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Unified Diff: Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h

Issue 268663005: Add use counters for a number of extensions and non-standard APIs (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: measure HTMLPreElementWrap internally also Created 6 years, 8 months ago
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Index: Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h
diff --git a/Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h b/Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h
index 81ce26b4497c9b8486c7e45bb7bb1b80169f96a3..eb8aec4aed1b9fe602b8b3862beaa74d08e6a7ca 100644
--- a/Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h
+++ b/Source/core/frame/UseCounter.h
@@ -394,6 +394,28 @@ public:
PrefixedWheelEventDirectionInvertedFromDevice = 384,
PrefixedWheelEventInit = 385,
PrefixedFileRelativePath = 386,
+ DocumentCaretRangeFromPoint = 387,
+ DocumentGetCSSCanvasContext = 388,
+ ElementScrollIntoViewIfNeeded = 389,
+ ElementScrollByLines = 390,
+ ElementScrollByPages = 391,
+ RangeCompareNode = 392,
+ RangeExpand = 393,
+ HTMLFrameElementWidth = 394,
+ HTMLFrameElementHeight = 395,
+ HTMLImageElementX = 396,
+ HTMLImageElementY = 397,
+ HTMLOptionsCollectionRemoveElement = 398,
+ HTMLPreElementWrap = 399,
+ SelectionBaseNode = 400,
+ SelectionBaseOffset = 401,
+ SelectionExtentNode = 402,
+ SelectionExtentOffset = 403,
+ SelectionType = 404,
+ SelectionModify = 405,
+ SelectionSetBaseAndExtent = 406,
+ SelectionEmpty = 407,
+ SVGFEMorphologyElementSetRadius = 408,
// Add new features immediately above this line. Don't change assigned
// numbers of any item, and don't reuse removed slots.
NumberOfFeatures, // This enum value must be last.

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