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Unified Diff: test/cctest/heap/

Issue 2674593003: [TypeFeedbackVector] Root feedback vectors at function literal site. (Closed)
Patch Set: REBASE+liveedit fix. Created 3 years, 10 months ago
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Index: test/cctest/heap/
diff --git a/test/cctest/heap/ b/test/cctest/heap/
index b978cc25c8454398aade715b5a3567f0c09473c3..995bea04dc3279e5f4e6755d7b6f42485259266e 100644
--- a/test/cctest/heap/
+++ b/test/cctest/heap/
@@ -1704,37 +1704,37 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// The script should be in the cache now.
- MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(
+ InfoVectorPair pair = compilation_cache->LookupScript(
source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, v8::ScriptOriginOptions(true, false),
native_context, language_mode);
- CHECK(!info.is_null());
+ CHECK(pair.has_shared());
// Check that the code cache entry survives at least on GC.
// (Unless --optimize-for-size, in which case it might get collected
// immediately.)
if (!FLAG_optimize_for_size) {
- info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0,
+ pair = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0,
v8::ScriptOriginOptions(true, false),
native_context, language_mode);
- CHECK(!info.is_null());
+ CHECK(pair.has_shared());
// Progress code age until it's old and ready for GC.
const int kAgingThreshold = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < kAgingThreshold; i++) {
- info.ToHandleChecked()->code()->MakeOlder();
- if (info.ToHandleChecked()->HasBytecodeArray()) {
- info.ToHandleChecked()->bytecode_array()->MakeOlder();
+ pair.shared()->code()->MakeOlder();
+ if (pair.shared()->HasBytecodeArray()) {
+ pair.shared()->bytecode_array()->MakeOlder();
// Ensure code aging cleared the entry from the cache.
- info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0,
+ pair = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0,
v8::ScriptOriginOptions(true, false),
native_context, language_mode);
- CHECK(info.is_null());
+ CHECK(!pair.has_shared());
@@ -4359,8 +4359,6 @@ TEST(Regress513507) {
if (!code->is_optimized_code()) return;
- Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
- TypeFeedbackVector::New(isolate, handle(shared->feedback_metadata()));
Handle<Context> context(isolate->context());
// Add the new code several times to the optimized code map and also set an
@@ -4369,213 +4367,11 @@ TEST(Regress513507) {
FLAG_gc_interval = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
BailoutId id = BailoutId(i);
- SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, context, code, vector,
- id);
+ SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, context, code, id);
#endif // DEBUG
-TEST(Regress514122) {
- if (!i::FLAG_incremental_marking) return;
- i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
- CcTest::InitializeVM();
- Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
- LocalContext env;
- Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- // Perfrom one initial GC to enable code flushing.
- CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kFinalizeIncrementalMarkingMask);
- // Prepare function whose optimized code map we can use.
- Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared;
- {
- HandleScope inner_scope(isolate);
- CompileRun(
- "function f() { return 1 }"
- "f(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(f); f();");
- Handle<JSFunction> f = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(
- v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
- CcTest::global()->Get(env.local(), v8_str("f")).ToLocalChecked())));
- shared = inner_scope.CloseAndEscape(handle(f->shared(), isolate));
- CompileRun("f = null");
- }
- // Prepare optimized code that we can use.
- Handle<Code> code;
- {
- HandleScope inner_scope(isolate);
- CompileRun(
- "function g() { return 2 }"
- "g(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(g); g();");
- Handle<JSFunction> g = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(
- v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
- CcTest::global()->Get(env.local(), v8_str("g")).ToLocalChecked())));
- code = inner_scope.CloseAndEscape(handle(g->code(), isolate));
- if (!code->is_optimized_code()) return;
- }
- Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
- TypeFeedbackVector::New(isolate, handle(shared->feedback_metadata()));
- Handle<Context> context(isolate->context());
- // Add the code several times to the optimized code map.
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- HandleScope inner_scope(isolate);
- BailoutId id = BailoutId(i);
- SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, context, code, vector,
- id);
- }
- shared->optimized_code_map()->Print();
- // Add the code with a feedback vector to be evacuated.
- Page* evac_page;
- {
- HandleScope inner_scope(isolate);
- AlwaysAllocateScope always_allocate(isolate);
- // Make sure literal is placed on an old-space evacuation candidate.
- heap::SimulateFullSpace(heap->old_space());
- // Make sure there the number of literals is > 0.
- Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
- TypeFeedbackVector::New(isolate, handle(shared->feedback_metadata()));
- evac_page = Page::FromAddress(vector->address());
- BailoutId id = BailoutId(100);
- SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, context, code, vector,
- id);
- }
- // Heap is ready, force {lit_page} to become an evacuation candidate and
- // simulate incremental marking to enqueue optimized code map.
- FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection = true;
- heap::ForceEvacuationCandidate(evac_page);
- heap::SimulateIncrementalMarking(heap);
- // No matter whether reachable or not, {boomer} is doomed.
- Handle<Object> boomer(shared->optimized_code_map(), isolate);
- // Add the code several times to the optimized code map. This will leave old
- // copies of the optimized code map unreachable but still marked.
- for (int i = 3; i < 6; ++i) {
- HandleScope inner_scope(isolate);
- BailoutId id = BailoutId(i);
- SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, context, code, vector,
- id);
- }
- // Trigger a GC to flush out the bug.
- CcTest::CollectGarbage(i::OLD_SPACE);
- boomer->Print();
-TEST(OptimizedCodeMapReuseEntries) {
- i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
- // BUG(v8:4598): Since TurboFan doesn't treat maps in code weakly, we can't
- // run this test.
- if (i::FLAG_turbo) return;
- CcTest::InitializeVM();
- v8::Isolate* v8_isolate = CcTest::isolate();
- Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- // Create 3 contexts, allow the 2nd one to be disposed, and verify that
- // a 4th context will re-use the weak slots in the optimized code map
- // to hold data, rather than expanding the map.
- v8::Local<v8::Context> c1 = v8::Context::New(v8_isolate);
- const char* source = "function foo(x) { var l = [1]; return x+l[0]; }";
- v8::ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(
- v8::String::NewFromUtf8(v8_isolate, source, v8::NewStringType::kNormal)
- .ToLocalChecked());
- v8::Local<v8::UnboundScript> indep =
- v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnboundScript(v8_isolate, &script_source)
- .ToLocalChecked();
- const char* toplevel = "foo(3); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo); foo(3);";
- // Perfrom one initial GC to enable code flushing.
- CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kFinalizeIncrementalMarkingMask);
- c1->Enter();
- indep->BindToCurrentContext()->Run(c1).ToLocalChecked();
- CompileRun(toplevel);
- Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared;
- Handle<JSFunction> foo = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(
- v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
- CcTest::global()->Get(c1, v8_str("foo")).ToLocalChecked())));
- CHECK(foo->shared()->is_compiled());
- shared = handle(foo->shared());
- c1->Exit();
- {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- v8::Local<v8::Context> c2 = v8::Context::New(v8_isolate);
- c2->Enter();
- indep->BindToCurrentContext()->Run(c2).ToLocalChecked();
- CompileRun(toplevel);
- c2->Exit();
- }
- {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- v8::Local<v8::Context> c3 = v8::Context::New(v8_isolate);
- c3->Enter();
- indep->BindToCurrentContext()->Run(c3).ToLocalChecked();
- CompileRun(toplevel);
- c3->Exit();
- // Now, collect garbage. Context c2 should have no roots to it, and it's
- // entry in the optimized code map should be free for a new context.
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kFinalizeIncrementalMarkingMask);
- }
- Handle<FixedArray> optimized_code_map =
- handle(shared->optimized_code_map());
- // There should be 3 entries in the map.
- 3, ((optimized_code_map->length() - SharedFunctionInfo::kEntriesStart) /
- SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength));
- // But one of them (formerly for c2) should be cleared.
- int cleared_count = 0;
- for (int i = SharedFunctionInfo::kEntriesStart;
- i < optimized_code_map->length();
- i += SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength) {
- cleared_count +=
- WeakCell::cast(
- optimized_code_map->get(i + SharedFunctionInfo::kContextOffset))
- ->cleared()
- ? 1
- : 0;
- }
- CHECK_EQ(1, cleared_count);
- // Verify that a new context uses the cleared entry rather than creating a
- // new
- // optimized code map array.
- v8::Local<v8::Context> c4 = v8::Context::New(v8_isolate);
- c4->Enter();
- indep->BindToCurrentContext()->Run(c4).ToLocalChecked();
- CompileRun(toplevel);
- c4->Exit();
- CHECK_EQ(*optimized_code_map, shared->optimized_code_map());
- // Now each entry is in use.
- cleared_count = 0;
- for (int i = SharedFunctionInfo::kEntriesStart;
- i < optimized_code_map->length();
- i += SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength) {
- cleared_count +=
- WeakCell::cast(
- optimized_code_map->get(i + SharedFunctionInfo::kContextOffset))
- ->cleared()
- ? 1
- : 0;
- }
- CHECK_EQ(0, cleared_count);
- }
TEST(Regress513496) {
i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
@@ -4621,9 +4417,9 @@ TEST(Regress513496) {
// Lookup the optimized code and keep it alive.
- CodeAndVector result = shared->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
+ Code* result = shared->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
isolate->context()->native_context(), BailoutId::None());
- Handle<Code> optimized_code(result.code, isolate);
+ Handle<Code> optimized_code(result, isolate);
// Finish a full GC cycle so that the unoptimized code of 'g' is flushed even
// though the optimized code for 'f' is reachable via the optimized code map.
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