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Unified Diff: ios/chrome/app/

Issue 2580363002: Upstream Chrome on iOS source code [1/11]. (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years ago
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Index: ios/chrome/app/
diff --git a/ios/chrome/app/ b/ios/chrome/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa6b767e738bfb702c5823a6613f363274a00263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/chrome/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,2757 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#import "ios/chrome/app/main_controller.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#import <CoreSpotlight/CoreSpotlight.h>
+#import <objc/objc.h>
+#import <objc/runtime.h>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
+#include "base/files/file_path.h"
+#include "base/ios/block_types.h"
+#import "base/mac/bind_objc_block.h"
+#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
+#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
+#include "base/mac/objc_property_releaser.h"
+#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/component_updater/component_updater_service.h"
+#include "components/content_settings/core/browser/host_content_settings_map.h"
+#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h"
+#include "components/metrics/metrics_service.h"
+#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
+#include "components/reading_list/core/reading_list_switches.h"
+#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager.h"
+#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
+#include "components/web_resource/web_resource_pref_names.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/application_delegate/app_state.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/application_delegate/background_activity.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/application_delegate/metrics_mediator.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/application_delegate/url_opener.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/application_mode.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/chrome_app_startup_parameters.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/deferred_initialization_runner.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/main_controller_private.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/memory_monitor.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/safe_mode_crashing_modules_config.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/spotlight/spotlight_manager.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/spotlight/spotlight_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/chrome_main_starter.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/client_registration.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/ios_chrome_main.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/network_stack_setup.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/provider_registration.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/register_experimental_settings.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/startup/setup_debugging.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/app/startup_tasks.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/app/tests_hook.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/app_startup_parameters.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/application_context.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state_manager.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state_removal_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/browsing_data/browsing_data_removal_controller.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/browsing_data/ios_chrome_browsing_data_remover.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/callback_counter.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_url_constants.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_url_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/content_settings/host_content_settings_map_factory.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/crash_loop_detection_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/crash_report/breakpad_helper.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/crash_report/crash_report_background_uploader.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/crash_report/crash_restore_helper.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/experimental_flags.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/file_metadata_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/geolocation/omnibox_geolocation_controller.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/ios_chrome_io_thread.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/memory/memory_debugger_manager.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/metrics/first_user_action_recorder.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/metrics/previous_session_info.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/net/cookie_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/net/crl_set_fetcher.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/pref_names.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/prefs/pref_observer_bridge.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/reading_list/reading_list_download_service.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/reading_list/reading_list_download_service_factory.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/search_engines/search_engines_util.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/share_extension/share_extension_service.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/share_extension/share_extension_service_factory.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/signin/authentication_service.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/signin/authentication_service_factory.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/snapshots/snapshot_cache.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab_model.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab_model_observer.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/authentication/signed_in_accounts_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/authentication/signin_interaction_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/browser_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/chrome_web_view_factory.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/clear_browsing_data_command.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/ios_command_ids.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/open_url_command.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/show_signin_command.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/contextual_search/contextual_search_metrics.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/contextual_search/touch_to_search_permissions_mediator.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/downloads/download_manager_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/first_run/first_run_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/first_run/welcome_to_chrome_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/fullscreen_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/history/history_panel_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/main/browser_view_wrangler.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/main/main_coordinator.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/main/main_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/orientation_limiting_navigation_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/promos/signin_promo_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/settings/settings_navigation_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/stack_view/stack_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tab_switcher/tab_switcher_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_controller+tab_switcher_animation.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ui_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/uikit_ui_util.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/top_view_controller.h"
+#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_ui_ios_controller_factory.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/browser/xcallback_parameters.h"
+#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_strings.h"
+#include "ios/net/cookies/cookie_store_ios.h"
+#import "ios/net/crn_http_protocol_handler.h"
+#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/chrome_browser_provider.h"
+#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/distribution/app_distribution_provider.h"
+#import "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/native_app_launcher/native_app_whitelist_manager.h"
+#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/signin/chrome_identity_service.h"
+#import "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/user_feedback/user_feedback_provider.h"
+#import "ios/third_party/material_components_ios/src/components/Typography/src/MaterialTypography.h"
+#import "ios/third_party/material_roboto_font_loader_ios/src/src/MaterialRobotoFontLoader.h"
+#include "ios/web/net/request_tracker_factory_impl.h"
+#include "ios/web/net/request_tracker_impl.h"
+#include "ios/web/net/web_http_protocol_handler_delegate.h"
+#include "ios/web/public/web_capabilities.h"
+#include "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state.h"
+#import "ios/web/public/web_view_creation_util.h"
+#include "ios/web/public/webui/web_ui_ios_controller_factory.h"
+#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h"
+#import "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
+#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
+namespace {
+// Preference key used to store which profile is current.
+NSString* kIncognitoCurrentKey = @"IncognitoActive";
+// Constants for deferred initialization of preferences observer.
+NSString* const kPrefObserverInit = @"PrefObserverInit";
+// Constants for deferring notifying the AuthenticationService of a new cold
+// start.
+NSString* const kAuthenticationServiceNotification =
+ @"AuthenticationServiceNotification";
+// Constants for deferring reseting the startup attempt count (to give the app
+// a little while to make sure it says alive).
+NSString* const kStartupAttemptReset = @"StartupAttempReset";
+// Constants for deferring memory debugging tools startup.
+NSString* const kMemoryDebuggingToolsStartup = @"MemoryDebuggingToolsStartup";
+// Constants for deferring memory monitoring startup.
+NSString* const kMemoryMonitoring = @"MemoryMonitoring";
+// Constants for deferred check if it is necessary to send pings to
+// Chrome distribution related services.
+NSString* const kSendInstallPingIfNecessary = @"SendInstallPingIfNecessary";
+// Constants for deferring check of native iOS apps installed.
+NSString* const kCheckNativeApps = @"CheckNativeApps";
+// Constants for deferred deletion of leftover user downloaded files.
+NSString* const kDeleteDownloads = @"DeleteDownloads";
+// Constants for deferred sending of queued feedback.
+NSString* const kSendQueuedFeedback = @"SendQueuedFeedback";
+// Constants for deferring the deletion of pre-upgrade crash reports.
+NSString* const kCleanupCrashReports = @"CleanupCrashReports";
+// Constants for deferring the deletion of old snapshots.
+NSString* const kPurgeSnapshots = @"PurgeSnapshots";
+// Constants for deferring startup Spotlight bookmark indexing.
+NSString* const kStartSpotlightBookmarksIndexing =
+ @"StartSpotlightBookmarksIndexing";
+// Constants for deferred initialization of dynamic application shortcut items.
+NSString* const kAddApplicationShortcutItems = @"AddApplicationShortcutItems";
+// Constants for deferred promo display.
+const NSTimeInterval kDisplayPromoDelay = 0.1;
+// A rough estimate of the expected duration of a view controller transition
+// animation. It's used to temporarily disable mutally exclusive chrome
+// commands that trigger a view controller presentation.
+const int64_t kExpectedTransitionDurationInNanoSeconds = 0.2 * NSEC_PER_SEC;
+// Adapted from chrome/browser/ui/
+void RegisterComponentsForUpdate() {
+ component_updater::ComponentUpdateService* cus =
+ GetApplicationContext()->GetComponentUpdateService();
+ DCHECK(cus);
+ base::FilePath path;
+ const bool success = PathService::Get(ios::DIR_USER_DATA, &path);
+ DCHECK(success);
+ // CRLSetFetcher attempts to load a CRL set from either the local disk or
+ // network.
+ GetApplicationContext()->GetCRLSetFetcher()->StartInitialLoad(cus, path);
+// Unsynchronizes the cookie store associated to |browserState| on the IO
+// thread.
+void UnSynchronizeCookieStore(ios::ChromeBrowserState* browserState) {
+ DCHECK(browserState);
+ scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> getter =
+ browserState->GetRequestContext();
+ web::WebThread::PostTask(
+ web::WebThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::BindBlock(^{
+ net::CookieStoreIOS* store = static_cast<net::CookieStoreIOS*>(
+ getter->GetURLRequestContext()->cookie_store());
+ store->UnSynchronize();
+ }));
+// Returns YES if |url| matches chrome://newtab.
+BOOL IsURLNtp(const GURL& url) {
+ return UrlHasChromeScheme(url) && == kChromeUINewTabHost;
+// Used to update the current BVC mode if a new tab is added while the stack
+// view is being dimissed. This is different than ApplicationMode in that it
+// can be set to |NONE| when not in use.
+enum class StackViewDismissalMode { NONE, NORMAL, INCOGNITO };
+} // namespace
+// TODO( Remove once MDFRobotoFontLoader declares it directly.
+// MDFRobotoFontLoader implicitly implements MDCTypographyFontLoading but can't
+// declare it until MDC is public.
+@interface MDFRobotoFontLoader (MDCTypography)<MDCTypographyFontLoading>
+@interface MainController ()<BrowserStateStorageSwitching,
+ BrowsingDataRemovalControllerDelegate,
+ PrefObserverDelegate,
+ SettingsNavigationControllerDelegate,
+ TabModelObserver,
+ TabSwitcherDelegate,
+ UserFeedbackDataSource> {
+ IBOutlet UIWindow* _window;
+ // Weak; owned by the ChromeBrowserProvider.
+ ios::ChromeBrowserStateManager* _browserStateManager;
+ // The object that drives the Chrome startup/shutdown logic.
+ std::unique_ptr<IOSChromeMain> _chromeMain;
+ // The ChromeBrowserState associated with the main (non-OTR) browsing mode.
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* _mainBrowserState; // Weak.
+ // Coordinators used to run the Chrome UI; there will be one of these active
+ // at any given time, usually |_mainCoordinator|.
+ // Main coordinator, backing object for the property of the same name, which
+ // lazily initializes on access.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<MainCoordinator> _mainCoordinator;
+ // Wrangler to handle BVC and tab model creation, access, and related logic.
+ // Implements faetures exposed from this object through the
+ // BrowserViewInformation protocol.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<BrowserViewWrangler> _browserViewWrangler;
+ // Parameters received at startup time when the app is launched from another
+ // app.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<AppStartupParameters> _startupParameters;
+ // Whether Voice Search should be started upon tab switcher dismissal.
+ BOOL _startVoiceSearchAfterTabSwitcherDismissal;
+ // Whether the QR Scanner should be started upon tab switcher dismissal.
+ BOOL _startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal;
+ // Navigation View controller for the settings.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<SettingsNavigationController>
+ _settingsNavigationController;
+ // View controller for switching tabs.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<UIViewController<TabSwitcher>> _tabSwitcherController;
+ // Controller to display the re-authentication flow.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<SigninInteractionController>
+ _signinInteractionController;
+ // The number of memory warnings that have been received in this
+ // foreground session.
+ int _foregroundMemoryWarningCount;
+ // The time at which to reset the OOM crash flag in the user defaults. This
+ // is used to handle receiving multiple memory warnings in short succession.
+ CFAbsoluteTime _outOfMemoryResetTime;
+ // YES while animating the dismissal of stack view.
+ BOOL _dismissingStackView;
+ // If not NONE, the current BVC should be switched to this BVC on completion
+ // of stack view dismissal.
+ StackViewDismissalMode _modeToDisplayOnStackViewDismissal;
+ // If YES, the tab switcher is currently active.
+ BOOL _tabSwitcherIsActive;
+ // True if the current session began from a cold start. False if the app has
+ // entered the background at least once since start up.
+ BOOL _isColdStart;
+ // Keeps track of the restore state during startup.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<CrashRestoreHelper> _restoreHelper;
+ // An object to record metrics related to the user's first action.
+ std::unique_ptr<FirstUserActionRecorder> _firstUserActionRecorder;
+ // RequestTrackerFactory to customize the behavior of the network stack.
+ std::unique_ptr<web::RequestTrackerFactoryImpl> _requestTrackerFactory;
+ // Configuration for the HTTP protocol handler.
+ std::unique_ptr<web::WebHTTPProtocolHandlerDelegate>
+ _httpProtocolHandlerDelegate;
+ // True if First Run UI (terms of service & sync sign-in) is being presented
+ // in a modal dialog.
+ BOOL _isPresentingFirstRunUI;
+ // The tab switcher command and the voice search commands can be sent by views
+ // that reside in a different UIWindow leading to the fact that the exclusive
+ // touch property will be ineffective and a command for processing both
+ // commands may be sent in the same run of the runloop leading to
+ // inconsistencies. Those two boolean indicate if one of those commands have
+ // been processed in the last 200ms in order to only allow processing one at
+ // a time.
+ // TODO( Provide a general solution for handling mutually
+ // exclusive chrome commands sent at nearly the same time.
+ BOOL _isProcessingTabSwitcherCommand;
+ BOOL _isProcessingVoiceSearchCommand;
+ // Bridge to listen to pref changes.
+ std::unique_ptr<PrefObserverBridge> _localStatePrefObserverBridge;
+ // Registrar for pref changes notifications to the local state.
+ PrefChangeRegistrar _localStatePrefChangeRegistrar;
+ // Clears browsing data from ChromeBrowserStates.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<BrowsingDataRemovalController>
+ _browsingDataRemovalController;
+ // The class in charge of showing/hiding the memory debugger when the
+ // appropriate pref changes.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<MemoryDebuggerManager> _memoryDebuggerManager;
+ base::mac::ObjCPropertyReleaser _propertyReleaser_MainController;
+ // Responsible for indexing chrome links (such as bookmarks, most likely...)
+ // in system Spotlight index.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<SpotlightManager> _spotlightManager;
+ // Cached launchOptions from -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<NSDictionary> _launchOptions;
+ // View controller for displaying the history panel.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<UIViewController> _historyPanelViewController;
+ // Variable backing metricsMediator property.
+ base::WeakNSObject<MetricsMediator> _metricsMediator;
+ // Hander for the startup tasks, deferred or not.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<StartupTasks> _startupTasks;
+// Pointer to the main view controller, always owned by the main window.
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) MainViewController* mainViewController;
+// The main coordinator, lazily created the first time it is accessed. Manages
+// the MainViewController. This property should not be accessed before the
+// browser has started up to the FOREGROUND stage.
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) MainCoordinator* mainCoordinator;
+// A property to track whether the QR Scanner should be started upon tab
+// switcher dismissal. It can only be YES if the QR Scanner experiment is
+// enabled.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal;
+// Activates browsing and enables web views if |enabled| is YES.
+// Disables browsing and purges web views if |enabled| is NO.
+// Must be called only on the main thread.
+- (void)setWebUsageEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
+// Activates self.currentBVC iff the self.currentBVC can be made active.
+- (void)activateCurrentBVC;
+// Sets |currentBVC| as the root view controller for the window.
+- (void)displayCurrentBVC;
+// Shows the settings UI.
+- (void)showSettings;
+// Shows the accounts settings UI.
+- (void)showAccountsSettings;
+// Shows the Sync settings UI.
+- (void)showSyncSettings;
+// Shows the Save Passwords settings.
+- (void)showSavePasswordsSettings;
+// Invokes the sign in flow with the specified authentication operation and
+// invokes |callback| when finished.
+- (void)showSignInWithOperation:(AuthenticationOperation)operation
+ signInAccessPoint:(signin_metrics::AccessPoint)signInAccessPoint
+ callback:(ShowSigninCommandCompletionCallback)callback;
+// Wraps a callback with one that first checks if sign-in was completed
+// successfully and the profile wasn't swapped before invoking.
+- (ShowSigninCommandCompletionCallback)successfulSigninCompletion:
+ (ProceduralBlock)callback;
+// Shows the Sync encryption passphrase (part of Settings).
+- (void)showSyncEncryptionPassphrase;
+// Shows the Native Apps Settings UI (part of Settings).
+- (void)showNativeAppsSettings;
+// Shows the Clear Browsing Data Settings UI (part of Settings).
+- (void)showClearBrowsingDataSettingsController;
+// Shows the Contextual search UI (part of Settings).
+- (void)showContextualSearchSettingsController;
+// Shows the tab switcher UI.
+- (void)showTabSwitcher;
+// Starts a voice search on the current BVC.
+- (void)startVoiceSearch;
+// Dismisses the tab switcher UI without animation into the given model.
+- (void)dismissTabSwitcherWithoutAnimationInModel:(TabModel*)tabModel;
+// Dismisses and clears |signinInteractionController|.
+- (void)dismissSigninInteractionController;
+// Called when the last incognito tab was closed.
+- (void)lastIncognitoTabClosed;
+// Called when the last regular tab was closed.
+- (void)lastRegularTabClosed;
+// Post a notification with name |notificationName| on the first available
+// run loop cycle.
+- (void)postNotificationOnNextRunLoopCycle:(NSString*)notificationName;
+// Opens a tab in the target BVC, and switches to it in a way that's appropriate
+// to the current UI, based on the |dismissModals| flag:
+// - If a modal dialog is showing and |dismissModals| is NO, the selected tab of
+// the main tab model will change in the background, but the view won't change.
+// - Otherwise, any modal view will be dismissed, the stack view will animate
+// out if it is showing, the target BVC will become active, and the new tab will
+// be shown.
+// If the current tab in |targetMode| is a NTP, it can be reused to open URL.
+- (Tab*)openSelectedTabInMode:(ApplicationMode)targetMode
+ withURL:(const GURL&)url
+ transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition;
+// Checks the target BVC's current tab's URL. If this URL is chrome://newtab,
+// loads |url| in this tab. Otherwise, open |url| in a new tab in the target
+// BVC.
+- (Tab*)openOrReuseTabInMode:(ApplicationMode)targetMode
+ withURL:(const GURL&)url
+ transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition;
+// Returns whether the restore infobar should be displayed.
+- (bool)mustShowRestoreInfobar;
+// Begins the process of dismissing the stack view with the given current model,
+// switching which BVC is suspended if necessary, but not updating the UI.
+- (void)beginDismissingStackViewWithCurrentModel:(TabModel*)tabModel;
+// Completes the process of dismissing the stack view, removing it from the
+// screen and showing the appropriate BVC.
+- (void)finishDismissingStackView;
+// Sets up self.currentBVC for testing by closing existing tabs.
+- (void)setUpCurrentBVCForTesting;
+// Opens an url.
+- (void)openUrl:(OpenUrlCommand*)command;
+// Opens an url from a link in the settings UI.
+- (void)openUrlFromSettings:(OpenUrlCommand*)command;
+// Switch all global states for the given mode (normal or incognito).
+- (void)switchGlobalStateToMode:(ApplicationMode)mode;
+// Updates the local storage, cookie store, and sets the global state.
+- (void)changeStorageFromBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)oldState
+ toBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)newState;
+// Returns the set of the sessions ids of the tabs in the given |tabModel|.
+- (NSMutableSet*)liveSessionsForTabModel:(TabModel*)tabModel;
+// Purge the unused snapshots.
+- (void)purgeSnapshots;
+// Sets a LocalState pref marking the TOS EULA as accepted.
+- (void)markEulaAsAccepted;
+// Sends any feedback that happens to still be on local storage.
+- (void)sendQueuedFeedback;
+// Sets the iOS cookie policy to match that of the given browser state.
+- (void)setInitialCookiesPolicy:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState;
+// Called whenever an orientation change is received.
+- (void)orientationDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification;
+// Register to receive orientation change notification to update breakpad
+// report.
+- (void)registerForOrientationChangeNotifications;
+// Asynchronously creates the pref observers.
+- (void)schedulePrefObserverInitialization;
+// Asynchronously schedules a check for what other native iOS apps are currently
+// installed.
+- (void)scheduleCheckNativeApps;
+// Asynchronously schedules pings to distribution services.
+- (void)scheduleAppDistributionPings;
+// Asynchronously schedule the init of the memoryDebuggerManager.
+- (void)scheduleMemoryDebuggingTools;
+// Asynchronously kick off regular free memory checks.
+- (void)scheduleFreeMemoryMonitoring;
+// Asynchronously schedules the notification of the AuthenticationService.
+- (void)scheduleAuthenticationServiceNotification;
+// Asynchronously schedules the reset of the failed startup attempt counter.
+- (void)scheduleStartupAttemptReset;
+// Asynchronously schedules the cleanup of crash reports.
+- (void)scheduleCrashReportCleanup;
+// Asynchronously schedules the deletion of old snapshots.
+- (void)scheduleSnapshotPurge;
+// Schedules various cleanup tasks that are performed after launch.
+- (void)scheduleStartupCleanupTasks;
+// Schedules various tasks to be performed after the application becomes active.
+- (void)scheduleLowPriorityStartupTasks;
+// Schedules tasks that require a fully-functional BVC to be performed.
+- (void)scheduleTasksRequiringBVCWithBrowserState;
+// Schedules the deletion of user downloaded files that might be leftover
+// from the last time Chrome was run.
+- (void)scheduleDeleteDownloadsDirectory;
+// Returns whether or not the app can launch in incognito mode.
+- (BOOL)canLaunchInIncognito;
+// Determines which UI should be shown on startup, and shows it.
+- (void)createInitialUI:(ApplicationMode)launchMode;
+// Initializes the first run UI and presents it to the user.
+- (void)showFirstRunUI;
+// Schedules presentation of the first eligible promo found, if any.
+- (void)scheduleShowPromo;
+// Crashes the application if requested.
+- (void)crashIfRequested;
+// Returns the BrowsingDataRemovalController. Lazily creates one if necessary.
+- (BrowsingDataRemovalController*)browsingDataRemovalController;
+// Clears incognito data that is specific to iOS and won't be cleared by
+// deleting the browser state.
+- (void)clearIOSSpecificIncognitoData;
+// Deletes the incognito browser state.
+- (void)deleteIncognitoBrowserState;
+// Handles the notification that first run modal dialog UI is about to complete.
+- (void)handleFirstRunUIWillFinish;
+// Handles the notification that first run modal dialog UI completed.
+- (void)handleFirstRunUIDidFinish;
+// Performs synchronous browser state initialization steps.
+- (void)initializeBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState;
+// Helper methods to initialize the application to a specific stage.
+// Setting |_browserInitializationStage| to a specific stage requires the
+// corresponding function to return YES.
+// Initializes the application to INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BASIC, which is the
+// minimum initialization needed in all cases.
+- (void)startUpBrowserBasicInitialization;
+// Initializes the application to INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BACKGROUND, which is
+// needed by background handlers.
+- (void)startUpBrowserBackgroundInitialization;
+// Initializes the application to INITIALIZATION_STAGE_FOREGROUND, which is
+// needed when application runs in foreground.
+- (void)startUpBrowserForegroundInitialization;
+// Swaps the UI between Incognito and normal modes.
+- (void)swapBrowserModes;
+@implementation MainController
+@synthesize appState = _appState;
+@synthesize appLaunchTime = _appLaunchTime;
+@synthesize browserInitializationStage = _browserInitializationStage;
+@synthesize window = _window;
+@synthesize isPresentingFirstRunUI = _isPresentingFirstRunUI;
+@synthesize isColdStart = _isColdStart;
+#pragma mark - Application lifecycle
+- (instancetype)init {
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ _propertyReleaser_MainController.Init(self, [MainController class]);
+ _startupTasks.reset([[StartupTasks alloc] init]);
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ net::HTTPProtocolHandlerDelegate::SetInstance(nullptr);
+ net::RequestTracker::SetRequestTrackerFactory(nullptr);
+ [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
+ [super dealloc];
+// This function starts up to only what is needed at each stage of the
+// initialization. It is possible to continue initialization later.
+- (void)startUpBrowserToStage:(BrowserInitializationStageType)stage {
+ if (_browserInitializationStage < INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BASIC &&
+ [self startUpBrowserBasicInitialization];
+ _browserInitializationStage = INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BASIC;
+ }
+ if (_browserInitializationStage < INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BACKGROUND &&
+ [self startUpBrowserBackgroundInitialization];
+ _browserInitializationStage = INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BACKGROUND;
+ }
+ if (_browserInitializationStage < INITIALIZATION_STAGE_FOREGROUND &&
+ // When adding a new initialization flow, consider setting
+ // |_appState.userInteracted| at the appropriate time.
+ DCHECK(_appState.userInteracted);
+ [self startUpBrowserForegroundInitialization];
+ _browserInitializationStage = INITIALIZATION_STAGE_FOREGROUND;
+ }
+- (void)startUpBrowserBasicInitialization {
+ _appLaunchTime = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ _isColdStart = YES;
+ [SetupDebugging setUpDebuggingOptions];
+ // Register all providers before calling any Chromium code.
+ [ProviderRegistration registerProviders];
+- (void)startUpBrowserBackgroundInitialization {
+ DCHECK(![self.appState isInSafeMode]);
+ NSBundle* baseBundle = base::mac::OuterBundle();
+ base::mac::SetBaseBundleID(
+ base::SysNSStringToUTF8([baseBundle bundleIdentifier]).c_str());
+ // Register default values for experimental settings (Application Preferences)
+ // and set the "Version" key in the UserDefaults.
+ [RegisterExperimentalSettings
+ registerExperimentalSettingsWithUserDefaults:[NSUserDefaults
+ standardUserDefaults]
+ bundle:base::mac::
+ FrameworkBundle()];
+ // Register all clients before calling any web code.
+ [ClientRegistration registerClients];
+ _chromeMain = [ChromeMainStarter startChromeMain];
+ // Initialize the ChromeBrowserProvider.
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()->Initialize();
+ // If the user is interacting, crashes affect the user experience. Start
+ // reporting as soon as possible.
+ // TODO( Call this even sooner.
+ if (_appState.userInteracted)
+ GetApplicationContext()->GetMetricsService()->OnAppEnterForeground();
+ web::WebUIIOSControllerFactory::RegisterFactory(
+ ChromeWebUIIOSControllerFactory::GetInstance());
+ // TODO( Audit all the following code to see if some of it
+ // should move into BrowserMainParts or BrowserProcess.
+ [NetworkStackSetup setUpChromeNetworkStack:&_requestTrackerFactory
+ httpProtocolHandlerDelegate:&_httpProtocolHandlerDelegate];
+- (void)startUpBrowserForegroundInitialization {
+ // Give tests a chance to prepare for testing.
+ tests_hook::SetUpTestsIfPresent();
+ GetApplicationContext()->OnAppEnterForeground();
+ // TODO( Audit all the following code to see if some of it
+ // should move into BrowserMainParts or BrowserProcess.
+ NSUserDefaults* standardDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ // Although this duplicates some metrics_service startup logic also in
+ // IOSChromeMain(), this call does additional work, checking for wifi-only
+ // and setting up the required support structures.
+ [_metricsMediator updateMetricsStateBasedOnPrefsUserTriggered:NO];
+ // Resets the number of crash reports that have been uploaded since the
+ // previous Foreground initialization.
+ [CrashReportBackgroundUploader resetReportsUploadedInBackgroundCount];
+ // Resets the interval stats between two background fetch as this value may be
+ // obsolete.
+ [BackgroundActivity foregroundStarted];
+ // Crash the app during startup if requested but only after we have enabled
+ // uploading crash reports.
+ [self crashIfRequested];
+ RegisterComponentsForUpdate();
+ if (experimental_flags::IsAlertOnBackgroundUploadEnabled()) {
+ if ([UIApplication instancesRespondToSelector:
+ @selector(registerUserNotificationSettings:)]) {
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
+ registerUserNotificationSettings:
+ [UIUserNotificationSettings
+ settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeAlert |
+ UIUserNotificationTypeBadge |
+ UIUserNotificationTypeSound
+ categories:nil]];
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the extra browser states as Chrome iOS is single profile in M48+.
+ ChromeBrowserStateRemovalController::GetInstance()
+ ->RemoveBrowserStatesIfNecessary();
+ _browserStateManager =
+ GetApplicationContext()->GetChromeBrowserStateManager();
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* chromeBrowserState =
+ _browserStateManager->GetLastUsedBrowserState();
+ // The CrashRestoreHelper must clean up the old browser state information
+ // before the tabModels can be created. |_restoreHelper| must be kept alive
+ // until the BVC receives the browser state and tab model.
+ BOOL postCrashLaunch = [self mustShowRestoreInfobar];
+ if (postCrashLaunch) {
+ _restoreHelper.reset(
+ [[CrashRestoreHelper alloc] initWithBrowserState:chromeBrowserState]);
+ [_restoreHelper moveAsideSessionInformation];
+ }
+ // Initialize and set the main browser state.
+ [self initializeBrowserState:chromeBrowserState];
+ _mainBrowserState = chromeBrowserState;
+ _browserViewWrangler.reset([[BrowserViewWrangler alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ tabModelObserver:self]);
+ // Ensure the main tab model is created.
+ ignore_result([_browserViewWrangler mainTabModel]);
+ [self createSpotlightManager];
+ if (reading_list::switches::IsReadingListEnabled()) {
+ ShareExtensionService* service =
+ ShareExtensionServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(_mainBrowserState);
+ service->Initialize();
+ }
+ // Before bringing up the UI, make sure the launch mode is correct, and
+ // check for previous crashes.
+ BOOL startInIncognito = [standardDefaults boolForKey:kIncognitoCurrentKey];
+ BOOL switchFromIncognito = startInIncognito && ![self canLaunchInIncognito];
+ if (postCrashLaunch || switchFromIncognito) {
+ [self clearIOSSpecificIncognitoData];
+ if (switchFromIncognito)
+ [self switchGlobalStateToMode:ApplicationMode::NORMAL];
+ }
+ if (switchFromIncognito)
+ startInIncognito = NO;
+ [self createInitialUI:(startInIncognito ? ApplicationMode::INCOGNITO
+ : ApplicationMode::NORMAL)];
+ [self scheduleStartupCleanupTasks];
+ [MetricsMediator logLaunchMetricsWithStartupInformation:self
+ browserViewInformation:_browserViewWrangler];
+ [self scheduleLowPriorityStartupTasks];
+ [_browserViewWrangler updateDeviceSharingManager];
+ [MDCTypography setFontLoader:[MDFRobotoFontLoader sharedInstance]];
+ [self openTabFromLaunchOptions:_launchOptions
+ startupInformation:self
+ appState:self.appState];
+ _launchOptions.reset();
+ mojo::edk::Init();
+ if (!_startupParameters) {
+ // The startup parameters may create new tabs or navigations. If the restore
+ // infobar is displayed now, it may be dismissed immediately and the user
+ // will never be able to restore the session.
+ [_restoreHelper showRestoreIfNeeded:[self currentTabModel]];
+ _restoreHelper.reset();
+ }
+ [self scheduleTasksRequiringBVCWithBrowserState];
+ // Now that everything is properly set up, run the tests.
+ tests_hook::RunTestsIfPresent();
+- (void)initializeBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState {
+ DCHECK(!browserState->IsOffTheRecord());
+ [self setInitialCookiesPolicy:browserState];
+ search_engines::UpdateSearchEnginesIfNeeded(
+ browserState->GetPrefs(),
+ ios::TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(browserState));
+ if ([TouchToSearchPermissionsMediator isTouchToSearchAvailableOnDevice]) {
+ base::scoped_nsobject<TouchToSearchPermissionsMediator>
+ touchToSearchPermissions([[TouchToSearchPermissionsMediator alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:browserState]);
+ if (experimental_flags::IsForceResetContextualSearchEnabled()) {
+ [touchToSearchPermissions setPreferenceState:TouchToSearch::UNDECIDED];
+ }
+ ContextualSearch::RecordPreferenceState(
+ [touchToSearchPermissions preferenceState]);
+ }
+- (void)handleFirstRunUIWillFinish {
+ DCHECK(_isPresentingFirstRunUI);
+ _isPresentingFirstRunUI = NO;
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ removeObserver:self
+ name:kChromeFirstRunUIWillFinishNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [self markEulaAsAccepted];
+ if (_startupParameters.get()) {
+ [self dismissModalsAndOpenSelectedTabInMode:ApplicationMode::NORMAL
+ withURL:[_startupParameters externalURL]
+ transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK
+ completion:nil];
+ _startupParameters.reset();
+ }
+- (void)handleFirstRunUIDidFinish {
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ removeObserver:self
+ name:kChromeFirstRunUIDidFinishNotification
+ object:nil];
+ // As soon as First Run has finished, give OmniboxGeolocationController an
+ // opportunity to present the iOS system location alert.
+ [[OmniboxGeolocationController sharedInstance]
+ triggerSystemPromptForNewUser:YES];
+- (void)clearIOSSpecificIncognitoData {
+ DCHECK(_mainBrowserState->HasOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState());
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* otrBrowserState =
+ _mainBrowserState->GetOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState();
+ int removeAllMask = ~0;
+ [self.browsingDataRemovalController
+ removeIOSSpecificIncognitoBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:otrBrowserState
+ mask:removeAllMask
+ completionHandler:^{
+ [self activateCurrentBVC];
+ }];
+- (void)deleteIncognitoBrowserState {
+ BOOL otrBVCIsCurrent = (self.currentBVC == self.otrBVC);
+ const BOOL isOnIPadWithTabSwitcherEnabled =
+ IsIPadIdiom() && experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled();
+ // If the current BVC is the otr BVC, then the user should be in the card
+ // stack, this is not true for the iPad tab switcher.
+ DCHECK(isOnIPadWithTabSwitcherEnabled ||
+ (!otrBVCIsCurrent || _tabSwitcherIsActive));
+ // We always clear the otr tab model on iPad.
+ // Notify the _tabSwitcherController that its otrBVC will be destroyed.
+ if (isOnIPadWithTabSwitcherEnabled || _tabSwitcherIsActive)
+ [_tabSwitcherController setOtrTabModel:nil];
+ [_browserViewWrangler
+ deleteIncognitoTabModelState:self.browsingDataRemovalController];
+ if (otrBVCIsCurrent) {
+ [self activateCurrentBVC];
+ }
+ // Always set the new otr tab model on iPad with tab switcher enabled.
+ // Notify the _tabSwitcherController with the new otrBVC.
+ if (isOnIPadWithTabSwitcherEnabled || _tabSwitcherIsActive)
+ [_tabSwitcherController setOtrTabModel:self.otrTabModel];
+- (BrowsingDataRemovalController*)browsingDataRemovalController {
+ if (!_browsingDataRemovalController) {
+ _browsingDataRemovalController.reset(
+ [[BrowsingDataRemovalController alloc] initWithDelegate:self]);
+ }
+ return _browsingDataRemovalController;
+- (void)setWebUsageEnabled:(BOOL)enabled {
+ DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]);
+ if (enabled) {
+ [self activateCurrentBVC];
+ } else {
+ [self.currentBVC setActive:enabled];
+ }
+- (void)activateCurrentBVC {
+ // If there are pending removal operations, the activation will be deferred
+ // until the callback for |removeBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:| is received.
+ if (![self.browsingDataRemovalController
+ hasPendingRemovalOperations:self.currentBrowserState]) {
+ [self.currentBVC setActive:YES];
+ [self.currentBVC setPrimary:YES];
+ }
+#pragma mark - BrowserLauncher implementation.
+- (NSDictionary*)launchOptions {
+ return _launchOptions;
+- (void)setLaunchOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions {
+ _launchOptions.reset([launchOptions retain]);
+#pragma mark - Property implementation.
+- (id<BrowserViewInformation>)browserViewInformation {
+ return _browserViewWrangler;
+- (AppStartupParameters*)startupParameters {
+ return _startupParameters;
+- (void)setStartupParameters:(AppStartupParameters*)startupParameters {
+ _startupParameters.reset([startupParameters retain]);
+- (MainViewController*)mainViewController {
+ return self.mainCoordinator.mainViewController;
+- (MainCoordinator*)mainCoordinator {
+ if (_browserInitializationStage == INITIALIZATION_STAGE_BASIC) {
+ NOTREACHED() << "mainCoordinator accessed too early in initialization.";
+ return nil;
+ }
+ if (!_mainCoordinator) {
+ // Lazily create the main coordinator.
+ _mainCoordinator.reset(
+ [[MainCoordinator alloc] initWithWindow:self.window]);
+ }
+ return _mainCoordinator;
+- (BOOL)isFirstLaunchAfterUpgrade {
+ return [[PreviousSessionInfo sharedInstance] isFirstSessionAfterUpgrade];
+- (MetricsMediator*)metricsMediator {
+ return _metricsMediator;
+- (void)setMetricsMediator:(MetricsMediator*)metricsMediator {
+ _metricsMediator.reset(metricsMediator);
+- (SettingsNavigationController*)settingsNavigationController {
+ return _settingsNavigationController;
+- (void)setSettingsNavigationController:
+ (SettingsNavigationController*)settingsNavigationController {
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([settingsNavigationController retain]);
+- (BOOL)startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal {
+ return (experimental_flags::IsQRCodeReaderEnabled() &&
+ _startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal);
+- (void)setStartQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal:(BOOL)startQRScanner {
+ _startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal = startQRScanner;
+#pragma mark - StartupInformation implementation.
+- (FirstUserActionRecorder*)firstUserActionRecorder {
+ return _firstUserActionRecorder.get();
+- (void)resetFirstUserActionRecorder {
+ _firstUserActionRecorder.reset();
+- (void)expireFirstUserActionRecorderAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay {
+ [self performSelector:@selector(expireFirstUserActionRecorder)
+ withObject:nil
+ afterDelay:delay];
+- (void)activateFirstUserActionRecorderWithBackgroundTime:
+ (NSTimeInterval)backgroundTime {
+ base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(backgroundTime);
+ _firstUserActionRecorder.reset(new FirstUserActionRecorder(delta));
+- (void)stopChromeMain {
+ _chromeMain.reset();
+- (BOOL)isTabSwitcherActive {
+ return _tabSwitcherIsActive;
+#pragma mark - BrowserViewInformation implementation.
+- (void)haltAllTabs {
+ [_browserViewWrangler haltAllTabs];
+- (void)cleanDeviceSharingManager {
+ [_browserViewWrangler cleanDeviceSharingManager];
+#pragma mark - BrowsingDataRemovalControllerDelegate methods
+- (void)removeExternalFilesForBrowserState:
+ (ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState
+ completionHandler:(ProceduralBlock)completionHandler {
+ // TODO( Move this logic from BVC into
+ // BrowsingDataRemovalController thereby eliminating the need for
+ // BrowsingDataRemovalControllerDelegate. .
+ if (_mainBrowserState == browserState) {
+ [self.mainBVC removeExternalFilesImmediately:YES
+ completionHandler:completionHandler];
+ } else if (completionHandler) {
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), completionHandler);
+ }
+#pragma mark - Startup tasks
+- (void)sendQueuedFeedback {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kSendQueuedFeedback
+ block:^{
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()
+ ->GetUserFeedbackProvider()
+ ->Synchronize();
+ }];
+- (void)setInitialCookiesPolicy:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState {
+ DCHECK(browserState);
+ net::CookieStoreIOS::CookiePolicy policy = net::CookieStoreIOS::BLOCK;
+ auto settingsFactory =
+ ios::HostContentSettingsMapFactory::GetForBrowserState(browserState);
+ DCHECK(settingsFactory);
+ ContentSetting cookieSetting = settingsFactory->GetDefaultContentSetting(
+ if (!web::IsAcceptCookieControlSupported()) {
+ // Override the Accept Cookie policy as ALLOW is the only policy
+ // supported by //web.
+ policy = net::CookieStoreIOS::ALLOW;
+ if (cookieSetting == CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK) {
+ settingsFactory->SetDefaultContentSetting(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_COOKIES,
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (cookieSetting) {
+ policy = net::CookieStoreIOS::ALLOW;
+ break;
+ policy = net::CookieStoreIOS::BLOCK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported cookie policy.";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ web::WebThread::PostTask(
+ web::WebThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&net::CookieStoreIOS::SetCookiePolicy, policy));
+- (void)orientationDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification {
+ breakpad_helper::SetCurrentOrientation(
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation],
+ [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]);
+- (void)registerForOrientationChangeNotifications {
+ // Register to both device orientation and UI orientation did change
+ // notification as these two events may be triggered independantely.
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(orientationDidChange:)
+ name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(orientationDidChange:)
+ name:UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification
+ object:nil];
+- (void)schedulePrefObserverInitialization {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kPrefObserverInit
+ block:^{
+ // Track changes to local state prefs.
+ _localStatePrefObserverBridge.reset(
+ new PrefObserverBridge(self));
+ _localStatePrefChangeRegistrar.Init(
+ GetApplicationContext()->GetLocalState());
+ _localStatePrefObserverBridge->ObserveChangesForPreference(
+ metrics::prefs::kMetricsReportingEnabled,
+ &_localStatePrefChangeRegistrar);
+ _localStatePrefObserverBridge->ObserveChangesForPreference(
+ prefs::kMetricsReportingWifiOnly,
+ &_localStatePrefChangeRegistrar);
+ // Calls the onPreferenceChanged function in case there was
+ // a
+ // change to the observed preferences before the observer
+ // bridge was set up.
+ [self onPreferenceChanged:metrics::prefs::
+ kMetricsReportingEnabled];
+ [self onPreferenceChanged:prefs::kMetricsReportingWifiOnly];
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleCheckNativeApps {
+ void (^checkInstalledApps)(void) = ^{
+ [ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()->GetNativeAppWhitelistManager()
+ checkInstalledApps];
+ };
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kCheckNativeApps
+ block:checkInstalledApps];
+- (void)scheduleAppDistributionPings {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kSendInstallPingIfNecessary
+ block:^{
+ net::URLRequestContextGetter* context =
+ _mainBrowserState->GetRequestContext();
+ bool is_first_run = FirstRun::IsChromeFirstRun();
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()
+ ->GetAppDistributionProvider()
+ ->ScheduleDistributionNotifications(context,
+ is_first_run);
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleAuthenticationServiceNotification {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kAuthenticationServiceNotification
+ block:^{
+ DCHECK(_mainBrowserState);
+ // Force an obvious initialization of the
+ // AuthenticationService.
+ // This is done for clarity purpose only, and should be
+ // removed
+ // alongside the delayed initialization. See
+ //
+ AuthenticationServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(
+ _mainBrowserState);
+ if (![self currentBrowserState]) {
+ // Active browser state should have been set before
+ // scheduling
+ // any authentication service notification.
+ return;
+ }
+ if ([SignedInAccountsViewController
+ shouldBePresentedForBrowserState:
+ [self currentBrowserState]]) {
+ [self
+ presentSignedInAccountsViewControllerForBrowserState:
+ [self currentBrowserState]];
+ }
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleStartupAttemptReset {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kStartupAttemptReset
+ block:^{
+ crash_util::ResetFailedStartupAttemptCount();
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleCrashReportCleanup {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kCleanupCrashReports
+ block:^{
+ breakpad_helper::CleanupCrashReports();
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleSnapshotPurge {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kPurgeSnapshots
+ block:^{
+ [self purgeSnapshots];
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleStartupCleanupTasks {
+ // Cleanup crash reports if this is the first run after an update.
+ if ([self isFirstLaunchAfterUpgrade]) {
+ [self scheduleCrashReportCleanup];
+ }
+ // ClearSessionCookies() is not synchronous.
+ if (cookie_util::ShouldClearSessionCookies()) {
+ cookie_util::ClearSessionCookies(
+ _mainBrowserState->GetOriginalChromeBrowserState());
+ if (![self.otrTabModel isEmpty]) {
+ cookie_util::ClearSessionCookies(
+ _mainBrowserState->GetOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState());
+ }
+ }
+ // If the user chooses to restore their session, some cached snapshots may
+ // be needed. Otherwise, purge the cached snapshots.
+ if (![self mustShowRestoreInfobar]) {
+ [self scheduleSnapshotPurge];
+ }
+- (void)scheduleMemoryDebuggingTools {
+ if (experimental_flags::IsMemoryDebuggingEnabled()) {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kMemoryDebuggingToolsStartup
+ block:^{
+ _memoryDebuggerManager.reset(
+ [[MemoryDebuggerManager alloc]
+ initWithView:self.window
+ prefs:GetApplicationContext()
+ ->GetLocalState()]);
+ }];
+ }
+- (void)scheduleFreeMemoryMonitoring {
+ // TODO( See if this method cannot call PostBlockingPoolTask
+ // directly instead of enqueueing a block.
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kMemoryMonitoring
+ block:^{
+ web::WebThread::PostBlockingPoolTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &ios_internal::AsynchronousFreeMemoryMonitor));
+ }];
+- (void)scheduleLowPriorityStartupTasks {
+ [_startupTasks initializeOmaha];
+ [_startupTasks registerForApplicationWillResignActiveNotification];
+ [self registerForOrientationChangeNotifications];
+ // Deferred tasks.
+ [self schedulePrefObserverInitialization];
+ [self scheduleMemoryDebuggingTools];
+ [_startupTasks scheduleDeferredBrowserStateInitialization:_mainBrowserState];
+ [self scheduleAuthenticationServiceNotification];
+ [self sendQueuedFeedback];
+ [self scheduleSpotlightResync];
+ [self scheduleDeleteDownloadsDirectory];
+ [self scheduleStartupAttemptReset];
+ [self scheduleFreeMemoryMonitoring];
+ [self scheduleAddApplicationShortcutItems];
+ [self scheduleAppDistributionPings];
+ [self scheduleCheckNativeApps];
+- (void)scheduleTasksRequiringBVCWithBrowserState {
+ if (GetApplicationContext()->WasLastShutdownClean())
+ [self.mainBVC removeExternalFilesImmediately:NO completionHandler:nil];
+ [self scheduleShowPromo];
+- (void)scheduleDeleteDownloadsDirectory {
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kDeleteDownloads
+ block:^{
+ [DownloadManagerController clearDownloadsDirectory];
+ }];
+- (void)createSpotlightManager {
+ if (spotlight::IsSpotlightAvailable()) {
+ _spotlightManager.reset([[SpotlightManager
+ spotlightManagerWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState] retain]);
+ }
+- (void)scheduleSpotlightResync {
+ if (!_spotlightManager) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProceduralBlock block = ^{
+ [_spotlightManager resyncIndex];
+ };
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kStartSpotlightBookmarksIndexing
+ block:block];
+- (void)scheduleAddApplicationShortcutItems {
+ ProceduralBlock block = ^{
+ if (experimental_flags::IsQRCodeReaderEnabled()) {
+ UIApplicationShortcutItem* qrScannerShortcutItem = [[
+ [UIApplicationShortcutItem alloc]
+ initWithType:@"OpenQRScanner"
+ localizedTitle:l10n_util::GetNSString(
+ localizedSubtitle:nil
+ icon:[UIApplicationShortcutIcon
+ iconWithTemplateImageName:
+ @"quick_action_qr_scanner"]
+ userInfo:nil] autorelease];
+ // Note: The following only affects dynamic shortcut items defined
+ // programmatically, and not static shortcut items set in the Info.plist
+ // file.
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
+ setShortcutItems:@[ qrScannerShortcutItem ]];
+ } else {
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setShortcutItems:nil];
+ }
+ };
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ enqueueBlockNamed:kAddApplicationShortcutItems
+ block:block];
+- (void)expireFirstUserActionRecorder {
+ // Clear out any scheduled calls to this method. For example, the app may have
+ // been backgrounded before the |kFirstUserActionTimeout| expired.
+ [NSObject
+ cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self
+ selector:@selector(
+ expireFirstUserActionRecorder)
+ object:nil];
+ if (_firstUserActionRecorder) {
+ _firstUserActionRecorder->Expire();
+ _firstUserActionRecorder.reset();
+ }
+- (BOOL)canLaunchInIncognito {
+ NSUserDefaults* standardDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ if (![standardDefaults boolForKey:kIncognitoCurrentKey])
+ return NO;
+ // If the application crashed in incognito mode, don't stay in incognito
+ // mode, since the prompt to restore should happen in non-incognito
+ // context.
+ if ([self mustShowRestoreInfobar])
+ return NO;
+ // If there are no incognito tabs, then ensure the app starts in normal mode,
+ // since the UI isn't supposed to ever put the user in incognito mode without
+ // any incognito tabs.
+ return ![self.otrTabModel isEmpty];
+- (void)createInitialUI:(ApplicationMode)launchMode {
+ DCHECK(_mainBrowserState);
+ // In order to correctly set the mode switch icon, we need to know how many
+ // tabs are in the other tab model. That means loading both models. They
+ // may already be loaded.
+ // TODO( Find a way to handle this that's closer to the
+ // point where it is necessary.
+ TabModel* mainTabModel = self.mainTabModel;
+ TabModel* otrTabModel = self.otrTabModel;
+ // MainCoordinator shouldn't have been initialized yet.
+ DCHECK(!_mainCoordinator);
+ // Enables UI initializations to query the keyWindow's size.
+ [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
+ // Lazy init of mainCoordinator.
+ [self.mainCoordinator start];
+ // Decide if the First Run UI needs to run.
+ BOOL firstRun = (FirstRun::IsChromeFirstRun() ||
+ experimental_flags::AlwaysDisplayFirstRun()) &&
+ !tests_hook::DisableFirstRun();
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* browserState =
+ (launchMode == ApplicationMode::INCOGNITO)
+ ? _mainBrowserState->GetOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState()
+ : _mainBrowserState;
+ [self changeStorageFromBrowserState:nullptr toBrowserState:browserState];
+ TabModel* tabModel;
+ if (launchMode == ApplicationMode::INCOGNITO) {
+ tabModel = otrTabModel;
+ self.currentBVC = self.otrBVC;
+ } else {
+ tabModel = mainTabModel;
+ self.currentBVC = self.mainBVC;
+ }
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive)
+ [self dismissTabSwitcherWithoutAnimationInModel:self.mainTabModel];
+ if (firstRun || [self shouldOpenNTPTabOnActivationOfTabModel:tabModel]) {
+ [self.currentBVC newTab:nil];
+ }
+ if (firstRun) {
+ [self showFirstRunUI];
+ // Do not ever show the 'restore' infobar during first run.
+ _restoreHelper.reset();
+ }
+- (void)showFirstRunUI {
+ // Register for notification when First Run is completed.
+ // Some initializations are held back until First Run modal dialog
+ // is dismissed.
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(handleFirstRunUIWillFinish)
+ name:kChromeFirstRunUIWillFinishNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(handleFirstRunUIDidFinish)
+ name:kChromeFirstRunUIDidFinishNotification
+ object:nil];
+ base::scoped_nsobject<WelcomeToChromeViewController> welcomeToChrome(
+ [[WelcomeToChromeViewController alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ tabModel:self.mainTabModel]);
+ base::scoped_nsobject<UINavigationController> navController(
+ [[OrientationLimitingNavigationController alloc]
+ initWithRootViewController:welcomeToChrome]);
+ [navController setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve];
+ CGRect appFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
+ [[navController view] setFrame:appFrame];
+ _isPresentingFirstRunUI = YES;
+ [self.mainBVC presentViewController:navController animated:NO completion:nil];
+- (void)crashIfRequested {
+ if (experimental_flags::IsStartupCrashEnabled()) {
+ // Flush out the value cached for
+ // ios_internal::breakpad::SetUploadingEnabled().
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
+ int* x = NULL;
+ *x = 0;
+ }
+#pragma mark - Promo support
+- (void)scheduleShowPromo {
+ // Don't show promos if first run is shown. (Note: This flag is only YES
+ // while the first run UI is visible. However, as this function is called
+ // immediately after the UI is shown, it's a safe check.)
+ if (_isPresentingFirstRunUI)
+ return;
+ // Don't show promos in Incognito mode.
+ if (self.currentBVC == self.otrBVC)
+ return;
+ // Don't show promos if the app was launched from a URL.
+ if (_startupParameters)
+ return;
+ // This array should contain Class objects - one for each promo class.
+ // New PromoViewController subclasses should be added here.
+ // Note that ordering matters -- only the first promo in the array that
+ // returns true to +shouldBePresentedForProfile: will be shown.
+ // TODO( Now that there's only one promo class, this
+ // implementation is overkill.
+ NSArray* possiblePromos = @[ [SigninPromoViewController class] ];
+ for (id promoController in possiblePromos) {
+ Class promoClass = (Class)promoController;
+ DCHECK(class_isMetaClass(object_getClass(promoClass)));
+ DCHECK(class_getClassMethod(object_getClass(promoClass),
+ @selector(shouldBePresentedForBrowserState:)));
+ if ([promoClass shouldBePresentedForBrowserState:_mainBrowserState]) {
+ UIViewController* promoController =
+ [promoClass controllerToPresentForBrowserState:_mainBrowserState];
+ dispatch_after(
+ dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,
+ (int64_t)(kDisplayPromoDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC)),
+ dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self showPromo:promoController];
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- (void)showPromo:(UIViewController*)promo {
+ // Make sure we have the BVC here with a valid profile.
+ DCHECK([self.currentBVC browserState]);
+ base::scoped_nsobject<OrientationLimitingNavigationController> navController(
+ [[OrientationLimitingNavigationController alloc]
+ initWithRootViewController:promo]);
+ // Avoid presenting the promo if the current device orientation is not
+ // supported. The promo will be presented at a later moment, when the device
+ // orientation is supported.
+ UIInterfaceOrientation orientation =
+ [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
+ NSUInteger supportedOrientationsMask =
+ [navController supportedInterfaceOrientations];
+ if (!((1 << orientation) & supportedOrientationsMask))
+ return;
+ [navController setModalTransitionStyle:[promo modalTransitionStyle]];
+ [navController setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
+ [[navController view] setFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
+ [self.mainBVC presentViewController:navController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+#pragma mark - chromeExecuteCommand
+- (IBAction)chromeExecuteCommand:(id)sender {
+ NSInteger command = [sender tag];
+ switch (command) {
+ case IDC_NEW_TAB:
+ [self createNewTabInBVC:self.mainBVC sender:sender];
+ break;
+ [self createNewTabInBVC:self.otrBVC sender:sender];
+ break;
+ case IDC_OPEN_URL:
+ [self openUrl:base::mac::ObjCCast<OpenUrlCommand>(sender)];
+ break;
+ DCHECK(IsIPadIdiom());
+ [self swapBrowserModes];
+ break;
+ [self showSettings];
+ break;
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self showReportAnIssue];
+ });
+ break;
+ ShowSigninCommand* command =
+ base::mac::ObjCCastStrict<ShowSigninCommand>(sender);
+ if (command.operation == AUTHENTICATION_OPERATION_DISMISS) {
+ [self dismissSigninInteractionController];
+ } else {
+ [self showSignInWithOperation:command.operation
+ signInAccessPoint:command.signInAccessPoint
+ callback:command.callback];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ [self showAccountsSettings];
+ break;
+ }
+ [self showSyncSettings];
+ break;
+ [self showSyncEncryptionPassphrase];
+ break;
+ [self showSavePasswordsSettings];
+ break;
+ [self showHistory];
+ break;
+ DCHECK(!_tabSwitcherIsActive);
+ if ((!IsIPadIdiom() || experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled()) &&
+ !_isProcessingVoiceSearchCommand) {
+ [self showTabSwitcher];
+ _isProcessingTabSwitcherCommand = YES;
+ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,
+ kExpectedTransitionDurationInNanoSeconds),
+ dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ _isProcessingTabSwitcherCommand = NO;
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ [self.currentBVC chromeExecuteCommand:sender];
+ break;
+ if (!_isProcessingTabSwitcherCommand) {
+ [self startVoiceSearch];
+ _isProcessingVoiceSearchCommand = YES;
+ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,
+ kExpectedTransitionDurationInNanoSeconds),
+ dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ _isProcessingVoiceSearchCommand = NO;
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ // Clear both the main browser state and the associated incognito
+ // browser state.
+ ClearBrowsingDataCommand* command =
+ base::mac::ObjCCastStrict<ClearBrowsingDataCommand>(sender);
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* browserState =
+ [command browserState]->GetOriginalChromeBrowserState();
+ int mask = [command mask];
+ browsing_data::TimePeriod timePeriod = [command timePeriod];
+ [self removeBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:browserState
+ mask:mask
+ timePeriod:timePeriod
+ completionHandler:nil];
+ if (mask & IOSChromeBrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_COOKIES) {
+ base::Time beginDeleteTime =
+ browsing_data::CalculateBeginDeleteTime(timePeriod);
+ [ChromeWebViewFactory clearExternalCookies:browserState
+ fromTime:beginDeleteTime
+ toTime:base::Time::Max()];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ [self.currentBVC resetAllWebViews];
+ break;
+ [self showNativeAppsSettings];
+ break;
+ [self showClearBrowsingDataSettingsController];
+ break;
+ [self showContextualSearchSettingsController];
+ break;
+ [self dismissModalDialogsWithCompletion:nil];
+ break;
+ [self showAddAccount];
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unknown commands get dropped with a warning.
+ NOTREACHED() << "Unknown command id " << command;
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown command id " << command;
+ break;
+ }
+#pragma mark - chromeExecuteCommand helpers
+- (void)openUrl:(OpenUrlCommand*)command {
+ if ([command fromChrome]) {
+ [self dismissModalsAndOpenSelectedTabInMode:ApplicationMode::NORMAL
+ withURL:[command url]
+ transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED
+ completion:nil];
+ } else {
+ [self dismissModalDialogsWithCompletion:^{
+ self.currentBVC = [command inIncognito] ? self.otrBVC : self.mainBVC;
+ [self.currentBVC webPageOrderedOpen:[command url]
+ referrer:[command referrer]
+ windowName:[command windowName]
+ inBackground:[command inBackground]
+ appendTo:[command appendTo]];
+ }];
+ }
+- (void)openUrlFromSettings:(OpenUrlCommand*)command {
+ DCHECK([command fromChrome]);
+ ProceduralBlock completion = ^{
+ [self dismissModalsAndOpenSelectedTabInMode:ApplicationMode::NORMAL
+ withURL:[command url]
+ transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED
+ completion:nil];
+ };
+ [self closeSettingsAnimated:YES completion:completion];
+- (void)startVoiceSearch {
+ // If the background (non-current) BVC is playing TTS audio, call
+ // -startVoiceSearch on it to stop the TTS.
+ BrowserViewController* backgroundBVC =
+ self.mainBVC == self.currentBVC ? self.otrBVC : self.mainBVC;
+ if (backgroundBVC.playingTTS)
+ [backgroundBVC startVoiceSearch];
+ else
+ [self.currentBVC startVoiceSearch];
+#pragma mark - Preferences Management
+- (void)onPreferenceChanged:(const std::string&)preferenceName {
+ // Turn on or off metrics & crash reporting when either preference changes.
+ if (preferenceName == metrics::prefs::kMetricsReportingEnabled ||
+ preferenceName == prefs::kMetricsReportingWifiOnly) {
+ [_metricsMediator updateMetricsStateBasedOnPrefsUserTriggered:YES];
+ }
+#pragma mark - BrowserViewInformation properties
+- (BrowserViewController*)mainBVC {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ return [_browserViewWrangler mainBVC];
+- (void)setMainBVC:(BrowserViewController*)mainBVC {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ [_browserViewWrangler setMainBVC:mainBVC];
+- (TabModel*)mainTabModel {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ return [_browserViewWrangler mainTabModel];
+- (void)setMainTabModel:(TabModel*)mainTabModel {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ [_browserViewWrangler setMainTabModel:mainTabModel];
+- (BrowserViewController*)otrBVC {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ return [_browserViewWrangler otrBVC];
+- (void)setOtrBVC:(BrowserViewController*)otrBVC {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ [_browserViewWrangler setOtrBVC:otrBVC];
+- (TabModel*)otrTabModel {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ return [_browserViewWrangler otrTabModel];
+- (void)setOtrTabModel:(TabModel*)otrTabModel {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ [_browserViewWrangler setOtrTabModel:otrTabModel];
+- (BrowserViewController*)currentBVC {
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ return [_browserViewWrangler currentBVC];
+// Note that the current tab of |bvc| will normally be reloaded by this method.
+// If a new tab is about to be added, call expectNewForegroundTab on the BVC
+// first to avoid extra work and possible page load side-effects for the tab
+// being replaced.
+- (void)setCurrentBVC:(BrowserViewController*)bvc {
+ DCHECK(bvc != nil);
+ if (self.currentBVC == bvc)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(_browserViewWrangler);
+ [_browserViewWrangler setCurrentBVC:bvc storageSwitcher:self];
+ if (!_dismissingStackView)
+ [self displayCurrentBVC];
+ // Tell the BVC that was made current that it can use the web.
+ [self activateCurrentBVC];
+#pragma mark - Tab closure handlers
+- (void)lastIncognitoTabClosed {
+ DCHECK(_mainBrowserState->HasOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState());
+ [self clearIOSSpecificIncognitoData];
+ UnSynchronizeCookieStore(
+ _mainBrowserState->GetOffTheRecordChromeBrowserState());
+ // OffTheRecordProfileIOData cannot be deleted before all the requests are
+ // deleted. All of the request trackers associated with the closed OTR tabs
+ // will have posted CancelRequest calls to the IO thread by now; this just
+ // waits for those calls to run before calling |deleteIncognitoBrowserState|.
+ web::RequestTrackerImpl::RunAfterRequestsCancel(base::BindBlock(^{
+ [self deleteIncognitoBrowserState];
+ }));
+ // a) The first condition can happen when the last incognito tab is closed
+ // from the tab switcher.
+ // b) The second condition can happen if some other code (like JS) triggers
+ // closure of tabs from the otr tab model when it's not current.
+ // Nothing to do here. The next user action (like clicking on an existing
+ // regular tab or creating a new incognito tab from the settings menu) will
+ // take care of the logic to mode switch.
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive || ![self.currentTabModel isOffTheRecord]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
+ if (experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled()) {
+ [self showTabSwitcher];
+ } else {
+ // Mode switch if not in regular mode.
+ [self swapBrowserModes];
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.currentBVC = self.mainBVC;
+ if ([self.currentTabModel count] == 0U) {
+ [self showTabSwitcher];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)lastRegularTabClosed {
+ // a) The first condition can happen when the last regular tab is closed from
+ // the tab switcher.
+ // b) The second condition can happen if some other code (like JS) triggers
+ // closure of tabs from the main tab model when the main tab model is not
+ // current.
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive || [self.currentTabModel isOffTheRecord]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
+ if (experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled()) {
+ [self showTabSwitcher];
+ }
+ } else {
+ [self showTabSwitcher];
+ }
+#pragma mark - Mode Switching
+- (void)switchGlobalStateToMode:(ApplicationMode)mode {
+ const BOOL incognito = (mode == ApplicationMode::INCOGNITO);
+ // Write the state to disk of what is "active".
+ NSUserDefaults* standardDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ [standardDefaults setBool:incognito forKey:kIncognitoCurrentKey];
+ // Save critical state information for switching between normal and
+ // incognito.
+ [standardDefaults synchronize];
+- (void)changeStorageFromBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)oldState
+ toBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)newState {
+ ApplicationMode mode = newState->IsOffTheRecord() ? ApplicationMode::INCOGNITO
+ : ApplicationMode::NORMAL;
+ [self switchGlobalStateToMode:mode];
+// Set |bvc| as the current BVC and then creates a new tab.
+- (void)createNewTabInBVC:(BrowserViewController*)bvc sender:(id)sender {
+ DCHECK(bvc);
+ [bvc expectNewForegroundTab];
+ self.currentBVC = bvc;
+ [self.currentBVC newTab:sender];
+- (void)displayCurrentBVC {
+ self.mainViewController.activeViewController = self.currentBVC;
+- (TabModel*)currentTabModel {
+ return self.currentBVC.tabModel;
+- (ios::ChromeBrowserState*)currentBrowserState {
+ return self.currentBVC.browserState;
+- (void)swapBrowserModes {
+ if (self.mainBVC == self.currentBVC)
+ self.currentBVC = self.otrBVC;
+ else
+ self.currentBVC = self.mainBVC;
+ // Make sure there is at least one tab open.
+ if ([self shouldOpenNTPTabOnActivationOfTabModel:[self currentTabModel]])
+ [self.currentBVC newTab:nil];
+ [_browserViewWrangler updateModeToggle];
+// NOTE: If you change this function, it may have an effect on the performance
+// of opening the stack view. Please make sure you also change the corresponding
+// code in StackViewControllerPerfTest::MainControllerShowTabSwitcher().
+- (void)showTabSwitcher {
+ BrowserViewController* currentBVC = self.currentBVC;
+ Tab* currentTab = [[currentBVC tabModel] currentTab];
+ // In order to generate the transition between the current browser view
+ // controller and the tab switcher controller it's possible that multiple
+ // screenshots of the same tab are taken. Since taking a screenshot is
+ // expensive we activate snapshot coalescing in the scope of this function
+ // which will cache the first snapshot for the tab and reuse it instead of
+ // regenerating a new one each time.
+ [currentTab setSnapshotCoalescingEnabled:YES];
+ base::ScopedClosureRunner runner(base::BindBlock(^{
+ [currentTab setSnapshotCoalescingEnabled:NO];
+ }));
+ if (experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled())
+ [currentBVC prepareToEnterTabSwitcher:nil];
+ if (!_tabSwitcherController.get()) {
+ if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
+ _tabSwitcherController.reset([[TabSwitcherController alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ mainTabModel:self.mainTabModel
+ otrTabModel:self.otrTabModel
+ activeTabModel:self.currentTabModel]);
+ } else {
+ _tabSwitcherController.reset([[StackViewController alloc]
+ initWithMainTabModel:self.mainTabModel
+ otrTabModel:self.otrTabModel
+ activeTabModel:self.currentTabModel]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The StackViewController is kept in memory to avoid the performance hit of
+ // loading from the nib on next showing, but clears out its card models to
+ // release memory. The tab models are required to rebuild the card stacks.
+ [_tabSwitcherController
+ restoreInternalStateWithMainTabModel:self.mainTabModel
+ otrTabModel:self.otrTabModel
+ activeTabModel:self.currentTabModel];
+ }
+ _tabSwitcherIsActive = YES;
+ [_tabSwitcherController setDelegate:self];
+ if (IsIPadIdiom() && experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled()) {
+ TabSwitcherTransitionContext* transitionContext =
+ [TabSwitcherTransitionContext
+ tabSwitcherTransitionContextWithCurrent:currentBVC
+ mainBVC:self.mainBVC
+ otrBVC:self.otrBVC];
+ [_tabSwitcherController setTransitionContext:transitionContext];
+ self.mainViewController.activeViewController = _tabSwitcherController;
+ [_tabSwitcherController showWithSelectedTabAnimation];
+ } else {
+ // User interaction is disabled when the stack controller is dismissed.
+ [[_tabSwitcherController view] setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
+ self.mainViewController.activeViewController = _tabSwitcherController;
+ [_tabSwitcherController showWithSelectedTabAnimation];
+ }
+- (BOOL)shouldOpenNTPTabOnActivationOfTabModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive) {
+ // Only attempt to dismiss the tab switcher and open a new tab if:
+ // - there are no tabs open in either tab model, and
+ // - the tab switcher controller is not directly or indirectly presenting
+ // another view controller.
+ if (![self.mainTabModel isEmpty] || ![self.otrTabModel isEmpty])
+ return NO;
+ UIViewController* viewController = [self topPresentedViewController];
+ while (viewController) {
+ if ([viewController.presentingViewController
+ isEqual:_tabSwitcherController]) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ viewController = viewController.presentingViewController;
+ }
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return ![tabModel count] && [tabModel browserState] &&
+ ![tabModel browserState]->IsOffTheRecord();
+#pragma mark - TabSwitching implementation.
+- (BOOL)openNewTabFromTabSwitcher {
+ if (!_tabSwitcherController)
+ return NO;
+ [_tabSwitcherController
+ dismissWithNewTabAnimationToModel:self.mainTabModel
+ withURL:GURL(kChromeUINewTabURL)
+ atIndex:NSNotFound
+ transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED];
+ return YES;
+- (void)dismissTabSwitcherWithoutAnimationInModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
+ DCHECK(_tabSwitcherIsActive);
+ DCHECK(!_dismissingStackView);
+ if ([_tabSwitcherController
+ respondsToSelector:@selector(tabSwitcherDismissWithModel:
+ animated:)]) {
+ [self dismissModalDialogsWithCompletion:nil];
+ [_tabSwitcherController tabSwitcherDismissWithModel:tabModel animated:NO];
+ } else {
+ [self beginDismissingStackViewWithCurrentModel:tabModel];
+ [self finishDismissingStackView];
+ }
+#pragma mark - TabSwitcherDelegate Implementation
+- (void)tabSwitcher:(id<TabSwitcher>)tabSwitcher
+ dismissTransitionWillStartWithActiveModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
+ [self beginDismissingStackViewWithCurrentModel:tabModel];
+- (void)tabSwitcherDismissTransitionDidEnd:(id<TabSwitcher>)tabSwitcher {
+ [self finishDismissingStackView];
+- (void)beginDismissingStackViewWithCurrentModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
+ DCHECK(experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled() || !IsIPadIdiom());
+ DCHECK(tabModel == self.mainTabModel || tabModel == self.otrTabModel);
+ _dismissingStackView = YES;
+ // Prevent wayward touches from wreaking havoc while the stack view is being
+ // dismissed.
+ [[_tabSwitcherController view] setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
+ BrowserViewController* targetBVC =
+ (tabModel == self.mainTabModel) ? self.mainBVC : self.otrBVC;
+ self.currentBVC = targetBVC;
+- (void)finishDismissingStackView {
+ DCHECK(!IsIPadIdiom() || experimental_flags::IsTabSwitcherEnabled());
+ DCHECK_EQ(self.mainViewController.activeViewController,
+ _tabSwitcherController.get());
+ if (_modeToDisplayOnStackViewDismissal == StackViewDismissalMode::NORMAL) {
+ self.currentBVC = self.mainBVC;
+ } else if (_modeToDisplayOnStackViewDismissal ==
+ StackViewDismissalMode::INCOGNITO) {
+ self.currentBVC = self.otrBVC;
+ }
+ _modeToDisplayOnStackViewDismissal = StackViewDismissalMode::NONE;
+ // Displaying the current BVC dismisses the stack view.
+ [self displayCurrentBVC];
+ // Start Voice Search or QR Scanner now that they can be presented from the
+ // current BVC.
+ if (_startVoiceSearchAfterTabSwitcherDismissal) {
+ _startVoiceSearchAfterTabSwitcherDismissal = NO;
+ [self.currentBVC startVoiceSearch];
+ } else if ([self startQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal]) {
+ [self setStartQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal:NO];
+ [self.currentBVC showQRScanner];
+ }
+ [_tabSwitcherController setDelegate:nil];
+ _tabSwitcherIsActive = NO;
+ _dismissingStackView = NO;
+- (void)tabSwitcherPresentationTransitionDidEnd:(id<TabSwitcher>)tabSwitcher {
+- (id<ToolbarOwner>)tabSwitcherTransitionToolbarOwner {
+ // Request the view to ensure that the view has been loaded and initialized,
+ // since it may never have been loaded (or have been swapped out).
+ [self.currentBVC ensureViewCreated];
+ return self.currentBVC;
+#pragma mark - Browsing data clearing
+- (void)removeBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:
+ (ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState
+ mask:(int)mask
+ timePeriod:(browsing_data::TimePeriod)timePeriod
+ completionHandler:(ProceduralBlock)completionHandler {
+ // TODO( Remove web usage disabling once
+ // has been fixed.
+ if (browserState == self.currentBrowserState &&
+ (mask & IOSChromeBrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_COOKIES)) {
+ [self setWebUsageEnabled:NO];
+ }
+ ProceduralBlock browsingDataRemoved = ^{
+ [self setWebUsageEnabled:YES];
+ if (completionHandler) {
+ completionHandler();
+ }
+ };
+ [self.browsingDataRemovalController
+ removeBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:browserState
+ mask:mask
+ timePeriod:timePeriod
+ completionHandler:browsingDataRemoved];
+#pragma mark - Navigation Controllers
+- (void)presentSignedInAccountsViewControllerForBrowserState:
+ (ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState {
+ base::scoped_nsobject<UIViewController> accountsViewController(
+ [[SignedInAccountsViewController alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:browserState]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:accountsViewController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showSettings {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ [[DeferredInitializationRunner sharedInstance]
+ runBlockIfNecessary:kPrefObserverInit];
+ DCHECK(_localStatePrefObserverBridge);
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newSettingsMainControllerWithMainBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ currentBrowserState:self.currentBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showAccountsSettings {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ if ([self currentBrowserState]->IsOffTheRecord()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newAccountsController:self.currentBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showSyncSettings {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newSyncController:_mainBrowserState
+ allowSwitchSyncAccount:YES
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showSavePasswordsSettings {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newSavePasswordsController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showReportAnIssue {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newUserFeedbackController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self
+ feedbackDataSource:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showSyncEncryptionPassphrase {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newSyncEncryptionPassphraseController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showClearBrowsingDataSettingsController {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newClearBrowsingDataController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showContextualSearchSettingsController {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newContextualSearchController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)showSignInWithOperation:(AuthenticationOperation)operation
+ signInAccessPoint:(signin_metrics::AccessPoint)signInAccessPoint
+ callback:(ShowSigninCommandCompletionCallback)callback {
+ if (_signinInteractionController) {
+ // Avoid showing the sign in screen if there is already a sign-in operation
+ // in progress.
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL areSettingsPresented = _settingsNavigationController != NULL;
+ _signinInteractionController.reset([[SigninInteractionController alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ presentingViewController:[self topPresentedViewController]
+ isPresentedOnSettings:areSettingsPresented
+ signInAccessPoint:signInAccessPoint]);
+ signin_ui::CompletionCallback completion = ^(BOOL success) {
+ _signinInteractionController.reset();
+ if (callback)
+ callback(success);
+ };
+ switch (operation) {
+ // Special case handled above.
+ break;
+ [_signinInteractionController
+ reAuthenticateWithCompletion:completion
+ viewController:self.mainViewController];
+ break;
+ [_signinInteractionController
+ signInWithCompletion:completion
+ viewController:self.mainViewController];
+ break;
+ }
+- (void)showAddAccount {
+ if (_signinInteractionController) {
+ // Avoid showing the sign in screen if there is already a sign-in operation
+ // in progress.
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL areSettingsPresented = _settingsNavigationController != NULL;
+ _signinInteractionController.reset([[SigninInteractionController alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ presentingViewController:[self topPresentedViewController]
+ isPresentedOnSettings:areSettingsPresented
+ signInAccessPoint:signin_metrics::AccessPoint::
+ [_signinInteractionController
+ addAccountWithCompletion:^(BOOL success) {
+ _signinInteractionController.reset();
+ }
+ viewController:self.mainViewController];
+- (void)showHistory {
+ _historyPanelViewController.reset([[HistoryPanelViewController
+ controllerToPresentForBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ loader:self.currentBVC] retain]);
+ [self.currentBVC presentViewController:_historyPanelViewController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)dismissSigninInteractionController {
+ // The sign-in interaction controller is destroyed as a result of calling
+ // |cancelAndDismiss|. Destroying it here may lead to a missing call of the
+ // |ShowSigninCommandCompletionCallback| passed when starting a show sign-in
+ // operation.
+ [_signinInteractionController cancelAndDismiss];
+- (ShowSigninCommandCompletionCallback)successfulSigninCompletion:
+ (ProceduralBlock)callback {
+ return [[^(BOOL successful) {
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* browserState = [self currentBrowserState];
+ if (browserState->IsOffTheRecord()) {
+ << "Ignore call to |handleSignInFinished| when in incognito.";
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(self.mainBVC, self.currentBVC);
+ SigninManager* signinManager =
+ ios::SigninManagerFactory::GetForBrowserState(browserState);
+ if (signinManager->IsAuthenticated())
+ callback();
+ } copy] autorelease];
+- (void)showNativeAppsSettings {
+ if (_settingsNavigationController)
+ return;
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset([SettingsNavigationController
+ newNativeAppsController:_mainBrowserState
+ delegate:self]);
+ [[self topPresentedViewController]
+ presentViewController:_settingsNavigationController
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil];
+- (void)closeSettingsAnimated:(BOOL)animated
+ completion:(ProceduralBlock)completion {
+ DCHECK(_settingsNavigationController);
+ [_settingsNavigationController settingsWillBeDismissed];
+ UIViewController* presentingViewController =
+ [_settingsNavigationController presentingViewController];
+ DCHECK(presentingViewController);
+ [presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:animated
+ completion:^{
+ if (completion)
+ completion();
+ }];
+ _settingsNavigationController.reset();
+#pragma mark - TabModelObserver
+// Called when the number of tabs changes. Triggers the switcher view when
+// the last tab is closed on a device that uses the switcher.
+- (void)tabModelDidChangeTabCount:(TabModel*)notifiedTabModel {
+ TabModel* currentTabModel = [self currentTabModel];
+ // Do nothing on initialization.
+ if (!currentTabModel)
+ return;
+ if (notifiedTabModel.count == 0U) {
+ if ([notifiedTabModel isOffTheRecord]) {
+ [self lastIncognitoTabClosed];
+ } else {
+ [self lastRegularTabClosed];
+ }
+ }
+#pragma mark - Tab opening utility methods.
+- (Tab*)openOrReuseTabInMode:(ApplicationMode)targetMode
+ withURL:(const GURL&)url
+ transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition {
+ BrowserViewController* targetBVC =
+ targetMode == ApplicationMode::NORMAL ? self.mainBVC : self.otrBVC;
+ GURL currentURL;
+ Tab* currentTabInTargetBVC = [[targetBVC tabModel] currentTab];
+ if (currentTabInTargetBVC)
+ currentURL = [currentTabInTargetBVC url];
+ if (!(currentTabInTargetBVC && IsURLNtp(currentURL))) {
+ return [targetBVC addSelectedTabWithURL:url
+ atIndex:NSNotFound
+ transition:transition];
+ }
+ Tab* newTab = currentTabInTargetBVC;
+ // Don't call loadWithParams for chrome://newtab, it's already loaded.
+ if (!(IsURLNtp(url))) {
+ web::NavigationManager::WebLoadParams params(url);
+ [[newTab webController] loadWithParams:params];
+ }
+ return newTab;
+- (Tab*)openSelectedTabInMode:(ApplicationMode)targetMode
+ withURL:(const GURL&)url
+ transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition {
+ BrowserViewController* targetBVC =
+ targetMode == ApplicationMode::NORMAL ? self.mainBVC : self.otrBVC;
+ NSUInteger tabIndex = NSNotFound;
+ Tab* tab = nil;
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive) {
+ // If the stack view is already being dismissed, simply add the tab and
+ // note that when the stack view finishes dismissing, the current BVC should
+ // be switched to be the main BVC if necessary.
+ if (_dismissingStackView) {
+ _modeToDisplayOnStackViewDismissal =
+ targetMode == ApplicationMode::NORMAL
+ ? StackViewDismissalMode::NORMAL
+ : StackViewDismissalMode::INCOGNITO;
+ tab = [targetBVC addSelectedTabWithURL:url
+ atIndex:tabIndex
+ transition:transition];
+ } else {
+ tab = [_tabSwitcherController
+ dismissWithNewTabAnimationToModel:targetBVC.tabModel
+ withURL:url
+ atIndex:tabIndex
+ transition:transition];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!self.currentBVC.presentedViewController) {
+ [targetBVC expectNewForegroundTab];
+ }
+ self.currentBVC = targetBVC;
+ tab = [self openOrReuseTabInMode:targetMode
+ withURL:url
+ transition:transition];
+ }
+ if ([_startupParameters launchVoiceSearch]) {
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive || _dismissingStackView) {
+ // Since VoiceSearch is presented by the BVC, it must be started after the
+ // Tab Switcher dismissal completes and the BVC's view is in the
+ // hiararchy.
+ _startVoiceSearchAfterTabSwitcherDismissal = YES;
+ } else {
+ // When starting the application from the Notification center,
+ // ApplicationWillResignActive is sent just after startup.
+ // If the voice search is triggered synchronously, it is immediately
+ // dismissed. Start it asynchronously instead.
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self startVoiceSearch];
+ });
+ }
+ } else if ([_startupParameters launchQRScanner]) {
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive || _dismissingStackView) {
+ // QR Scanner is presented by the BVC, similarly to VoiceSearch. It must
+ // also be started after the BVC's view is in the hierarchy.
+ [self setStartQRScannerAfterTabSwitcherDismissal:YES];
+ } else {
+ // Start the QR Scanner asynchronously to prevent the application from
+ // dismissing the modal view if QR Scanner is started from the
+ // Notification center.
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self.currentBVC showQRScanner];
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (_restoreHelper) {
+ // Now that all the operations on the tabs have been done, display the
+ // restore infobar if needed.
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [_restoreHelper showRestoreIfNeeded:[self currentTabModel]];
+ _restoreHelper.reset();
+ });
+ }
+ return tab;
+- (void)dismissModalDialogsWithCompletion:(ProceduralBlock)completion {
+ // Immediately hide modals from the provider (alert views, action sheets,
+ // popovers). They will be ultimately dismissed by their owners, but at least,
+ // they are not visible.
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()->HideModalViewStack();
+ // ChromeIdentityService is responsible for the dialogs displayed by the
+ // services it wraps.
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()->GetChromeIdentityService()->DismissDialogs();
+ // Cancel interaction with SSO.
+ // First, cancel the signin interaction.
+ [_signinInteractionController cancel];
+ // Then, depending on what the SSO view controller is presented on, dismiss
+ // it.
+ ProceduralBlock completionWithBVC = ^{
+ // This will dismiss the SSO view controller.
+ [self.currentBVC clearPresentedStateWithCompletion:completion];
+ };
+ ProceduralBlock completionWithoutBVC = ^{
+ // This will dismiss the SSO view controller.
+ [self dismissSigninInteractionController];
+ if (completion)
+ completion();
+ };
+ // As a top level rule, if the settings are showing, they need to be
+ // dismissed. Then, based on whether the BVC is present or not, a different
+ // completion callback is called.
+ if (self.currentBVC && _settingsNavigationController) {
+ // In this case, the settings are up and the BVC is showing. Close the
+ // settings then call the BVC completion.
+ [self closeSettingsAnimated:NO completion:completionWithBVC];
+ } else if (_settingsNavigationController) {
+ // In this case, the settings are up but the BVC is not showing. Close the
+ // settings then call the no-BVC completion.
+ [self closeSettingsAnimated:NO completion:completionWithoutBVC];
+ } else if (self.currentBVC) {
+ // In this case, the settings are not shown but the BVC is showing. Call the
+ // BVC completion.
+ completionWithBVC();
+ } else {
+ // In this case, neither the settings nor the BVC are shown. Call the no-BVC
+ // completion.
+ completionWithoutBVC();
+ }
+ // Verify that no modal views are left presented.
+ ios::GetChromeBrowserProvider()->LogIfModalViewsArePresented();
+// iOS does not guarantee the order in which the observers are notified by
+// the notification center. There are different parts of the application that
+// register for UIApplication notifications so recording them in order to
+// measure the performance of the app being moved to the foreground / background
+// is not reliable. Instead we prefer using designated notifications that are
+// posted to the observers on the first available run loop cycle, which
+// guarantees that they are delivered to the observer only after UIApplication
+// notifications have been treated.
+- (void)postNotificationOnNextRunLoopCycle:(NSString*)notificationName {
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:notificationName
+ object:self];
+ });
+- (bool)mustShowRestoreInfobar {
+ if ([self isFirstLaunchAfterUpgrade])
+ return false;
+ return !GetApplicationContext()->WasLastShutdownClean();
+- (NSMutableSet*)liveSessionsForTabModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
+ NSMutableSet* result = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:[tabModel count]];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < [tabModel count]; ++i)
+ [result addObject:[[tabModel tabAtIndex:i] currentSessionID]];
+ return result;
+- (void)purgeSnapshots {
+ NSMutableSet* liveSessions = [self liveSessionsForTabModel:self.mainTabModel];
+ [liveSessions unionSet:[self liveSessionsForTabModel:self.otrTabModel]];
+ // Keep snapshots that are less than one minute old, to prevent a concurrency
+ // issue if they are created while the purge is running.
+ [[SnapshotCache sharedInstance]
+ purgeCacheOlderThan:(base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1))
+ keeping:liveSessions];
+- (void)markEulaAsAccepted {
+ PrefService* prefs = GetApplicationContext()->GetLocalState();
+ if (!prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kEulaAccepted))
+ prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kEulaAccepted, true);
+ prefs->CommitPendingWrite();
+#pragma mark - TabOpening implementation.
+- (void)dismissModalsAndOpenSelectedTabInMode:(ApplicationMode)targetMode
+ withURL:(const GURL&)url
+ transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition
+ completion:(ProceduralBlock)handler {
+ GURL copyOfURL = url;
+ [self dismissModalDialogsWithCompletion:^{
+ [self openSelectedTabInMode:targetMode
+ withURL:copyOfURL
+ transition:transition];
+ if (handler)
+ handler();
+ }];
+- (void)openTabFromLaunchOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
+ startupInformation:(id<StartupInformation>)startupInformation
+ appState:(AppState*)appState {
+ if (launchOptions) {
+ BOOL applicationIsActive =
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState] ==
+ UIApplicationStateActive;
+ [URLOpener handleLaunchOptions:launchOptions
+ applicationActive:applicationIsActive
+ tabOpener:self
+ startupInformation:startupInformation
+ appState:appState];
+ }
+#pragma mark - SettingsNavigationControllerDelegate
+- (void)closeSettings {
+ [self closeSettingsAnimated:YES completion:NULL];
+// Handle a close settings and open URL command.
+- (void)closeSettingsAndOpenUrl:(OpenUrlCommand*)command {
+ [self openUrlFromSettings:command];
+- (void)closeSettingsAndOpenNewIncognitoTab {
+ [self closeSettingsAnimated:NO
+ completion:^{
+ [self createNewTabInBVC:self.otrBVC sender:nil];
+ }];
+#pragma mark - UserFeedbackDataSource
+- (NSString*)currentPageDisplayURL {
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive)
+ return nil;
+ web::WebState* webState = [[[self currentTabModel] currentTab] webState];
+ if (!webState)
+ return nil;
+ // Returns URL of browser tab that is currently showing.
+ GURL url = webState->GetVisibleURL();
+ base::string16 urlText = url_formatter::FormatUrl(url);
+ return base::SysUTF16ToNSString(urlText);
+- (UIImage*)currentPageScreenshot {
+ UIView* lastView = self.mainViewController.view;
+ DCHECK(lastView);
+ CGFloat scale = 0.0;
+ // For screenshots of the Stack View we need to use a scale of 1.0 to avoid
+ // spending too much time since the Stack View can have lots of subviews.
+ if (_tabSwitcherIsActive)
+ scale = 1.0;
+ return CaptureView(lastView, scale);
+- (BOOL)currentPageIsIncognito {
+ return [self currentBrowserState]->IsOffTheRecord();
+- (NSString*)currentPageSyncedUserName {
+ ios::ChromeBrowserState* browserState = [self currentBrowserState];
+ if (browserState->IsOffTheRecord())
+ return nil;
+ SigninManager* signin_manager =
+ ios::SigninManagerFactory::GetForBrowserState(browserState);
+ std::string username = signin_manager->GetAuthenticatedAccountInfo().email;
+ return username.empty() ? nil : base::SysUTF8ToNSString(username);
+#pragma mark - UI Automation Testing
+- (void)setUpCurrentBVCForTesting {
+ // Notify that the set up will close all tabs.
+ if (!IsIPadIdiom()) {
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ postNotificationName:kSetupForTestingWillCloseAllTabsNotification
+ object:self];
+ }
+ [self.otrTabModel closeAllTabs];
+ [self.mainTabModel closeAllTabs];
+#pragma mark - TestingOnly
+@implementation MainController (TestingOnly)
+- (DeviceSharingManager*)deviceSharingManager {
+ return [_browserViewWrangler deviceSharingManager];
+- (UIViewController<TabSwitcher>*)tabSwitcherController {
+ return _tabSwitcherController.get();
+- (void)setTabSwitcherController:(UIViewController<TabSwitcher>*)controller {
+ _tabSwitcherController.reset([controller retain]);
+- (SigninInteractionController*)signinInteractionController {
+ return _signinInteractionController.get();
+- (UIViewController*)topPresentedViewController {
+ return top_view_controller::TopPresentedViewControllerFrom(
+ self.mainViewController);
+- (void)setTabSwitcherActive:(BOOL)active {
+ _tabSwitcherIsActive = active;
+- (BOOL)dismissingTabSwitcher {
+ return _dismissingStackView;
+- (void)setStartupParametersWithURL:(const GURL&)launchURL {
+ NSString* sourceApplication = @"Fake App";
+ _startupParameters.reset([[ChromeAppStartupParameters
+ newChromeAppStartupParametersWithURL:net::NSURLWithGURL(launchURL)
+ fromSourceApplication:sourceApplication] retain]);
+- (void)setUpAsForegrounded {
+ _isColdStart = NO;
+ _browserInitializationStage = INITIALIZATION_STAGE_FOREGROUND;
+ // Create a BrowserViewWrangler with a null browser state. This will trigger
+ // assertions if the BrowserViewWrangler is asked to create any BVC or
+ // tabModel objects, but it will accept assignments to them.
+ _browserViewWrangler.reset([[BrowserViewWrangler alloc]
+ initWithBrowserState:nullptr
+ tabModelObserver:self]);
+ // This is a test utility method that bypasses the ususal setup steps, so
+ // verify that the main coordinator hasn't been created yet, then start it
+ // via lazy initialization.
+ DCHECK(!_mainCoordinator);
+ [self.mainCoordinator start];
+- (void)setUpForTestingWithCompletionHandler:
+ (ProceduralBlock)completionHandler {
+ self.currentBVC = self.mainBVC;
+ int removeAllMask = ~0;
+ scoped_refptr<CallbackCounter> callbackCounter =
+ new CallbackCounter(base::BindBlock(^{
+ [self setUpCurrentBVCForTesting];
+ if (completionHandler) {
+ completionHandler();
+ }
+ }));
+ id decrementCallbackCounterCount = ^{
+ callbackCounter->DecrementCount();
+ };
+ callbackCounter->IncrementCount();
+ [self removeBrowsingDataFromBrowserState:_mainBrowserState
+ mask:removeAllMask
+ timePeriod:browsing_data::ALL_TIME
+ completionHandler:decrementCallbackCounterCount];
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