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Unified Diff: chrome/tools/profile_reset/

Issue 24998003: Compiler for the JSON Traversal Language. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fixed linker errors on Win. Created 7 years, 2 months ago
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Index: chrome/tools/profile_reset/
diff --git a/chrome/tools/profile_reset/ b/chrome/tools/profile_reset/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b73e6ffac6f889fb9fd77d7c318f27bc80e886d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/tools/profile_reset/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/tools/profile_reset/jtl_parser.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "third_party/re2/re2/re2.h"
+namespace {
+// RegEx that matches the first line of a text. Will throw away any potential
+// double-slash-introduced comments and the potential trailing EOL character.
+// Note: will fail in case the first line contains an unmatched double-quote
+// outside of comments.
+const char kSingleLineWithMaybeCommentsRE[] =
+ // Non-greedily match and capture sequences of 1.) string literals inside
+ // correctly matched double-quotes, or 2.) any other character.
+ "^((?:\"[^\"\\n]*\"|[^\"\\n])*?)"
+ // Greedily match and throw away the potential comment.
+ "(?://.*)?"
+ // Match and throw away EOL, or match end-of-string.
+ "(?:\n|$)";
+// RegEx to match either a double-quote-enclosed string literal or a whitespace.
+// Applied repeatedly and without overlapping, can be used to remove whitespace
+// outside of string literals.
+const char kRemoveWhitespaceRE[] = "(\"[^\"]*\")|\\s";
+// The substitution pattern to use together with the above when replacing. As
+// the whitespace is not back-referenced here, it will get removed.
+const char kRemoveWhitespaceRewrite[] = "\\1";
+// Separator to terminate a sentence.
+const char kEndOfSentenceSeparator[] = ";";
+// Separator to continue a sentence with another operation.
+const char kContinueSentenceSeparator[] = "/";
+// The 'true' Boolean keyword.
+const char kTrueKeyword[] = "true";
+// The 'false' Boolean keyword.
+const char kFalseKeyword[] = "false";
+// RegEx that matches and captures one argument, which is either a double-quote
+// enclosed string, or a Boolean value. Will throw away a trailing comma.
+const char kSingleArgumentRE[] = "(?:(?:\"([^\"]*)\"|(true|false))(?:,|$))";
+// RegEx-es that, when concatenated, will match a single operation, and capture
+// the: operation name, the optional arguments, and the separator that follows.
+const char kOperationNameRE[] = "([[:word:]]+)";
+const char kMaybeArgumentListRE[] =
+ "(?:\\(" // Opening parenthesis.
+ "((?:\"[^\"]*\"|[^\")])*)" // Capture: anything inside, quote-aware.
+ "\\))?"; // Closing parenthesis + everything optional.
+const char kOperationSeparatorRE[] = "(;|/)";
+} // namespace
+struct JtlParser::ParsingState {
+ explicit ParsingState(const re2::StringPiece& compacted_source)
+ : single_operation_regex(std::string(kOperationNameRE) +
+ kMaybeArgumentListRE +
+ kOperationSeparatorRE),
+ single_argument_regex(kSingleArgumentRE),
+ remaining_compacted_source(compacted_source),
+ last_line_number(0) {}
+ RE2 single_operation_regex;
+ RE2 single_argument_regex;
+ re2::StringPiece remaining_compacted_source;
+ re2::StringPiece last_context;
+ size_t last_line_number;
+JtlParser::JtlParser(const std::string& compacted_source_code,
+ const std::vector<size_t>& newline_indices)
+ : compacted_source_(compacted_source_code),
+ newline_indices_(newline_indices) {
+ state_.reset(new ParsingState(compacted_source_));
+JtlParser::~JtlParser() {}
+// static
+bool JtlParser::RemoveCommentsAndAllWhitespace(
+ const std::string& verbose_text,
+ std::string* compacted_text,
+ std::vector<size_t>* newline_indices,
+ size_t* error_line_number) {
+ DCHECK(compacted_text);
+ DCHECK(newline_indices);
+ std::string line;
+ RE2 single_line_regex(kSingleLineWithMaybeCommentsRE);
+ RE2 remove_whitespace_regex(kRemoveWhitespaceRE);
+ re2::StringPiece verbose_text_piece(verbose_text);
+ compacted_text->clear();
+ newline_indices->clear();
+ while (!verbose_text_piece.empty()) {
+ if (!RE2::Consume(&verbose_text_piece, single_line_regex, &line)) {
+ if (error_line_number)
+ *error_line_number = newline_indices->size();
+ return false;
+ }
+ RE2::GlobalReplace(
+ &line, remove_whitespace_regex, kRemoveWhitespaceRewrite);
+ *compacted_text += line;
+ newline_indices->push_back(compacted_text->size());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool JtlParser::HasFinished() {
+ return state_->remaining_compacted_source.empty();
+bool JtlParser::ParseNextOperation(std::string* name,
+ base::ListValue* argument_list,
+ bool* ends_sentence) {
+ DCHECK(name);
+ DCHECK(argument_list);
+ DCHECK(ends_sentence);
+ state_->last_context = state_->remaining_compacted_source;
+ state_->last_line_number = GetOriginalLineNumber(
+ compacted_source_.size() - state_->remaining_compacted_source.length());
+ std::string arguments, separator;
+ if (!RE2::Consume(&state_->remaining_compacted_source,
+ state_->single_operation_regex,
+ name,
+ &arguments,
+ &separator))
+ return false;
+ *ends_sentence = (separator == kEndOfSentenceSeparator);
+ state_->last_context.remove_suffix(state_->remaining_compacted_source.size());
+ re2::StringPiece arguments_piece(arguments);
+ std::string string_value, boolean_value;
+ while (!arguments_piece.empty()) {
+ if (!RE2::Consume(&arguments_piece,
+ state_->single_argument_regex,
+ &string_value,
+ &boolean_value))
+ return false;
+ if (!boolean_value.empty()) {
+ argument_list->Append(
+ new base::FundamentalValue(boolean_value == kTrueKeyword));
+ } else {
+ // |string_value| might be empty for an empty string
+ argument_list->Append(new StringValue(string_value));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+size_t JtlParser::GetOriginalLineNumber(size_t compacted_index) const {
+ return static_cast<size_t>(std::upper_bound(newline_indices_.begin(),
+ newline_indices_.end(),
+ compacted_index) -
+ newline_indices_.begin());
+size_t JtlParser::GetLastLineNumber() const { return state_->last_line_number; }
+std::string JtlParser::GetLastContext() const {
+ return state_->last_context.ToString();
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