(Empty) | |
| 1 # Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| 2 # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| 3 # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| 4 |
| 5 [ $compiler == dartk && $runtime == vm ] |
| 6 assertion_test: RuntimeError |
| 7 async_await_test/02: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 8 async_await_test/03: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 9 async_await_test/none: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 10 async_star_cancel_and_throw_in_finally_test: RuntimeError |
| 11 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError |
| 12 async_star_regression_fisk_test: Timeout |
| 13 async_star_stream_take_test: Timeout |
| 14 async_star_take_reyield_test: Timeout |
| 15 async_star_test/01: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 16 async_star_test/02: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 17 async_star_test/03: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 18 async_star_test/04: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 19 async_star_test/05: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 20 async_star_test/none: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 21 asyncstar_throw_in_catch_test: Timeout |
| 22 asyncstar_yield_test: Timeout |
| 23 asyncstar_yieldstar_test: Timeout |
| 24 await_in_cascade_test: RuntimeError |
| 25 bad_raw_string_negative_test: Fail |
| 26 cha_deopt1_test: RuntimeError |
| 27 cha_deopt2_test: RuntimeError |
| 28 cha_deopt3_test: RuntimeError |
| 29 checked_covariant_overrides_test: RuntimeError |
| 30 closure_type_variable_test: RuntimeError |
| 31 closures_initializer_test: RuntimeError |
| 32 compile_time_constant12_test: Crash |
| 33 conditional_import_string_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 34 conditional_import_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 35 const_evaluation_test/01: RuntimeError |
| 36 const_locals_test: RuntimeError |
| 37 const_nested_test: RuntimeError |
| 38 const_string_test: RuntimeError |
| 39 custom_await_stack_trace_test: RuntimeError |
| 40 cyclic_type2_test: CompileTimeError |
| 41 cyclic_type_test/00: RuntimeError |
| 42 cyclic_type_test/01: RuntimeError |
| 43 cyclic_type_test/02: CompileTimeError |
| 44 cyclic_type_test/03: RuntimeError |
| 45 cyclic_type_test/04: CompileTimeError |
| 46 deferred_call_empty_before_load_test: RuntimeError |
| 47 deferred_closurize_load_library_test: DartkCrash |
| 48 deferred_constant_list_test: RuntimeError |
| 49 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/as_operation: RuntimeError |
| 50 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/catch_check: RuntimeError |
| 51 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/is_check: RuntimeError |
| 52 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new: RuntimeError |
| 53 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_before_load: RuntimeError |
| 54 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic1: RuntimeError |
| 55 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic2: RuntimeError |
| 56 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic3: RuntimeError |
| 57 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/none: RuntimeError |
| 58 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/static_method: RuntimeError |
| 59 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation1: RuntimeError |
| 60 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic1: RuntimeError |
| 61 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic2: RuntimeError |
| 62 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic3: RuntimeError |
| 63 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic4: RuntimeError |
| 64 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_non_deferred: RuntimeE
rror |
| 65 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_null: RuntimeError |
| 66 deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_top_level: RuntimeErro
r |
| 67 deferred_function_type_test: RuntimeError |
| 68 deferred_inlined_test: RuntimeError |
| 69 deferred_load_inval_code_test: RuntimeError |
| 70 deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test/none: RuntimeError |
| 71 deferred_mixin_test: RuntimeError |
| 72 deferred_no_such_method_test: RuntimeError |
| 73 deferred_not_loaded_check_test: RuntimeError |
| 74 deferred_only_constant_test: RuntimeError |
| 75 deferred_optimized_test: RuntimeError |
| 76 deferred_redirecting_factory_test: RuntimeError |
| 77 deferred_regression_22995_test: RuntimeError |
| 78 deferred_shadow_load_library_test: RuntimeError |
| 79 deferred_shared_and_unshared_classes_test: RuntimeError |
| 80 deferred_static_seperate_test: RuntimeError |
| 81 deferred_type_dependency_test/as: RuntimeError |
| 82 deferred_type_dependency_test/is: RuntimeError |
| 83 deferred_type_dependency_test/none: RuntimeError |
| 84 deferred_type_dependency_test/type_annotation: RuntimeError |
| 85 enum_duplicate_test/01: RuntimeError |
| 86 enum_duplicate_test/02: RuntimeError |
| 87 enum_duplicate_test/none: RuntimeError |
| 88 enum_mirror_test: RuntimeError |
| 89 enum_test: RuntimeError |
| 90 evaluation_redirecting_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| 91 export_double_same_main_test: DartkCrash |
| 92 export_main_test: DartkCrash |
| 93 f_bounded_equality_test: RuntimeError |
| 94 first_class_types_test: RuntimeError |
| 95 fixed_type_variable2_test/02: RuntimeError |
| 96 fixed_type_variable2_test/04: RuntimeError |
| 97 fixed_type_variable2_test/06: RuntimeError |
| 98 fixed_type_variable_test/01: RuntimeError |
| 99 fixed_type_variable_test/02: RuntimeError |
| 100 fixed_type_variable_test/03: RuntimeError |
| 101 fixed_type_variable_test/04: RuntimeError |
| 102 fixed_type_variable_test/05: RuntimeError |
| 103 fixed_type_variable_test/06: RuntimeError |
| 104 flatten_test/05: MissingRuntimeError |
| 105 flatten_test/08: MissingRuntimeError |
| 106 flatten_test/09: MissingRuntimeError |
| 107 flatten_test/12: MissingRuntimeError |
| 108 for2_test: RuntimeError |
| 109 for_variable_capture_test: RuntimeError |
| 110 function_subtype2_test: RuntimeError |
| 111 function_subtype_bound_closure3_test: RuntimeError |
| 112 function_subtype_bound_closure4_test: RuntimeError |
| 113 function_subtype_cast1_test: RuntimeError |
| 114 function_subtype_inline0_test: RuntimeError |
| 115 function_subtype_local3_test: RuntimeError |
| 116 function_subtype_local4_test: RuntimeError |
| 117 function_subtype_not1_test: RuntimeError |
| 118 function_subtype_regression_ddc_588_test: RuntimeError |
| 119 function_type_alias2_test: RuntimeError |
| 120 function_type_alias3_test: RuntimeError |
| 121 function_type_alias4_test: RuntimeError |
| 122 generic2_test: RuntimeError |
| 123 generic_creation_test: RuntimeError |
| 124 generic_field_mixin2_test: RuntimeError |
| 125 generic_field_mixin4_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 126 generic_field_mixin5_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 127 generic_inheritance_test: RuntimeError |
| 128 generic_tearoff_test: Crash |
| 129 getter_closure_execution_order_test: RuntimeError |
| 130 inferrer_closure_test: RuntimeError |
| 131 initializing_formal_final_test: RuntimeError |
| 132 instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: RuntimeError |
| 133 instanceof4_test/01: RuntimeError |
| 134 instanceof4_test/none: RuntimeError |
| 135 issue_1751477_test: RuntimeError |
| 136 lazy_static7_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 137 main_not_a_function_test/01: DartkCrash |
| 138 many_named_arguments_test: DartkCompileTimeError |
| 139 map_literal11_test: RuntimeError |
| 140 map_literal7_test: RuntimeError |
| 141 mixin_generic_test: RuntimeError |
| 142 mixin_mixin2_test: RuntimeError |
| 143 mixin_mixin3_test: RuntimeError |
| 144 mixin_mixin4_test: RuntimeError |
| 145 mixin_mixin5_test: RuntimeError |
| 146 mixin_mixin_bound2_test: RuntimeError |
| 147 mixin_mixin_bound_test: RuntimeError |
| 148 no_main_test/01: DartkCrash |
| 149 prefix10_negative_test: Fail |
| 150 prefix21_test: RuntimeError |
| 151 recursive_generic_test: RuntimeError |
| 152 redirecting_factory_reflection_test: RuntimeError |
| 153 regress_22443_test: RuntimeError |
| 154 regress_22700_test: RuntimeError |
| 155 regress_r24720_test: RuntimeError |
| 156 reify_typevar_static_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError |
| 157 reify_typevar_test: RuntimeError |
| 158 switch_try_catch_test: RuntimeError |
| 159 sync_generator3_test/test2: RuntimeError |
| 160 type_literal_test: RuntimeError |
| 161 type_parameter_literal_test: RuntimeError |