4 <script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script> |
| 5 </head> |
| 6 <body> |
| 7 <script> |
| 8 description("Tests that an RTCPeerConnection can signal that remote streams are
added and removed."); |
| 9 |
| 10 var pc = null; |
| 11 var local_stream = null; |
| 12 |
| 13 function error() { |
| 14 testFailed('Stream generation failed.'); |
| 15 finishJSTest(); |
| 16 } |
| 17 |
| 18 function getUserMedia(dictionary, callback) { |
| 19 try { |
| 20 navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(dictionary, callback, error); |
| 21 } catch (e) { |
| 22 testFailed('webkitGetUserMedia threw exception :' + e); |
| 23 finishJSTest(); |
| 24 } |
| 25 } |
| 26 |
| 27 function requestSucceeded2() |
| 28 { |
| 29 testPassed('requestSucceeded was called.'); |
| 30 shouldBeEqualToNumber('pc.getRemoteStreams().length', 0); |
| 31 finishJSTest(); |
| 32 } |
| 33 |
| 34 function requestSucceeded1() |
| 35 { |
| 36 testPassed('requestSucceeded was called.'); |
| 37 shouldBeEqualToNumber('pc.getRemoteStreams().length', 1); |
| 38 |
| 39 sessionDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({type:"offer", sdp:"remote"})
; |
| 40 shouldNotThrow('pc.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, requestSucceeded
2, requestFailedUnexpectedly);'); |
| 41 } |
| 42 |
| 43 function requestFailedUnexpectedly() |
| 44 { |
| 45 testFailed('requestFailed was called.'); |
| 46 finishJSTest(); |
| 47 } |
| 48 |
| 49 function gotStream(stream) { |
| 50 local_stream = stream; |
| 51 shouldBeFalse('local_stream.getAudioTracks()[0].remote'); |
| 52 shouldBeFalse('local_stream.getVideoTracks()[0].remote'); |
| 53 pc.addStream(local_stream); |
| 54 |
| 55 sessionDescription = new RTCSessionDescription({type:"answer", sdp:"remote"}
); |
| 56 shouldNotThrow('pc.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, requestSucceeded
1, requestFailedUnexpectedly);'); |
| 57 } |
| 58 |
| 59 function onAddStream(event) { |
| 60 testPassed('remote stream was added'); |
| 61 shouldBeEqualToNumber('event.stream.getVideoTracks().length', 1); |
| 62 shouldBeEqualToNumber('event.stream.getAudioTracks().length', 1); |
| 63 shouldBeTrue('event.stream.active') |
| 64 shouldBeTrue('event.stream.getAudioTracks()[0].remote'); |
| 65 shouldBeTrue('event.stream.getVideoTracks()[0].remote'); |
| 66 pc.removeStream(local_stream); |
| 67 } |
| 68 |
| 69 function onRemoveStream(event) { |
| 70 testPassed('remote stream was removed'); |
| 71 shouldBeEqualToNumber('event.stream.getVideoTracks().length', 0); |
| 72 shouldBeEqualToNumber('event.stream.getAudioTracks().length', 0); |
| 73 shouldBeFalse('event.stream.active') |
| 74 } |
| 75 |
| 76 pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); |
| 77 pc.onaddstream = onAddStream; |
| 78 pc.onremovestream = onRemoveStream; |
| 79 getUserMedia({audio:true, video:true}, gotStream); |
| 80 |
| 81 |
| 82 window.jsTestIsAsync = true; |
| 83 window.successfullyParsed = true; |
| 84 </script> |
| 85 </body> |
| 86 </html> |