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Unified Diff: src/builtins/

Issue 2596553002: [promises] Move Promise.prototype.catch to TF (Closed)
Patch Set: fix nits Created 4 years ago
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diff --git a/src/builtins/ b/src/builtins/
index c0411d90f56aad1a87b5749e95660aba36b7c3b7..49e9d6de2ed0d4906f96c254177a1bbd4ab2db8e 100644
--- a/src/builtins/
+++ b/src/builtins/
@@ -180,6 +180,66 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::AppendPromiseCallback(int offset, Node* promise,
StoreObjectField(promise, offset, new_elements);
+Node* PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalPromiseThen(Node* context,
+ Node* promise,
+ Node* on_resolve,
+ Node* on_reject) {
+ Isolate* isolate = this->isolate();
+ // 2. If IsPromise(promise) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ ThrowIfNotInstanceType(context, promise, JS_PROMISE_TYPE,
+ "Promise.prototype.then");
+ Node* const native_context = LoadNativeContext(context);
+ Node* const promise_fun =
+ LoadContextElement(native_context, Context::PROMISE_FUNCTION_INDEX);
+ // 3. Let C be ? SpeciesConstructor(promise, %Promise%).
+ Node* constructor = SpeciesConstructor(context, promise, promise_fun);
+ // 4. Let resultCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(C).
+ Callable call_callable = CodeFactory::Call(isolate);
+ Label fast_promise_capability(this), promise_capability(this),
+ perform_promise_then(this);
+ Variable var_deferred(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
+ Branch(WordEqual(promise_fun, constructor), &fast_promise_capability,
+ &promise_capability);
+ // TODO(gsathya): Remove deferred object and move
+ // NewPromiseCapabability functions to TF.
+ Bind(&fast_promise_capability);
+ {
+ // TODO(gsathya): Move this to TF.
+ Node* const promise_internal_capability = LoadContextElement(
+ native_context, Context::INTERNAL_PROMISE_CAPABILITY_INDEX);
+ Node* const capability =
+ CallJS(call_callable, context, promise_internal_capability,
+ UndefinedConstant(), promise);
+ var_deferred.Bind(capability);
+ Goto(&perform_promise_then);
+ }
+ Bind(&promise_capability);
+ {
+ // TODO(gsathya): Move this to TF.
+ Node* const new_promise_capability = LoadContextElement(
+ native_context, Context::NEW_PROMISE_CAPABILITY_INDEX);
+ Node* const capability =
+ CallJS(call_callable, context, new_promise_capability,
+ UndefinedConstant(), constructor);
+ var_deferred.Bind(capability);
+ Goto(&perform_promise_then);
+ }
+ // 5. Return PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected,
+ // resultCapability).
+ Bind(&perform_promise_then);
+ Node* const result = InternalPerformPromiseThen(
+ context, promise, on_resolve, on_reject, var_deferred.value());
+ return result;
Node* PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalPerformPromiseThen(Node* context,
Node* promise,
Node* on_resolve,
@@ -378,15 +438,14 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::BranchIfFastPath(Node* context, Node* promise,
void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
Node* promise,
- Node* result,
- Label* out) {
+ Node* result) {
Isolate* isolate = this->isolate();
Variable var_reason(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged),
var_then(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label do_enqueue(this), fulfill(this), if_cycle(this, Label::kDeferred),
- if_rejectpromise(this, Label::kDeferred);
+ if_rejectpromise(this, Label::kDeferred), out(this);
Label cycle_check(this);
GotoUnless(IsPromiseHookEnabled(), &cycle_check);
@@ -438,7 +497,7 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
CallRuntime(Runtime::kPromiseFulfill, context, promise,
SmiConstant(v8::Promise::kFulfilled), thenable_value);
- Goto(out);
+ Goto(&out);
@@ -457,7 +516,7 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
CallRuntime(Runtime::kPromiseReject, context, promise, thenable_value,
- Goto(out);
+ Goto(&out);
@@ -500,7 +559,7 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
CallRuntime(Runtime::kEnqueuePromiseResolveThenableJob, context, promise,
result, var_then.value());
- Goto(out);
+ Goto(&out);
// 7.b Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution).
@@ -508,7 +567,7 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
CallRuntime(Runtime::kPromiseFulfill, context, promise,
SmiConstant(v8::Promise::kFulfilled), result);
- Goto(out);
+ Goto(&out);
@@ -528,8 +587,10 @@ void PromiseBuiltinsAssembler::InternalResolvePromise(Node* context,
CallRuntime(Runtime::kPromiseReject, context, promise, var_reason.value(),
- Goto(out);
+ Goto(&out);
+ Bind(&out);
// ES#sec-promise-reject-functions
@@ -762,65 +823,17 @@ TF_BUILTIN(PerformPromiseThen, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
+// ES#sec-promise.prototype.then
+// Promise.prototype.catch ( onFulfilled, onRejected )
TF_BUILTIN(PromiseThen, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
// 1. Let promise be the this value.
Node* const promise = Parameter(0);
Node* const on_resolve = Parameter(1);
Node* const on_reject = Parameter(2);
Node* const context = Parameter(5);
- Isolate* isolate = this->isolate();
- // 2. If IsPromise(promise) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- ThrowIfNotInstanceType(context, promise, JS_PROMISE_TYPE,
- "Promise.prototype.then");
- Node* const native_context = LoadNativeContext(context);
- Node* const promise_fun =
- LoadContextElement(native_context, Context::PROMISE_FUNCTION_INDEX);
- // 3. Let C be ? SpeciesConstructor(promise, %Promise%).
- Node* constructor = SpeciesConstructor(context, promise, promise_fun);
- // 4. Let resultCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(C).
- Callable call_callable = CodeFactory::Call(isolate);
- Label fast_promise_capability(this), promise_capability(this),
- perform_promise_then(this);
- Variable var_deferred(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
- Branch(WordEqual(promise_fun, constructor), &fast_promise_capability,
- &promise_capability);
- // TODO(gsathya): Remove deferred object and move
- // NewPromiseCapabability functions to TF.
- Bind(&fast_promise_capability);
- {
- // TODO(gsathya): Move this to TF.
- Node* const promise_internal_capability = LoadContextElement(
- native_context, Context::INTERNAL_PROMISE_CAPABILITY_INDEX);
- Node* const capability =
- CallJS(call_callable, context, promise_internal_capability,
- UndefinedConstant(), promise);
- var_deferred.Bind(capability);
- Goto(&perform_promise_then);
- }
- Bind(&promise_capability);
- {
- // TODO(gsathya): Move this to TF.
- Node* const new_promise_capability = LoadContextElement(
- native_context, Context::NEW_PROMISE_CAPABILITY_INDEX);
- Node* const capability =
- CallJS(call_callable, context, new_promise_capability,
- UndefinedConstant(), constructor);
- var_deferred.Bind(capability);
- Goto(&perform_promise_then);
- }
- // 5. Return PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected,
- // resultCapability).
- Bind(&perform_promise_then);
- Node* const result = InternalPerformPromiseThen(
- context, promise, on_resolve, on_reject, var_deferred.value());
+ Node* const result =
+ InternalPromiseThen(context, promise, on_resolve, on_reject);
@@ -849,7 +862,8 @@ TF_BUILTIN(PromiseResolveClosure, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
Node* const promise = LoadFixedArrayElement(
context, IntPtrConstant(PromiseUtils::kPromiseSlot));
- InternalResolvePromise(context, promise, value, &out);
+ InternalResolvePromise(context, promise, value);
+ Return(UndefinedConstant());
@@ -860,10 +874,7 @@ TF_BUILTIN(ResolvePromise, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
Node* const result = Parameter(2);
Node* const context = Parameter(5);
- Label out(this);
- InternalResolvePromise(context, promise, result, &out);
- Bind(&out);
+ InternalResolvePromise(context, promise, result);
@@ -945,8 +956,8 @@ TF_BUILTIN(PromiseHandle, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
Branch(IsUndefined(on_resolve), &if_internalhandler, &if_customhandler);
- InternalResolvePromise(context, deferred_promise, result,
- &promisehook_after);
+ InternalResolvePromise(context, deferred_promise, result);
+ Goto(&promisehook_after);
@@ -990,5 +1001,38 @@ TF_BUILTIN(PromiseHandle, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
+// ES#sec-promise.prototype.catch
+// Promise.prototype.catch ( onRejected )
+TF_BUILTIN(PromiseCatch, PromiseBuiltinsAssembler) {
+ // 1. Let promise be the this value.
+ Node* const promise = Parameter(0);
+ Node* const on_resolve = UndefinedConstant();
+ Node* const on_reject = Parameter(1);
+ Node* const context = Parameter(4);
+ Label if_internalthen(this), if_customthen(this, Label::kDeferred);
+ BranchIfFastPath(context, promise, &if_internalthen, &if_customthen);
+ Bind(&if_internalthen);
+ {
+ Node* const result =
+ InternalPromiseThen(context, promise, on_resolve, on_reject);
+ Return(result);
+ }
+ Bind(&if_customthen);
+ {
+ Isolate* isolate = this->isolate();
+ Node* const then_str = HeapConstant(isolate->factory()->then_string());
+ Callable getproperty_callable = CodeFactory::GetProperty(isolate);
+ Node* const then =
+ CallStub(getproperty_callable, context, promise, then_str);
+ Callable call_callable = CodeFactory::Call(isolate);
+ Node* const result =
+ CallJS(call_callable, context, then, promise, on_resolve, on_reject);
+ Return(result);
+ }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
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