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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h

Issue 2616323002: CrossOriginAccessControl: separate access checks and error message generation (Closed)
Patch Set: sync expectation Created 3 years, 11 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h
index ac2530c9805ca9f3d99bb8adb3df41f0935dddaa..354e01c3c2647249de44fdd06b4b424192dfa0a7 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/fetch/CrossOriginAccessControl.h
@@ -48,33 +48,103 @@ class CrossOriginAccessControl {
- // Given the new request URL, returns true if
+ // Enumerating the error conditions that the CORS
+ // access control check can report, including success.
+ //
+ // See |checkAccess()| and |accessControlErrorString()| which respectively
+ // produce and consume these error values, for precise meaning.
+ enum AccessStatus {
+ kAccessAllowed,
+ kInvalidResponse,
+ kAllowOriginMismatch,
+ kSubOriginMismatch,
+ kWildcardOriginNotAllowed,
+ kMissingAllowOriginHeader,
+ kMultipleAllowOriginValues,
+ kInvalidAllowOriginValue,
+ kDisallowCredentialsNotSetToTrue,
+ };
+ // Enumerating the error conditions that CORS preflight
+ // can report, including success.
+ //
+ // See |checkPreflight()| methods and |preflightErrorString()| which
+ // respectively produce and consume these error values, for precise meaning.
+ enum PreflightStatus {
+ kPreflightSuccess,
+ kPreflightInvalidStatus,
+ // "Access-Control-Allow-External:"
+ // ( ) specific error
+ // conditions:
+ kPreflightMissingAllowExternal,
+ kPreflightInvalidAllowExternal,
+ };
+ // Enumerating the error conditions that CORS redirect target URL
+ // checks can report, including success.
+ //
+ // See |checkRedirectLocation()| methods and |redirectErrorString()| which
+ // respectively produce and consume these error values, for precise meaning.
+ enum RedirectStatus {
+ kRedirectSuccess,
+ kRedirectDisallowedScheme,
+ kRedirectContainsCredentials,
+ };
+ // Perform a CORS access check on the response. Returns |kAccessAllowed| if
+ // access is allowed. Use |accessControlErrorString()| to construct a
+ // user-friendly error message for any of the other (error) conditions.
+ static AccessStatus checkAccess(const ResourceResponse&,
+ StoredCredentials,
+ const SecurityOrigin*);
+ // Perform the required CORS checks on the response to a preflight request.
+ // Returns |kPreflightSuccess| if preflight response was successful.
+ // Use |preflightErrorString()| to construct a user-friendly error message
+ // for any of the other (error) conditions.
+ static PreflightStatus checkPreflight(const ResourceResponse&);
+ // Error checking for the currently experimental
+ // "Access-Control-Allow-External:" header. Shares error conditions with
+ // standard preflight checking.
+ static PreflightStatus checkExternalPreflight(const ResourceResponse&);
+ // Given a redirected-to URL, check if the location is allowed
+ // according to CORS. That is:
// - the URL has a CORS supported scheme and
// - the URL does not contain the userinfo production.
- static bool isLegalRedirectLocation(const KURL&, String& errorDescription);
+ //
+ // Returns |kRedirectSuccess| in all other cases. Use
+ // |redirectErrorString()| to construct a user-friendly error
+ // message for any of the error conditions.
+ static RedirectStatus checkRedirectLocation(const KURL&);
static bool handleRedirect(PassRefPtr<SecurityOrigin>,
const ResourceResponse&,
+ // Stringify errors from CORS access checks, preflight or redirect checks.
+ static void accessControlErrorString(StringBuilder&,
+ AccessStatus,
+ const ResourceResponse&,
+ const SecurityOrigin*,
+ WebURLRequest::RequestContext);
+ static void preflightErrorString(StringBuilder&,
+ PreflightStatus,
+ const ResourceResponse&);
+ static void redirectErrorString(StringBuilder&, RedirectStatus, const KURL&);
+// TODO: also migrate these into the above static class.
CORE_EXPORT bool isOnAccessControlResponseHeaderWhitelist(const String&);
CORE_EXPORT ResourceRequest
createAccessControlPreflightRequest(const ResourceRequest&,
const SecurityOrigin*);
-bool passesAccessControlCheck(const ResourceResponse&,
- StoredCredentials,
- const SecurityOrigin*,
- String& errorDescription,
- WebURLRequest::RequestContext requestType);
-bool passesPreflightStatusCheck(const ResourceResponse&,
- String& errorDescription);
-bool passesExternalPreflightCheck(const ResourceResponse&,
- String& errorDescription);
CORE_EXPORT void parseAccessControlExposeHeadersAllowList(
const String& headerValue,

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