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Unified Diff: third_party/gestures/include/gestures/gestures.h

Issue 2583223003: third_party: Add libevdev and gestures. (Closed)
Patch Set: ChromeOS -> Chrome OS Created 3 years, 11 months ago
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Index: third_party/gestures/include/gestures/gestures.h
diff --git a/third_party/gestures/include/gestures/gestures.h b/third_party/gestures/include/gestures/gestures.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96d4340a33d5981612875b33cfb6b0d3f2773e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/gestures/include/gestures/gestures.h
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+extern "C" {
+// C API:
+// external logging interface
+// this function has to be provided by the user of the library.
+void gestures_log(int verb, const char* format, ...)
+ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+typedef double stime_t; // seconds
+enum GestureInterpreterDeviceClass {
+stime_t StimeFromTimeval(const struct timeval*);
+stime_t StimeFromTimespec(const struct timespec*);
+struct HardwareProperties {
+ float left, top, right, bottom;
+ float res_x; // pixels/mm
+ float res_y; // pixels/mm
+ float screen_x_dpi; // read from X server and passed to library
+ float screen_y_dpi; // read from X server and passed to library
+ float orientation_minimum;
+ float orientation_maximum;
+ unsigned short max_finger_cnt; // Max finger slots in one report
+ unsigned short max_touch_cnt; // Max fingers that can be detected at once
+ unsigned supports_t5r2:1;
+ unsigned support_semi_mt:1;
+ unsigned is_button_pad:1;
+ unsigned has_wheel:1;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ std::string String() const;
+#endif // __cplusplus
+// position is the (x,y) cartesian coord of the finger on the trackpad.
+// touch_major/minor are the large/small radii of the ellipse of the touching
+// finger. width_major/minor are also radii, but of the finger itself,
+// including a little bit that isn't touching. So, width* is generally a tad
+// larger than touch*.
+// tracking_id: If a finger is the same physical finger across two
+// consecutive frames, it must have the same tracking id; if it's a different
+// finger, it may (should) have a different tracking id.
+// Warp: If a finger has the 'warp' flag set for an axis, it means that while
+// the finger may have moved, it should not cause any motion in that direction.
+// This may occur is some situations where we thought a finger was in one place,
+// but then we realized later it was actually in another place.
+// The *_WARP_X/Y_MOVE version is an indication for suppressing unwanted
+// cursor movement, while the *_WARP_X/Y_NON_MOVE version is for unwanted
+// non-cursor movement (e.g. scrolling)
+// If a finger has notap set, it shouldn't begin a tap gesture.
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_NO_TAP (1 << 2)
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_PALM (1 << 4)
+// If tap to click movement detection should warp:
+// If a finger is a merged finger or one of close fingers
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_MERGE (1 << 9)
+// If a finger is showing a trend of moving (see the TrendClassifyingFilter).
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_TREND_INC_X (1 << 10)
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_TREND_DEC_X (1 << 11)
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_TREND_INC_Y (1 << 12)
+#define GESTURES_FINGER_TREND_DEC_Y (1 << 13)
+// If a finger is non-stationary recently (see the StationaryWiggleFilter).
+// Compared to the trend flags, this one takes the magnitude of movements
+// into account so it might be more useful in some cases. However, it is also
+// more prone to abrupt noisy jumps than the trend flags. It also looks at
+// a shorter period of time than the trend ones so it may provide faster
+// response and lower latency.
+// We sometimes use the warp flags only because we want to suppress unwanted
+// movements and not that we really have no good idea of the finger position.
+// This poses additional difficulty for some classifying logics that relies
+// much on the finger position. To maximize the use of any available data,
+// we further mark a finger as GESTURES_FINGER_WARP_TELEPORTATION only if we
+// indeed have no idea of its position (e.g. due to sensor jumps). For all
+// other cases (e.g. click wiggle, plams suppression, stationary wiggle), we
+// skip the flag so that we can have the option to use the not-that-accurate
+// positions.
+struct FingerState {
+ float touch_major, touch_minor;
+ float width_major, width_minor;
+ float pressure;
+ float orientation;
+ float position_x;
+ float position_y;
+ short tracking_id;
+ unsigned flags;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ bool NonFlagsEquals(const FingerState& that) const {
+ return touch_major == that.touch_major &&
+ touch_minor == that.touch_minor &&
+ width_major == that.width_major &&
+ width_minor == that.width_minor &&
+ pressure == that.pressure &&
+ orientation == that.orientation &&
+ position_x == that.position_x &&
+ position_y == that.position_y &&
+ tracking_id == that.tracking_id;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const FingerState& that) const {
+ return NonFlagsEquals(that) && flags == that.flags;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const FingerState& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
+ static std::string FlagsString(unsigned flags);
+ std::string String() const;
+// One frame of trackpad data
+struct HardwareState {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ FingerState* GetFingerState(short tracking_id);
+ const FingerState* GetFingerState(short tracking_id) const;
+ bool SameFingersAs(const HardwareState& that) const;
+ std::string String() const;
+ void DeepCopy(const HardwareState& that, unsigned short max_finger_cnt);
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ stime_t timestamp; // 64-bit Wall clock time in microseconds (10^-6 s)
+ int buttons_down; // bit field, use GESTURES_BUTTON_*
+ unsigned short finger_cnt; // Number of valid finger slots
+ unsigned short touch_cnt; // Number of fingers touching pad
+ struct FingerState* fingers;
+ // For EV_REL events
+ float rel_x;
+ float rel_y;
+ float rel_wheel;
+ float rel_hwheel;
+#define GESTURES_FLING_START 0 // Scroll end/fling begin
+#define GESTURES_FLING_TAP_DOWN 1 // Finger touched down/fling end
+#define GESTURES_ZOOM_START 0 // Pinch zoom begin
+#define GESTURES_ZOOM_UPDATE 1 // Zoom-in/Zoom-out update
+#define GESTURES_ZOOM_END 2 // Pinch zoom end
+// Gesture sub-structs
+// Note about ordinal_* values: Sometimes, UI will want to use unaccelerated
+// values for various gestures, so we expose the non-accelerated values in
+// the ordinal_* fields.
+typedef struct {
+ float dx, dy;
+ float ordinal_dx, ordinal_dy;
+} GestureMove;
+typedef struct{
+ float dx, dy;
+ float ordinal_dx, ordinal_dy;
+ // If set, stop_fling means that this scroll should stop flinging, thus
+ // if an interpreter suppresses it for any reason (e.g., rounds the size
+ // down to 0, thus making it a noop), it will replace it with a Fling
+ // TAP_DOWN gesture
+ unsigned stop_fling:1;
+} GestureScroll;
+typedef struct {
+ // If a bit is set in both down and up, client should process down first
+ unsigned down; // bit field, use GESTURES_BUTTON_*
+ unsigned up; // bit field, use GESTURES_BUTTON_*
+} GestureButtonsChange;
+typedef struct {
+ // fling velocity (valid when fling_state is GESTURES_FLING_START):
+ float vx, vy;
+ float ordinal_vx, ordinal_vy;
+ unsigned fling_state:1; // GESTURES_FLING_START or GESTURES_FLING_TAP_DOWN
+} GestureFling;
+typedef struct {
+ float dx, dy;
+ float ordinal_dx, ordinal_dy;
+} GestureSwipe;
+typedef struct {
+ float dx, dy;
+ float ordinal_dx, ordinal_dy;
+} GestureFourFingerSwipe;
+typedef struct {
+ char __dummy;
+ // Remove this when there is a member in this struct.
+ // Currently no members
+} GestureFourFingerSwipeLift;
+typedef struct {
+ char __dummy;
+ // Remove this when there is a member in this struct.
+ // Currently no members
+} GestureSwipeLift;
+typedef struct {
+ // Relative pinch factor starting with 1.0 = no pinch
+ // <1.0 for outwards pinch
+ // >1.0 for inwards pinch
+ float dz;
+ float ordinal_dz;
+ unsigned zoom_state;
+} GesturePinch;
+// Metrics types that we care about
+enum GestureMetricsType {
+ kGestureMetricsTypeNoisyGround = 0,
+ kGestureMetricsTypeMouseMovement,
+ kGestureMetricsTypeUnknown,
+typedef struct {
+ enum GestureMetricsType type;
+ // Optional values for the metrics. 2 are more than enough for now.
+ float data[2];
+} GestureMetrics;
+enum GestureType {
+ kGestureTypeNull = -1, // internal to Gestures library only
+ kGestureTypeContactInitiated = 0,
+ kGestureTypeMove,
+ kGestureTypeScroll,
+ kGestureTypeButtonsChange,
+ kGestureTypeFling,
+ kGestureTypeSwipe,
+ kGestureTypePinch,
+ kGestureTypeSwipeLift,
+ kGestureTypeMetrics,
+ kGestureTypeFourFingerSwipe,
+ kGestureTypeFourFingerSwipeLift,
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// Pass these into Gesture() ctor as first arg
+extern const GestureMove kGestureMove;
+extern const GestureScroll kGestureScroll;
+extern const GestureButtonsChange kGestureButtonsChange;
+extern const GestureFling kGestureFling;
+extern const GestureSwipe kGestureSwipe;
+extern const GestureFourFingerSwipe kGestureFourFingerSwipe;
+extern const GesturePinch kGesturePinch;
+extern const GestureSwipeLift kGestureSwipeLift;
+extern const GestureFourFingerSwipeLift kGestureFourFingerSwipeLift;
+extern const GestureMetrics kGestureMetrics;
+#endif // __cplusplus
+struct Gesture {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ // Create Move/Scroll gesture
+ Gesture() : start_time(0), end_time(0), type(kGestureTypeNull) {}
+ std::string String() const;
+ bool operator==(const Gesture& that) const;
+ bool operator!=(const Gesture& that) const { return !(*this == that); };
+ Gesture(const GestureMove&, stime_t start, stime_t end, float dx, float dy)
+ : start_time(start), end_time(end), type(kGestureTypeMove) {
+ details.move.ordinal_dx = details.move.dx = dx;
+ details.move.ordinal_dy = details.move.dy = dy;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureScroll&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, float dx, float dy)
+ : start_time(start), end_time(end), type(kGestureTypeScroll) {
+ details.scroll.ordinal_dx = details.scroll.dx = dx;
+ details.scroll.ordinal_dy = details.scroll.dy = dy;
+ details.scroll.stop_fling = 0;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureButtonsChange&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, unsigned down, unsigned up)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeButtonsChange) {
+ details.buttons.down = down;
+ details.buttons.up = up;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureFling&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, float vx, float vy, unsigned state)
+ : start_time(start), end_time(end), type(kGestureTypeFling) {
+ details.fling.ordinal_vx = details.fling.vx = vx;
+ details.fling.ordinal_vy = details.fling.vy = vy;
+ details.fling.fling_state = state;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureSwipe&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, float dx, float dy)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeSwipe) {
+ details.swipe.ordinal_dx = details.swipe.dx = dx;
+ details.swipe.ordinal_dy = details.swipe.dy = dy;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureFourFingerSwipe&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, float dx, float dy)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeFourFingerSwipe) {
+ details.four_finger_swipe.ordinal_dx = details.four_finger_swipe.dx = dx;
+ details.four_finger_swipe.ordinal_dy = details.four_finger_swipe.dy = dy;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GesturePinch&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, float dz, unsigned state)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypePinch) {
+ details.pinch.ordinal_dz = = dz;
+ details.pinch.zoom_state = state;
+ }
+ Gesture(const GestureSwipeLift&, stime_t start, stime_t end)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeSwipeLift) {}
+ Gesture(const GestureFourFingerSwipeLift&, stime_t start, stime_t end)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeFourFingerSwipeLift) {}
+ Gesture(const GestureMetrics&,
+ stime_t start, stime_t end, GestureMetricsType m_type,
+ float d1, float d2)
+ : start_time(start),
+ end_time(end),
+ type(kGestureTypeMetrics) {
+ details.metrics.type = m_type;
+[0] = d1;
+[1] = d2;
+ }
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ stime_t start_time, end_time;
+ enum GestureType type;
+ union {
+ GestureMove move;
+ GestureScroll scroll;
+ GestureButtonsChange buttons;
+ GestureFling fling;
+ GestureSwipe swipe;
+ GesturePinch pinch;
+ GestureSwipeLift swipe_lift;
+ GestureMetrics metrics;
+ GestureFourFingerSwipe four_finger_swipe;
+ GestureFourFingerSwipeLift four_finger_swipe_lift;
+ } details;
+typedef void (*GestureReadyFunction)(void* client_data,
+ const struct Gesture* gesture);
+// Gestures Timer Provider Interface
+struct GesturesTimer;
+typedef struct GesturesTimer GesturesTimer;
+// If this returns < 0, the timer should be freed. If it returns >= 0.0, it
+// should be called again after that amount of delay.
+typedef stime_t (*GesturesTimerCallback)(stime_t now,
+ void* callback_data);
+// Allocate and return a new timer, or NULL if error.
+typedef GesturesTimer* (*GesturesTimerCreate)(void* data);
+// Set a timer:
+typedef void (*GesturesTimerSet)(void* data,
+ GesturesTimer* timer,
+ stime_t delay,
+ GesturesTimerCallback callback,
+ void* callback_data);
+// Cancel a set timer:
+typedef void (*GesturesTimerCancel)(void* data, GesturesTimer* timer);
+// Free the timer. Will not be called from within a timer callback.
+typedef void (*GesturesTimerFree)(void* data, GesturesTimer* timer);
+typedef struct {
+ GesturesTimerCreate create_fn;
+ GesturesTimerSet set_fn;
+ GesturesTimerCancel cancel_fn;
+ GesturesTimerFree free_fn;
+} GesturesTimerProvider;
+// Gestures Property Provider Interface
+struct GesturesProp;
+typedef struct GesturesProp GesturesProp;
+typedef unsigned char GesturesPropBool;
+// These functions create a named property of given type.
+// data - data used by PropProvider
+// loc - location of a variable to be updated by PropProvider.
+// Set to NULL to create a ReadOnly property
+// init - initial value for the property.
+// If the PropProvider has an alternate configuration source, it may
+// override this initial value, in which case *loc returns the
+// value from the configuration source.
+typedef GesturesProp* (*GesturesPropCreateInt)(void* data, const char* name,
+ int* loc, size_t count,
+ const int* init);
+typedef GesturesProp* (*GesturesPropCreateShort)(void* data, const char* name,
+ short* loc, size_t count,
+ const short* init);
+typedef GesturesProp* (*GesturesPropCreateBool)(void* data, const char* name,
+ GesturesPropBool* loc,
+ size_t count,
+ const GesturesPropBool* init);
+typedef GesturesProp* (*GesturesPropCreateString)(void* data, const char* name,
+ const char** loc,
+ const char* const init);
+typedef GesturesProp* (*GesturesPropCreateReal)(void* data, const char* name,
+ double* loc, size_t count,
+ const double* init);
+// A function to call just before a property is to be read.
+// |handler_data| is a local context pointer that can be used by the handler.
+// Handler should return non-zero if it modifies the property's value.
+typedef GesturesPropBool (*GesturesPropGetHandler)(void* handler_data);
+// A function to call just after a property's value is updated.
+// |handler_data| is a local context pointer that can be used by the handler.
+typedef void (*GesturesPropSetHandler)(void* handler_data);
+// Register handlers to be called when a GesturesProp is accessed.
+// The get handler, if not NULL, is called immediately before the property's
+// value is to be read. This gives the library a chance to update its value.
+// The set handler, if not NULL, is called immediately after the property's
+// value is updated. This can be used to create a property that is used to
+// trigger an action, or to force an update to multiple properties atomically.
+// Note: the handlers are called from non-signal/interrupt context
+typedef void (*GesturesPropRegisterHandlers)(void* data, GesturesProp* prop,
+ void* handler_data,
+ GesturesPropGetHandler getter,
+ GesturesPropSetHandler setter);
+// Free a property.
+typedef void (*GesturesPropFree)(void* data, GesturesProp* prop);
+typedef struct GesturesPropProvider {
+ GesturesPropCreateInt create_int_fn;
+ GesturesPropCreateShort create_short_fn;
+ GesturesPropCreateBool create_bool_fn;
+ GesturesPropCreateString create_string_fn;
+ GesturesPropCreateReal create_real_fn;
+ GesturesPropRegisterHandlers register_handlers_fn;
+ GesturesPropFree free_fn;
+} GesturesPropProvider;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// C++ API:
+namespace gestures {
+class Interpreter;
+class PropRegistry;
+class LoggingFilterInterpreter;
+class Tracer;
+class GestureInterpreterConsumer;
+class MetricsProperties;
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+struct GestureInterpreter {
+ public:
+ explicit GestureInterpreter(int version);
+ ~GestureInterpreter();
+ void PushHardwareState(HardwareState* hwstate);
+ void SetHardwareProperties(const HardwareProperties& hwprops);
+ void TimerCallback(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout);
+ void set_callback(GestureReadyFunction callback,
+ void* client_data);
+ void SetTimerProvider(GesturesTimerProvider* tp, void* data);
+ void SetPropProvider(GesturesPropProvider* pp, void* data);
+ // Initialize GestureInterpreter based on device configuration. This must be
+ // called after GesturesPropProvider is set and before it accepts any inputs.
+ void Initialize(
+ GestureInterpreterDeviceClass type=GESTURES_DEVCLASS_TOUCHPAD);
+ Interpreter* interpreter() const { return interpreter_.get(); }
+ PropRegistry* prop_reg() const { return prop_reg_.get(); }
+ std::string EncodeActivityLog();
+ private:
+ void InitializeTouchpad(void);
+ void InitializeTouchpad2(void);
+ void InitializeMouse(void);
+ void InitializeMultitouchMouse(void);
+ GestureReadyFunction callback_;
+ void* callback_data_;
+ std::unique_ptr<PropRegistry> prop_reg_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Tracer> tracer_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter_;
+ std::unique_ptr<MetricsProperties> mprops_;
+ GesturesTimerProvider* timer_provider_;
+ void* timer_provider_data_;
+ GesturesTimer* interpret_timer_;
+ LoggingFilterInterpreter* loggingFilter_;
+ std::unique_ptr<GestureInterpreterConsumer> consumer_;
+ HardwareProperties hwprops_;
+ // Disallow copy & assign;
+ GestureInterpreter(const GestureInterpreter&);
+ void operator=(const GestureInterpreter&);
+#else // __cplusplus >= 201103L
+// Must be opaque under C++03 builds, since it has unique_ptr members.
+struct GestureInterpreter;
+#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L
+} // namespace gestures
+typedef gestures::GestureInterpreter GestureInterpreter;
+struct GestureInterpreter;
+typedef struct GestureInterpreter GestureInterpreter;
+#endif // __cplusplus
+GestureInterpreter* NewGestureInterpreterImpl(int);
+#define NewGestureInterpreter() NewGestureInterpreterImpl(GESTURES_VERSION)
+void DeleteGestureInterpreter(GestureInterpreter*);
+void GestureInterpreterSetHardwareProperties(GestureInterpreter*,
+ const struct HardwareProperties*);
+void GestureInterpreterPushHardwareState(GestureInterpreter*,
+ struct HardwareState*);
+void GestureInterpreterSetCallback(GestureInterpreter*,
+ GestureReadyFunction,
+ void*);
+// Gestures will hold a reference to passed provider. Pass NULL to tell
+// Gestures to stop holding a reference.
+void GestureInterpreterSetTimerProvider(GestureInterpreter*,
+ GesturesTimerProvider*,
+ void*);
+void GestureInterpreterSetPropProvider(GestureInterpreter*,
+ GesturesPropProvider*,
+ void*);
+void GestureInterpreterInitialize(GestureInterpreter*,
+ enum GestureInterpreterDeviceClass);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
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