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Side by Side Diff: LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/property-access-on-cached-window-after-frame-removed-and-gced-expected.txt

Issue 252373002: Add ontoggle to GlobalEventHandlers and HTML attributes (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 8 months ago
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1 CONSOLE WARNING: 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator .webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead. 1 CONSOLE WARNING: 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator .webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead.
2 Tests property access on a cached DOMWindow after the associated frame is remove d from a web page and garbage collected. Test should not crash and properties sh ould be set to sane defaults. 2 Tests property access on a cached DOMWindow after the associated frame is remove d from a web page and garbage collected. Test should not crash and properties sh ould be set to sane defaults.
3 3
4 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE ". 4 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE ".
5 5
6 6
7 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.oncached should be null. Threw exception TypeE rror: Cannot read property 'oncached' of null 7 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.oncached should be null. Threw exception TypeE rror: Cannot read property 'oncached' of null
8 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.onchecking should be null. Threw exception Typ eError: Cannot read property 'onchecking' of null 8 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.onchecking should be null. Threw exception Typ eError: Cannot read property 'onchecking' of null
9 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.ondownloading should be null. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'ondownloading' of null 9 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.ondownloading should be null. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'ondownloading' of null
10 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.onerror should be null. Threw exception TypeEr ror: Cannot read property 'onerror' of null 10 FAIL childWindow.applicationCache.onerror should be null. Threw exception TypeEr ror: Cannot read property 'onerror' of null
(...skipping 114 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after
125 PASS childWindow.onsearch is null 125 PASS childWindow.onsearch is null
126 PASS childWindow.onseeked is null 126 PASS childWindow.onseeked is null
127 PASS childWindow.onseeking is null 127 PASS childWindow.onseeking is null
128 PASS childWindow.onselect is null 128 PASS childWindow.onselect is null
129 PASS childWindow.onshow is null 129 PASS childWindow.onshow is null
130 PASS childWindow.onstalled is null 130 PASS childWindow.onstalled is null
131 PASS childWindow.onstorage is null 131 PASS childWindow.onstorage is null
132 PASS childWindow.onsubmit is null 132 PASS childWindow.onsubmit is null
133 PASS childWindow.onsuspend is null 133 PASS childWindow.onsuspend is null
134 PASS childWindow.ontimeupdate is null 134 PASS childWindow.ontimeupdate is null
135 PASS childWindow.ontoggle is null
135 PASS childWindow.ontouchcancel is null 136 PASS childWindow.ontouchcancel is null
136 PASS childWindow.ontouchend is null 137 PASS childWindow.ontouchend is null
137 PASS childWindow.ontouchmove is null 138 PASS childWindow.ontouchmove is null
138 PASS childWindow.ontouchstart is null 139 PASS childWindow.ontouchstart is null
139 PASS childWindow.ontransitionend is null 140 PASS childWindow.ontransitionend is null
140 PASS childWindow.onunload is null 141 PASS childWindow.onunload is null
141 PASS childWindow.onvolumechange is null 142 PASS childWindow.onvolumechange is null
142 PASS childWindow.onwaiting is null 143 PASS childWindow.onwaiting is null
143 PASS childWindow.onwebkitanimationend is null 144 PASS childWindow.onwebkitanimationend is null
144 PASS childWindow.onwebkitanimationiteration is null 145 PASS childWindow.onwebkitanimationiteration is null
(...skipping 51 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after
196 FAIL childWindow.speechSynthesis.pending should be false. Threw exception TypeEr ror: Cannot read property 'pending' of null 197 FAIL childWindow.speechSynthesis.pending should be false. Threw exception TypeEr ror: Cannot read property 'pending' of null
197 FAIL childWindow.speechSynthesis.speaking should be false. Threw exception TypeE rror: Cannot read property 'speaking' of null 198 FAIL childWindow.speechSynthesis.speaking should be false. Threw exception TypeE rror: Cannot read property 'speaking' of null
198 PASS childWindow.status is '' 199 PASS childWindow.status is ''
199 PASS childWindow.statusbar.visible is false 200 PASS childWindow.statusbar.visible is false
200 PASS childWindow.styleMedia.type is '' 201 PASS childWindow.styleMedia.type is ''
201 PASS childWindow.toolbar.visible is false 202 PASS childWindow.toolbar.visible is false
202 PASS successfullyParsed is true 203 PASS successfullyParsed is true
203 204
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