| (Empty) |
1 A variety of Range methods should throw if called on a detached range. | |
2 | |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 PASS range.cloneContents() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute
'cloneContents' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has b
een invoked on this object?. | |
7 PASS range.cloneRange() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'cl
oneRange' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been in
voked on this object?. | |
8 PASS range.collapsed threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'coll
apsed' property from 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has
been invoked on this object?. | |
9 PASS range.commonAncestorContainer threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to
read the 'commonAncestorContainer' property from 'Range': The range has no conta
iner. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
10 PASS range.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, range) threw exception Inva
lidStateError: Failed to execute 'compareBoundaryPoints' on 'Range': The range h
as no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
11 PASS range.comparePoint(document.getElementById('b1'), 1) threw exception Invali
dStateError: Failed to execute 'comparePoint' on 'Range': The range has no conta
iner. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
12 PASS range.createContextualFragment('p') threw exception InvalidStateError: Fail
ed to execute 'createContextualFragment' on 'Range': The range has no container.
Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
13 PASS range.deleteContents() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute
'deleteContents' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has
been invoked on this object?. | |
14 PASS range.detach() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'detach
' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on
this object?. | |
15 PASS range.endContainer threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'e
ndContainer' property from 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach(
)' has been invoked on this object?. | |
16 PASS range.endOffset threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'endO
ffset' property from 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has
been invoked on this object?. | |
17 PASS range.extractContents() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execut
e 'extractContents' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' h
as been invoked on this object?. | |
18 PASS range.insertNode(document.getElementById('b1')) threw exception InvalidStat
eError: Failed to execute 'insertNode' on 'Range': The range has no container. P
erhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
19 PASS range.intersectsNode(document.getElementById('b1')) threw exception Invalid
StateError: Failed to execute 'intersectsNode' on 'Range': The range has no cont
ainer. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
20 PASS range.isPointInRange(document.getElementById('b1'), 0) threw exception Inva
lidStateError: Failed to execute 'isPointInRange' on 'Range': The range has no c
ontainer. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
21 PASS range.selectNode(document.getElementById('b1')) threw exception InvalidStat
eError: Failed to execute 'selectNode' on 'Range': The range has no container. P
erhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
22 PASS range.selectNodeContents(document.getElementById('b1')) threw exception Inv
alidStateError: Failed to execute 'selectNodeContents' on 'Range': The range has
no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
23 PASS range.setEnd(document.getElementById('b1'), 0) threw exception InvalidState
Error: Failed to execute 'setEnd' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhap
s 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
24 PASS range.setStart(document.getElementById('b1'), 0) threw exception InvalidSta
teError: Failed to execute 'setStart' on 'Range': The range has no container. Pe
rhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
25 PASS range.startContainer threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to read the
'startContainer' property from 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'det
ach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
26 PASS range.startOffset threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'st
artOffset' property from 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()'
has been invoked on this object?. | |
27 PASS range.surroundContents(document.getElementById('b1')) threw exception Inval
idStateError: Failed to execute 'surroundContents' on 'Range': The range has no
container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoked on this object?. | |
28 PASS range.toString() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'toSt
ring' on 'Range': The range has no container. Perhaps 'detach()' has been invoke
d on this object?. | |
29 PASS successfullyParsed is true | |
30 | |
32 | |