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Unified Diff: ios/chrome/browser/context_menu/

Issue 2580363002: Upstream Chrome on iOS source code [1/11]. (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years ago
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Index: ios/chrome/browser/context_menu/
diff --git a/ios/chrome/browser/context_menu/ b/ios/chrome/browser/context_menu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21b5311a671bec36ca59f9ce040289597c19207f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/chrome/browser/context_menu/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h>
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ui_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_strings.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/app/chrome_test_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/app/settings_test_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/app/tab_test_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/test/app/web_view_interaction_test_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_actions.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_assertions.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_matchers.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_test_case.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_util.h"
+#import "ios/testing/wait_util.h"
+#import "ios/web/public/test/earl_grey/web_view_matchers.h"
+#import "ios/web/public/test/http_server.h"
+#import "ios/web/public/test/http_server_util.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+using chrome_test_util::buttonWithAccessibilityLabelId;
+namespace {
+const char kUrlChromiumLogoPage[] =
+ "http://ios/testing/data/http_server_files/chromium_logo_page.html";
+const char kUrlChromiumLogoImg[] =
+ "http://ios/testing/data/http_server_files/chromium_logo.png";
+const char kUrlInitialPage[] = "http://scenarioContextMenuOpenInNewTab";
+const char kUrlDestinationPage[] = "http://destination";
+const char kChromiumImageID[] = "chromium_image";
+const char kDestinationLinkID[] = "link";
+// HTML content of the destination page that sets the page title.
+const char kDestinationHtml[] =
+ "<script>document.title='new doc'</script>You made it!";
+// Matcher for the open image button in the context menu.
+id<GREYMatcher> openImageButton() {
+ return buttonWithAccessibilityLabelId(IDS_IOS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_OPENIMAGE);
+// Matcher for the open image in new tab button in the context menu.
+id<GREYMatcher> openImageInNewTabButton() {
+ return buttonWithAccessibilityLabelId(
+// Matcher for the open link in new tab button in the context menu.
+id<GREYMatcher> openLinkInNewTabButton() {
+ return buttonWithAccessibilityLabelId(IDS_IOS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_OPENLINKNEWTAB);
+// Long press on |elementId| to trigger context menu and then tap on
+// |contextMenuItemButton| item.
+void LongPressElementAndTapOnButton(const char* elementId,
+ id<GREYMatcher> contextMenuItemButton) {
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::
+ webViewBelongingToWebController()]
+ performAction:chrome_test_util::longPressElementForContextMenu(elementId,
+ true)];
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:contextMenuItemButton]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:contextMenuItemButton]
+ performAction:grey_tap()];
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:contextMenuItemButton]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_nil()];
+// A simple wrapper that sleeps for 1s to wait for the animation, triggered from
+// opening a new tab through context menu, to finish before selecting tab.
+// TODO( Remove this function when the bug is fixed.
+void SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(NSUInteger index) {
+ // Delay for 1 second.
+ GREYCondition* myCondition = [GREYCondition conditionWithName:@"delay"
+ block:^BOOL {
+ return NO;
+ }];
+ [myCondition waitWithTimeout:1U];
+ chrome_test_util::SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(index);
+} // namespace
+// Context menu tests for Chrome.
+@interface ContextMenuTestCase : ChromeTestCase
+@implementation ContextMenuTestCase
++ (void)setUp {
+ [super setUp];
+ chrome_test_util::SetContentSettingsBlockPopups(CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW);
++ (void)tearDown {
+ chrome_test_util::SetContentSettingsBlockPopups(CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT);
+ [super tearDown];
+// Tests that selecting "Open Image" from the context menu properly opens the
+// image in the current tab.
+- (void)testOpenImageInCurrentTabFromContextMenu {
+ GURL pageURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlChromiumLogoPage);
+ GURL imageURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlChromiumLogoImg);
+ web::test::SetUpFileBasedHttpServer();
+ [ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:pageURL];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(1U);
+ LongPressElementAndTapOnButton(kChromiumImageID, openImageButton());
+ // Verify url and tab count.
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::omniboxText(
+ imageURL.GetContent())]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(1U);
+// Tests that selecting "Open Image in New Tab" from the context menu properly
+// opens the image in a new background tab.
+- (void)testOpenImageInNewTabFromContextMenu {
+ GURL pageURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlChromiumLogoPage);
+ GURL imageURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlChromiumLogoImg);
+ web::test::SetUpFileBasedHttpServer();
+ [ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:pageURL];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(1U);
+ LongPressElementAndTapOnButton(kChromiumImageID, openImageInNewTabButton());
+ SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(1U);
+ // Verify url and tab count.
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::omniboxText(
+ imageURL.GetContent())]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(2U);
+// Tests "Open in New Tab" on context menu.
+- (void)testContextMenuOpenInNewTab {
+ // Set up test simple http server.
+ std::map<GURL, std::string> responses;
+ GURL initialURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlInitialPage);
+ GURL destinationURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl(kUrlDestinationPage);
+ // The initial page contains a link to the destination page.
+ responses[initialURL] = "<a style='margin-left:50px' href='" +
+ destinationURL.spec() + "' id='link'>link</a>";
+ responses[destinationURL] = kDestinationHtml;
+ web::test::SetUpSimpleHttpServer(responses);
+ [ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:initialURL];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(1U);
+ LongPressElementAndTapOnButton(kDestinationLinkID, openLinkInNewTabButton());
+ SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(1U);
+ // Verify url and tab count.
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::omniboxText(
+ destinationURL.GetContent())]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(2U);
+// Tests "Open in New Tab" on context menu on a link that requires scrolling
+// on the page to verify that context menu can be properly triggered in the
+// current screen view.
+- (void)testContextMenuOpenInNewTabFromTallPage {
+ // Set up test simple http server.
+ std::map<GURL, std::string> responses;
+ GURL initialURL =
+ web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl("http://scenarioContextMenuOpenInNewTab");
+ GURL destinationURL = web::test::HttpServer::MakeUrl("http://destination");
+ // The initial page contains a link to the destination page that is below a
+ // really tall div so that scrolling is required.
+ responses[initialURL] =
+ "<div style='height:4000px'></div>"
+ "<a style='margin-left:50px' href='" +
+ destinationURL.spec() + "' id='link'>link</a>";
+ responses[destinationURL] = kDestinationHtml;
+ web::test::SetUpSimpleHttpServer(responses);
+ [ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:initialURL];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(1U);
+ // Scroll down on the web view to make the link visible.
+ [[EarlGrey
+ selectElementWithMatcher:webViewScrollView(
+ chrome_test_util::GetCurrentWebState())]
+ performAction:grey_swipeFastInDirection(kGREYDirectionUp)];
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::webViewContainingText(
+ kDestinationLinkID)]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ LongPressElementAndTapOnButton(kDestinationLinkID, openLinkInNewTabButton());
+ // Earl Grey cannot preperly synchronize some animations, so adding a
+ // WaitUntilCondition to wait for the new tab opening animation to finish
+ // and the scroll view to become interactable.
+ ConditionBlock condition = ^{
+ NSError* error = nil;
+ [[EarlGrey
+ selectElementWithMatcher:webViewScrollView(
+ chrome_test_util::GetCurrentWebState())]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_interactable()
+ error:&error];
+ return !error;
+ };
+ GREYAssert(testing::WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout(
+ testing::kWaitForUIElementTimeout, condition),
+ @"Web view did not become interactable");
+ // Make the toolbar visible by scrolling up on the web view to select the
+ // newly opened tab.
+ [[EarlGrey
+ selectElementWithMatcher:webViewScrollView(
+ chrome_test_util::GetCurrentWebState())]
+ performAction:grey_swipeFastInDirection(kGREYDirectionDown)];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertToolbarVisible();
+ SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(1U);
+ // Verify url and tab count.
+ [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::omniboxText(
+ destinationURL.GetContent())]
+ assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
+ chrome_test_util::AssertMainTabCount(2U);
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