| (Empty) |
1 <!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 <script src="/js-test-resources/intersection-observer-helper-functions.js"></scr
ipt> | |
3 <div style="height: 200px; width: 100px;"></div> | |
4 <div id="target" style="background-color: green; width:100px; height:100px"></di
v> | |
5 <div style="height: 200px; width: 100px;"></div> | |
6 <script> | |
7 var port; | |
8 var entries = []; | |
9 var target = document.getElementById('target'); | |
10 var scroller = document.scrollingElement; | |
11 var nextStep; | |
12 | |
13 // Note that we never use RAF in this code, because this frame might get render-
throttled. | |
14 // Instead of RAF-ing, we just post an empty message to the parent window, which
will | |
15 // RAF when it is received, and then send us a message to cause the next step to
run. | |
16 | |
17 // Use a rootMargin here, and verify it does NOT get applied for the cross-origi
n case. | |
18 var observer = new IntersectionObserver( | |
19 changes => { entries = entries.concat(changes) }, | |
20 { rootMargin: "7px" } | |
21 ); | |
22 observer.observe(target); | |
23 | |
24 function step0() { | |
25 entries = entries.concat(observer.takeRecords()); | |
26 nextStep = step1; | |
27 port.postMessage({actual: entries.map(entryToJson), expected: []}, "*"); | |
28 entries = []; | |
29 port.postMessage({scrollTo: 200}, "*"); | |
30 } | |
31 | |
32 function step1() { | |
33 entries = entries.concat(observer.takeRecords()); | |
34 port.postMessage({actual: entries.map(entryToJson), expected: []}, "*"); | |
35 entries = []; | |
36 scroller.scrollTop = 250; | |
37 nextStep = step2; | |
38 port.postMessage({}, "*"); | |
39 } | |
40 | |
41 function step2() { | |
42 entries = entries.concat(observer.takeRecords()); | |
43 var expected = [{ | |
44 boundingClientRect: coordinatesToClientRectJson(-42, 108, 58, 8), | |
45 intersectionRect: coordinatesToClientRectJson(0, 108, 58, 8), | |
46 rootBounds: "null", | |
47 target: target.id | |
48 }]; | |
49 port.postMessage({actual: entries.map(entryToJson), expected: expected}, "*"); | |
50 entries = []; | |
51 nextStep = step3; | |
52 port.postMessage({scrollTo: 100}, "*"); | |
53 } | |
54 | |
55 function step3() { | |
56 entries = entries.concat(observer.takeRecords()); | |
57 var expected = [{ | |
58 boundingClientRect: coordinatesToClientRectJson(-42, 108, 58, 8), | |
59 intersectionRect: coordinatesToClientRectJson(0, 0, 0, 0), | |
60 rootBounds: "null", | |
61 target: target.id | |
62 }]; | |
63 port.postMessage({actual: entries.map(entryToJson), expected: expected}, "*"); | |
64 port.postMessage({DONE: 1}, "*"); | |
65 } | |
66 | |
67 function handleMessage(event) | |
68 { | |
69 port = event.source; | |
70 nextStep(); | |
71 } | |
72 | |
73 nextStep = step0; | |
74 window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage); | |
75 </script> | |