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Unified Diff: src/compiler/

Issue 2534463002: [fullcodegen] Remove deprecated support for class literals. (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 1 month ago
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Index: src/compiler/
diff --git a/src/compiler/ b/src/compiler/
index 3c0c2d5d8a30369b6f75e3b27f0094a7ba7244aa..d8bf7445ce88c9ac455c050be6178cf77837bd32 100644
--- a/src/compiler/
+++ b/src/compiler/
@@ -1568,107 +1568,7 @@ void AstGraphBuilder::VisitFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* expr) {
ast_context()->ProduceValue(expr, value);
-void AstGraphBuilder::VisitClassLiteral(ClassLiteral* expr) {
- VisitForValueOrTheHole(expr->extends());
- VisitForValue(expr->constructor());
- // Create node to instantiate a new class.
- Node* constructor = environment()->Pop();
- Node* extends = environment()->Pop();
- Node* start = jsgraph()->Constant(expr->start_position());
- Node* end = jsgraph()->Constant(expr->end_position());
- const Operator* opc = javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kDefineClass);
- Node* literal = NewNode(opc, extends, constructor, start, end);
- PrepareFrameState(literal, expr->CreateLiteralId(),
- OutputFrameStateCombine::Push());
- environment()->Push(literal);
- // Load the "prototype" from the constructor.
- PrepareEagerCheckpoint(expr->CreateLiteralId());
- Handle<Name> name = isolate()->factory()->prototype_string();
- VectorSlotPair pair = CreateVectorSlotPair(expr->PrototypeSlot());
- Node* prototype = BuildNamedLoad(literal, name, pair);
- PrepareFrameState(prototype, expr->PrototypeId(),
- OutputFrameStateCombine::Push());
- environment()->Push(prototype);
- // Create nodes to store method values into the literal.
- for (int i = 0; i < expr->properties()->length(); i++) {
- ClassLiteral::Property* property = expr->properties()->at(i);
- environment()->Push(environment()->Peek(property->is_static() ? 1 : 0));
- VisitForValue(property->key());
- Node* name = BuildToName(environment()->Pop(), expr->GetIdForProperty(i));
- environment()->Push(name);
- // The static prototype property is read only. We handle the non computed
- // property name case in the parser. Since this is the only case where we
- // need to check for an own read only property we special case this so we do
- // not need to do this for every property.
- if (property->is_static() && property->is_computed_name()) {
- Node* check = BuildThrowIfStaticPrototype(environment()->Pop(),
- expr->GetIdForProperty(i));
- environment()->Push(check);
- }
- VisitForValue(property->value());
- Node* value = environment()->Pop();
- Node* key = environment()->Pop();
- Node* receiver = environment()->Pop();
- BuildSetHomeObject(value, receiver, property);
- switch (property->kind()) {
- case ClassLiteral::Property::METHOD: {
- Node* attr = jsgraph()->Constant(DONT_ENUM);
- Node* set_function_name =
- jsgraph()->Constant(property->NeedsSetFunctionName());
- const Operator* op =
- javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kDefineDataPropertyInLiteral);
- Node* call = NewNode(op, receiver, key, value, attr, set_function_name);
- PrepareFrameState(call, BailoutId::None());
- break;
- }
- case ClassLiteral::Property::GETTER: {
- Node* attr = jsgraph()->Constant(DONT_ENUM);
- const Operator* op = javascript()->CallRuntime(
- Runtime::kDefineGetterPropertyUnchecked, 4);
- NewNode(op, receiver, key, value, attr);
- break;
- }
- case ClassLiteral::Property::SETTER: {
- Node* attr = jsgraph()->Constant(DONT_ENUM);
- const Operator* op = javascript()->CallRuntime(
- Runtime::kDefineSetterPropertyUnchecked, 4);
- NewNode(op, receiver, key, value, attr);
- break;
- }
- case ClassLiteral::Property::FIELD: {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Set the constructor to have fast properties.
- prototype = environment()->Pop();
- literal = environment()->Pop();
- const Operator* op = javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToFastProperties);
- literal = NewNode(op, literal);
- // Assign to class variable.
- if (expr->class_variable_proxy() != nullptr) {
- Variable* var = expr->class_variable_proxy()->var();
- VectorSlotPair feedback = CreateVectorSlotPair(
- expr->NeedsProxySlot() ? expr->ProxySlot()
- : FeedbackVectorSlot::Invalid());
- BuildVariableAssignment(var, literal, Token::INIT, feedback,
- BailoutId::None());
- }
- ast_context()->ProduceValue(expr, literal);
+void AstGraphBuilder::VisitClassLiteral(ClassLiteral* expr) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void AstGraphBuilder::VisitNativeFunctionLiteral(NativeFunctionLiteral* expr) {
@@ -3220,25 +3120,6 @@ Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildHoleCheckElseThrow(Node* value, Variable* variable,
return environment()->Pop();
-Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildThrowIfStaticPrototype(Node* name,
- BailoutId bailout_id) {
- IfBuilder prototype_check(this);
- Node* prototype_string =
- jsgraph()->Constant(isolate()->factory()->prototype_string());
- Node* check = NewNode(javascript()->StrictEqual(CompareOperationHint::kAny),
- name, prototype_string);
- prototype_check.If(check);
- prototype_check.Then();
- Node* error = BuildThrowStaticPrototypeError(bailout_id);
- environment()->Push(error);
- prototype_check.Else();
- environment()->Push(name);
- prototype_check.End();
- return environment()->Pop();
Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildVariableLoad(Variable* variable,
BailoutId bailout_id,
const VectorSlotPair& feedback,
@@ -3617,18 +3498,6 @@ Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildThrowConstAssignError(BailoutId bailout_id) {
return call;
-Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildThrowStaticPrototypeError(BailoutId bailout_id) {
- const Operator* op =
- javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowStaticPrototypeError);
- Node* call = NewNode(op);
- PrepareFrameState(call, bailout_id);
- Node* control = NewNode(common()->Throw(), call);
- UpdateControlDependencyToLeaveFunction(control);
- return call;
Node* AstGraphBuilder::BuildThrowUnsupportedSuperError(BailoutId bailout_id) {
const Operator* op =
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